Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 28 - Another Day At The Hospital


"Who eats peanuts when they know that they are allergic?"

I rub my face with tired hands, today was clearly too much for me and it's not even dinner time yet. I'll still have to work later.

God, give me strength.

"He was very lucky, the swelling was so advanced that it would have almost been fatal. But there is something that concerns me more."

The doctor standing next to Jasper's bed, taps with his pen against his cleanly shaved chin, looking at the unconscious man.

"The marks around his neck and the wound on his forehead suggest that there's been a physical altercation. Do you know anything about that?"

I bite my lip.

God, I would love to just tell him the truth, tell him how Isabella attacked Jasper and tied him up.

But I can't.

"He was a bit drunk yesterday and fell. I said we should go to the hospital but he refused."

The lie came out so smoothly, I'm almost ashamed.

The doctor doesn't seem convinced. "And what about the strangulation marks? Was that an accident as well?"

"Uhm…" I start playing with my fingers. "N-no, we're a...couple. We do that...sort of stuff. You know?"

He slowly nods.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with BDSM but you should be careful nonetheless. The marks are quite strong, maybe don't go as hard next time."

Ground, open up and swallow me whole.

"Y-yes. Sorry."

"Oh, apologize to your partner, not me. Although it will take a while before he can properly talk again. The swelling of his tongue didn't leave us with much choice."

"What did you do?"

I look at Jasper but I don't dare to step closer. I'm not a big fan of hospitals and his grey face looks absolutely horrifying. Like a ghost.

"We gave him IV hydrocort and phenergan. Standard protocol. But his tongue was still swelling and oxygen Sats dropped to 60. So we cric-ed him to secure the airway."

"Sorry, what does that mean?"

"Basically, we cut a hole into his throat so he could breathe again."

A hole? My stomach turns. I feel like I'm about to throw up.

"Sorry, I need some...air." I stumble out of the hospital room and into the hallway.

I try to breathe in deeply but the smell of hand sanitizer and puke makes it even worse. I lean against the wall and cover my eyes with my hands, hoping it will go away.

Suddenly I wish Isabella was here, she'd know how to calm me down.

But then again, she caused all this stress. It's her fault.


My eyes shoot open but sadly the woman approaching me is not my girlfriend. (Or ex girlfriend?)

It's Kira.

She doesn't look too thrilled to see me but is still intrigued enough to approach my feeble frame.

"What are you doing here? You okay?"

"I could ask you the same." I notice how she is holding her shoulder. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"I pulled a muscle during yoga. It happens."

I nod. She nods too. We stand there in silence.


"By the way, are you and that woman...uh...Isabella dating?"

"Why?" I cross my arms.

I know Kira and I know that she doesn't like me. Maybe she is just waiting for me to admit it so she can tell management and get me kicked out. Or so she can talk petty smack behind my back.

"Has she ever mentioned Jordan?"

"Jordan? No?"

Kira sighs. She looks down at her hands.

"I was hoping. He left, you know? His grandma is sick. But he didn't say goodbye and I don't know when he is coming back. I just…"

She sniffs. Don't tell me, she is crying now. I don't know if I can handle that.

"I saw there's going to be Tiramisu at the buffet tonight. That's his favorite food, you know? I'm really worried."

I take a deep breath.

Then I hug her.

First Kira tenses up but then she returns the gesture. I pat her back as she sniffs into my shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll come back." This standard phrase slipped over my lips so quickly that I didn't even notice the lie. So I quickly add: "And if not, that's his loss."

Kira chuckles, then she lets go. "Thanks."

She carefully dabs her lashes, catching the excess mascara.

"Yeah, no worries. I gotta go now. Get well soon." I smile at her and Kira smiles back.

Then I make my way to find the exit.

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