The map of Guxuan Town has been updated.

Everything is ready. There are a large number of side quests, which record different characters. However, most of the side quests only reward points, which can only help high-level players earn extra money.

Since Zhao Yi took over the main quest, this quest has been marked with his level mark. Only players with a level less than or equal to his level can perform the main quest.

The mark will disappear only when Zhao Yi dies.

Zhao Yi is not very interested in the side quests of Guxuan Town. His energy is still mainly focused on Sun Baibai, the butcher's daughter.

Unfortunately, most areas of Guxuan Town are currently above level 10, which is very dangerous. Zhao Yi does not want to rush in and get beaten.

"But if there is a chance, I can ask the warehouse ghost to help me check it."

Zhao Yi's eyes were bright.

Since he returned to the past timeline and liberated the resentment in the train, some of the special ghosts in it finally settled in Guxuan Town.

Because their favorability towards Zhao Yi is respect, their territory has become Zhao Yi's personal safe camp.

As long as he enters their territory, Zhao Yi will be protected.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Yi stuck out his butt and farted loudly, then opened the system panel.

"System, eat fart!"

[Nick! ]

[Warning the player Zhao Yi's uncivilized behavior, if he tries to attack the system with biological weapons again, he will be punished by being silenced! ]

Zhao Yi: "..."

He didn't argue with the system and checked the next big world task.

[World Mission: Find a Job]

[Recommended Level: Level 5-10]

[Recommended Number of People: Any]

[Mission Reward: Issued according to job position]

[Introduction: You repaired the train at the abandoned station and successfully drove the train to Guxuan Town. However, as you went deeper into Guxuan Town, you discovered that there were crises everywhere and evil spirits were rampant! In order to survive, you had to try to blend in with these evil spirits. After some kind-hearted ghosts introduced you, you knew that you had to have a stable job in Guxuan Town in order to survive…]

Level 5-10.

It was not something I could do.

Zhao Yi decided to put it aside for now.

According to the mission description, Guxuan Town was full of evil spirits, and finding a job was definitely not an easy job.

Although his strength was far greater than that of other players of the same level, he was obviously not yet able to confront ghosts that were much higher than his level!

The Demonic Tide will be in the middle of next month. He had already talked about it with Liu Ruoqing during the talk therapy, and asked Liu Ruoqing to help him talk to the guild boss who was in charge of this matter and register him for a place.

Next, it was a boring life.

With Liu Ruoqing's reminder, Xiang Babang didn't dare to openly trouble him in the guild's residence. These days, Zhao Yi went to the station to play cards with the clown when he had nothing to do, and asked Fang Bai and Tian Tian to play board games. He was getting along pretty well.

Until the beginning of the month, Zhao Yi directly opened the system and matched a new game copy!

[Game copy matching... Matching successful...]

[Copy: Wilderness Death]

[Participating players: Zhao Yi (LV3), Ying Xiangying (LV5), Ning Wenxiao (LV7), Ding Longfei (LV4), Ji Teng (LV3), Ran Xinping (LV9), Wei Yun (LV8), Negishi Hiroto (LV9)]

[Main quest: Survive for 15 days in the Rubako Mountains]

[Side quest:? ? ? ]

[Main quest reward: 150 experience points]

[Side quest reward: Destiny chest (blue)]

[Difficulty: Purgatory]

[Introduction: You and your group have been invited to participate in a program jointly organized by wilderness experts Bear Grylls and De Ye - Wilderness Seeking Death. You will live together in the most dangerous Rubaco Mountains for 15 days. You promise to help each other, move forward side by side, and use the most tenacious will of mankind to defeat nature...]

[Note 1: This copy will seal the player's inventory, and all items in the inventory cannot be used! ]

[Note 2: The player's power will be weakened by 50% until the end of the copy! 】


Severe pain came from the brain. Before Zhao Yi opened his eyes, he vaguely heard two rather explosive voices:

"Old rules, one person leads four."

"Bell, I'm the host of this show, and I found the sponsor. Isn't it a bit unfair for you to split the profit with me 50-50?"

"Fair? Ed, if I hadn't used my connections to find them, do you think they would have been so generous?

Do you have the ability to bring these eight guys to the Rubaco Mountains to record a show? "

"Damn it, let's just leave it at that... But Bell, you are responsible for weather reconnaissance. If there is any accident in this show... I will not forgive you!"


The conversation ended and the voice disappeared.

Zhao Yiyi waited for a long time in boredom, and the endless darkness in front of him slowly faded away.

He opened his eyes.

The sky is so blue, the grass is so green, and the air is so fresh...

The bird droppings on his forehead are so thin.

After wiping the bird droppings on his forehead with the clothes of a female player next to him, Zhao Yiyi slowly sat up.

They are on the top of a mountain in a big mountain.

The huge shrubs and vegetation cover the vast land, and there is no boundary in sight.

The light of the setting sun in the distance made Zhao Yiyi not so adaptable for a while.

"Are you awake? "

Beside the campfire, a shirtless, bald, muscular man looked at Zhao Yi with a slightly surprised smile.

[Ed: Triggered Neutral]

[Weakness: None]

[Note: He used to be a special forces soldier, but later retired and started to participate in wilderness survival programs. Because he is good at starving, he is nicknamed Starving De by the audience.]

Zhao Yi nodded and rubbed his head.

"My head hurts. Have we reached the Rubaco Mountains now?"

Ed laughed:

"Yes! Zhao Yi, look around you, isn't it beautiful?"

"I have been to many places to wander and survive. Every time I go to a place, I can't help but think that this should be the most beautiful place, but I can always meet a more beautiful place next time... Nature is like this, you know, sometimes it makes people powerless, but once you calm down and feel it, you will find its magnificent charm! "

Ed has another nickname, which is Saohua De.

Because when he is in a favorable situation, he will start to talk nonsense.

Talk to the camera, talk to himself, talk to the fire, talk to the food...

By the way, in front of many single dogs, he mentioned that he has a wife who loves him and a harmonious family...

Zhao Yi glanced around and asked curiously:

"Ed, where did Bell go?"

Ed stopped talking nonsense and touched his big bald head.

"Huh? Bell?"

"Bell went to get the camera. Sometimes the live broadcast equipment and the network will be disconnected due to weather, which is not very convenient, so we usually use video equipment to record the process of working hard with the guests to conquer nature with willpower!"

Zhao Yi glanced at the sky in the distance and nodded.

"You should take a rest first. When Bell comes back and the other guests wake up, our show will start shooting! ”

PS: Today I will update at least three times. I am writing slowly in the beginning because I am working on some details.

In addition, if you are interested in survival in the wild, you can watch Bear Grylls’ “Man vs. Wild” and Democracy’s “Alone in the Wild”, which are very realistic.

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