The people in the village walked in an indescribable strange way.

The posture... is not coordinated.

They stumble when they walk.

It's just like being drunk.

Zhao Yi looked at them for a while. These people gathered together and seemed to be discussing something. They didn't force Xiaoyi, nor did they hurt her.

Because he couldn't hear what they were saying, Zhao Yi could only continue to look up and look at the high mountain in the distance.

All the villagers of Zili Village had entered the mountain before, and they didn't know what secrets were there.

Unfortunately, the whole mountain was shrouded by a mysterious force.

Zhao Yi's evil pupils couldn't even analyze any data from there.

"What is in the mountain?"

"It can actually block the power of the evil pupil..."

He was very interested.

After absorbing the spiritual power of the heart of the half-step great evil Blitz, Zhao Yi's dark personality evolved to a new state, which was much more powerful than before.

The evil pupil of the dark personality can also see more detailed information than before.

But in front of the back mountain of Zili Village, the power of the evil pupil seemed a little insufficient.

"Is there a great evil in there?"

Standing on the hill, the view was very good.

Zhao Yi paid attention to the terrain and topography.

There is only one road leading to the mountain in Zili Village.

In other words, if Zhao Yi wants to go to that mountain, he must pass through most of the village.

This road is undoubtedly very dangerous!

He is likely to meet the villagers of Zili Village head-on!

But not going to the back mountain is not an option.

Whether it is to find Sun Baibai, or to find the statue that the warehouse ghost wants, or to find a way to break the curse on himself...

The back mountain of Zili Village obviously has extremely important clues!

Zhao Yi had a premonition.

That was the source of all the weirdness in Zili Village!

Inside the village.

A group of villagers gathered around Fang Xiaoyi, looking worried.

"This girl is so pitiful. She must have been frightened by the bell on the mountain..."


"I think it would be better to let Miss Fang go to my house to rest for a while, eat something delicious, and recover her energy!"

A sturdy woman patted her chest and volunteered.

The hunchbacked old man with a cane beside her sneered:

"Dongmei, there are rules in the village, take turns."

"It was your turn last time... What, you tasted the sweetness and can't stop?"

The woman called Dongmei laughed:

"Mr. Zhang, look at what you said... I was just joking..."

"How dare I, a woman, break the rules set by the village chief..."

Mr. Zhang stamped his cane.

"Whose turn is it this time?"

A sturdy man raised his hand.

"It's my turn, Mr. Zhang."

Mr. Zhang checked the list in his hand.


"Wang Long, OK... You take this girl back to rest first, and give her some food to slow down!"

Wang Long agreed, squatted down, looked at Fang Xiaoyi and said gently:

"Miss Fang, go to my place to rest for a while."

Fang Xiaoyi recovered a little at this time, and looking at the concerned expressions of the villagers around her, she relaxed a little.

It seems that these villagers... are not as scary as the rumors say!

A bunch of cowards, really...

Especially that damn Zhou Junqiang!

On the surface, he kept saying that he would be responsible for himself and protect himself.

He really ran away when something happened!

In his heart, Fang Xiaoyi greeted Zhou Junqiang's ancestors one by one, and with the help of Wang Long, he went to his home.

"Sit for a while, I'll make you food."

Wang Long grinned at Fang Xiaoyi, locked the door with his backhand, and then went to the kitchen.

Fang Xiaoyi had almost recovered by now, and her mind was no longer as groggy as before.

She began to find something wrong——

Why did this man named Wang Long lock the door?

Fang Xiaoyi stood up and came to the door. Looking at the lock, her pupils condensed slightly.


This lock... is an old-fashioned lock!

It is not two-in-one with the door.

This means that only with the key can the lock be opened!

She... is locked in this place!

Inexplicably, Fang Xiaoyi's hair stood up.

Why did this Wang Long lock himself?

What does he want to do?


The kitchen suddenly flickered with fire, and as Wang Long worked hard to cook, a nauseating smell spread...


What are you frying?

Frying corpses?

Fang Xiaoyi retched.

Now, she had nothing left to vomit.

Feeling something was wrong, Fang Xiaoyi finally decided to leave this place. She took out a saw blade with strong resentment from her inventory and started to cut the lock!

Crack --

Crack --

Fang Xiaoyi operated like a tiger, sparks flying everywhere, but the blue-level saw blade couldn't even leave a mark on the lock!

How could this happen?

She snatched this resentful saw from a level 30 female ghost!

It can't even leave a mark?

Is it so shameless?

