The two of them were so busy that they had to work hard.

Bell soon climbed up the mountain from the dense forest on the mountainside in the distance. He was carrying a lot of equipment, most of which were recording and video equipment. At a glance, it weighed about 100 kilograms, but it didn't affect his speed at all!

"This speed of climbing the mountain... interesting."

Zhao Yi narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, Bell's physique has far exceeded that of normal humans.

Even if he is the king of the Royal Special Forces, it is absolutely impossible for him to carry dozens or hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects on the mountain road so quickly!

After saying that, he glanced at Ed by the campfire again.

He was almost naked.

He was only wearing a pair of shorts.

The guest he played was wearing three layers of clothes, and he could still feel a hint of chill in the air.

Combined with the faint whiteness of the grass leaves on the ground, the temperature on the top of the mountain should be below zero.

Undoubtedly, Bell and Ed's physiques have been improved to an unknown level.

This seems to be a good thing.

The stronger the two are, the less likely it is that players will encounter accidents as long as they follow them closely in the jungle.

Zhao Yi touched his chin, his eyes fell on the campfire in front of Ed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, the other players gradually woke up.

A woman screamed beside him:

"Damn! Who put bird shit on my chest... and... and even spread it evenly!"

"Isn't that immoral!"

Zhao Yi echoed with a righteous face:

"That's right!"

"I really don't know which grandson actually did such an immoral thing!"

"It's really shameful!"

"Don't let me catch you, or you'll have a hard time!"

The players who just woke up looked at each other in confusion.

They haven't fully realized their current situation. After all, not everyone is like Zhao Yi, who is always in an absolutely sober state of mind.


Zhao Yi's live broadcast room:

: Damn, I haven't seen you for a few days. Has Zhao Yi become so shameless?

: Tsk tsk, the most despicable person is invincible!

: Sign in! By the way, continue to study!

: Damn, this time my brother's mission difficulty has turned into purgatory!

: I am a new player. What level of difficulty is Purgatory? Which big guy can come out and explain it?

: The difficulty of the game dungeon is divided into: Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Purgatory, Torment, Desperate, Unsolvable.

: The above answer is correct.

A new dungeon is opened, and the players are completely in the state.

There are almost no rookies in this batch of players.

The three people with lower levels: Zhao Yi, Ji Teng, and Ding Longfei are all in the top 20 of the new player list!

Zhao Yi is the first, Ji Teng is the eighth, and Ding Longfei is the fourteenth.

Perhaps it is because of this reason that they are matched with the dungeon of Purgatory level.

Bell fiddled with the camera and distributed batteries.

Ed saw that one of his batteries was missing and said in dissatisfaction:

"Why is one battery missing?"

"What will you do if the battery is low?"

But Bell replied:

"Funds are tight... Besides, when have you ever run out of batteries?"

"Just use what you have, it's okay to save some time."

Ed gritted his teeth and put the camera and spare battery on his back.

Then, he turned around and said to the players with his thick chest hair:

"Everyone, welcome to the "Wild Death" program. There is no need to introduce us. In the next fifteen days, you will be divided into two groups of four, and follow me and Bell to complete the challenge in different areas and return to human society!"

"But before that, we will give you ten minutes to freely discuss and choose who to follow to participate in the challenge."

"If one side has too many people, the extra people will be randomly selected to go to the other group."

"Now, please start discussing!"

"Please be as fast as possible, it's getting dark, there are not only ferocious unknown beasts in this mountain range, but also terrifying poisonous insects!"

After Ed finished speaking, he and Bell stood in the sunset in the distance.

The players briefly introduced themselves to each other and began to discuss the issues about this dungeon mission.

The first to speak was the big-breasted girl Wei Yun.

That is, the one who was smeared with bird shit on her chest by Zhao Yi.

"To make a long story short, although this instance looks like a simple wilderness survival instance, and we have been assigned two wilderness experts, since it is an eight-person instance of purgatory-level difficulty, there must be unexpected and unpredictable dangers!"

"Now everyone's power has been reduced by 50%, and the inventory has been sealed. It is difficult for individuals to exert their power, so I suggest that we must unite as much as possible to fight against the invasion of the outside world!"

Her words immediately attracted the approval of many people.

"I agree!"

"I choose Bell!"

"I choose Ed!"

"I choose Ed too!"


In just a few minutes, everyone has made their choices.

Of the eight players, six want to follow Bell, and only two are willing to go with Ed.

The reason is simple. Bell has sophisticated equipment and a magic weapon - a military knife.

And Ed... has nothing.

He doesn't even have hair.

Obviously, once he encounters unpredictable danger, Bell's frontal combat power will be higher than Ed's!

Among the people present, few are mixed, otherwise it would be impossible to match the purgatory difficulty copy.

They have a keen eye, so they all want to follow Bell, who is well-equipped, and are unwilling to go with Ed, an expert in three things.

The two people who chose Ed were Zhao Yi and Wei Yun.

After a simple game of rock-paper-scissors, two more people were randomly assigned to Ed.

—— Ding Longfei, Ying Xiangying.

Both of them were strong young men, but Ding Longfei looked full of energy, while Ying Xiangying seemed introverted and low-key.

They looked a little bad after being randomly assigned to Ed.

Is this expert who doesn't even have hair...really reliable?

"Very good, since you have made your choice, then the four people who followed me... now follow me to find the camp tonight!"

Ed's eyes were shining with excitement, and his face was smiling like a child.

Zhao Yi and the other four looked at each other, and without saying much, followed Ed's sturdy back and walked towards the dark forest at the foot of the mountain.

On the way, Ed turned on the camera and said while filming:

"The temperature difference between day and night in the Rubaco Mountains is very large. Usually the temperature at night will drop to about minus 20 degrees. If we don't have a suitable shelter, it will be difficult for us to survive until tomorrow morning..."

"Also... watch your feet. As far as I know, there are at least 43 different kinds of spiders and other poisonous insects in the mountains alone, which can easily take our lives!"

"Also, in order to ensure the authenticity of this reality show, we did not bring any external aid, medicine, food and water, so everyone should try their best to ensure that they are not injured... because once your wounds get infected here, it may mean death..."

PS: I will stop copying here tonight.

I will continue copying books tomorrow morning.

Good night, brothers!

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