Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 18 - Peculiar Invitations


The rest of the show was just as boring and demoralizing.

So many calls from delusional victims. At the end of the show, the ear piece Noah was wearing must have been smoldering and I imagined how it burnt through his ear drums.

I almost fell asleep at some point and only noticed that when Linda's voice made me flinch.

"He looks so greasy, that diva. 'Breaking out' my ass."

Oh, how thrilling! Please tell me exactly what I didn't think.

The only thing that actually grabbed my attention was when Noah spoke a short karma ritual for his viewers, sending good energies and spirtitual fortune their way. I made a mental note to check my KP balance later.

+500 KP (Donation from Noah Capricus)

Pfft, could you imagine?

After the program had ended, Noah came to the dressing room where Linda took off the remains of his melted makeup. Luckily, my attempt at "freshening up" had scared her so much that Linda had decided I would only be watching her for now until I was ready to do it myself.

I didn't complain, it meant that I wouldn't have to touch any makeup any time soon. Or Noah. Which was probably for the better.

"So, Jordan. Why did you decide you wanted to work for Astro TV," Noah asked while looking at me through the turquoise mirror.

Good question. Honestly, I just wanted to reply with "I'm a masochist" but since Noah seemed to be the center of this mission, I decided to not creep him out more than necessary.

"Well, my agency sent me. It's a temporary work company."

I mean that's not a complete lie. I was sent here to work temporarily. And Afterlife Ltd. is a company after all. More like a travel agency but a company nonetheless.

"I mean, I honestly don't care much for astronomy." "Astrology." "Right."

Noah studied my face. Then he smiled.

"Let me guess. You think that we are just a bunch of delusional loonies that scam people out of their money."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Actually, that is exactly what I said earlier.

"No, I mean-"

But he didn't allow me defend myself.

"Let me tell you, astrology is very much real. The universe is full of energies and spirits and those who have the gift to bend them, like me, are bound to share their virtues with others. By blocking yourself from what you can't comprehend, you also block yourself from all the good things the universe has in store for you."

Yeah. Like death.

I wanted to laugh. And with laugh I mean punch him in the face.

What brush do you use to cover up a black-eye?

Despite my record-breaking low mood, I stayed expressionless , studying the grey wallpaper. But that seemed to drive him on even more.

"Tomorrow night I will be hosting a summoning for a client who thinks she is being haunted. Why don't you join me so I can let my powers open your eyes? Linda will be there as well."

The woman grinned. "You should come, it's going to be fun. Unless you're... "She pointed a brush at me. "...too scared."

Scared? Me? I literally am a ghost!

I think I had forgotten that for a second.

I huffed. "Why would I be scared? Sure, I'll come and watch your little theater play. What time?"

Noah smiled at me, he chuckled.

"We'll leave after work together. You won't regret it."

And he winked at me.

But this time, his fortune teller skills failed him.

His prediction was wrong.

I did regret it. Big time.

Had I known what was going to happen, I would have never said yes.

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