After a lot of arguments and successfully convincing Edison, Zhao Yi picked up his shaved scalp and skull on the table and pasted them back on his forehead.

"Do you have a stapler?"

Zhao Yi asked.

The mechanical rabbit took one out of the toolbox and handed it to Zhao Yi.

Then Zhao Yi stapled his scalp with a stapler in front of it.

In this way, Zhao Yi's shaved skull will not slip off for the time being.

"Then... see you later."

Zhao Yi turned around and smiled at Edison.

Then he opened the door, tidied his clothes and went out.

As soon as he went out, Zhao Yi immediately raised his hands.

Because at the end of the laser killing array in the distance in front of him, there was a group of armed forces pointing guns at him!

"Don't shoot!"

"Our own people!"

Zhao Yi shouted.

The armed forces personnel on the other side almost vomited blood after hearing this!

I'm going to fuck your own people!

It's you, the bastard, who caused such a big mess, causing so many of us to die!

If it weren't for Mingze, the general manager of the shelter, standing by and not giving orders, Zhao Yi would have turned into a human sieve!

However, although Mingze didn't want Zhao Yi to get into trouble, the other purple members didn't think so.

They wished Zhao Yi would die.

"Kill this culprit!"

A purple member ordered.

So these armed personnel had no scruples and fired wildly at Zhao Yi!

Bullets poured down like a tide.

However, none of these bullets hit Zhao Yi.

A mechanical rabbit made of machinery stood in front of Zhao Yi and blocked all the bullets.

The energy of Edison's red eyes suddenly surged, and it turned into a laser death beam and swept over!


A burst of explosions sounded.

Except for the purple members and Mingze who luckily escaped, all the other armed personnel standing in front of the laser killing array turned into ashes!

"Thank you."

Zhao Yi nodded to Edison.

The latter shook his ears at Zhao Yi:

"No need to thank me."

"After all, I still need you to help me with the teacher's affairs..."

Edison looked very friendly at the moment, but Zhao Yi knew that if he didn't solve the problem of the crazy inventor, Edison would definitely chase him to the ends of the earth!

In Zili Village, Zhao Yi has deeply experienced the horror of the quasi-great evil!

And the rabbit in front of him is more terrifying than the mountain god!

Although the mountain god is powerful, he cannot leave Zili Village for too long and is greatly restricted.

But Edison has no restrictions!

The current situation is not optimistic.

The knife had been on his neck all along, it just hadn't fallen yet.

"Administrator, maybe we can talk!"

Zhao Yi said loudly to the other end.

At the corner, Mingze leaned against the wall with a complicated expression.

In addition to the shock in his eyes, there was also solemnity.

He suddenly realized that the containment in front of him... was much more difficult than he had imagined!

Can I... really control him?

Mingze's heart began to be uneasy.

At least from the records of the Silent Shelter, Zhao Yi seemed to be the first person to walk out of the mechanical rabbit Edison's room alive...

Because Edison had no habit of being observed by others, no matter what means they used, they could not directly observe the information of Edison's containment room.

All the containments that had interacted with this mechanical rabbit mysteriously disappeared in that room.

The huge pressure made Mingze want to smoke.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, put it in his mouth and took a puff.

The sparks were bright and dim with the smoke.

"No one is allowed to take action without my order."

His tone was calm, but a little trembling.

"Otherwise... it will be considered as rebellion."

Cheng Yuan said coldly:

"Manager Mingze, I have to remind you that according to Article 762 of the Silent Shelter, any highly intelligent life form that causes a serious riot in the shelter must be executed!"

Mingze stood in front of him, spit a puff of smoke on Cheng Yuan's face, and said sarcastically:

"Do I need to tell the church that you deliberately released the shelter for your own selfish interests, causing a riot in the shelter?"

Cheng Yuan's face was very bad, but he still insisted:

"Manager Mingze, please don't slander others without evidence!"

Mingze put the cigarette butt on Cheng Yuan's shoulder and threatened in a low voice:

"My term of office is almost over."

"The last little time...

...Don't make yourself uncomfortable."

"If you really want to force me, the worst that can happen is that we will tear each other's faces apart and die together!"

Cheng Yuan clenched his fists and stopped talking.

Then Mingze stood up and said to Zhao Yi in the corridor opposite the laser array:

"I can talk to you."

"But you have to go to my office."

Zhao Yi smiled slightly:

"Of course."

Ten minutes later, the two appeared in a bright office.

Mingze handed Zhao Yi a glass of water.

"Manager, you seem to be very interested in Oink..."

Zhao Yi crossed his legs, looking very comfortable.

Mingze's heart twitched suddenly, but his face still showed no abnormality.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Yi took a sip of water, and the smile on his face made Mingze more and more uneasy.

"Not long ago, you asked me if I knew Oink, and I told you that I didn't know..."

"But in fact, I know it. "

Mingze stopped just as he was about to take the information.

He turned his neck and looked at Zhao Yi with a straight gaze.

Zhao Yi continued:

"Yes... I'm fishing."

Mingze forced a smile:

"You mean, I'm the fish?"

Zhao Yi shrugged.

"You're one of them."

"When the green personnel came to interact with me... I deliberately released the news about Oink."

"Administrator, you should know that there are no such coincidences in the world..."

"There is a pig-headed man in this shelter, and I happened to dream of a pig-headed man."

"And, they... all have a lost knife."

Mingze's back gradually oozes cold sweat.

"Who... are you?"

Zhao Yi smiled:

"It doesn't matter at all."

"What's important is that I want to know why you are so interested in Oink? "

"You are even willing to let me interact with Oink even at the risk of it getting out of control again?"

Mingze's eyelids twitched unnaturally, and the smile on his lips became stiff.

"Mr. Zhao, what are you talking about?"

"Why don't I understand?"

Zhao Yi curled his lips and raised his eyebrows:

"If you don't want to say it, I can guess--"

"From our contact, I'm sure you are a rational person."

"Being rational means that you will weigh the pros and cons."

"Under such circumstances, you are still prepared to take great risks and want to let other containments interact with Oink again, which means that this interaction is very important to you."

"And it's urgent."

"It's not hard to imagine that there must be a time limit factor in it, so I can make a bold assumption..."

Zhao Yi slowly moved closer to Mingze's stiff expression.

"Manager Mingze, you... are going to resign, right? ! ”


The quality of these two days will be relatively low because of headache.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.

Good night, all you guys.

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