The lax defense of the FengChuan allied army camp reassured many people in Shenchi who came to sneak attack. People also nodded secretly in their hearts. No wonder elder Nie sent himself to sneak attack the enemy's granary. As expected, the FengChuan allied army was negligent in prevention.

Wei Biao whispered to the people around him, "the FengChuan allied forces are unprepared. Now is a good opportunity for us to fight. You guys, kill with me. This time we will destroy the enemy's food and grass, * the FengChuan allied forces retreat!"

The people also came to the spirit. They bowed their heads one by one and said in unison: "don't worry, brother Wei, we will do our best to live up to the trust of elder Nie!"

"OK! Let's rush with me!" When Wei Biao finished speaking, he jumped out of the darkness and ran straight to the east gate of the FengChuan coalition camp.

The rest of the crowd followed closely and looked around. More than a hundred people were like a tiger with more than a hundred heads down the mountain. Although they didn't ride a horse, they were still surprisingly fast.

Before Wei Biao rushed to the East camp gate, there was a breaking wind behind him. At the same time, dozens of spirit arrows passed by him and nailed them on the guards at the camp gate.

I can only hear the muffled sound of fluttering, fluttering and fluttering. The guards outside and above the camp gate didn't even see what was going on. They were hit by spirit arrows one after another, and fell to the ground one after another without making a cry.

Wei Biao was hardly blocked by anything and rushed to the front of the camp smoothly. Without looking at the body lying on the ground, he dashed past and rushed into the camp.

As they observed outside, the huge camp was empty, not to mention the soldiers on patrol, not even the guards on guard. People were overjoyed and excited.

I didn't expect that things were going so smoothly. It was so easy for our side to break through the camp defense of the FengChuan coalition army and enter the camp. Next, as long as we burn the food and grass of the FengChuan coalition army, our action will be successful.

People followed Wei Biao and made every effort to rush to the granary of the FengChuan coalition army. The strength of the FengChuan coalition army is close to one million, and its grain storage is also an astronomical number, with a huge granary area. Here, people finally saw the guards of the FengChuan coalition army.

The number of guards guarding the granary was not large, there were more than a thousand people, but they were suddenly attacked by the enemy. The unprepared guards seemed at a loss and panicked. They didn't even resist, and retreated like a tide.

Wei Biao and others did not pursue and kill. They stormed into the granary at one go and looked up. There were rows and rows of granaries storing grain. At a glance, they could not see the edge, at least more than a hundred. The people's eyes lit up and looked at Wei Biao one after another.

The latter was also unable to hide his joy. He turned back and said to the crowd, "brothers, set fire and burn grain!"

When he gave the order, everyone responded, took out the fire folding, and set fire to each warehouse.

The place where grain and grass are stored must be dry. The barn is made of wood and hay. It can be said that it is on fire. There is no need to pour fire oil. Just light the hay outside. In a short time, a barn will become a fire.

With the joint efforts of all the people, hundreds of warehouses were lit. At this time, looking up and looking again, the huge granary has become a sea of fire, with billowing thick smoke everywhere, and the fire snake running up, reflecting the sky into a dark red.

After the people returned one after another, they smiled at Wei biaoxi and said, "brother Wei, the big event has been completed. Let's retreat now!"

Wei Biao looked around, then bowed his head heavily, waved and said, "withdraw!"

However, it was too late for them to think about retreating again. I don't know when the FengChuan allied forces are standing on the periphery of the granary. Soldiers are like a forest and a sea of people. They surround the huge grain storage area with three inner and three outer floors, which are full of water.

When Wei Biao and others wanted to return by the same way, they just walked out of the granary and were shot by the arrows of the FengChuan coalition outside. The arrows were as dense as raindrops. When the head fell, they were stunned. They waved their swords and dialed, retreated quickly, and finally retreated to the granary.

The crowd gathered around and looked around nervously. At the same time, someone said, "brother Wei, something's wrong. There was no enemy outside the granary just now. Why did so many people come out all at once?"

Until now, they have not realized that they have got into the trap of others. Wei Biao pretended to be nervous and said in a deep voice: "don't panic, let me rush out..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting outside: "listen, people inside, you have been surrounded and can't fly. If you surrender, you can still save your lives. If you resist to the end, the sea of fire around you will be your burial place!"

Hearing this, everyone trembled. At this time, they were in the granary, and the granaries had been lit by them. The granaries turned into heaps of fire. The fire spread everywhere and became more and more prosperous. People could clearly feel the heat of the air, and even breathing became difficult.

"Brother Wei, what can we do now?" The crowd looked at Wei Biao eagerly.

Wei Biao narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "stay and wait to die. Let's rush again with me!"

