The five of them walked slowly through the intricate forest.

They were not fast, and they were always careful to prevent possible poisons on the road.

For example, when they crossed a half-meter-long shallow stream just now, Ying Xiangying was almost bitten on the neck by a palm-sized spider on a nearby tree!

The spider was colorful, with a fat butt, and a pair of fangs seemed to be faintly glowing in the sunset, which made people's scalps numb.

Fortunately, Ed was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he caught the spider that pounced on him with his bare hands, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Be careful. The Rubaco Mountains are the most dangerous forbidden area known so far. Countless explorers have died in this jungle. There are countless poisonous insects in it that have not been counted by the outside world."

Ed enthusiastically introduced it to everyone while leading everyone to find a shelter in the mountains and forests.

"It will be dark soon. We need to find a cave as soon as possible, clear a safe place, and light a fire. Otherwise, it will be very difficult tonight."

Ding Longfei asked in a rough voice:

"Ed, I see that the trees around here are very tall, and some trees are covered with vines. Why don't we just clean the poison on a tree tonight and sleep on it?"

Ed shook his head and explained patiently:

"Mr. Ding, if it were normal, your method would work, but not now."

He pointed to the dark clouds that were slowly gathering in the distance and said:

"Did you see it?"

"Judging from the weather and air humidity, it will probably rain tonight, and there will be heavy rain in the next few days."

"If it is just to block the cold wind from the north, these lush leaves can still do it. Everyone can use vines to weave into a big bed and keep each other warm. They can barely survive this night, but...if there is a heavy rain, they will definitely die!"

Ed looked serious and was not joking.

"The rain in this mountain range will not freeze at extremely low temperatures. The temperature at night will drop to minus ten degrees Celsius. Once we are drenched by rain at such a temperature... we will soon die of hypothermia!"

The strength of everyone has been reduced by 50%. Even if they are stronger than ordinary people, they will not be much stronger.

With this level of physique, it is impossible to survive for a long time in liquids at minus ten degrees Celsius!

"Then... what about food and drinking water?"

This time it was Wei Yun who spoke.

Ed explained:

"In such extremely low temperatures, people can live for three to seven days without drinking water and a week without eating. Don't underestimate your potential. As long as we have a foothold and can survive tonight safely, it will be easy to get protein and carbohydrates."

Zhao Yi listened to their questions and answers, looked around, observed the terrain, and reproduced everything he saw in his mind!

Soon, he found a pile of fresh bear feces in the weeds beside the path.

There is a bear.

Zhao Yi's eyes shifted slightly and looked at Ed, the leader.

The other party was a wilderness survival expert, with a physique far superior to his own. Since he could see this pile of bear feces, Ed could not fail to see it.

He completely ignored such fresh bear feces, what does that mean?

It means that an adult bear cannot pose any threat to Ed at all.

"Does it have the power to crush an adult bear head-on..."

Zhao Yi's eyes became interested, and he looked at the weather seriously.

"With such a powerful expert around, this game was actually judged to be of purgatory-level difficulty... a bit interesting..."

"In this kind of weather, I'm afraid it will rain for several days or even more than ten days. They said before that Bear Grylls had detected weather information before coming, so the only explanation is... this kind of weather was deliberately chosen by the two of them!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yi's mouth corners slightly raised.

"To enhance the show effect?"


The information in his mind was constantly interlaced and deduced at a strange speed that normal people could not understand, simulating various situations of heavy rain in the next ten days...

All kinds of possibilities appeared, and he classified them into different areas one by one.

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows, and his eyes became more and more excited.


Soon, under the leadership of Ed, everyone found a small cave leaning against the mountainside.

It was quite empty inside, and poisonous insects seemed to dislike this overly flat ground, and there were no poisonous snakes.

The inside of the cave was clean as if it had been cleaned up by someone.

Ed was pleasantly surprised and took everyone to shoot while preparing to make a fire.

"It's not raining yet, let's find dry firewood as soon as possible and then make a fire. As long as there is fire, we can not only sleep well tonight, but also eat cooked food tomorrow!"

Everyone immediately took action, and went out in groups of two to find dry firewood nearby. Ed carefully guided the players from a distance while recording the video.

When Zhao Yi picked up dry firewood, he was looking for traces left by the bear. Soon he determined a direction and found new feces in front.

He carefully wrote down these clues, and then carried the dry firewood back to the cave.

Dusk fell.

The fire rose, and the warmth dispelled the cold.

The orange light shone, and everyone sat around the fire, and there was an extra warmth.


A muffled thunder sounded, and the sound of rain came from outside the cave.

The humidity and coldness poured into the cave, making everyone shiver.

They were wearing different clothes.

For example, Zhao Yi's clothes were thicker, so he felt warmer.

Wei Yun's clothes were very few, and the two bottles of Nutri-Express on her chest were almost opened. She didn't treat her brothers as outsiders at all. The stockings on her legs were still super thin, which basically had no warmth.

She was shivering next to the fire.

The other two people's clothes were also thicker, but not as "solid as a rock" as Zhao Yi.

The fire crackled, and Ed suddenly lay on the stone, panting, and sweating.

"Ed, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yi frowned and asked.

Ed turned his head and grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

"Nothing... Maybe the spider in the daytime was a little poisonous, and it will be fine after a good sleep."

Zhao Yi stepped forward and gave Ed a simple examination.

There was really no big problem, just a little fever and dizziness.

But his expression was very subtle.

Generally speaking, the toxins of spiders and venomous snakes can only take effect after entering the blood, so there is no big problem if they are eaten.

But now it seems that the poisonous spiders and some other insects in the Rubaco Mountains are not edible.

Even Ed's outrageous physical fitness can't stand it. If they eat it, it will probably go bad in a short time.

"Thank you for your concern... Let's consider food and water tomorrow morning. There are special impurities in these rainwaters. Although they are not corrosive, they cannot be drunk. For tomorrow's mission, everyone should have a good rest!"

Ed said, and then turned over and went to sleep.

Everyone looked at each other, Ying Xiangying glanced at the sleeping Ed, and whispered:

"Did you find anything?"

Everyone shook his head.

Ying Xiangying didn't know whether they really didn't know or didn't want to say it, so he sighed helplessly and went to sleep.

He deliberately chose the innermost position. Although the fire there was a little far away and a little cold, if something unexpected happened outside or something terrible appeared, he would definitely not be the first target to be attacked.

About two hours later, Zhao Yi suddenly sat up from the ground, picked up a burning firewood, and quietly walked out of the cave...

PS: It took a long time to bury the thread. I will try to write 10,000 words today. Let's go!

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