Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 24 - Jiu-jitsu Gone Wrong


"Well, hello there stranger."

The man that turns around is barely taller than Isabella, his brown wavy hair is coiffed neatly. He is wearing a dark blue suit and I bet that a single cuff of his could feed an entire family for a week.

This is not how I would have imagined Jasper to look like. After everything she had told me about her ex boyfriend, I had expected him to be a tall hunky dude smoking a cigar. Not a run-of-the-mill socialite slash financial adviser

He raises his thick brows in surprise and smiles at her but his eyes tell a different story. He is shocked.

" here?" He puts down his glass and grabs her hand to kiss it. I want to throw up.

"I heard about what happened, how horrible! Everyone at home is worried, no one knows where you are."

"At 'home'? Since when do we share a home?" Her tone is cold but I can imagine her smiling right now.

"You know what I mean. Our friends…and your dad had to hold a press conference. After all, you were supposed to inherit Green Vision. Where were you?"

She sighs. "It's a long story and I don't know if I'm willing to tell but invite me for dinner and we shall see if I change my mind."

He seems apprehensive but then puts on a fake smile.

"I would love to." Jasper offers his elbow and Isabella grabs it. Together they walk out of the busy bar and make their way to one of the hotel's restaurants.

"You know, we've got so much catching up to do."

She chuckles. "Oh yes. We do."


"I wonder where you got the money from to pay for this place." He looks around the suite, studying the pictures on the wall. Isabella takes off her shoes.

"I don't talk about finances, you know that."

Jasper walks over, smiling. "I know that, angel. By the way, forgive me for not complimenting you. You look beautiful tonight." He grabs her hands and against my expectations, Isabella doesn't pull back.

Damn, she must be an amazing actress. I can't wait for her to start the next phase of our plan.

He sighs. "We've made so many great memories together, bunny. Why did it have to end?"

"Because I didn't want to be your 'bunny', Jasper. Now excuse me, I'll need to use the bathroom." She lets go of his hands and walks over to the toilet, closing and locking the door behind her.

She's not going to pee now, is she? We made a clear rule: No peeing or fucking when I'm conscious!

Isabella steps in front of the mirror and stares straight into her eyes. She whispers.

"Parker, I can't do this. This is too risky, you'll have to do it for me."

Wait, what? My heart drops.

"I'll give you control over the body but it's temporary. You've got five minutes, okay? You know what to do."

She closes her eyes. I want to scream at her, tell her to stop but I don't have access to my own voice.

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Immediately I feel everything heating up, like a laptop that is about to shut down. Then my airy presence becomes heavier, I feel the gravity beneath my feet, forcing me down and I almost fall over.

I stumble back against the shower and quickly grab the object nearest to me which is the towel rack.

Deep breaths. In. And out. Then I slowly let go and look at my hands.

I move one finger, then another. The body reacts to everything I'm doing.

I'm in full control.

Oh my god.

I look into the mirror. Isabella is looking back at me but this time it is me behind her eyes.

I don't want to do this. I really don't. But only this way Isabella will help me. The next five minutes will decide over my life or death.

I quickly unlock the bathroom door to get back to Jasper.

Luckily he doesn't notice my distressed expression because he is currently looking out of the balcony door. I shake my nervousness off and fix my hair.

Ready for phase two.

"Alright so where were we?"

I cringe. Isabella's sweet voice mixed with my words is an odd combination.

Jasper turns around. "We were talking about our shared past and how much fun we used to have." He slowly starts walking closer, his eyes glued to my- Isabella's face.

"There must be a reason you approached me today. You could have just ignored me."

I casually make my way to the bedside table and throw my phone onto the pillow.

"I could have but I didn't. For a very good reason."

Suddenly Jasper grabs me from behind and turns me around.

"You missed me, didn't you?" Barf. "Well bunny, I missed you too, even though you were the one who broke my heart. But how about we forget about that and start over?"

I take his hands off my waist as elegantly as I can and smile.

"You're forgetting one thing, amore."

"And what is that?"

He grins and starts leaning forward, now staring at my lips.

When his breath hits my skin I chuckle. My voice is merely a whisper.

"You tried to kill me."

Before Jasper can realize what I just said, I quickly bend my knee and ram it into his rotten nuts.

"F*CK!" He leans forward, his hands protecting what's left of his crown jewels while he is gasping for air.

I use the distraction to grab the already unplugged table lamp behind me and turn back around to smash it on his ugly head. The cunt yells in pain and fear, then he stumbles but only manages to take a few sad steps before he falls onto his stomach.

The lamp falls down and shatters into ceramic pieces. I grab its cable.

Jasper tries to get up but I quickly sit down on his back and wrap the cable around his throat. Then I pull.

The noises escaping his mouth are beastial, a death rattle coming straight from hell and I couldn't imagine a sweeter sound. His arms are flailing, trying to loosen the cable that is blocking his airway.

"Doesn't feel so good to be strangled, huh?"

Jasper tries to grab me and push me off his back but his pathetic attempts leave me cold. It almost sounds like he is begging for mercy. Mercy that I'm not willing to give.

"Guess what. I saw you in the mirror when you came up behind me, you cunt."

The retching sounds are horrifying, enough to traumatize any involuntary witness. They make me chuckle.

I let go of the cable but before Jasper can gasp for air, I grab his head, lift it up and smash it onto the ground.

Immediately, his body goes limp, his head rolls around and I don't need to check his face to know that he has passed out. For a second I worry that I might have gone too far but then I remember that this man is a murderer.

'Too far' doesn't exist. This is what he deserved.

I get up and take a deep breath, high-fiving my inner self. Then I pull Jasper until he is leaning against the bed.

Alright. Done.

Time to google some sturdy knots.

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