The boulder rolled down the hillside from the top of the mountain, which was very miserable for the Sichuan army climbing up the mountain. Huge stones rolled over the soldiers of Sichuan army and roared past, leaving shocking blood marks on the hillside. Countless Sichuan soldiers couldn't even find the finished bodies and turned into meat mud.

The 80000 Sichuan troops under Yang Zhao's personal command launched a strong attack on the left peak of Hukou stream, but after fighting for more than an hour, none of the Sichuan troops could attack the top of the mountain. Looking at the whole hillside, the bodies of Sichuan soldiers were lying everywhere, and the blood flowed into a river, which was about to dye the ridge red.

Xiao Xuan, who watched the battle, also realized that Yang Zhao's attack was unfavorable. He was busy and dispatched troops to attack the right forward of hukoujian. In his opinion, since the left peak of Hukou stream resists so fiercely, the main personnel of Shenchi must be here. The emptiness of the mountain on the right is a good opportunity for our side to take advantage of it.

But in fact, they didn't return at all. When the Sichuan army attacked the right peak of Hukou stream, they were still fiercely counterattacked by the Shenchi personnel occupying the peak. The soldiers rushed up and down, and even suffered more casualties than the left peak.

Xiao Xuan had no idea at this time. Only a few thousand Shenchi personnel, but hundreds of thousands of troops on his side were helpless. Why is it so difficult to fight? Are all Shenchi people gods from heaven?

While he was thinking hard about his strategy to defeat the enemy, the left wing of the Sichuan army camp was suddenly in chaos. Xiao Xuan didn't know what had happened. He frowned and looked at the left side for a moment, and said to a bodyguard around him, "go and see what happened on the left side?"

"Yes!" The guard hurried the horse out.

After a short time, the bodyguard returned and brought back a Sichuan soldier with crooked armor. When the soldier arrived near Xiao Xuan, he quickly turned over and dismounted, knelt down and intervened: "report to the king, it's bad. Our left wing was attacked by the enemy!"

"What?" Xiao Xuan's eyes are rolling round. The enemy? Where did the enemy come from? Aren't the enemies all on the mountain of Hukou stream? Why did they suddenly run to their own left wing? He stared at the Sichuan soldier for a moment and asked in a deep voice, "how many people are there in the enemy?"

"There are... Hundreds of people, and... Like thousands of people!" Xiao Xuan almost got angry when he heard the speech. He shouted, "is it hundreds or thousands?"

"Villains, villains don't know..."

"Get down!" Xiao Xuan drank back the soldiers who reported the news, then looked at the generals on the left and right, and asked, "tell me, generals, where did the enemy sneaking on the left side of our army come from?"

"King, since the general of the left army sent someone to report to the king, it must be very difficult for the enemy to sneak attack. The king should send troops to help as soon as possible!" General Lu You arched his hands and said.

Xiao Xuan nodded and said to LV you, "Lv you, choose 20000 cavalry from the Chinese army and hurry to the left wing for reinforcements. Once you encounter an incoming enemy, you must kill all of them and leave none!"

"I will obey!" LV you took orders and drove away. He led his troops to the left side fast enough, but it was still a step late. In this short time, Xu Zheng, the general of the left army, had been killed by the sneak attackers.

In fact, the number of these sneak attacks on Shenchi is not large, only two or three hundred people, all holding spirit knives.

They are all disciples of the first generation of Shenchi daomai, and their status in Shenchi is very common, but their spiritual skills are not weak. Their accomplishments are basically in the Lingyuan realm. Only two or three hundred people dare to attack the camp of hundreds of thousands of troops in Sichuan, and they were really attacked by them, killing the left-wing generals of Sichuan army among many Sichuan troops at one fell swoop, It can be said that he took the head of the enemy general in the chaos.

After learning about the situation of the left-wing army, LV you flew into a rage and led 20000 cavalry to rush to kill it. He had a direct encounter with the sneak attack personnel in Shenchi, and the two sides launched a fierce battle.

The two or three hundred children of Shenchi are very powerful, but they can't compete with tens of thousands of cavalry. Moreover, more and more Sichuan troops gathered around them. For fear of falling into a tight encirclement, it's difficult to get out. The head shouted, "retreat!"

At his command, the sneak attack Shenchi personnel immediately changed from the back team to the front team and began to break out. It was easy for them to rush in. They were caught off guard by the Sichuan army. Now they want to withdraw, but it's not so simple. The dense Sichuan army surrounded them on the inner and outer floors. Even if these Shenchi personnel fought hard, few of them finally escaped from the Sichuan army camp, and most of them died in the chaos.

LV you led the crowd to clear the Shenchi personnel who attacked secretly, but the Sichuan army also paid the price of the death of the left Army General Xu Zheng. The news came back to Xiao Xuan, who couldn't help raising his hand and gently tapping his painful forehead.