Fang Xiaoyi gritted her teeth and took out a flamethrower, trying to heat and soften the lock before sawing it off!

However, after she worked hard for more than ten minutes, she found that the lock still showed no signs of redness.

Fang Xiaoyi was puzzled.

She stopped spitting fire, curiously reached out and touched the copper lock.


Just like Fang Xiaoyi's heart at this moment.

She finally realized why everyone said that this village was evil...

"Without the key, this lock cannot be opened."

A gentle voice appeared in Fang Xiaoyi's ears like a ghost, and the faint wind blew across the fine hair on her neck, causing Fang Xiaoyi to explode on the spot!

She turned around and saw Wang Long holding a plate of hot dishes, looking at her with a smile on his face!

"You... don't come over!"

Fang Xiaoyi was frightened and retreated repeatedly, with her back pressed against the door!

The pungent smell made her unconsciously look at the dish in Wang Long's hand.

On it was a plate of...

rotten rats, snakes, and various wriggling insects!

The dim light chopped a black shadow on Wang Long's face, which was particularly creepy with the smile on his face!

"Eat them!"

"I made this especially for you..."

Looking at the rotten meat getting closer and closer to him, Fang Xiaoyi's eyes were filled with fear, and he trembled:

"No... I, I'm not hungry!"

"Don't come over... Please!"

Wang Long's expression gradually changed from gentle to ferocious, and the aura on his body was also changing...

"You damn outsiders, you are always so ungrateful!"

"We take out the best things to entertain you... But what about you?"

"You are thinking about how to hurt the people in the village!"

"Don't think I don't know, you and them are the same as those damn people in black clothes!"

His demeanor became more and more crazy, and he kept talking.

The aura on his body became more and more terrifying, and the strong aura like a torrent pressed over, making Fang Xiaoyi unable to move at all!

"You are here to find the mountain god, too... heh..."

"Damn beast!"

"It must have been that stinky cousin who got married before who leaked it!"

"Listen to me, the mountain god only belongs to Zili Village!"

"Anyone who tries to get the mountain god... is the enemy of Zili Village!"

Wang Long said, and suddenly grabbed Fang Xiaoyi's neck, his eyes bulged out, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of his eyes!

And his other hand suddenly picked up the rotten meat and stuffed it into Fang Xiaoyi's mouth!

Fang Xiaoyi was in a mess, clenched her teeth, unwilling to eat the stinking meat.

But she obviously underestimated Wang Long's power!


A strange broken sound came from Fang Xiaoyi's mouth, she stared, as if she couldn't accept the fact that happened!

Wang Long... actually broke her teeth with his fingers!

Blood burst out along with the severe pain. She subconsciously opened her mouth to scream, but the rotten meat that made her want to vomit was stuffed into her mouth...

More and more was stuffed in, and the hand on her neck became stronger and stronger!

The lack of blood in the brain and the difficulty in breathing made Fang Xiaoyi start to roll her eyes and her consciousness became blurred.

Just before she was about to faint, there was a knock on the door behind her!

"Wang Long, open the door quickly!"

"Something big happened!"

This voice woke Wang Long up instantly. He let go of Fang Xiaoyi's neck, threw her aside, took out the key, and opened the door.

Outside the door was the woman who was previously called 'Dong Mei'.

She looked a little bad.

Wang Long asked hurriedly:

"Auntie Dong, what happened?"

The woman said:

"This time, several outsiders came to the village. The door locks of the three houses near the entrance of the village, Luo, Qian, and Li, were all opened..."

"Even the shrine dedicated to the mountain god was not spared..."

"Now the village chief is urgently summoning everyone in the village to a meeting, preparing to search the village inside and out!"

Wang Long was furious when he heard this:

"These damn bastards, actually

Dare to touch the shrine dedicated to the mountain god? "

"Damn it!"

"We must catch him, skin him alive and pull out his tendons!"

"Auntie Dong, you go first, I'll take care of things here and come right over!"

The woman nodded, turned around and left first.


As soon as Wang Long turned around, he was stabbed in the back by Fang Xiaoyi!

But it was useless!

After the resentful saw in Fang Xiaoyi's hand pierced into Wang Long's body, it was like being clamped by a steel clamp!


Fang Xiaoyi was not stupid, so she just held on to the resentful saw and didn't move. Seeing that she couldn't pull out the resentful saw, she immediately took out the flamethrower and sprayed fire at Wang Long!

Unfortunately, this blazing flame could not even kill Wang Long. The corner of his clothes couldn't be ignited!

