Qin he said: "the two countries of FengChuan are seemingly inseparable, and there will be a war between them sooner or later. If Feng wants to win Sichuan, it is best to get the help of Shenchi. However, whether Huangfu or Dongfang becomes the holy king, they will not and cannot help Fengguo. Compared with it, only Shifu can help Fengguo."

Wei Biao suddenly remembered something and said in a hurry, "I remember. His Highness the king of the wind once said, 'you help me, I help you, everyone help each other'. Originally, his Highness the king of the wind meant this!"

Nie Zhen frowned and said, "in this way, the king of wind should support Huangfu! When Huangfu defected to the holy pool, the kingdom of wind took him in. It can be said that the king of wind was kind to Huangfu, and it is natural for Huangfu to repay the king of wind!"

Qin he shook his head with a smile, say: "There are a lot of grudges between Huangfu and King Feng. Apart from anything else, the fact that King Feng killed Huangfu Yucheng will divide the hearts of the two people. Huangfu has no children and regards Huangfu as his own. How can he have no resentment against King Feng, and King Feng can't fully trust Huangfu. Even King Feng prefers the east to become the holy King rather than Huangfu, because the East will not want Huangfu to become the holy king After becoming the holy king, he will at least keep the holy pool neutral, but once the Huangfu becomes the holy king, he is likely to unite with the United Nations of Sichuan and attack the wind country together. "

Nie Zhen nodded as he listened and felt that Qin he's analysis was very reasonable. He smiled and said, "so the king of the wind sincerely supports him as a teacher? If so, when he becomes the holy king, he will try his best to help his country of the wind."

Qin he said: "in fact, disciple has always said that the national strength of the wind kingdom is not as strong as that of the Sichuan Kingdom, but the wind king is much more farsighted than that of the Sichuan king. If you can get the support of the wind king, you will get twice the result with half the effort..."

However, the most critical problem is that Tang Yin is too insidious and vicious. Moreover, it is difficult for others to figure out his mind. Today he may call you brother and intimate, but tomorrow he may stab you in the back. Compared with Xiao Xuan, there are too many uncertain factors and risks in making friends with Tang Yin, and he may even suffer from it, This is also the main reason why Qin he supported Nie Zhen to win over Xiao Xuan.

But now, Xiao Xuan's refusal and exclusion are already obvious. If Nie zhenruo still wants to ascend the throne of the holy king, he can only unite with Tang Yin. Qin he doesn't want to say more about the powerful relationship. First, it's useless to say it. Second, he has to reserve a retreat for himself

Nie Zhen didn't know what he thought in his heart. Hearing his words, he glared at him fiercely and said discontentedly, "since that's the case, what did you have to do to win over the king of Sichuan for the teacher? It's better to go directly to the king of wind and save yourself from being humiliated by others."

"Yes! I didn't think about it this time." Qin he bowed his hands and saluted with helplessness on his face.

Nie Zhen ignored him. He turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window. Then he turned back and said to Wei Biao, "biao'er, I want you to go to the camp of the FengChuan coalition army again to see the king of the wind, and said to the king of the wind that as long as I can become the holy king, if the country of the wind can use the place of the sacred pool in the future, the sacred pool will help me with all my strength and will not be vague."

Wei Biao's body was shocked, and he arched his hand and said, "don't worry, master. I will truthfully tell your Highness the king of wind what the master said."

"Well, let's go! Be more careful on the road." "Yes!"

Xiao Xuan's attitude made Nie Zhen, who was originally inclined to the country of Sichuan, completely fall to the side of the country of wind, which also foreshadowed a series of changes in the future.

There was nothing to say during the day. In the evening, Nie Zhen summoned the head of the city to Nie's house to discuss military affairs. When all the others arrived, the hall of Nie's house was full of people, at least as many as 30 or 40.

The leaders whispered to each other and didn't understand why Nie Zhen called the people at this time.

While people were talking, there were bursts of footsteps outside the lobby. People turned their heads and saw Nie Zhen coming in from the outside surrounded by several disciples.

People immediately stopped talking, bowed their hands and said in unison, "villain, see elder Nie."

Nie Zhen nodded slightly and said hello to the crowd. Then he walked through the crowd with big steps and sat down in the center of the lobby. Wei Biao, Qin he and other disciples stood behind him and on both sides. Nie Zhen waved to the crowd and said expressionless, "everyone sit down!"

The leaders saluted Nie Zhen again, and then sat down one after another. Nie Zhen looked around at the crowd and said, "you must know that we have sent spies continuously these days?"

"Yes, Nie Changlao!" The crowd said in unison.

"I've worked hard in recent days." Nie Zhen zhengse said, "now, we have found out where the grain and grass of the FengChuan coalition army is." As he spoke, he winked at Wei Biao, the eldest disciple on one side. The latter understood and took the long canvas roll in his hand to the center of the lobby, then unfolded the canvas roll and spread it directly to the ground.

