The ghost of the warehouse.

The two chatted while eating.

"A long time ago, the D17 train that Sun Baibai was riding on had an accident at the gate of Zili Village in the south... I just heard it from others, and then all the people in that train disappeared."

"This afternoon I sent a servant to Zili Village to find out, but it didn't come back there... It should be an accident."

"Because I own real estate in Guxuan Town now, I can't leave Guxuan Town for the time being."

"Regarding Zili Village, I suggest you don't go now."

"It's too dangerous there."

Zhao cut off a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'll pay attention."

The warehouse ghost put a note with a phone number into Zhao Yi's hand.

"This is the phone number of the boss of 'Changsheng Mall'. You can pick a time to make an appointment with him tomorrow."

"He's always available."

Zhao Yi looked at the number in his hand and put it away.

The next day, Zhao Yi asked for leave from the dean directly.

Anyway, no patients dared to come to him for surgery for the time being, so the dean just muddled along.

They had already collected the money from those sick ghosts who had made appointments.

Not doing the surgery would be their loss, not the hospital's loss.

Came to a private room in a teahouse on the fourth floor of the mall. Since he had the identity of a doctor, the ghosts in Guxuan Town did not look at Zhao Yi with hunger in their eyes.

Open a private room.

Soon, a fat man with a beer belly like a pregnant belly pushed the door in and sat opposite Zhao Yi.

His face was pale, and he was filled with the atmosphere of the upper class.

[Mall owner: Neutral]

[Weakness: Unpromising son]

[Note: He exudes the breath of capitalism]

He glanced at Zhao Yi with disdain, and the ten big rings on his fingers were so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

"Are you the doctor recommended to me by the warehouse ghost?" Zhao Yi replied: "Yes." The mall owner nodded and said straight to the point: "Then I'll get straight to the point." "I originally only rented the shops in Changsheng Mall and didn't sell them... Besides, your 150,000 ghost money is not enough for my wife to wipe her butt." Zhao Yi was surprised: "Then your wife's butt must be a bit big, right?" "Can you handle it?" The mall owner glared: "Don't interrupt, listen to me!" "Although I don't want to sell the shop, there is an exception for everything." "...My son always says that he is not feeling well and can't study well, so his grades are always at the bottom of the class." "I have found several doctors, but none of them can cure my son's disease of not studying well, so if you can cure my son, then I am willing to take out a good underground mall shop for 150,000 ghost money to sell. Give it to you. "

"But if you can't cure it, you will be eaten by my son!"

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows and said:

"Do you keep your word?"

The man put ten fingers in front of Zhao Yi, showing off his expensive gem rings, and said arrogantly:

"I, Hu Aotian, don't lack the money for a storefront."

After that, he looked at Zhao Yi in deep thought and sneered:


"Are you scared?"

"That's right, even the ghost doctor can't cure my son's disease, how can you, a weak human being,..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Yi raised his head with interest:

"Boss Hu, I still want to ask, your wife's butt is so big, can you control it?"

Hu Aotian: "???"

"Why are you so concerned about my wife's butt?"

"I warn you, if you dare to have any bad ideas about my wife, I will kill you!"

Zhao Yi nodded.

"Ha, sorry... Don't worry, Boss Hu, I'm just naturally a little curious about strange things."

A man and a ghost came to Hu Aotian's residence.

It is a huge manor in the center of the rich area of ​​Guxuan Town.

The villas are one after another, lined up in rows, elegant and exquisite, and the greenery is full of magical plants and monsters.

Before entering the door, a terrifying evil spirit came over.

An old housekeeper was kicked out of the third-floor window with a kick, and there were shouts and curses from inside:

"Who the hell asked you to come in and clean the room?"

"How many times have I said it!"

"Don't touch my figurines!"

"Next time if I see my figurines moved, I'll chop off your head!"

The housekeeper fell to the ground in embarrassment

On the ground, covered in blood, so embarrassed.

Zhao Yi stared at the broken window on the third floor, his eyes shining.

What a nice smell.

It's the smell of food.

It's time for a snack!

Hu Aotian, who was standing by, saw Zhao Yi standing there and not daring to move, thinking that he was frightened, so he patted Zhao Yi on the shoulder:

"If you don't dare to go, forget it. This kind of thing is not forced. After all, a tiger father will have a dog son..."

Zhao Yi pushed his hand away, with a serious face:

"No... Boss Hu, please let me treat your son!"

Hu Aotian looked at Zhao Yi with a complicated expression.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not kidding you... The doctors who participated in the treatment before were eaten by my son."

Zhao Yi walked directly to the third floor with a steady pace.

"Don't worry, Boss Hu, I will definitely give you a good child who likes to study."

Came to the room of the problem teenager.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong stench filled the air.

The ground was full of paper balls.

The boy was rotting all over, his eyes were bulging, and his mouth was filled with dense and sharp teeth, all filled with a foul smell.

If you look closely, you can find that there are some human hairs in his mouth.

Seeing Zhao Yi and his father, Hu Liangliang showed a ferocious smile:

"Dad, are you sending food again?"

Hu Aotian sighed.

"Son, playing games every day is not good."

"How can you inherit the family business in the future like this?"

Hu Liangliang frowned and cursed:

"The old man is so noisy!"

"Okay, I am willing to cooperate with the treatment... I still say that if he can't cure my disease, I will eat him!"

"If you cause any trouble, you have to clean up your own ass!"

Hu Aotian looked at his son with a complicated expression, and sighed at Zhao Yi again.

"Doctor Zhao, wish you good luck!"


He locked the door.

Inside the room.

Zhao Yi showed an elegant and calm smile.

"Hello, Hu Liangliang, I'm your father..."

"I'm the doctor who invited you to treat your illness."

Hu Liangliang showed a cruel smile and licked his sharp fangs with his long tongue!

"Excuse me, do you want to treat me?"

Zhao Yi brought a chair and sat next to Hu Liangliang.

He raised his head.

The man and the ghost looked at each other.

Hu Liangliang's smile gradually stiffened and disappeared...


It turned into fear!

On Zhao Yi's handsome face.

He suddenly saw——

A pair of scarlet eyes, as bottomless as the abyss...


PS: There is one more chapter!

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