The West Mountain.

Countless shadows patrolled and searched here.

These hunters even brought hunting dogs.

The hunting dogs were strange in shape.

Some had four or five heads.

Some had no skin and were covered with bark.

The bright red muscles could be seen through the cracks in the bark.

They sniffed madly.

The air was filled with the stench of insects and snakes.

These smells covered up the faint smell of people.

If it were an ordinary hunting dog, it would not be able to distinguish the smell of strangers in such a situation.

But these hunting dogs were different.

They raised their clever noses and sniffed the air fiercely.

Soon, they locked their direction on the hill!

For a moment, all the dogs barked at the top of the hill!


"Woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof!"


Well, it seems that something strange has sneaked in.

The other hounds turned their heads and looked at a cat-faced hound fiercely.

The latter immediately shut up obediently.

Obviously, they were not very satisfied with the barking of this companion without any pressure.

A group of ferocious people headed towards the top of the hill with weapons and torches.

Nearby, there were corpses of snakes and rats everywhere.

There were almost no living things.

"We found his traces!"

A hunter shouted excitedly.

There was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes!

They are the best hunters and the cruelest demons!

Any clues are hard to escape their eyes!

Quietly follow the traces to the top of the mountain.

Careful investigation.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the less space there is for the prey to hide!

"Damn invaders..."

"Hide quickly!"

"Hide quickly!"

"We are coming!"

"You don't have much time left!"

They were extremely excited, just like hunting their own prey in the past!

The blood flowing in the veins began to boil.

The heart beat faster and faster.


They reached the top of the mountain.

In the grass under an old tree, a black shadow was lying.

"How pitiful... There is no place to hide!"

"The way you look before dying is so pitiful!"

"Haha, lying on the ground, is it because you have given up resistance?"

"Damn outsiders, dare to disrespect the mountain god, you must taste the most cruel punishment!"

A group of hunters came to the figure with excited and ferocious faces. One of them raised his bow and arrow, shot an arrow, and suddenly pierced through the leg of the figure on the ground!


A strange sound.

The hunter who shot the arrow changed his expression slightly.

This sound... is not the sound of the arrow hitting the flesh!

He walked forward curiously and cut the weeds next to him with his hunting knife.

The scene in front of him froze the smiles on everyone's faces.

Those places covered by weeds...

are not invaders at all!

Instead, they are clothes filled with snake and rat corpses and poisonous insects!

As for the two cuffs, they are all weeds.

Like a scarecrow.

Making international friendly gestures to all of them!

The top of the mountain was cold and quiet for a while.

The night wind blew.

Blowing across the faces of all the people and dogs.

Blowing out countless anger.

At this moment,

All the hunters realized that-

They... were fooled!

The killing intent filled the mountain.

Like waves on the sea!

"Find him for me!"

"Even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I must find this damn bastard!"

The hunter leader roared angrily.

They are the strongest and best hunters in Zili Village!

They have always been the ones to play with their prey, but have they ever been played with by their prey like this?


This dark green ditch, full of stench and corpses, runs through every corner of the village like an artery.

Lao Luo took his steel fork and carefully checked the ditch.

The water was not transparent.

So his vision was limited when he was diving in the water.

Because there were tributaries in the ditch and the village, he had to turn back and continue to check the other side after checking one side.

But not long after Lao Luo turned back, he suddenly ran into a strange hard object.

It felt like a big iron box.

It was really strange...

Why didn't he run into this iron box when he first came here?

Because the box sank deeper, he needed to dive nearly three meters deep to see the whole picture of the iron box.

"What is it?"


There is no such thing in the village, right? "

Lao Luo was curious.

Could it be...

His eyes suddenly focused.

This thing...I'm afraid it was left by an outside invader!

Is there someone hiding inside?

There was a big hole on the side facing Lao Luo, and he could see the inside of the iron box.

However, because there were too many impurities in the dark green sewage, he couldn't see clearly.

So Lao Luo directly put his upper body into the iron box, and was always alert to the "outsiders" hidden inside!

Unfortunately, as soon as he put his upper body in, he immediately noticed something wrong!

His legs...were caught by someone!

Lao Luo was about to fight back, but in the water, his movements were a little inconvenient.

He was unable to activate the power given to him by the mountain god in the first place.

He was not too anxious about it.

After all, even if he was attacked, he never thought that the other party could kill him!

Even if he was chopped into pieces, what?

He could still survive!


A strange sound rang in his ears.

Old Luo was only confused for a moment.

Just a moment.

His consciousness completely dissipated.

Endless resentment burst out, trying to rebuild his body in the first place, but they were soon blocked by an irresistible force. The power of the guard crushed...

Zhao Yi stood in front of the body shredder and put Lao Luo's body into the shredder completely before putting it away.

On his chest, a glowing flashlight was tied with snake skin.

A gift from Luo Qili.

Last time, he lent it to Liu Jie at the steel factory, and Zhao Yi took it back afterwards.

At this moment, the bright light shone on his skin.

A steady stream of oxygen was produced.


Not long ago, he had a premonition that the villagers were about to come looking for him, so he took the lead in sneaking into this stinking ditch from the small ditch at the foot of the mountain. In the ditch.

Because of photosynthesis, he doesn't need a straw to help breathe like Li Xiong.

In fact, when Li Xiong died, Zhao Yi was hiding in the corner of the rotting corpse in the deep water not far from Li Xiong.

So, he heard all the conversations between the village chief and those villagers.

Among them, the words that the old woman said to the village chief before leaving attracted Zhao Yi's attention!

A daughter and a granddaughter.

Will it be...


Write 6000 first.

There is a separate small plot behind.

Write it tomorrow.

No water writing.

Good night brothers!

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