The words that Zhao Yi uttered seemed like iron needles piercing Mingze's heart! He stared at Zhao Yi, but couldn't speak. The uneasiness in his heart intensified! "Actually, you don't have to be so surprised." Zhao Yi lay back on the chair. "You came to my shelter room to talk to me before. From your performance and words, it is not difficult to judge that you want me to interact with Oink..."

"But obviously your idea was destroyed by some external 'factors'."

"The riot in the shelter tonight started from the outside. Excuse me, the peripheral shelters I met, whether in terms of strength, wisdom, or means, are not enough to open the doors of other shelters. The only explanation is that this riot of the shelters was guided by humans... but it was a really clumsy method."

The smile on Zhao Yi's face was a bit sarcastic.

"The planner of this riot is undoubtedly your men."

"And the purpose of creating a riot is to clean up some factors that make them feel uneasy."

"There is no reason for the peripheral and central shelters to make a group of half-step great evil beings feel uneasy."

"They are so panicked because of... your attitude."

"Am I right, Chief Steward Mingze?"

The light illuminated Mingze's head, and because he lowered his head, there was a big shadow on his face.

"You are such a surprising guy..."

Mingze's fingers under the table trembled slightly.


Or excitement?

He himself couldn't tell.

The higher the value Zhao Yi showed at present, the more beneficial it would be for him.

But if Zhao Yi was too alert, he might get out of his control!

Especially since Zhao Yi had something that people couldn't ignore...

For example, the key that could open the huge alloy door of the containment room.

"What do you want?"

Mingze spoke first.

Zhao Yi drank the water in the cup in one breath.

"I know the church has a special project called X-2, and the laboratory is located below Shishan High School..."

"I am a little interested in the X-2 project and want a copy of the relevant information."

Under the current circumstances, Mingze is the only one who can provide Zhao Yi with all the information.

Since the other party is already dead, why not squeeze out the surplus value before he dies?

It is a big project to help Edison's teacher extend his life, and Zhao Yi doesn't want to make any mistakes.

Mingze frowned:

"X-2 is an abandoned project."

Zhao Yi played with the glass in his hand with a playful smile.

"Then you have even less reason to reject me."

Mingze was silent for a while.

According to the rules of the church, useless experimental data cannot be leaked, otherwise it may cause trouble once it is discovered by the Fifth Federation.

But now, this abandoned experimental data may bring him extremely important information!

It even affects whether he can enter the church's back hall in the future!

With such a slight comparison, Mingze immediately threw the church's rules behind his mind.

Fuck NM's rules!

I want a promotion!

The church will not be so cruel to a person in the back hall for a small rule!

"Wait a minute."

Mingze called his secretary and asked her to go to the archives to get a file on the case.

"These data were originally to be destroyed."

"But the people in the shelter have a lot of things to do every day, so the destruction of useless experimental data backups was put on hold."

Mingze briefly explained, and her black silk female secretary brought the document and handed it to Mingze.

"Everything you want is in this document, very complete... But I want to know, what can you exchange for it?"

Zhao Yi glanced at the document in Mingze's hand.

"About Oink... I can also write you a detailed data, including how to control it."

"This will save you a lot of interaction time and danger."

Mingze trembled with excitement when he heard this.

"Are you serious?"

Zhao Yi:

"Please give me paper and pen."

The paper and pen are in place.

Zhao Yi took the paper and pen, and took Mingze's detailed experimental process and data about X-2, and told Mingze the last condition:

"Mingze, the chief steward... If you don't mind, I would like to communicate with L381."

Mingze frowned.

He tapped his fingertips on the table, thinking about this matter in his mind.

After a while, he agreed


Although L381 has great research value, he is not really interested in these things at all.

Mingze is only interested in his own promotion.

Now that Zhao Yi can provide him with a way to control the pig-headed man, it means that Oink can be completely dedicated to the church as a meme source.

One Oink is enough for him to be promoted.

So L381 will no longer have value to him.

Mingze is not worried that Zhao Yi is lying.

The other party is currently under his control and can't escape if something happens.

With the riot just now, he will be doubly wary of Zhao Yi and never let him get close to any containment inside!

When leaving, Zhao Yi turned around and showed a mysterious smile.

"By the way, Manager Mingze..."

Mingze looked up and saw Zhao Yi said to him very sincerely:

"Good night."


After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he closed the door directly and went to the containment room of the slide of L381 under the guidance of the blue members outside.

Mingze carefully recalled the good night he had just said, and he felt more and more uneasy.

He went to the monitoring room and carefully checked Zhao Yi's whereabouts.

There was nothing unusual.

In the camera, Zhao Yi entered the L381 shelter and came to the slide.

He did not go down immediately.

Instead, he turned his head and faced a pinhole camera in the room.

He spread out the paper he had taken from Mingze earlier.

There were two words written on it.

[Run! ]

Zhao Yi grinned and disappeared from Mingze's sight on the slide.

Mingze thought to himself that it was not good, and immediately got up and wanted to go to the L381 shelter, but halfway there he heard the highest level alarm in the shelter!

"Damn it!"

Mingze hurriedly retreated and adjusted the monitoring to the innermost layer of the shelter!

Through the glowing screen, Mingze saw a pig-headed man with a terrifying aura, bloodshot eyes, standing outside the door with a knife...

On the ground, there was still a mechanical rabbit ear...

The piercing alarm sounded throughout the shelter, and the people who had just relaxed became nervous again!

"What happened?"

"I don't know... Damn it, didn't we just clean up those damn things?"

"I told that stupid manager a long time ago that these things must be cleaned up. It's a hidden danger to keep them inside!"


A group of armed personnel and senior purple personnel cursed and immediately went inside to check!

However, when they stood in front of the laser killing array, their faces turned extremely pale...

The tall pig-headed man,

the heavenly butcher holding a butcher knife,

actually passed through the killing array of the cluster laser...

Those lasers with destructive power shone on its body...not even a pig hair was burned!

Oink's eyes were scarlet, and his muscles were like a coiled dragon.

There was no mercy in his pupils.

A strange sound came out of his mouth:



I went to the hospital for a checkup today, and the doctor asked me to do an MRI.

I have to do it on April 7th.

Brothers, take care of your health, your health is the most important.

My headache is better today.

I will write 2000 first, and I won't go anywhere tomorrow, I will stay at home, and try to make an outline and write more.

This dungeon is about to end.

The story of the unclean body in the big world mission is also coming to an end.

Thank you for reading, sleep, and good night.

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