Purple moon sighed and said helplessly, "I don't know what happened these two days. I can't sleep at night."

Her words can be felt by Bihan. She said with a wry smile: "yue'er must be worried about the FengChuan coalition army at the foot of the mountain!"

As she spoke, she stepped into the house, took the purple moon's hand, walked in and comforted softly: "now the holy king has returned to the city, and the moon doesn't have to take the enemy at the foot of the mountain to heart. We should believe in the holy king. The holy King can definitely cope with it!"

The purple moon frowned. For her, if the FengChuan coalition army could break the city immediately, she would be happy.

Bihan took the purple moon all the way to the bed and sat down slowly. The latter's heart suddenly mentioned to his throat. The carrier pigeon transmitting the message could hide in the quilt on the bed. Once Bihan found it, it would be all over.

Ziyue hurriedly sat down, covered the quilt with her own body, and said with a smile, "yes, with the holy king, we can be much more at ease."

Bihan nodded and advised: "although the holy king is now closed in the secluded hall, I think the holy king must be thinking about breaking the enemy. It must not be long before the enemy invading Shenchi will withdraw."

Ziyue said with a smile, "sister Bihan said so, I'm relieved." As she spoke, she deliberately yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Seeing this, Bihan stood up and said, "I think the moon is tired, so I'd better rest early. Don't think about it. It'll be all right."

"Yes! Yue'er knows." The purple moon also stood up. Bihan didn't stay long and walked out.

When Bihan came out of the room and ziyue closed the door, she couldn't help but hiss.

She listened quietly for a moment at the door and confirmed that Bihan had indeed left with the guards. She quickly walked back to the bed and lifted up the quilt. The carrier pigeon he had just hidden in the quilt had been suffocated alive.

The purple moon sighed, took out her handkerchief, wrapped the dead carrier pigeon, then opened the window, jumped into the backyard and buried the carrier pigeon under the window edge.

The next day. Ziyue gets up early. After grooming, she leaves the palace. According to the letter, she goes to find Peng Jun, the disciple of Dongfang yehuai.

Peng Jun is the 13th named disciple of Dongfang yehuai and the last named disciple.

He was very young, only in his early twenties. He was less than ten years old when he worshipped under Dongfang yehuai. At that time, Dongfang yehuai was already a big elder. He was busy and had no time to teach him carefully. Peng Jun's Lingwu was almost taught by his senior brothers on behalf of his teachers.

Nevertheless, Peng Jun's spirit and martial arts are not weak. Dongfang yehuai can accept disciples when he is a large number of years old, which just shows that Peng Jun's talent is very high.

Since Dongfang yehuai defected, Peng Jun has been locked up at home. He knows that his master defected. As a disciple, he must be involved and will not escape. It's better to stay at home and try to get a chance of leniency. But to his surprise, no one came to the door.

When Dongfang yehuai defected, Nie Zhen was in charge of the overall situation of Shenchi city. Hundreds of thousands of Sichuan troops came to the city. Nie Zhen was already out of control. He took a group of disciples to organize the city defense around. There was no time to take care of him. Later, Guanghan listened to the city and ignored the affairs of Shenchi city. He went directly to the secluded hall. In this way, Peng Jun escaped a disaster smoothly, Without any blame.

At this time, he was still secretly happy at home. Suddenly, he got a report from the old servant, saying that ziyue, one of the king's close maidens, came to see him.

Peng Jun heard that his heart was half cold. He thought that the holy king had forgotten himself when he closed the door. It seems that he thought too beautiful. He looked up at the sky and sighed, smiled bitterly and shook his head. He said in his heart: Master, master, it's nothing if you want to defecte, but why don't you take me with you? In the future, I'm afraid it's hard for the disciple to have a chance to honor you again. After sighing for a long time, Fang said to the old servant, "Peng Bo, please... Miss purple moon come in!"

After a short time, purple moon followed old servant Peng Bo to come in from the outside.

Peng Jun's family is not big. It's just a small yard. The furnishings in it are not luxurious. It's just an ordinary family. Peng Jun has met ziyue several times before. He can't say how familiar he is, but he is definitely no stranger.

In the courtyard, he took the initiative to go forward, bowed to the ground and said, "Peng Jun has seen Miss purple moon!"

"Yes!" Ziyue answered absently. Without stopping, she walked directly past Peng Jun and said, "Peng Jun, come into the room with me and talk."

Peng Junzhi got up and looked out of the door. It was empty. It was obvious that ziyue came alone. He secretly wondered whether the holy king did not intend to deal with himself publicly, but to do it secretly? If so, you will have no way to live.

In his heart, he followed the purple moon to the room. Originally, Peng Bo also wanted to follow in. The purple moon standing in room a said without looking back: "irrelevant people stop. I have something to talk to Peng Jun alone."

