At present, there are not many candidates who can be established as the new holy king in Shenchi. To put it bluntly, only Huangfu xiutai and Dongfang yehuai are qualified. The new holy king must be selected from them.

But who to choose? Whether Huangfu xiutai or Dongfang yehuai, once they become the new holy king, it can be said that they will ascend to the sky step by step. Their identity and status are very different from that of the elder. It is impossible to say that they are not moved.

Huangfu xiutai looked at Dongfang yehuai quietly, and the color behind him was heavy. He said in a positive color: "now I have internal and external troubles in the holy pool. I haven't eliminated them, and the external troubles haven't been solved. Is it too early to talk about the establishment of a new holy king?"

Qiu zhengse said, "elder Huangfu, only when we elect a new holy king, can we impeach Guanghan. We won't be a dwarf in front of the kings of FengChuan and Sichuan. I hope the two elders think twice..."

"This..." Huangfu xiutai looked at Dongfang yehuai and asked him what he meant.

Dongfang yehuai didn't make a statement, but Chen Hua and LV Jian frowned discontentedly. At this time, talking about the election of a new holy king is obviously taking advantage of the danger of others. The Dongfang elder is seriously injured, and how can he win the Huangfu show platform? This is tantamount to making it clear that he wants to make Huangfu show platform the new holy king of the holy pool!

LV Jian said in a deep voice, "I also think it's too early to discuss the establishment of a new monarch. I should establish a new monarch after impeaching Guanghan!"

Those elders who supported Dongfang yehuai nodded again and again to show that LV Jian was right. On the contrary, those elders who supported Huangfu xiutai shook their heads like rattles and repeatedly objected. The two sides could not argue, and the voice of argument was getting louder and louder.

Just then, the curtain of the tent was stirred up, and Tang Yin came in from the outside. He looked around at the elders present, grinned and said, "it's so lively. It turns out that all the elders are here!"

When the elders saw that Tang Yin was silent, they stopped arguing.

In their view, who is the new holy king is not only a matter within the holy pool, but also a difference between the holy pool. There is no need to show it in front of Tang Yin, an outsider, and lose the face of the holy pool.

On the maintenance of Shenchi, their opinions are surprisingly unified.

Seeing this, Tang Yin also nodded secretly and didn't say anything more. With a smile, he went to the bed, looked at Dongfang yehuai and asked, "I heard that Dongfang elder was injured. I came to visit him specially."

"Your Highness King Feng is too polite. I can't afford it." Dongfang night was moved and struggled to get into bed. Tang Yin held him down first and said softly, "Dongfang elder is one of the most respected elders of the king. It's reasonable to come to visit him."

After a pause, Tang Yin said meaningfully: "Just now, I overheard some of the elders' talk outside the account. I think that now the enemy is the biggest enemy, and the most taboo is internal friction and intrigue. Of course, I will never intervene with the king of Sichuan about the establishment of a new king in Shenchi. I just hope you can discuss it again after eradicating Guanghan and listening to this great enemy!"

Tang Yin doesn't care who will be the new holy king of Shenchi at all. What he wants now is to get rid of Guanghan listening. Discussing the new king at this time will make the elders of Shenchi have a quarrel, which is not conducive to the collection of Guanghan listening.

Dongfang yehuai nodded and said, "Your Highness the wind is right, but we are short-sighted."

Although he said this to Tang Yin, he felt a bad taste in the ears of elders such as Huangfu xiutai and Qiuhan. He felt that he was obviously sarcastic and sarcastic.

Tang Yin smiled up and said, "the Oriental elder is too serious. It's also a big deal to set up a new king. It's just that compared with eradicating Guanghan, we can discuss it later."

At present, the elders of Shenchi are obviously divided into two factions, Huangfu xiutai and Dongfang yehuai. Tang Yin doesn't want to offend these two factions.

He turned his words and asked with a smile, "Shenchi city is located on the hillside of Shenchi mountain. The terrain is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is not suitable for the army to launch a strong attack. I wonder if you elders have a strategy to break the enemy?"

As soon as this remark came out, the people present fell into meditation. Shenchi city is the foundation of Shenchi. The elders don't want Shenchi city to suffer from war, but it's not easy to destroy the city without blood.

Huangfu xiutai frowned and said in a deep voice, "I heard that the villain Nie Zhen is in charge of urban defense now. Although this thief is hateful, he still has some strength."

LV Jian's eyes turned and said, "if we can persuade Nie Changlao to defecte, it will be easy for us to enter the city and there will be no need to attack the overall situation."

Huangfu xiutai sniffed at the speech and said disapprovingly, "Nie Zhen has always been loyal to Guanghan, followed his lead, and did his best to flatter. He will turn against the enemy and the devil believes it!"

LV Jian said, "Nie Chang always follows Guanghan's lead and respects Guanghan in front of him. But I don't think so if I want to say that he is loyal to Guanghan. Nie Chang is only deeply aware of the way to protect himself. Now Guanghan listens to the general situation is gone. I think it's not impossible to persuade Nie Chang to defecte."

"Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes are bright. Now the most important pillar around Guanghan's listening is Nie Zhen. If you can draw Nie Zhen over, Guanghan's listening will be completely incompetent. At that time, even if he has an instinct to the sky, he will not be able to do anything if he becomes a light pole commander.

He asked, "does elder Lu have a suitable person to sneak into Shenchi city and persuade Nie Zhen?"

LV Jian looked around at the elders, then bowed his head and thought for a long time. Fang said to Tang Yin, "Your Highness, we all have disciples in Shenchi city. You can send a reliable and knowledgeable person to persuade Nie Changlao. Maybe... You can succeed."

"If so, it would be better." Tang Yin caresses his palm and smiles.

LV Jian looked at Dongfang yehuai and said, "it's better for the disciples of Dongfang elder to come forward. After all, the disciples of Dongfang elder are the most important. I think Nie Changlao will pay attention to it."

Tang Yin nodded again and again and said positively, "if the disciples of the Oriental elder are willing to shoulder this important task, it is naturally the best. The king can also send someone to send a letter to the city to convey the meaning of the Oriental elder to the disciples."

With the help of King Feng, it will be easier. LV Jian was overjoyed and motioned to Dongfang yehuai to promise him as soon as possible.

Once this matter is successful, the contribution of Dongfang yehuai is undoubtedly the greatest. After eradicating Guanghan listening, the candidate of the new holy king will definitely fall on Dongfang yehuai alone.

Can't you see his thoughts from the Huangfu show stage on one side?

However, he could not compete with Dongfang yehuai. When he fled from Shenchi, his disciples either fled with him or were killed by Guanghan listening. Now there are no confidants in Shenchi city.

Dongfang yehuai thought for a long time, finally nodded and said, "OK! I'll try, but I can't guarantee whether I can succeed. Your highness King Feng doesn't have to report too high expectations."

Tang Yin smiled and said, "as long as the Oriental elder is willing to come forward, it's enough. Whether the disciples can convince Nie Zhen depends on Nie Zhen's own life."

Tang Yin and the elders of Shenchi unanimously adopted LV Jian's suggestion and decided to send a message to a disciple of Dongfang yehuai who stayed in Shenchi City, asking him to quietly find Nie Zhen and try his best to persuade him to defecte.

Now Shenchi city has been completely closed, and the letter naturally cannot be directly transmitted to the hands of Dongfang yehuai disciple. However, Tang Yin can keep an inside line in Shenchi City, that is ziyue, one of Guanghan's personal maidens.

Tang Yin ordered Lotte to send a letter to ziyue, explaining her intention, and asked ziyue to find Dongfang yehuai's disciple.

On this day, late at night, ziyue was sleeping in her room. Suddenly, she heard the sound of Bangla outside the window, and then came the low sound of coo.

With a movement in her heart, she immediately turned over from her bed and sat up. Then she opened the window and saw a white pigeon standing on the windowsill outside.

Ziyue hurriedly took over the carrier pigeon, took off the seal tied to it from the carrier pigeon, crushed the wax skin outside, and the note was immediately exposed. She looked at it and saw that there were dense small letters of flies on it.

She didn't dare to light the light. After closing the window, she lay on the ground, took out the torch, blew it and looked carefully.

The content on the note was dictated by Tang Yin. It first mentioned the incident of Ling ye and told the general story of how Ling Ye died. Finally, it mentioned that she was asked to find Peng Jun, the ninth disciple of Dongfang yehuai, and asked Peng Jun to find a way to persuade Nie Zhen to defecte.

Read the contents of the note three times before and after. After confirming that there was no omission, she lit the note and watched it turn into ashes. At the same time, she also fell into deep thought.

Lingye is dead. Ziyue knows this. What she never thought was that the person who accepted Lingye's death sacrifice would be king Feng. In this way, Ling Ye's soul has been transferred to the king of the wind, which makes the purple moon mixed feelings and can't tell what it's like.

She was lying on the ground thinking about it when suddenly there was a knock on the door outside. Ziyue's body was shocked fiercely. Without thinking about it, she immediately blew out the fire fold. Then she stuffed the carrier pigeon directly into the quilt. Then she quickly straightened her clothes and crushed the finger ash on the ground. Then she walked slowly to open the door and asked discontentedly, "who is it?"

"Moon, it's me!" Outside came the voice of Jiao Didi. Purple moon heard that she frowned slightly. It was Bihan!

She put down the door fork and opened the door. Sure enough, it was Bihan standing outside. There were several palace guards behind her. The purple moon looked puzzled and asked, "sister Bihan, what's up so late?"

"It's nothing. I'm on duty tonight. When I pass here, I just see a light in your room. I'll come and have a look. Hasn't the moon slept yet?" Bihan looked at her with concern.

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