oh dear! Nie Zhen felt relieved when he heard the speech. He turned back to his disciples and said, "wait here. No one is allowed to walk around. Do you understand?" In the forbidden area of the secluded hall, one careless mistake is the capital crime of losing his head. The elder's singing is a lesson from the past.

All the disciples bowed down and said, "yes, master!"

Nie Zhen was led by the guard leader into the Youdian hall. Speaking of it, he also entered the Youdian for the first time. He was also amazed at the scale of the interior of the Youdian.

To make a long story short, the guard leader led Nie Zhen to the second floor of the Youdian hall. At the entrance to the third floor, he stopped and dared not continue to walk inside. He whispered, "Nie Changlao, the holy king is inside. It's inconvenient for villains to enter, so they can only wait here."

Nie Zhen craned his neck and looked into the corridor. He only felt that the corridor was narrow and dark, all the way down, and there were dark wind gusts, rushing towards him from time to time. He asked, "you can see the holy King through this corridor again?"

"Yes!" "How long is this corridor?" "I don't know." "Where on earth is the end of the corridor?" "Nobody knows."

Nie Zhen asked several questions curiously, but the guard leader didn't know whether he really didn't know or pretended to be confused. Nie Zhen shook his head reluctantly. He was too lazy to pay attention to him again. He was about to go inside. The guard leader handed Nie Zhen the torch in his hand and whispered, "Nie Changlao, it's very dark in the corridor. It's better to take the torch."

"Yes!" Nie Zhen took the torch and stepped into the corridor.

The corridor was not only dark, but also extremely cold. The deeper I went, the colder I felt. In the end, Nie Zhen couldn't stand it. I had to cover with a spirit armor to resist the cold.

The holy King stays in such a place to shut up? This is also incredible. Such a cold place is not suitable for people to live for a long time!

His heart was full of puzzlement, and he didn't know how long he had walked. Finally, he walked out of the corridor, and the world in front of him suddenly became open.

Nie Zhen raised his eyes in surprise and looked around. He couldn't help exclaiming: what a glacial world! Unexpectedly, there is such a wonderful place in the sacred pool with spring like seasons.

"Elder Nie came to the king in such a hurry, but what happened?"

Hearing the voice, Nie Zhen finally regained consciousness and noticed Guanghan, who was wearing white clothes and coming towards him. He is white from head to foot, almost integrated with the whole glacier world. If you don't look closely, it's really difficult to find his existence.

"See the holy king!" Nie Zhen was shocked, and then he knelt down on his knees in a proper manner, kowtowed and saluted, and said, "holy king, it's bad. Elder Fang has been killed, and other elders have... Turned against the wind..."

A trace of surprise appeared on Guanghan's face, but the surprised color flashed away. He nodded and asked with a smile, "is that it?"

Seeing that his expression was so flat, it seemed that something ordinary had happened. Nie Zhen grinned and said eagerly: "holy king, now Huangfu, Dongfang and other elders have defected to the FengChuan coalition army. The FengChuan coalition army doesn't even need to send a large army to attack, but just send a bunch of elders to attack. It's hard for our Shenchi city to resist!"

"Ha ha!" Guanghan smiled leisurely and said, "it's just some fickle villains. Why be afraid? Elder Nie just needs to guard the city at ease. Don't think about anything else."

How can I not! If the only defectors are Huangfu xiutai and Dongfang yehuai, it's easy to say that it's a big deal to join hands with the elders to compete with them, but now the elders are on the other side of Huangfu and Dongfang. How can they resist these many elders alone?

He swallowed his saliva and asked cautiously, "does the holy king have a plan to break the enemy now?"

Guanghan said calmly: "when soldiers come to block, such as the earth village, the terrain of Shenchi city is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if the enemy has thousands of troops and horses, it is difficult to display. Why be afraid?"

"Holy king, what if the enemy is trapped instead of attacking?"

"Didn't you see when you came in? There are a lot of grain stored in the Youdian. As long as the people in the city live frugally and spend a year and a half, it's no problem. They can't afford to consume so many troops in FengChuan and Sichuan. I believe that the FENGCHUAN Coalition army will withdraw soon."

After all, there is still no specific plan to retreat from the enemy! Nie Zhen sighed in his heart that he had indeed accumulated a lot of food on the first and second floors of the Youdian hall, but there were 300000 people in Shenchi city. How could these food last for a year and a half? If you let go of eating, I believe you can eat it all in less than a month. He frowned, looked puzzled and said, "long time consumption is not a good policy. Is there any other way for shengwangjia?"

Guanghan shrugged, turned to one side and said, "instead of worrying about those meaningless things, I'd better think about the people I miss."

Nie Zhen looked up bravely. He found that there was a wonderful woman as beautiful as an immortal in the glacier. The king asked involuntarily, "it's time for her to come back..."

Before he finished, he saw that Guanghan turned around fiercely and was staring at him with fierce and abnormal eyes. Nie Zhen shrunk his neck, quickly lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "the holy King apologized. It's... It's a rude courtier..."

He knew very well that he should never ask more questions in front of the holy king.

