Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 95 - The Last Day On Earth


I knew that new outpost referred to the crypt but had secretly hoped Walter might have meant something else.

It took a good two hours for him to move back all of his machines. The materializer, the cool boxes with our bodies inside - only after several hours everything was back at the place where it was built. The crypt is crammed with all the stuff and there is hardly any air to breathe. But that might also be due to the fact that we are six feet under. Those that usually stay in here don't have to breathe anyway.

The group has decided on leaving during the night to make sure we don't have any unwanted witnesses.

Being back inside an Afterlife body is a weird feeling but Walter did a good job recreating me. Apart from a few tiny details like the missing mole I usually carry above my right knee, this copy could even deceive my own parents.

Speaking of parents, I had made a call earlier to talk to them. God knows how long I will be gone. Maybe I will never even return. Going to Hell had almost killed me - and those were the good guys! 

If I can believe what Stan told me, we are going right into the lion's den. 

But before that, I first have to talk to the ghost. Walter had offered to join me and with offered I meant forced me to let him tag along. I could have done this on my own but he wants to make sure that we will get all the information.

Unlike last time, a few visitors are walking around the graveyard, wandering through between the trees, enjoying the early spring.

Luckily, the Mozart grave is empty. Still, I pull the hood over my head. If anyone catches me talking to a ghost, I'll throw myself off the next bridge.

Walter follows as I walk over to the small monument.

"Psst. Annika. Are you there?"

No answer. 

Last time I triggered her was when I was touching the flowers so I decide to kneel down.

"Annie," I hiss. "You there?"

"Did you just call me Annie?"

The voice is right next to my ear and I flinch. Stumbling, I almost fall over but Walter quickly grabs my arm.

"Do not call me Annie or I will slit your throat open."

Damn, those Austrians have no chill whatsoever. 

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. I came to tell you that I found the coin."

"Where is it?"

I feel her spirit rush around me like a soft breeze. "Give it to me!"

"I would but...I can't."

A pause follows.


"The coin was stolen by our enemies who- OW!"

I angrily turn around to Walter who mercilessly had kicked my leg.

"Do you really want to tell her everything? That's dangerous."

"Tell me what?"

Annika is floating in front of us. Her voice is sharp like a knife. "Give. Me. The. Coin."

I sigh. "Listen, bitch. We are on a mission to save humanity. Okay? Those coins protect us from our enemies. If we put your coin here, they'd know where we are."

"I see."

Walter furrows his brows. "You do?"

"Yes. I know you, Parker. You are sort of a legend amongst ghosts after what had happened. I knew who you were from the second I first saw you."

I can feel myself blush. "A legend? Why am I-"

Walter interrupts me. "What my friend is trying to say is: Do you have any information that could be helpful for us?"


She flies away a bit. 

"Actually, I do. I wasn't planning on telling you this but...the woman who stole the coin, she dropped something. I left it on the grave, it's the small linen bag. If it helps you, I guess you can have it."

"Linen bag you said?"

Walter already rushes over to the grave and kneels down to look through the flowers.

"I can't find it. Wait."

He isn't very tender with the plants and I notice how two women walk past us, looking quite disturbed. Great.

"My friend lost his contact lenses," I blurt out. Completely disregarding the fact that Walter is wearing glasses.

The women look at each other and then hurry away.

Ground, please open up and swallow me whole.

"I got it!" Walter jumps up, tightly holding onto the bag.

He shakes it. "Feels like there is something inside. Maybe marbles?"

"Well, open it already!" 

I step closer as he pulls on the thin string.

The bag opens and his fingers glide inside to pull out four white glowing marbles.

"What are those?"

Walter examines them. "No idea but they do look important."

He puts the marbles into the bag and closes it again before he glides it into his backpack.


Annika's voice resounds from his left. "Yes?"

"Thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated."

"I did this for Parker, not you. Now both of you f*ck off."


Neither Judy nor Isabella had any idea regarding the glowy marbles but we all decided that they are important enough to take with us. 

Another decision we had made was to enjoy a little picnic in the dark before we leave for good.

I don't know where the others got the beer and nachos from but I make sure to enjoy every last bit of it, not knowing if food even exists in Heaven.

What if all they have is wine and bread? 

I shoo an ant off my leg and take another sip from the bottle.

"I've never had Austrian beer before."

"I hate beer," Isabella groans.

"Of course you do."

I look up into the night sky. The four of us had chosen a spot slightly hidden behind bushes. Just to make sure nobody can find us. 

Where I'm from, such overgrown graveyards don't exist. They are usually a yellow plain, the tombstones are lined up neatly and surrounded by white pebbles. No trees, no wilderness. No ants. And definitely enough lightning, even at night.

"I'll miss this," Judy sighs.

"What exactly?"

"I don't know...everything. Earth."

Very poetic. I'm not sure if I'll miss anything. Actually, maybe a new environment will be nice.

I remember Hell and how it had made me feel. So calm, grounded, safe. Quite ironic, actually. 

Walter sits up. "We don't know what Heaven looks like. Well, I know a little bit because I used to work for the Mayor. But I think overall we should just wait and see."

"What exactly did you do?" Isabella wants to know. "And why did you stop?"

"I had to stop in order to plan all this. I had to make sure nobody could localize me. And regarding my job, I helped code things like items and even a little world. Basically, what I know is that in Heaven you can purchase things to create your own little paradise."

I snort. "And how do you pay? With KP?"

Walter's face is answer enough.

"That should have been the first red flag."

"It should but I didn't think about it like that. I was happy to help create something and use my skills for legal things. When we are there, maybe we can visit the world I built. I'm sure you- What is that?"

Walter leans forward and peeks through between the bushes to where the foot path is.

I follow his eyes and catch a bright cone of light. Then we hear a voice.

"Hello, where are you?"

The voice sounds familiar but I don't recognize it right away.

"Come out, bunny. No need to act shy."

"F*ck." Isa jumps up and before I can stop her, she fights herself through the bushes until she is out of sight.

"What are you doing here?" she shouts.

Jasper laughs. "I've been dying to say thank you for what happened the last time we saw each other."

"How did you find me?"

"I've been tracking your phone, bunny. A lover has his ways. Now give me back my crystal."

"Or what?"

Jasper chuckles.

Walter, Judy and I exchange glances. 

"You won't give it back, am I right?"

"I don't have it."

"Oh? Well then, nevermind."

A gunshot breaks through the silence and I stumble up to run to Isabella, Judy and Walter do the same.

"ISA!" I yell.

She is lying on the floor, blood streaming out of her stomach. But she is awake.

Because the blood isn't real.

I help her up, Walter tries to tackle Jasper but without success.

The man is gobsmacked when Isabella looks at him.

"You think you can kill me?"

"You whore, are you…"

Once Isabella is standing safely, I let go of her to send my fist into Jasper's face. He screams.

"You cunt! You guys are all crazy!"

I ignore his comment and turn around to my friend but Judy is already taking care of her.

Now with his opponent being hurt, Walter has better chances at getting a hold of him.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get you away from here."

He pulls out his teleportation device and the next moment, they are gone. 

Surprised, I look at where they were just standing.

"What just happened?" I think out loud as I scratch my head.

"I got shot. But I'm fine. Being a robot is awesome."

I look at Isabella sceptically. "Are you sure? What if this damaged your system? Maybe we should get you out of there and-"

"No, we don't have time. We can't delay this even more. I'll be fine."

I want to protest but at that moment Walter reappears with a white flash, this time without Jasper.

He smiles proudly.

"The psycho is safely parked in Peru. Now, who wants to go to Heaven?"

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