Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 43 - You Forgot Your Own Birthday?


Judy is still sitting at the table, thank god. But once I get closer, I notice that something has happened to my cake.

A candle is sticking inside of it.

And it's lit.

"What is this? Did I miss our anniversary or something?" 

Shit, did I? My mind immediately starts going through a list of possible excuses.

At the sound of my voice, Judy jumps up and pulls me into a big hug.

"I didn't forget it. But you seemed so stressed all day long, I was waiting for the right moment."

She kisses my cheek softly, her face shining with joy.

"Happy Birthday!"

I blink once.

Then twice.


"I wish you all the best, Isa. All the health and happiness in the world. You're the most amazing person I've ever met and I'm blessed to be by your side."

I still don't know how to react, so I just stare at her.

Finally, Judy notices and furrows her brows. "What?"

I shake my head. "I just...I think I forgot. But it's today, yeah. You're right. Thank you."

"You forgot your own birthday? Did no one else congratulate you?"


I unlock my phone and look at my notifications. 35 texts. 60 emails. 7 missed calls.

"I didn't check."

I sit down on the chair and put away my phone again. Judy is still standing.

She now looks more upset then ever.

"I'm sorry but are you sure that you're okay? This isn't normal, especially not for you. You're acting so strangely. You keep forgetting things, you're anxious, you don't even want to have sex anymore. Maybe it was all too much for you after all. Maybe you should…"

"What? Go back to therapy?"

Judy bites her lip.

My mouth drops open, then I shake my head. I try my hardest to keep my voice from exploding.

"For God's sake, I was busy, okay? One day of not looking at my phone. That's it."

"But Jeremy said-"

"He had to say, he is a therapist. I'm fine. F*ck, why can't you just believe me?"

Judy swallows. I can now see how tears are forming in her eyes.

"No, don't cry." I want to get up and hug her but I'm too upset.

She shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Isa. But when you're worried about a loved one you keep pushing. I will not let you act like you're fine because of your stupid pride. You're getting worse, I can see that. But I won't just watch."

I nod. "Can you sit down, please?"

She does so and stares at me, trying her best to find an answer hidden in my mimics.

But I am no longer an open book.

"Okay baby, listen. I get that. And yes, I am stressed and more than I should be. But I am not in need of therapy or any other kind of help."

Judy huffs and looks away.

"The best thing you can do is to be as amazing as you always are."

"But I'm not a professional."

I shake my head and put on a smile. "I don't need a professional. Really. I'm so thankful that you remembered my birthday, I don't know why I forgot. But it doesn't matter. It just happened. People forget things. Okay?"

"Okay. But Isa…"


She looks at my plate.

"You should blow out the candle or your cake will burn."

I look down at the coconut pie and the melting birthday candle. A quick blow and the flame disappears.

"You're my life-saver, baby."

"I know."

I grab my fork and dig it into the creamy goodness. Then I hold it in front of Judy's mouth.

"But it's your cake."

"You have to try to make sure it's not poisoned."

She rolls her eyes playfully but tests the pie.

Her eyes widen. "That's actually really good. I should have ordered some as well."

"Wait, you got some on your lip."

I wink and lean forward. Judy does the same.

And then we kiss.

It's a sweet kiss, not only because of the coconut cream.

"I'm sorry about getting mad. I should appreciate your concerns instead of pushing you away."

My girlfriend nods. "Yes but I shouldn't be so pushy either."

"It's okay."

I look at her for a little while.

How blessed am I to have her by my side?

Most days it feels like I have nobody but Judy. 

Sure, I have other friends and relatives but nobody I can be fully honest with.

If I was to lose her...I don't know how I would cope with that.

Of course this dependance worries me but I try to push the thoughts away.

Judy and I are meant to last. I know that.

I smile at her.

"Oh and one more thing, baby. I do want to have sex with you. It's just been a lot lately."

She blushes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Judy's eyes shy away but I grab a strand of her cool brown hair, tucking it behind her ear.

"No, you are right. I've left you hanging lately. But I promise I'll make up for you soon."

Judy grins. "Maybe at your birthday party?"

"My what?"

Oh god, not only have I forgotten my own birthday but also the fact that I am socially required to throw a party where I will see all the people I've been trying to avoid since my return. 

Hours of awkward conversations, trying to dismiss the elephant in the room.

"Lord have mercy."

"Don't worry, I'll help you plan. It doesn't have to be too big, just a small get-together. We could even celebrate at home. I'll make quiche."

"You know how to make quiche?"

Judy shrugs. "No, but I'll learn it."

All I can do is smile. "Okay, if you make a quiche, I'll throw a party. Does that sound like a deal?"

Judy grabs my hand to shake it. 

"Deal.. And now finish your cake or I will."

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