Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 87 - When In Doubt, Greece It Out

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After we had arrived at the convention center, the receptionist had led us to a big hall, where a small part of it was separated with dividers to create a space for the auction.

When Isa had offered to buy me new clothes I had refused but now, in the middle of suit wearing men and women in costumes, I feel a bit silly in Olivia's pink dress. The fabric is decorated with small strawberries but I honestly don't feel very fruity right now.

Neither of us has ever been to an auction before but Isabella somehow manages to portray the opposite. With thorough gazes she examines what is being portrayed on the small stage.

Paintings, lamps, cutlery. There is lots to look at. The website had mentioned this preview period. All those interested were able to come three hours before the auction starts to view the items before registering. 

I slightly nudge her and whisper quietly, making sure nobody but Isa can hear me.

"Did you find the coins yet?"

She nods. "In the back on the left. On the table. But we can't show any interest yet. That would be suspicious."

Then she slightly increases the volume of her voice, loud enough so that others listening could understand what she is saying.

"There it is!"

She walks over to a small, wooden side table with a jewelry box residing on top of it.

The plastic lid lets us look at a beautiful silver necklace. It is quite simple and discreet but the pendant catches my eye.

A silver half moon is studded with tiny Swarovsky crystals, making it sparkle without any movement.

I'm not the type of girl to fall head over heels for jewelry but this necklace is quite something.

"This is the one I saw online! What do you think?"

I look at Isabella confused, not quite sure what she is talking about but then I understand. 

This is a red herring.

We are two women, interested in a pretty necklace. We are not Judy and Isabella, on the hunt for those gold coins.

I quickly nod. "Yes, it's beautiful. Are you going to try buying it?"

"Definitely. It would go amazingly with a pair of earrings I own."

Suddenly, a man steps next to us. He is wearing a very fancy looking suit. The smile on his face is smug.

"Good afternoon, ladies. Is this your first time at an auction? I am quite experienced, you must know so should you need any help-"

"Thank you," I interrupt him before I can stop myself. "But we know what to do."

Isabella looks at me surprised. And so am I. Where did this confidence suddenly come from?

The man chuckles lightly. "I have been attending auctions for the past 20 years. If you want expert advi-"

"And you surely look like it," Isabella counters.

The man stares at her. "Excuse me?"

"If I was to spend 20 years of my life between antiques, I'd start looking like one as well. Please excuse us now."

She grabs my free hand, the other one is in front of my mouth so I can stop myself from laughing. Isabella pulls me away from the stage as I hear the man mutter 'What a whore'.

For that comment alone I'd like to kick him in the ass.

"Men are like flies on a cow patty. You just can't get rid of them," Isa mumbles.

"But we did."

"Oh yes."

She lets go of my hand again as we stop in front of a table. Behind it sits the auctioneer.

He looks at us through horn-rimmed glasses.

"Would you like to register?"

"Yes, please."

He hands us a form each and we grab them to find a quiet place to sit down and fill them out.

Once we are seated, Isabella looks at me. "Did you bring them?"

"Yes." I open my purse and pull out two fake IDs.

Isa examines them. "I don't know how your boy toy got these that quickly and I'd rather not ask."

"He is not my boy toy," I groan, trying to defend Michigan.

I too don't know how exactly he got these IDs but he seems to know someone who knows someone. Isabella should appreciate his help instead of making immature comments.

I check my ID. Olivia Marianne Tempa. Birthday March 13th 1997. Address...Corfu?

"Uhm, Isa?"


"Where is Corfu?"


I stare at her. "Greece?"

"Yeah, did you not check the information I asked you to send to Michigan? I chose Corfu as our address."

No, I had not checked the information. Everything else was already stressful enough.

"But...we don't live in Greece. Does this address even exist? Won't they find out?"

"Ssh." Isa glares at me and I notice that my voice has become a bit too loud.

"It does exist, I have a house there."


"It's an investment. I don't actually live there. You buy a house and hope for it to gain value so you sell it again."

"So it's not like a holiday home?" I question.

"No but it could be. Why, do you wanna go?" She snorts disparagingly. 

I feel the blood rush into my cheeks. "N-no, I was just surprised because you've never told me."


We fall back into awkward silence as I start filling out the information. 

It is hard to concentrate though, as I keep wondering what else Isabella might have been hiding from me.

After a few minutes, she clears her throat speaks up again. "I used to have a holiday home in Italy but I sold it about 2 years ago."


"I had nobody to go with me," she says. And if I'm not mistaken, there is a certain sadness in her voice.

I bite my lip. 

It makes sense, why have a house in Italy when you're single most of the time?

I look at Isabella. "Do you...want to settle down? Long-term? When we were dating, were you wishing that-"

She interrupts me by rolling her eyes. "No, Judy. I wish to survive. Are you done already?"

She rips the paper out of my hand and walks back to the auctioneer.

Staring after her, I'm annoyed by the sudden mood swing. 

I guess I hit a sore spot.

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