The people around them curiously raised their bodies and stretched their necks to see. It turned out that what was drawn on the canvas was a map, which was made in great detail and marked carefully everywhere.

Wei Biao looked around and explained loudly, "this is the layout of the FengChuan allied army camp, and its granary is built here!" As he spoke, he drew out his sword and lit it on the map.

Yo! All the people were surprised. It's unexpected that Nie Changlao should inquire into the camp of FengChuan allied army so clearly.

Looking carefully, the map not only shows the location of the granary, but also clearly shows the accounts of the Chinese army and the Sichuan army, the camp defense of the whole camp, and even the specific locations of each Corps in the camp.

Such a detailed and detailed map is not like a spy's probe, but more like the camp map drawn by the FengChuan coalition army itself.

"Nie Changlao, this topographic map is..."

"It is the result of our spies sent in recent days that our efforts have not been in vain." While talking, Nie Zhen stood up and said, "the granary of the FengChuan coalition army is located in the east of the camp. We have carefully studied it and think it is possible to sneak attack. Therefore, we plan to send a group of capable people out of the city to sneak camp tonight. What do you think?"

Ah? The leaders took a breath at the same time. A man leaned over and said, "I don't know how many people elder Nie plans to send to sneak into the camp? And who to send?"

Nie zhenlue pondered and said, "first, we should be secret and second, we should make a quick decision. We can't send too many people. As for who to send, I think all of you here are good candidates."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the people present changed at the same time.

You should know that they are all guard leaders. They can be regarded as the backbone of the current urban defense of Shenchi city. What if they are asked to complete such a dangerous task? Who will take over the city defense of Shenchi?

"Nie Changlao, is it too rash to do so?" Another leader arched his hand and said.

"Yes, Nie Changlao, it's not that we are greedy for life and afraid of death, but that we are in danger of urban defense. We should... Consider such major events in the long run. We shouldn't be so hasty!"

Nie Zhen looked around at the crowd, hummed and laughed, and asked, "do you think this seat let you die?"

"No, no, no, Nie Changlao, I don't mean to!"

"Now, our Shenchi city has been trapped for several months, and there is little food left in the city. If we continue to consume it according to the current situation, we will all be trapped alive and die in the city. We can't fight back millions of FengChuan allied forces. If we want to retreat from the enemy, we can only cut off the enemy's head and destroy their food and grass. If you are allowed to kill the king of Fengwang and the king of Sichuan, you really have to send them It's much easier to sneak attack on its food and grass when it's dead, and it has a great chance of success. Do you still have to push three obstacles and four obstacles? Don't you want to stand up and share your worries and solve the difficulties for the holy king when my holy pool is in danger? "

Nie Zhen questioned the people present, blushing and silent.

He glanced around and said in a deep voice, "if any of you are dissatisfied with this seat's decision, you can go to see the holy King now, raise an objection to the holy king, and ask the holy king to make a decision."

He said everything to this extent. Who dares to stand up and judge the holy king? That's not to show that you are greedy for life and afraid of death.

The leaders looked at each other and no one spoke again.

You can rest assured that you will go to Wuzhen camp this time. If you are totally confident, you can go to Wuzhen camp this time, too

Everyone was moved. Elder Nie, who has always been very selfish, was willing to send his disciples to sneak camp. It seems that he is very confident in this sneaking camp.

Nie Zhen's words reassured the leaders present and dispelled many doubts in people's hearts. People bowed their hands and said, "Nie Changlao, we are by no means afraid of death. Since Nie Changlao has orders, we naturally follow them!"

Nie Zhen nodded and said with a smile, "if you can say so, I'll be relieved. Now, let's discuss the details of sneaking camp..."

This time, Nie Zhen was cruel and sent all the leaders who were loyal to Guanghan to sneak into the camp. In addition, he specially sent several disciples such as Wei Biao to go with them.

He did so, first, to win the trust of others. Second, he also asked Wei Biao and others to be the insiders of the FengChuan coalition army and help the FengChuan coalition army catch all these people.

His arrangement is exquisite. Nie Zhen's mind is not used in how to defend the city, but in how to deal with his own people.

That night, the third watch. According to Nie Zhen's arrangement, Shenchi sent more than 100 people to sneak into Shenchi city and go straight to the FengChuan coalition camp at the foot of the mountain.

These people are the elite of the holy pool. In addition to the leader of the city, there are Nie Zhen and many elders' disciples. They are all excellent experts in Lingwu. It's not too much to describe them as one hundred.

They sneaked all the way around to the east of the FengChuan coalition camp. Because it is not directly facing the side of Shenchi City, the defense of FengChuan coalition army here is very loose. Except for the guards guarding the camp gate, there are almost no soldiers patrolling.

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