What Peng Jun said was exactly what Nie Zhen was worried about. However, Wei Biao on one side flew into a rage, raised his head and angrily pointed to Peng Jun's nose, and asked in a harsh voice, "what you said is that you have something important to discuss, that is, to persuade the family teacher to defecte? You're a big coward. I'll abolish you first!"

While talking, Wei Biao tried to draw his sword. Nie zhenleng snorted and glared at him. Wei Biao was puzzled and didn't know what he had done wrong. He looked at Nie Zhen eagerly, and just held the handle of the sword and put it down.

Nie Zhen looked at Peng Jun and asked, "in your opinion?"

Peng Jun said positively, "now the holy King stays in the secluded hall all day. It's called seclusion. In fact, it's to escape. The important task of protecting the city of the God pool falls on Nie Changlao. If you can successfully defend the city, it's the wisdom of the holy king. If you don't succeed, elder NIE is the great sinner of the God pool. Is Nie Changlao willing to be used by others and don't find a way out for himself?"

His words hit the nail on the head. Nie Zhen is not a fool. He has made a detailed analysis of the current situation for a long time. According to his own judgment, the probability that he can withstand the first wave of attack of FengChuan coalition army will not exceed 50%.

If FengChuan allied forces continue to deploy troops from their respective countries after the first wave of attack is defeated, then Shenchi city may not even have a 10% chance. This is also the main reason why Nie Zhen didn't kill Peng Jun immediately after knowing his intention.

As ziyue said, Nie Zhen's loyalty to Guanghan is empty. When Guanghan listens to the power, he will follow Guanghan's horse and obey his orders. Once Guanghan listens to the loss of power, Nie Zhen will never accompany him to huangjiaquan.

After pondering for a moment, Nie Zhen youyou said, "do you mean that we should follow Huangfu and Lingshi and turn against the FengChuan coalition army?"

"It's not a defection, it's a fight against a traitor. It's a joint effort with elders such as family teachers and Huangfu to impeach guanghanting and end the current precarious situation of Shenchi. The reason why Shenchi is in danger is because guanghanting is alone, and the FengChuan coalition army doesn't want to annex Shenchi. It's just to punish guanghanting. Judging from the current situation, guanghanting's collapse of Jiatai is sooner or later If Nie Changlao continues to be loyal to this thief, then in the end, like Guanghan, Nie Changlao will be disgraced and become the first sinner of our sacred pool from ancient times to now. On the contrary, elder Nie will become a hero of our sacred pool like all elders. Please think twice! "

"Nonsense!" Wei Biao blushed, turned to Nie Zhen and said, "master, Peng Jun has a clever tongue and confuses black and white. You must not be bewitched by him!"

Nie Zhen didn't speak, lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

At present, there are two unconfirmed factors. First, whether the holy king has any plans to break the enemy; Second, the holy King left dozens of elders and their disciples outside the city. Will these people give a fatal blow to the FengChuan coalition army at the critical moment.

Before thoroughly understanding the situation, Nie Zhen was really hard to make a choice. After thinking for a long time, he seemed to ask casually, "Peng Jun, what did your master and Huangfu and other elders mean when you came this time?"

"It is also the meaning of his highness King Feng and his highness King Chuan!" Peng Jun nodded and added.

Nie Zhen's heart moved. From this point of view, no matter Fengguo, Chuanguo, Huangfu, Dongfang and others, they all attach great importance to themselves. Thinking of this, he smiled on his face, nodded, shook his head and said, "Peng Jun, I understand what you mean, but it's important. I have to think it over again. You go back to your home first and wait for the news from me!"

"Shifu, Peng junju has evil intentions, but you must not let him go!" Wei Biao said anxiously.

Wei Biao doesn't want to let Peng Jun go, but Peng Jun doesn't want to go yet. At least he doesn't want to leave until he gets Nie Zhen's exact answer.

He said positively: "Nie Changlao, time is running out. The FengChuan coalition army may launch an attack at any time. Once you start, it's too late for elder NIE to repent..."

Nie Zhen stood up upset, waved and said, "I know. Go back first! Wei Biao, see off the guests for the teacher!"

Seeing Nie Zhen's resolute expression, Wei Biao and Peng Jun were all helpless. Wei Biao walked up to Peng Jun and said in a deep voice, "let's go! Do you really want me to invite you out?"

Peng Jun sighed and bowed to Nie Zhen. Then he followed Wei Biao out of the lobby.

After the two of them left, Nie Zhen paced back and forth in the lobby.

Peng Jun can't be killed. Leaving him is tantamount to leaving a way back for himself. However, now he doesn't understand what Guanghan thinks and what plans he has in mind, so he can't accept Peng Jun's persuasion immediately.

At this time, Nie Zhen was indecisive and in a dilemma.