The other party's eyes were full of mockery.

He waved his hand and grabbed Fang Xiaoyi, who rolled over like a monkey, rolled under his crotch, and then ran out of the door!

It was still pitch black outside.

But for Fang Xiaoyi, that was the hope of life!


She didn't run far.

An arm like a vine stretched out and directly tied her body!

"Let me go! "

Fang Xiaoyi screamed in horror!

She turned her head and the horrifying scene in front of her almost made her faint!

Wang Long's arms in the room were stretched to more than ten meters!

And his arms seemed to have no bones, tying her up like a rubber band!

Wang Long tilted his head, and his facial features began to become weird and terrifying!

"Why are you running..."

"Didn't you want to come in by yourself..."

Looking at the indescribable horrifying face that was getting closer and closer, Fang Xiaoyi almost collapsed, screamed, and lost consciousness...

Village entrance.

Densely packed people blocked this place with torches!

In the distant village, there were also many shadows patrolling!

A sturdy middle-aged man holding a meat fork in his hand pointed angrily at his family's shrine and said to the village chief Liao Yun:


"That damn thief actually dared to break into the shrine of the mountain god and disturb the mountain god's habitat! "

"The shrines of Lao Qian and Lao Li were also invaded!"

Liao Yun approached the shrine, looked at the lock at the door, picked it up and took a closer look.

This lock... is specially made in the village.

And there is no keyhole of this model in the village.

The keyholes of their locks are relatively small.

And the keyholes of Luo, Qian and Li are obviously much larger.

Which bastard did this?

Just open the lock, but how can others use this keyhole so big?

You know, such a special lock requires a lot of expensive things to make!

"Village Chief Liao...Village Chief Liao!"

"There is a clue!"

A villager ran over from a distance in an extremely distorted posture, pointing to the west of the village and said:

"Just now, the hunting team found traces of people in the abandoned hills west of the village! "

"That guy should be hiding on the top of the mountain. The hunting team has set up various traps at the foot of the mountain and is now searching the mountain little by little!"

Liao Yun stroked his white beard and ordered:

"According to the plan."

"Within an hour...all the intruders in the village must be caught!"

"Yes!! "

The villagers immediately took action. Before an old woman carrying a basket left, she said to Liao Yun in a sinister tone:

"Village Chief Liao... It's one thing for someone to invade the village. We will find those bugs outside as soon as possible. But this time, please take care of your daughter and granddaughter. Don't let them run to the village entrance like last time..."

"Last time, they only received some punishment for your sake..."

"If this kind of thing happens one after another, don't blame us old guys for not giving face..."

Liao Yun's face was very ugly, but he didn't say anything, just snorted.

After the old woman left, Liao Yun was also ready. As he was about to leave, he suddenly felt something unusual. He quickly turned his head and stared at the stinking ditch beside the road!

The calm water surface was no different from the past.

But he, with his sharp eyes, still saw a thin straw sticking out of the water vertically, revealing an almost invisible hole.

Liao Yun squinted his eyes and gestured to Lao Luo beside him.

Lao Luo immediately handed the steel fork in his hand to Liao Yun.

The next moment, Liao Yun threw the steel fork directly into the water. The terrifying force and speed made the air explode!


As the steel fork entered the water, a large area of ​​deep red immediately filled the dark green stinking water area...

Not long after, a strong and honest corpse floated to the surface of the water


There was still a straw in his mouth, his face was facing up, his eyes were wide open, he seemed unable to believe that he was dead just like that.

This man was Li Xiong hiding under the water!

He was confident that his disguise was perfect, but he forgot to suppress his breathing speed.

The friction sound of the seemingly inadvertent airflow rushing through the straw put him in an irretrievable situation!

A Lv15 player died silently in Zili Village!

Liao Yun glanced at the ditch and confirmed that there was no second straw, then he took back the steel fork with satisfaction.

He returned the steel fork to Lao Luo and said:

"Go check this ditch."

"Check it back and forth twice more!"

"See if there are any insects hidden in it!"

Lao Luo nodded, took the steel fork and jumped into the dark green sewage, submerged his whole body, and began to search forward.

They probably didn't notice...

The ripples on the water created by Lao Luo are several times more than those created by an ordinary person entering the water...


I didn't complete the task today, so I can't write 6,000 before 10 o'clock.

As a punishment, I will write 1,000 more in the next chapter, and 7,000+ today.

This chapter is 4,300+

Thanks for reading!

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