The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

A mother and a daughter.

Both wanted to escape from the village.

It was hard not to think about it.

Zhao Yi was lurking in the sewage ditch, thinking about his next move.

This ditch seemed to be the best hiding place at the moment.

But after he killed Lao Luo, the patroller, it became very dangerous.

When other people in the village found out that Lao Luo had disappeared, they would inevitably conduct a large and strict search of the ditch.

He had to move as soon as possible.

According to the terrain he had seen on the small peak of Xishan before, Zhao Yi dived above the mud at the bottom of the ditch and moved carefully.

Before going up the mountain, he had to go to the village chief's house.

If Sun Baibai and Liao Hongsong were inside, then Zhao Yi would have made a fortune.

On the one hand, Zhao Yi had found a key person.

On the other hand, Zhao Yi might be able to get help from the two of them.

At the very least, Zhao Yi could probably leave that place safely.

The reason was simple.

Judging from the fact that the two of them wanted to escape from the village, they should not be on the same line as the other villagers.

As for how to find out where the village chief's home is... it's actually very easy to judge.

In such a mysterious village with clear hierarchy, if you want to find the address of the village chief, you just need to see which house is the most magnificent.

And Zhao Yi had already noticed this on the small peak of the West Mountain.

The address of the village chief is in the innermost part of the village, closest to the back mountain shrouded in ominousness.

There are very few villagers patrolling inside.

Obviously they don't think the invaders have the ability to sneak into the hinterland of the village.

Because of his evil eyes of the darkest personality, Zhao Yi was able to observe the situation outside the sewage. He easily avoided several patrols, and quietly got out of the water and disappeared into the twilight.

After several twists and turns, he came to the village chief's house and took out K-49 to open the door directly.

After a while of recovery, K-49 had barely recovered some of its energy.

It warned Zhao Yi that the donkeys in the production team did not dare to use it like this, so Zhao Yi should not go too far.

The next moment, Zhao Yi inserted it into the keyhole and stirred it frantically.

After a while, the lock opened.

It works well!

Zhao Yi looked at the already weak key and was very satisfied.

He entered the village chief's Dabieye, and immediately a black shadow threw himself into his arms!


The sweet cry caught Zhao Yi off guard.


He responded, and the soft girl in his arms pushed him away and exclaimed:

"You are not my grandpa... Who are you?"

Zhao Yi touched his chin and looked at the cute little loli with twin ponytails in front of him:

"I don't remember that I have a granddaughter."

"So are you Sun Baibai?"

When Sun Baibai heard that the man in front of him who he didn't know knew his name, there was a hint of vigilance in his big eyes.

"You... How do you know my name?"

Zhao Yi replied:

"Because I am your father..."


Sun Baibai's eyes lit up slightly when he heard this.

"Dad's friend?"

"Is Dad okay?!"

When Sun Baibai mentioned the butcher Sun Long, he became excited all of a sudden!

There were footsteps on the second floor, and a woman with a little charm walked down the stairs slowly.

The first time she saw Zhao Yi, she knew that this man was not simple!

The woman quickly walked to Sun Baibai's side, protected her, and looked alert:

"Which gangster are you?"

"What do you want to do to Baibai?"

It was because the woman was so worried that Zhao Yi only had a pair of bear shorts on his body.

The rest of the clothes had been left on the small peak of Xishan Mountain.

The residual smell on them was used to attract the dog's nose.

Zhao Yi explained very seriously:

"I am not a gangster, I am Zhao Yi, a friend of your husband, the butcher Sun Long."

"The butcher told me that something happened in Moye Village and the station. Baibai had already fled Moye Village, but the train had an accident halfway..."

As Zhao Yi told the news he got from the butcher, the mother and daughter were less vigilant.

This happened a long time ago.

And all the passengers on the train that Sun Baibai took were dead.

Only she was still alive.

So, apart from Sun Baibai and the others, only the butcher knew about those old events.

"My husband... is he okay?"

