Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 45 - Come Alone... X



I rip open the door to the dressing room and look for the dark haired boy.??

Sitting on one of the chairs, he turns around calmly and scans me up and down.

"Judy, you're 15 minutes late."

"Oh, and you know why, don't you?"

I rush over to him and throw my phone onto his lap.

He sighs. "No, I don't. What is this drama for?"

"Read it!"

Michigan rolls his eyes and picks up the phone to look at it. After a few seconds, he shrugs.


"SO? Did the hairspray kill off all of your brain cells?"

I rip my phone out of his hands and clear my throat. Still, my voice is shaking.

"Newsflash: According to an insider, millionaire's daughter Isabella Green has come out as a lesbian. She was spotted at the Italian Restaurant Adolfo a few days ago, accompanied by her 16 years younger lover. The two of them were publically canoodling and grabbing all attention."

I stare at Michigan. He is just smiling.

My anger keeps growing. "There are pictures of us kissing in there. There even is a f*cking poll at the end. 'What do you think about the age gap?' 40% said 'That's Hot' and the other 60% chose 'Kinda Creepy'. Do you think it's appropriate that strangers judge our relationship?"

Michigan sighs and turns back to his mirror.??

"That is what happens when you bait a trash magazine. You guys should have been more careful."

"Oh no, don't act dumb." I grab his chair and turn it back around, making sure Michigan can't escape.??

"I know that you were the one who sold them the story. You were so fake when meeting Isabella. You tried to get something scandalous out of her. And then, when you got your story, you took those pictures as proof. Am I right or am I right?"

He smiles and bats his lashes innocently. "Why would I do something like that?"

"Because you.." I dig my finger into his chest. "You wanted to ruin my chances at getting that feature. You are trying to tarnish my reputation."

"What reputation, Judy? You're a nobody. No one knows who you are."

"Well, now they do!" I'm tempted to punch him in the face so I distance myself a bit.??

"But not only my reputation, Isa's as well. When she sees this. Or her colleagues. She told you that she hasn't come out yet!"

Michigan gets up from his chair and looks into the mirror, straightening his shirt.

"Well, I guess she won't have to worry about that anymore. You're welcome."

My mouth drops open. Did he really just admit that he is behind all of this?

The anger is cooking inside my stomach. My hands form fists.

"I'm going to beat you up."

He laughs. "Try me, bitch. I'd knock you out in five seconds. Why don't you go cry to your mama? Maybe she'll let you suck her tits."

I shake my head. "You're disgusting."??

"Whatever, princess. You should start getting ready for rehearsal."


I try to sneak past the reception but the woman sitting behind the desk stops me.

"Hello Miss, can I help you?"

She looks me up and down, probably wondering what department I could possibly belong to.

"Yeah, I need to speak to-"


I swirl around and see how Nadim is approaching me.

Oh dammit. I remember the first and last time we met each other and immediately all blood shoots into my cheeks.

"Are you here for Isabella? She is on lunch break."

"O-oh. I guess I'll just wait then?"

"Here? No, come with me. You can wait in my office."

He signals me to follow and so I do.

We walk down the hallway, ride the elevator and get through another corridor until we finally reach his office.

All the while neither of us is saying a single word and I start getting uncomfortable.

But then Nadim pulls a chair over for me and asks if I want some Koulourakias and with one of the Greek cookies in my mouth, I try to relax.

Nadim sips on his coffee. "Any specific reason for your visit?"

"No." I shake my head and smile. But then I sigh.

"I mean, yes. I don't know if you've seen yet but-"

"The news article? I saw it like half an hour ago."

My stomach starts twisting. "Fuck."

"Don't worry, I don't think she has seen it yet. But once she does..." He pops his tongue, leaving the sentence unfinished.

"This is awful."

"It kind of is. I don't know if she has told you about the takeover but Isabella is in charge of it and this will definitely cause some commotion. Maybe I should ask PR to come up with a plan?"

God, a PR campaign for damage limitation because of one article?

"It's that bad?"

Nadim sighs. "NeYonCity is a young startup but that doesn't guarantee that their management is open-minded. And the way this article was written wasn't very...flattering."


Fuck. This trash magazine is seriously endangering both of our careers. And all of that because of Michigan. Fucking Michigan Lake.

I look up at Nadim. "Is it okay if I wait in Isa's office? I...need to collect my thoughts."

He smiles mildly.

"Of course. Ask Tamara to unlock it for you. But Judy, try to not worry too much. Okay?"


I get up from the chair and grab another Koulourakia. "As a travel snack."

Nadim grins. "Her office is right across the hallway."

I just hold a finger in front of my mouth and grin. "Shh."


The office is empty as expected but the scent of perfume hanging in the air, despite the opened window, tells me that Isabella didn't leave too long ago.??

Should I sneak around a bit? This is the perfect opportunity to find out more about her job but if someone walks in, I'm screwed.??

Unlike I had expected, the desk isn't clean and neat. Papers are lying around everywhere. Did a wind gust brush through the room and mess everything up? Or was Isa frantically searching for something?

I smell a mystery and my curious heart starts beating faster.

Looking through the papers on the desk, I don't really understand much, the business lingo is like its own secret code.??

Judging from the things I do understand, she has been preparing the takeover. Probably gathering information and forming strategies. Or something. This is really not my specialty.

I pull open one of the drawers and the first thing that catches my eye is a business card from NeYonCity. The bright logo suits the name and I take it out to have a closer look.??

But really, there is no interesting information. Only a phone number, an email address and the name of what I assume is the contact person. I turn the card around.

A short, handwritten message covers the white background.

'Tomorrow night, 9pm.

Ruby Dome.

Roulette table.

Come alone... x'

I furrow my eyebrows. This is not Isa's handwriting but definitely the one of a woman.

Is this related to the business deal? But why are they meeting at a casino? And why would the person send her a kiss?

My heart is beating faster, a bad feeling is pulling my stomach together.

Is this a date?

Is my girlfriend seeing somebody else?

"No, the sandwiches were awful this time!" I hear Isa's voice right outside her office. Shit, she is back already!

Quickly, I put the business card back into the drawer and throw it shut. Then I sit down on the chair, acting like I haven't been doing anything at all.

But my heart is still pumping. If I want to find out the truth behind this suggestive invitation, I'll have to go undercover myself. And I'm not sure if I will like the answer I'm looking for.

I guess it's time to gamble.

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