Guanghan listened and stared at him for a moment, smiled calmly, waved and said, "go. Now, you just need to arrange the city defense. As for other things, you don't need to think more or ask more. When it's really critical, I will help you."

"Yes! Holy king, Minister... Leave!" Nie Zhen bowed his hand and then slowly retreated outward.

Through the narrow and steep corridor, Nie Zhen returned to the second floor of the Youdian hall. At this time, the bodyguard leader was still waiting at the entrance of the corridor. When he saw Nie Zhen coming out, he quickly stepped forward and asked, "elder Nie, have you seen the holy king?"

Nie Zhen nodded slightly, didn't say anything, and walked out with big steps.

Leaving the secluded hall and meeting with the disciples outside, Nie Zhen remained silent, silently waved his hand to the disciples, turned over, mounted his horse and whipped away.

On the way back to Nie's house, the disciples winked at Wei Biao and motioned him to ask the master what the result was.

Wei Biao is Nie Zhen's eldest disciple. He is also Nie Zhen's most trusted and trusted disciple. Some words others dare not ask, so he can only ask.

Seeing the signals from the younger martial brothers, Wei Biao urged the horses to catch up with Nie Zhen and walk side by side with him. Then he asked carefully, "master, what did the holy King say when he saw the holy king?"

"The tide is over, the tide is over!" Nie Zhen couldn't help but sigh and shook his head.

After a pause, he suddenly remembered something and whispered to Wei Biao, "go and find Peng Jun tonight. Remember, don't let anyone know. Also, remember to go through the back door when you enter the house!"

"Master..." Wei Biao's face suddenly changed. Now he went to find Peng Jun. master, this is undoubtedly to accept his persuasion! "Shifu, it's important. You have to think twice!" Wei Biao said in a trembling voice.

"The holy king is really disappointing. He has considered it very clearly as a teacher. It's too late to make a choice. It's too late to repent."

"I'm worried that Huangfu and Dongfang will not be able to accommodate the master after the holy King collapses Jiatai!" Wei Biao said.

"I can't manage so much now. If I drag it on, I'm afraid I'll worry about my life."

"Master, does the holy king really have no way?" Wei Biao asked incredulously.

"Hum!" Nie Zhen sneered and said nothing more. In his opinion, the holy king is now at the end of his rope. What's the use of closing the door? If you can hide the FengChuan allied army by closing the door, you should also close the door yourself.

There was nothing to say during the day. At night, in the dead of night, Peng Jun was invited to Nie's house by Wei Biao. According to Nie Zhen's meaning, Wei Biao sneaked in with Peng Jun through the back door of Nie's house and went directly to the study in the backyard.

At this time, Nie Zhen had been waiting in his study for a long time. When he saw Peng Jun, his attitude was very different from yesterday. He stood up, took the initiative to meet him, smiled and said, "nephew Peng Xian, please come here late at night. It's really disturbing!"

Nie Zhen showed such initiative and enthusiasm, which made Peng Jun feel uncomfortable. He bowed his hands and said politely, "master NIE is very polite. Nephew, please see elder Nie."

"Please sit down!" Nie Zhen waved his hand with a smile, and then winked at Wei Biao. The latter understood, turned out of the study and guarded the door.

After Wei Biao left, Nie Zhen asked directly, "nephew Peng Xian, what do you mean by King Feng and King Chuan when you come to persuade us to defecte?"

Nie Zhen nodded and said, "exactly! And it's a letter from King Feng himself."

"Oh?" Nie Zhen's eyes brightened, stretched out his hand and said, "take the letter of the wind king to me."

"This..." Tang Yin sent a letter. Peng Jun also listened to ziyue. Where did he have Tang Yin's letter in his hand.

He said with a wry smile: "elder Nie, the letter of King Feng has already been burned by his nephew. Elder Nie should understand that after reading such a letter, he can't stay any longer."

"That's right." Nie Zhen was lost in thought. After a while, he raised his eyes, looked directly at Peng Jun and asked suspiciously, "once the current holy king is impeached, who will take over the new holy king of Shenchi?"

Peng Jun grinned secretly when he heard the speech. How can he participate in this matter? I didn't know how to answer, but he still said: "after the holy King stepped down, the great elder will replace the holy King naturally. Now the great elder is only composed of elder Nie, elder Huangfu and family teacher. Naturally, the new holy king should also be selected from the three great elders."

What are you talking about?! Nie Zhen gave a cold hum in his heart. He simply stopped beating around the Bush and asked directly, "then, who will take over the throne of the holy king among the three elders?"

"This..." Peng Jun couldn't answer completely this time.

It is reasonable to say that Huangfu xiutai is the most powerful of the three elders. However, Huangfu xiutai is not very popular. He is arrogant and conceited. He is a domineering attitude towards everyone. He is not pleasant among the elders. Nie Zhen is not much better than Huangfu xiutai, or even worse. If he is elected by the elders, he will undoubtedly have the highest voice of the master, But it's not easy to say this in front of Nie Zhen. Peng Jun pondered for a while. Fang said, "Nie Changlao, this matter... My nephew doesn't know."

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