The guild's residence.

In a corner with few people, the tattooed man Shan Lie found Qin Xiufang who had just returned.

In Shan Lie's room, Qin Xiufang was surrounded by a group of big men. Her face was cold, but she could also see a trace of fear.

Zhao Yi could bear those tortures, but she couldn't.

"Why didn't Zhao Yi die?"

Shan Lie was shirtless, with tattoos on his chest, and his gloomy eyes were full of murderous intent!

Qin Xiufang took out the pistol and placed it on the table very respectfully.

"This guy is hard to deal with."

She looked embarrassed.

Shan Lie slapped his thigh and said angrily:

"Why don't you just shoot him at the beginning?"

"You are such an old immortal, who would have thought you had a gun?"

Qin Xiufang looked very bad.

After everything that happened not long ago, she was very glad that she didn't shoot Zhao Yi directly when she first entered the dungeon.

Otherwise... all of them would die!

"There are ghosts to help him block the bullet."

Just a casual explanation, anyway, no one outside knows what it looks like inside.

This is not like a game dungeon. The wonderful performance of players in the game dungeon will be recorded and uploaded to the forum, but there will be no records of the task dungeon in the big world.

Only the participants know.

The atmosphere in the room was solemn. Shan Lie lit a cigarette, and his sharp eyes passed through the white smoke and fell on Qin Xiufang's wrinkled old face.

"Put the gun away."

"This thing is not worth much... There will be a demon tide in the middle of next month. With Zhao Yi's personality, he can't not participate."

"You still have one chance."

"Kill him, and our previous promise will still be valid!"

Qin Xiufang did not refuse and put the gun back into her pocket.


Apartment No. 707.

The door opened, and Liu Ruoqing, wearing a burgundy nightgown, sent Zhao Yi out of the room with blurred eyes.

"Come again next time, baby."

She waved slightly at Zhao Yi, and Zhao Yi couldn't help coughing a few times.

Those who know know that he is here to treat illnesses.

Those who don't know think that he is here to relieve his symptoms!

He shook his head, left the seventh floor with a notebook, and returned to his room.

He opened the notebook, which recorded two simple patients.

[Patient: Liu Ruoqing]

[SAN: Stable, uncontrollable]

[Cause: Red Devil]

[Specific manifestation: After strong external stimulation, the Red Devil personality sleeping in the body will wake up. It will hunt specific groups and eat them with various exquisite cooking methods and green vegetables. If there are no green vegetables, the Red Devil will refuse to eat and fall into riots and kill crazily... After getting enough food, the Red Devil personality will be satisfied and continue to sleep until the next time it is awakened. ]

[Note: Red Devil comes from the spiritual crop created by the old creature Black Goat in the Western world. It is a fusion of the evil sea algae and its foul saliva. It is often sown in groups with extremely high mental concentration. Although the Black Goat does not have much affection for the Red Devil that it accidentally created, it must be said that this is the most perfect creature in human records. ]

[Treatment plan: Talk therapy (temporary)]

[Category: Unknown ingredients, to be confirmed]

[Patient: Tian Tian]

[SAN: Stable, uncontrollable]

[Cause: Dangerous Delusion]

[Specific manifestations: … She always thinks she has a friend named Winnie, and the intuitive state is a rag bear in her hand, but in fact this bear does not exist at all, and only patients with the same disease can observe it positively. When the alienated personality perceives that it is in danger, it will forcibly unlock the gene lock of its body and clear the source of danger as soon as possible… If the alienated personality appears for too long, it will cause the gene lock to collapse, resulting in death or irreversible morphological changes. ]

[Note: The subject's personality has been extremely alienated, and it is suspected that it has been exposed to some indescribable things in the dark. ]

[Treatment plan: No treatment is needed for the time being, and it needs to be observed]

[Category: Good ingredients (immature)]

After closing his notebook, Zhao Yi threw it into the inventory.

Then open your own system panel.

[Character: Zhao Yi]

[Level: 3]

[Experience: 25/100]

[Items: Liu Laohan's property certificate, Pandora's Box (fake), scapegoat, defeater (shotgun), butcher's carefully cooked soup]

[Life: 20/20]

[Strength: 35]

[Spirit: 101 (100+1)]

[Luck: 0]

[Title: Ghost-stricken, Sharp-edged, Fouler, Teacher]

[Soul weapon: Blood-stained scalpel (plunder)]

[Points: 12,000]

[Score acquisition: S+, SS, S]

[Field: Strengthening the body (F-)]

The biggest changes are his strength and points.

And Zhao Yi's current score acquisition can already open the high-level mall.

You can exchange various ghost limbs, strange arts, secret treasures, weapons, and skills... The points required are different depending on the effect.

For example, a ghost arm with a strength of 100 requires 240,000 points, plus two S scores or above.

This kind of limb cannot continue to evolve, and every time it is used, the player's body will be corroded by the ghost's resentment in the arm, until one day, the player's mind is completely devoured by the resentment and he becomes a ghost!

So before the player is completely corrupted by the resentment, he must earn more points and replace the original one with another stronger ghost limb.

This is a road of no return.

But among the huge group of players, a considerable number of people choose to exchange ghost limbs.

The reason is that the exchange of limbs is the fastest, most stable, and most comfortable.

Zhao Yi is not interested in this, and his eyes have been searching in the huge mall, looking for some strange things.

Finally, in the skills column, a strange skill was found.

[Kungfu: Lunyu (1/492)]

[Quality: White (white, green, blue, purple, orange, gold, red)]

[Introduction: In a certain oriental world, there was a saint named Kong during the Warring States Period. He was based on benevolence and convinced people with virtue. He was two meters and two meters tall and could chop down a city gate with one hand. He had three thousand disciples and persuaded the monarchs of seven countries to agree to promote his doctrine by beating them continuously. Lunyu was the rule that Kong made for the people on the road at that time. ]

[Note: Collecting all the remaining pages can evolve into the red out-of-print martial arts - The Analects]

[Evaluation: Zhao Yi! Your purity is still too low! ]

PS: Start copying books!

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