There are so many enemy troops outside. Isn't rushing to kill them means looking for their own death? People looked ugly and grinned secretly, but Wei Biao was right. If they stayed, they would have to be roasted alive by the fire in the granary even if they were not shot dead by the enemy's arrow array.

"Brothers, we fought with the FengChuan allied army!" "Yes, we fought with them!"

Everyone shouted, each armed, rushed out of the granary again and attacked the FengChuan coalition outside. Wei Biao and his younger martial brothers didn't move. They knew that the FengChuan coalition army was fully prepared. Since they dared to let them in, they would never let any of them escape alive. Now to break through, they would go out and die. They didn't want to take their lives in vain.

Let's say that the guard leader rushed out of the granary shouting, tearing and yelling, and rushed to the FengChuan coalition camp outside.

They rushed fast, and the arrows of the FengChuan coalition army were not slow. With the sound of bowstring bouncing, the dense and dark arrow feathers fell from the sky like raindrops.

They waved their weapons and desperately pulled out and hit arrows. It's a pity that they are not three heads and six arms after all. No matter how fast they move, if they can stop ten arrows, they can't stop thousands of arrows.

The people who rushed in front of them just shot more than a hundred arrows in an instant. Fortunately, their cultivation was deep enough, and the arrows could not break their spiritual armor for a time. At this time, one of them suddenly cried out in pain, and his body involuntarily sat on the ground. Looking at him again, a bright spiritual arrow was inserted in his chest, penetrating his spiritual armor, A third of the arrow's body has disappeared into his body. Several people around saw it clearly and subconsciously exclaimed, "brother Zhang -"

At the moment when they were slightly distracted, more than a dozen spiritual arrows flew in the arrow array. They only heard the muffled sound of fluttering and counting. They were also hit by spiritual arrows on their bodies and fell to the ground one after another.

Pity these people. After falling down, they never had a chance to stand up again. The ensuing arrow array covered them layer by layer. Just in the blink of an eye, their bodies could not be found on the ground. All they could see were black arrow shafts and white feathers.

Watching the companions in front of them drown in the sea of arrows, the Shenchi personnel behind were frightened and lost the courage to continue to rush forward for a time. Their legs didn't listen to orders and retreated quickly.

Now they want to return to the granary turned into a sea of fire. The FengChuan coalition army doesn't want to give them a chance to return. The arrow array is round after round, one wave is better than another, and the Shenchi personnel who fell to the ground with an arrow are one after another.

When the people in Shenchi were overwhelmed by the arrow array of the FengChuan allied army, suddenly, someone shouted, "stop! Stop all!"

The FengChuan allied forces who didn't understand what was going on stopped shooting one after another. After a short time, the crowd moved to the left and right. Huangfu xiutai, Dongfang yehuai lying on the soft collapse and the elders of Yigan Shenchi quickly stepped out of the FengChuan allied forces.

Seeing the arrows planted all over the ground and as dense as weeds, everyone frowned. The FengChuan coalition army was killed. There was no intention of mercy at all.

Dongfang yehuai looked at the remaining dozens of Shenchi children across the street, took a deep breath, and waved to the disciples carrying soft collapse. Several disciples understood and slowly put the soft collapse down.

He looked around at the people in front of him on the collapse and said, "wait, do you still know me?"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one answered. Of course, they know Dongfang yehuai. However, Dongfang yehuai has defected to the FengChuan coalition army. He is a traitor of Shenchi. In this case, wouldn't he also be suspected of betraying Shenchi?

I don't know when, Wei Biao and others who were originally hidden in the granary have also squeezed out. He stood in front of the people, arched his hands to Dongfang yehuai and said, "it's Dongfang elder, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Dongfang yehuai ignored him and said to the crowd, "you have all seen that this place is now surrounded by the FengChuan coalition army. If you resist, there is only a dead end. Is it worth it? Is it worth your life for Guanghan, who is kind on the surface, cruel and cunning in fact?"

"Dongfang, you have betrayed Shenchi and are a traitor of my Shenchi. Now do you still want to incite me to betray with you and bear eternal curse?"

A guard leader's eyes turned red and shouted hoarsely, "since we dare to sneak camp, we have already put life and death aside. Now that the food and grass of the FengChuan coalition army are destroyed, we can also complete our mission. Even if we die, what's the fear?"

"Ha ha -" Huangfu xiutai laughed on his back and shook his head: "fool! Really only fools like you will continue to believe and be loyal to Guanghan listen!"

The guard leader was scolded and his face turned red and white. He glared at Huangfu xiutai and shouted, "Huangfu, what do you mean?"

"Haven't you seen it yet? It's just a trap. There's no grain in the granary. There's only weeds! You just lit a bonfire in the FengChuan coalition camp."

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