Liao Hongsong's eyes were watery and her voice was trembling.

However, she felt guilty about the butcher.

Zhao Yi replied:

"It's not bad."

"He's still selling meat there."

"But the people in Moye Village are dead."

"There's only a clown left in the station to accompany your husband."

Hearing that the butcher was still alive, the woman and Sun Baibai were a little excited.

"By the way, I risked my life to sneak into Zili Village this time just to bring Sun Baibai back... Madam, do you want to come with me?"

After the greetings, it's almost time to get to the point.

Zhao Yi didn't want to run into the village chief.

Although in his judgment, the village chief was most likely on the side of the mother and daughter, otherwise he would not be willing to pay the price to save the mother and daughter.

This can be inferred from his simple conversation with the old woman.

If it weren't for the village chief Liao Yun who made some degree of sacrifice and concessions back then, Liao Hongsong and Sun Baibai would not be alive!

At this time, hearing Zhao Yi's purpose, the mother and daughter couldn't help but fall silent.

After a long time, Liao Hongsong sighed and shook her head in disappointment.

"Mr. Zhao'd better leave the village as soon as possible."

"We can't get out."

"There are many secret guards at the entrance of the village. Except for the "pilgrimage" time every weekend, they will keep a close eye on it, and there are patrols every day and night in other parts of the village..."

"Last time, Bai Bai and I wanted to escape from the village, but we were caught and almost killed my father..."

After she finished speaking, she hesitated for a moment, and poured a basin of clean water for Zhao Yi to wash off the dirty water on his body, and then found a set of clean clothes for Zhao Yi.

After putting on the clothes, the latter did not leave immediately, but turned to the back mountain.

"There are still some things I want to ask Madam, which are very important to me."

Liao Hongsong nodded.

"Please speak."

Zhao Yi:

"I heard that Zili Village worships the mountain god. Can you give a general description of the mountain god's appearance?"

Liao Hongsong hesitated a little.

She shouldn't reveal the matter of the mountain god to others.

But Zhao Yi was her husband's friend, and he had risked his life to enter the village for them. If she deliberately concealed it, it would seem despicable.

Seeing her embarrassment, Zhao Yi said again:

"Let me tell you, and Madam just needs to nod or shake her head."

"The mountain god in the village was a tree a long time ago, with human wisdom and human body, but later because of something, it became another form - four pillars."

Liao Hongsong nodded.

His eyes were also filled with shock.

These things... How could people outside the village know?

"Where did you get this information?" Zhao Yi replied: "I guessed." "I went to the west mountain of the village once. There is an abandoned temple there, but the statue is well preserved." "The statue is different from the one I saw in the village shrine." "So I suspect that the mountain god itself has not changed, but its form of expression has changed." Since it is the same god, there is no need to destroy the original statue. Liao Hongsong's eyes were already a little strange when he looked at Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi said again: "In addition, the change in the shape of the mountain god is related to a group of people in black clothes, right?" "They..." "They should have come twice?" This time, Liao Hongsong's face changed suddenly. She quickly came to the gate, stretched her head out and looked outside. After confirming that there was no one, she pulled Zhao Yi and asked him to come to the room on the second floor. In addition to the torture room, there is also a bedroom for mother and daughter. After entering the bedroom, Liao Hongsong said seriously:

"Mr. Zhao, do you know those men in black?"

Zhao Yi shook his head.


"But I know which organization they belong to."

"Those guys... should be from a certain church."

"They came to Zili Village to conduct some inhumane experiments, and you villagers... are their experimental subjects!"

"But I guess they didn't expect that there would be a 'mountain god' in Zili Village."

"These guys... were overturned in Zili Village."

Liao Hongsong sighed deeply.

Her expression was complicated.

In her eyes,

there was confusion, sadness... but more of anger.


"A long time ago, a group of people wearing black clothes with special patterns and holding weapons came to the village and established a terrifying test base."