Peng Jun nodded at the old servant and whispered, "Peng Bo, it's none of your business here. Go back to your own room and have a rest!"

Peng Bo looked at the purple moon with worry on his face, then quietly Peng Jun, finally answered, turned and walked away.

When Peng Jun entered the room, ziyue closed the door tightly, and then looked at Peng Jun at once.

Peng Junren is just like his name. He looks very handsome, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, straight nose and square mouth, and white skin. He looks like a flashy young childe.

Can such a person shoulder this heavy responsibility? Ziyue really doesn't understand how the wind king entrusted such an important task to Peng Jun.

Peng Jun was looked up and down by the purple moon. Before ziyue could speak, he couldn't help it. He asked in a low voice, "miss ziyue is... But she came by the order of the holy king?"

The purple moon shook her head slightly and said, "I'm not sent by the holy king."

Peng Jun took a breath. Didn't the holy King send him? Then she

The purple moon continued, "I have something to do myself. Please help me."

Peng Jun blinked and couldn't react. It's too unexpected! He was stunned for a moment and asked suspiciously, "what can I do for Miss purple moon?"

Ziyue didn't answer him immediately, but asked, "you must have heard about the defection of the division to the FengChuan allied army now?"

Peng Jun was shocked and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "yes... Yes, I have heard about it."

"So, what do you think of the defection of Lingshi?" Asked the purple moon without expression.

Her question made Peng Jun difficult to answer. If you blame the master, it's not what the disciple did. If you agree with the master, you're looking for death. After thinking about it for a long time, he hesitated and said: "the master must have a reason for doing this..."

Before he finished, ziyue interrupted: "Dongfang yehuai has betrayed Shenchi and is a traitor of Shenchi. If you say so, you are pleading for the traitor. You should know that pleading for the traitor is also a capital crime!"

Peng Jun trembled, lowered his head and remained silent. He also has his principles. If he has to speak ill of his master in order to survive, he would rather die.

Seeing that he hadn't answered for a long time, ziyue raised her eyebrows and her tone was cold. She asked, "Peng Jun, do you want to die?" When she spoke, she deliberately clasped her sword under her ribs and made a crash.

Alas! Peng Jun smiled bitterly, raised his head, looked up at the aggressive eyes of last purple moon, and said: "what the master has done, the disciples can't escape the relationship. I've already made up my mind to die. If Miss purple moon wants to do it now, come!"

As he spoke, he put his hands behind his back, looked at the purple moon eagerly, and his face was fearless. The purple moon nodded secretly. Now she finally understood why the wind king wanted to find Peng Jun himself.

She loosened her hand on the handle of the sword. Then she laughed with a snort. She turned and walked to the front of the seat and sat down slowly. Then she waved her hand to Peng Jun and said, "sit down, too!"

Peng Jun's head is full of inexplicable. He doesn't know what medicine is sold in the gourd of purple moon. How can he be murderous for a while and become amiable for a while?

Seeing that he was still standing there foolishly, the smile on ziyue's face was stronger. He waved his hand again and said, "Peng Jun, sit down!" This time she was a little more commanding.

Peng Jun walked slowly to the opposite side of the purple moon, sat down, and looked at her blankly. Ziyue said, "recently, it has been widely rumored that the holy King secretly trains dark spiritual practitioners in the holy pool. Do you think this rumor is true or false?"

"This..." Peng Jun didn't understand the purpose and significance of ziyue's question. He said with a wry smile, "Miss purple moon also said that this is a rumor. Naturally, the rumor is not believable."

"What if I told you the rumor was true?"

This sentence scared Peng Jun very much. He almost stood up from his seat and rolled his eyes. He looked at the purple moon in disbelief and said, "Miss purple moon, this... This is a major event related to the reputation of the holy king. You... You can't talk nonsense!"

"Do you think you know the king better than I do?" The purple moon asked back slowly.

Peng Jun was tongue tied and didn't speak for a long time. Ziyue continued: "presumably, this is the reason why the teacher defected."

Now Peng Jun is completely confused. He looks at ziyue and asks in a suspicious voice, "what's the matter with Miss ziyue's coming this time?"

The purple moon turned and said, "I'm entrusted by the order teacher to let you do something."

Peng Junteng stood up, stared at her and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Persuade Nie Zhen to defecte to the FengChuan allied army and join forces with elder Huangfu and elder Dongfang to impeach Guanghan and listen." The purple moon no longer twists and turns, and finally explains its intention.

Peng Jun was so numb that he couldn't come back for a long time.

Listen to ziyue's words, not only the master defected, but also she defected. It's incredible. She is the close maid of the holy king and the most trusted person of the holy king. She should be loyal to the holy king. How can she secretly assist the FengChuan coalition army?

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