Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 93 - The Mountain Hut


Cold, cutting air brushes over my face and I pull the coat tighter around my shivering body.

I take in the beautiful white all around me, everything looks like a winter wonderland.

The tall mountains, the softly falling snow, the dark green pine trees. All that is missing are Christmas songs and a cup of mulled wine.

When I used to be little, my parents took us to Colorado a few times. I learnt how to ski and even snowboard. But I'm pretty sure that by now I've forgotten everything. If I tried either of those, I'd fall flat on my face within seconds.

I slowly walk over to Isabella, who is leaning against a tree, watching the slope.

The furry hat she is wearing reminds me of something I've seen in old Russian movies. An elegant accessory that keeps one's ears warm.


She turns to me and smiles. "Hello."

I wait for her to say anything else but instead she just stares at me.

I sigh. 


A robotic voice echoes out of the sky. "How can I help you?"

"Is there a way you can make her a bit more...real? Like, give her a personality?"

I look at Isabella but her dead eyes really creep me out. How didn't I notice this last time?

"I have data packs for all humans, including Isabella Green. Would you like for me to download an Add-On from my library? Please note that this may overwrite some real life data."

Okay, I have no idea what that means. But can't be too important.

"Yes, please."

"Okay. I am downloading. This might take a minute. Please wait."

I turn to the slope and watch skiers speeding down the snowy hill. We must be pretty high up as looking down the mountain makes me feel a bit dizzy. At the foot I can see restaurants and hotels, all life seems to be down there.

I guess my subconsciousness was yearning for something more...isolated. And private.

"Download complete."

I swirl around to Isabella. She chuckles and puts one of her hands against my face. It is covered in a wool glove.

"Your nose is red. Are you cold?"

Okay. That's way more realistic.

"I am."

"Maybe we should go inside?"

She softly takes my hand.

"Did I tell you I've got a house in Switzerland?"

No, she didn't. Probably because in reality it's not true. But in DREAMS, I can make anything become real. Even a house in Switzerland.

"You did, that's why you invited me. Remember?" I tease her.

Isabella chuckles. "Of course. I was joking. Let's go."

Holding hands, we walk away from the slope and instead enter the woods.

Huge pine trees tower above us as we follow a narrow foot path, leading us further away from civilization.

I have always loved the woods. My dad raised me and my brother to be nature lovers, someone he could take hunting or fishing. In another life, I would have been the perfect son.

Together with Isabella this of course feels different. Much more tender. But just as intense.

"How far away is your house?"

"Only a few more minutes. It's a bit secluded but you will love it, I promise."

The way she talks and walks - If I didn't know better, I'd think that she is real. 

"Am I dreaming?" I ask. Just to make sure.

Isabella doesn't answer.

"Are you real?"

Still no answer. Good.

I don't want to take any risks.

"Look, we are almost there."

She points between the trees and I can see a grey brick wall peeking through.

"Maybe you should take a warm bath, I don't want you to get sick."

As amazing as a bubble bath sounds, that is not what I'm here for.

"Maybe later."

After another minute we finally arrive. And all I can do is gawk.

The two story stone house is located right next to a small lake, surrounded completely by trees. In the distance you can see the majestic mountains painting their shapes into the sky. 

"Please tell me you've got a jacuzzi on your patio."

"How did you know?"

Because I just created it.

Isabella unlocks the front door and leads me inside. 

My body hungrily absorbs the warmth radiating from the lit fireplace. How convenient. 

I take off my jacket and hang it over the antlers next to the door.

"Are these real?"

Isa doesn't answer. Of course. How would she know? I decide whether they are real or not.

"I once killed a rabbit, when I was 12. That wasn't very fun."

Isa smirks. "But gutting fish is?"

"You still remember that?"

I follow her into the kitchen. The 19th century interior looks warm and homely, completely different from the modern apartment in NYC.

Exposed brick covers the wall and a picture is hanging above the pantry, showing a beautiful nature scene. Dark pine trees mysteriously tower above ground. It looks exactly like the outside, just less snowy.

"Would you like some milf and cookies?"

I turn to Isabella. "What did you just say?"

"I asked if you wanted some milk and cookies."

"No, you said milf."

Right? Or am I hearing things?

"Are you having lewd thoughts?" Isabella grabs my hand and pulls me closer. I look into her eyes.

Although they are missing that one spark that makes them lively, she looks happy right now. And me? Am I happy?

"I want you so bad, baby."

She buries her face in my neck and I can feel my skin tingle. 

"I want you too."

Isa cups my face with warm hands. "Why don't we go upstairs and-"

Then she freezes.

I wait for a second. "Hello?" But Isabella doesn't move.

"What the fuck." I free myself out of her grip. That's when a loud beeping noise breaks through the silence. What is this? My alarm clock? The fire alert?

"Attention," Lexa's voice resounds from above. "Intruder alert. The DREAMS barrier has been broken. I am preparing a controlled awakening. Please be careful."

Intruder alert? Excuse me?

I quickly grab a knife from the kitchen counter, not sure why and how it will help me but it makes me feel a tiny bit safer.

Now where is that fucker?

Leaving Isabella standing, I sneak out of the kitchen and into the living room. A huge window front showcases the dark lake and suddenly I feel like I'm in a horror movie.

Did we lock the door? Will a murderer press their face against the glass and wave a dead rabbit at me?

"Lexa?" I whisper.

"AI assistant currently unavailable. Please wait."


I press myself against the wall and slowly extend my arm to turn off the light switch.

Standing in the dark isn't any less terrifying but I hope that this way whoever is out there won't spot me that easily.

I take a deep breath and grab the knife tightly.

It's fine. It's just a dream. This is probably just a bug.

"Fun fact, I can see in the dark."

I scream and stumble away from the voice, almost falling. I'm barely able to hold onto the counter before I can smash my head on it.

"Chill." The light gets turned on and I stare into the face of Nox.

"You have to work on that. Fear won't help you when fighting the mayor."


Nox comes closer and offers me a hend so I can get up again. Then she looks at Isabella.

"Were you guys having some fun?" She snorts. "This is morally so wrong. I'm impressed."

"What do you want? I thought you're in Heaven?"

"Oh, I am."

Nox takes the knife out of my hand and puts it down.

"Clemens and I have been preparing things. As much as I'd love to, we can't do this without you guys. So, here you go."

Her hand disappears inside her pocket and she pulls out a crystal.

"What is this?"

"The one we stole from under Parker's bed. You'll need it."

Reluctantly, I take the gem and look at it. 

"Like the one Jasper had?"

"Yes. This one opens the gate to Heaven. We used it to get in, now you will have to do the same."

"Right." That makes complete sense. Haha.

Lexa's voice echoes through the air. "Preparation completed. Dreamer will wake up in one minute."

One minute. That's not enough time!

"How do we use the crystal?"

"Walter will know. By the way, Judy. This right here…" She motions around. "This DREAMS thing might be dangerous. I'm 99% sure that it wasn't created by Afterlife. Somebody is using it to farm karma and they have complete control. Don't use it anymore, okay? Just grow some balls and talk to your crush. There's no need for this."

"Waking up in 10 seconds," Lexa announces.


"I'll see you guys in Heaven, okay? Prepare for the worst."

With those last words, Nox disappears right in front of my eyes.

"3. 2. 1."

And then I do the same.

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