"Under their coercion, the villagers became their experimental subjects... We were labeled as meat products and were forced to enter the test base they built every day to undergo various non-human

's experiment..."

"At that time, the villagers' wailing could be heard every day in the village..."

"Finally one day, a villager risked his life to escape to the back mountain, awakened the sleeping mountain god, and expressed his willingness to sacrifice his life and soul, only asking the mountain god to have mercy and expel the evil of Zili Village."

"The mountain god was moved by his sincerity, so he cast a terrible curse..."

"Since then, all outsiders entering the village will be cursed by the mountain god!"

"Including those invading black-clothed men!"

"However, those black-clothed men who broke into the village wanted to die with the villagers before they died. They took out the remains of a terrible and ominous creature to fight against the mountain god!"

"The remains were extremely polluted. In order to protect everyone, the mountain god had to swallow four remains..."

"It was also from that time that the mountain god's appearance and personality changed greatly..."

Listening to the woman's narration, Zhao Yi fell into deep thought.

"What has the mountain god become now? ”

Liao Hongsong:

“It became four pillars as you said.”

“Two hands, two legs…”

“Those two hands are the curse of the mountain god, representing destruction.”

“And the legs of the mountain god are on the altar on the mountain.”

“Those legs represent rebirth!”

“All the people in the village who have been recognized by the mountain god have been transformed by the mysterious legs. Only the transformed villagers will not be targeted by the curse of the hands of destruction…”

Zhao Yi opened his evil pupils and looked at it.

The ghost arms that cut his body have reached the kidneys.

Damn it!

They cut my kidneys!

Bad thing!

“I have another question.”

“Before, there should have been a quasi-big monster and tens of thousands of terrifying monsters in the village. Where did they go?”

Mentioning the station ghost, Liao Hongsong smiled bitterly:

“Those things…were all eaten by the mountain god.” "

"Later, the mountain god even left the village for a special trip, went to the nest of the would-be evil beast, and brought back the head of the would-be evil beast..."

"Later, the mountain god appeared in the dream of the village chief for the first time, asking him to choose a qualified believer in the village to go to Guxuan Town to do business."

"This should be the first time that the mountain god took the initiative to let the villagers leave the village."

Zhao Yi heard this and suddenly laughed.

"That's right."

Liao Hongsong was puzzled:

"What's right?"

Zhao Yi did not answer her, and asked again:

"Do you know the name of the merchant?"

Liao Hongsong:

"His name is Hu Aotian. "

Zhao Yi was stunned.

Hu Aotian.

A strange yet familiar name.

Zhao Yi clearly remembered that he had a wife with a big butt...

Oh no!

Damn! How could I remember such a strange thing?

Zhao Yi clearly remembered that Hu Aotian's son Hu Liangliang was 'cured' of rebelliousness by himself because he didn't study hard.

The clown's shop in Changsheng Mall was also provided by Hu Aotian.

This guy...

Is he from Zili Village?

But when I first met him, I confirmed that he was a ghost!

"Has Hu Aotian been transformed by the mountain god?"

"I saw him in Guxuan Town, but he exudes a ghostly aura that only ghosts have."

Liao Hongsong looked out the window.

"The mountain god killed him and gave him some power, making Hu Aotian a powerful ghost."

"After all, Guxuan Town is a paradise for ghosts. It is difficult for people to gain a foothold in that place...not to mention businessmen. "

As she said this, she suddenly pushed Zhao Yi.

"Mr. Zhao, someone is coming, you hide first..."

There were dense footsteps coming from the yard outside the window, and it sounded like there was more than one!

Zhao Yi quickly hid in Liao Hongsong's closet.

Liao Hongsong walked down with a slightly flustered step...

PS: Don't wait, everyone.

I got slapped in the face again today.

But it's not because of laziness.

I'm very sleepy now and want to sleep.

But I have to finish writing the next chapter and post it before going to sleep.

It's estimated to be around 12 o'clock.

Thank you for reading, I'm very sorry!

Good night brothers!

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