Although LV you successfully withstood the sneak attack of Shenchi, Xiao Xuan was not happy at all. First, General Xu Zheng was damaged. Second, he didn't know how many ambushes were waiting for his own soldiers in Shenchi. If not, the second wave, the third wave and even more Shenchi dead were ready to attack his own side at any time.

Hukou stream can no longer be attacked, otherwise our losses will only be greater and greater. Thinking of this, Xiao Xuan ordered the whole army to suspend the attack and withdraw.

The offensive and defensive battle between Sichuan army and Shenchi personnel in hukoujian finally came to an end with the active withdrawal of Sichuan army. Later, the Sichuan army camped in the open area five miles away from Hukou stream.

After this day's fierce battle, Xiao Xuan realized that Hukou stream was far from as easy to fight as he thought. He ordered the soldiers of the whole army not to fight rashly without his permission.

The Sichuan army will not go out, and the Shenchi side will not take the initiative to go down the mountain to have a frontal confrontation with the Sichuan army. While the two sides are in full battle on the mountain, they are stationed at the foot of the mountain, eyeing covetously, and the war situation is in a stalemate.

This was the case when Tang Yin and Xia Yao arrived at Hukou stream from Qiankun mountain.

To enter the hinterland of Shenchi from the south, you must go through Hukou stream. Similarly, to go to the south from the hinterland of Shenchi, you must also go through Hukou stream.

Now, Tang Yin knows nothing about the war in hukoujian, and he doesn't know that the two armies of FengChuan have invaded Shenchi in the two days since he left Fengying.

That morning, Tang Yin and Xia Yao arrived at Hukou stream. He looked up, looked at the Hukou stream in the distance, and said to himself: "what a dangerous place! If anyone occupies the peaks on both sides of the canyon, it will be difficult for the enemy to pass from now on."

Xia Yao shook her head and smiled helplessly. Tang Yin seemed to be thinking about war anytime and anywhere. They walked quickly to Hukou stream. The closer they were to the valley, the tighter Tang Yin's eyebrows were. At the same time, they subconsciously raised their hands and clasped Xia Yao's arms.

She looked at him puzzled and said suspiciously, "Your Highness?"

Over the past two days, she knows Tang Yin more or less. Tang Yin is not a gentleman, but he is not a dirty ruffian who is greedy for women. If it is not forced by the situation, he will not be close to her and have close physical contact with her.

"There seems to be something wrong here!" Tang Yin didn't look at her. His eyes kept sweeping up and down, inside and outside the Hukou stream.

Hearing his words, Xia Yao immediately became nervous and hurried to look forward. Hukou stream was quiet, silent, and empty. She couldn't even see her own shadow. She didn't feel anything wrong.

"What's wrong with your highness?" she asked suspiciously

"There's a smell of blood! There seems to have been a war here." I didn't see the body or any blood, but there was a smell of blood floating over, which showed that the battlefield was still far away from here. In addition, it also showed that the battlefield was very large and many people were killed and injured.

But Tang Yin couldn't figure out who would fight here in Hukou stream? The two armies of FengChuan are stationed at the border of Shenchi. They won't come here. Is it an internal struggle between the people of Shenchi? It doesn't make sense. He couldn't figure it out.

As he got closer and closer to Hukou stream, Tang Yin's heartbeat unconsciously accelerated, the blood flow accelerated, and every nerve and cell in his body were tightening, which was a natural reaction to detect murderous Qi.

"There is an ambush here." Tang Yin grasped Xia Yao's wrist, slowed down and whispered at the same time.

"Did elder Nie set up an ambush here?" Xia Yao exclaimed.

Tang Yin shook her head and youyou said, "it doesn't seem to be for us." He can feel the existence of murderous Qi by intuition. He feels that murderous Qi is not directed at himself, but also by his intuition.

If there is an ambush in Hukou stream, the ambush must have seen him and Xia Yao now. If he and Xia Yao don't continue to move forward, they will arouse each other's suspicion. Even if the other party doesn't come for themselves, they may have to come to the door.

Of course, if he and Xia Yao continue to move forward, they are also in danger of falling into the siege of each other. Tang Yin's mind turned quickly. When thinking about it, he and Xia Yao had reached the entrance of Hukou stream.

Xia Yao has no idea. She can only turn to Tang Yin and wait for his decision. The latter hesitated for a moment and whispered to Xia Yao, "go."

As he pulled Xia Yao forward, he whispered, "I think there aren't many people who have seen your true face in Shenchi!"

She nodded and whispered, "it's not much. Only the holy king and the great elder have seen it."

"That's good." Tang Yin nodded and his mood calmed a little.

When they were about to reach the middle of Hukou stream, they suddenly heard a loud cry from above their heads: "stop!" With the voice, several people jumped down continuously on the mountain walls on both sides of Hukou stream.

Wearing grey robes and grey cloaks, these people have been attached to the mountain wall and almost integrated with the mountain wall. Even if they come close and look carefully, it is difficult to detect their existence.

"Who?" Several people in grey clothes blocked Tang Yin and Xia Yao's way. Their eyes were like electricity, sweeping their faces

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