After a short time, Wei Biao came back from the outside. After closing the door, he quickly came to Nie Zhen and whispered, "master, how can you let Peng Jun go? He is the spy inserted in the city by Dongfang night Huai'an. If the holy king knows about this, how can the master explain it to the holy king?"

Nie Zhen didn't even think about it. He waved and slapped Wei Biao on the head.

Wei Biao is a middle-aged man over 40 years old and the chief disciple of the elder. Who dares to beat him like this on weekdays? At this time, he was stunned. He looked at Nie Zhen in confusion and said, "master..."

"Are you a pig head? You are so sure that as a teacher, you can guard Shenchi city. In case the city is broken, do you want to die with the holy king or with the holy king?"

"Well... Shifu thinks that the FengChuan allied forces will be able to break the city? With the holy king, who in the world can break the Shenchi city..."

Nie Zhen shook his head again and again and said, "no matter how powerful the holy king is, he is a man, not a God. As long as he is a man, his ability is limited. He can block 10000 or even 100000 enemies, and can he resist millions or millions of enemies? If we don't give ourselves a way back now, we won't have a chance to plan in the future."

"This... This..." Wei Biao hesitated for a long time without saying anything. Nie Zhen glanced at him and said positively, "you can't mention today's matter to anyone. Also, you can tell me. You can't spread anything about Peng Jun's recent visit to anyone."

"Yes! Master, I understand!"

Nie Zhen murmured with deep eyes: "now, as a teacher, I still don't understand one thing. The wind army has arrived at the foot of Shenchi mountain, but where have all the elders left by the holy king to resist the wind army? Are they all killed in the war or hiding?"

Wei Biao scratched his head and didn't answer. Nie Zhen didn't know the whereabouts of the elders, let alone him.

But soon, Nie Zhen knew the exact whereabouts of the elders.

The next morning, before Nie Zhen got up, his eldest disciple Wei Biao knocked on the door outside. Nie Zhen got up with a gloomy face, opened the door, looked at the flustered Wei Biao outside, and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter, so flustered?"

"Shifu, it's a bad thing. According to the news just received, the elders left by the holy king to resist the wind army have... Defected to the wind Army..." Wei Biao bowed and said in a trembling voice.

When Nie Zhen heard the speech, he felt as if he had been hit by a dull hammer, and his body shook involuntarily. According to Guang Han, there are dozens of elders who stay outside the city to resist the wind army, almost all of them are elders a in the Presbyterian courtyard. They, together with their disciples, are the pillars of the sacred pool. Now they all turn against each other, which is tantamount to making the sacred pool collapse half of the sky in an instant. How can Nie Zhen not panic and hurry?

He swallowed his saliva and asked anxiously, "is this... Is this serious?"

"It's true that spies outside the city have sent back the information one after another! Master, what should I do now?"

Nie Zhen was stunned for a long time before he regained his consciousness. He stamped his feet hard and said repeatedly, "prepare the horse, prepare the horse quickly. As a teacher, I have to meet the holy king immediately!"

Dozens of elders all defected, and Shenchi city has completely fallen into a desperate situation of isolation. If the holy king can't shut down again and can't come up with a good plan to defeat the enemy, Shenchi will be hopeless.

He went back to his room, dressed quickly, combed and washed again, and then hurried to the temple.

Now outside the secluded hall, there are ten steps and one post, five steps and one sentry. The security is tight, like facing a great enemy.

When Nie Zhen arrived with several confidants, he was immediately stopped by the surrounding guards. One of them arched his hand and said, "elder Nie came to the temple, but something happened?"

"I want to see the holy king. Go and report to the holy king as soon as possible!"

"This..." the bodyguards looked at each other. The man who had just spoken bowed and smiled, "I'm sorry, elder Nie, the holy king has told me. No one can be seen. Elder Nie, please go back!"

"Fart!" Nie Zhen was really anxious at this time. He blushed and had a thick neck. He gritted his teeth and said, "the military situation is extremely urgent. Shenchi city is now in danger. If you stop it and delay major events, I want you to wait for your head!"

The bodyguards have never seen Nie Zhen so anxious and impolite. It must be that something big has happened. The people looked at each other again, and a leader came out and said, "please wait here for elder Nie and let the villain go in and report to the holy king."

"Go, go!" Nie shook down the horse and waved impatiently.

The guard leader took a deep breath and ordered to go down and open the hall door. With the creaking sound, the gate of the secluded hall was slowly opened, and the guard leader walked in sideways.

For more than half an hour, Nie Zhen, who was waiting outside, kept pacing back and forth like an ant on a hot pot. From time to time, he glanced through the crack of the door into the Youdian. Unfortunately, it was dark inside, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

I don't know how long it was before the guard leader stepped out of the quiet hall. He came to Nie Zhen, bowed his hands and said, "Nie Changlao, please welcome the holy king!"

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