The host is a very good person.

[Symptoms: Rebellious personality (Mix)]

[Performance: A combination of rebellious personality and argumentative personality, with a strong sense of resistance, saying no to everything others say, and starting from denying the relatives around him, and finally denying the whole world. During the personality fusion process, the host often has negative emotions such as bloodthirstiness, tyranny, and anger, and as the degree of personality fusion increases, the negative emotions become more serious, and even attacks on relatives will occur. ]

[Category: Inferior ingredients, duplicate ingredients]

[Spiritual improvement: None]

[Note 1: You can reduce the hunger in your spiritual world by eating it, but this inferior ingredient obviously cannot improve your spiritual strength. ]

A few minutes later.

Zhao Yi opened the door.

He held his head high and looked radiant.

Hu Aotian was standing outside the door smoking a cigar. When he saw Zhao Yi opening the door, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then an incredible look appeared in his eyes.


Zhao nodded.

"The treatment is over, Boss Hu."

"From today on, your child will listen to you unconditionally. He will refuse games, refuse the second dimension, study hard, and inherit your family business in the future."

Hu Aotian was stunned.

The doctor recommended to him by the warehouse so awesome?

Several doctors came to their family before, all of whom were well-known doctors in the town, but after a lot of trouble, they were all eaten by their son!

As a father, Hu Aotian knew clearly in his heart that his son's strength was not weak, and a human of Zhao Yi's level could never compete!

Could it be...he was really "cured"?

With a doubtful mood, Hu Aotian entered the room and saw Hu Liangliang swallowed the computer in one gulp and started to use the table where he used to play games... to do his homework!

Oh my god!

The sun came out from the west!

Hu Aotian patted Hu Liangliang's head with trembling hands and said excitedly:

"My kid!"

"You've made progress!"

Hu Liangliang smiled sweetly.

"Dad, Doctor Zhao is right... From today on, I will study hard and strive to inherit the family business as soon as possible in the future to share the pressure for you!"

Hu Aotian was so excited that he couldn't speak. He shouted "OK" several times, and then enthusiastically pulled Zhao Yi to stay at their house for dinner, but Zhao Yi politely refused him.

"Do you still keep your word about the storefront?"

Hu Aotian hurriedly said:

"It's true! It's true!"

"Dr. Zhao, if you don't have enough money, you can buy on credit first."

[Congratulations to player Zhao Yi, Hu Aotian, the boss of 'Changsheng Mall', has raised his favorability towards you from 'no feeling' to 'like'! ]

Zhao Yi was slightly surprised when he got the system's prompt sound.

I didn't expect that this fat pig-like ghost in front of him would pay so much attention to his son.

I just helped his son cure his rebellion, but he actually raised his favorability!

But it's okay.

There are many places in Guxuan Town that are actually unsafe. One more friend means one more guarantee.

The clown was contacted through the system, and he remitted 150,000 ghost money to Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi followed Hu Aotian to start the handover procedure.

Soon, an underground store in Changsheng Mall belonged to the clown.

Needless to say, the mall's traffic.

There are so many ghosts in the town, and there are only two malls in total.

If the clown works well in the shop in the underground mall, he can quickly earn back 150,000 ghost money!

After doing all this, the clown sent Zhao Yi another email, which contained the clown's personal collection.

However, this collection requires Zhao Yi to be level 5 to extract.

After finishing, Zhao Yi returned to the guild's residence.

The clown asked him what kind of shop would be better in Guxuan Town.

Zhao Yi replied:

"Definitely not a grocery store, this thing is not profitable at all."

"You can open a chess and card room, or a board game room, or do a plot killing or something."

"These things make more money than you opening a grocery store."

The little idiot Yan became excited and invited Zhao Yi to participate in the design. The latter readily accepted, but asked the clown for 20% of the shares.

Of course, the clown had no reason to refuse.

If it weren't for Zhao Yi, he would never have such a good shop.

His plan to revitalize the family's industry, which he had been thinking about all the time...seems to have seen a glimmer of hope!

As early as when his father handed over the grocery store to him, the clown wanted to revitalize the family business all the time. However, he was bound by the rules and had no way to do it.

It was impossible to leave the abandoned station.

But now Zhao Yi has built a store for it in Guxuan Town.

The rules allow it to exist there.

As long as the clown needs it, it can appear in Guxuan Town at any time, in its own store.

After some tinkering.

Zhao Yi came to the butcher's meat shop again.

He told the butcher about Sun Baibai's affairs and asked the butcher about Zili Village.

The butcher's eyes narrowed slightly.

The long-lost memories emerged bit by bit.

"Zili Village is different from Moye Village."

"That village has always been closed. Although the railway has been built there, there is no corresponding platform."

"The village has never been connected to the outside world, and they don't like outsiders to visit the village."

"But... Baibai's mother Hongsong is from Zili Village..."

"When she wanted to marry me, the villagers disagreed. Later, I eloped with her and settled in Moye Village."

"Later, Hongsong mysteriously disappeared shortly after giving birth to Baibai... She only left a note for me."

"The police searched the entire village but couldn't find any trace of Hongsong..."

"She seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth..."

Zhao Yi asked after hearing this:

"Do you have the note?"

The butcher nodded, went to get an old note, and put it in Zhao Yi's hand.

There were only three very short lines written on it.


[Long, all my savings over the years are in the pillow. ]

[Remember, never... let Bai Bai approach Zili Village! ]

[Take good care of our daughter! ]

Zhao Yi looked at the note and immediately realized that the accident of the D17 train that Sun Bai Bai was riding on, and even her mysterious disappearance in the end, were all closely related to Zili Village!

If he wanted to find Sun Bai Bai, he had to go to that village.

But Zhao Yi didn't plan to go now.

First, he was only level 4 and his strength was not enough.

From the description of the warehouse ghost, there must be unimaginable evil in Zili Village!

He needs to improve his strength.

Second, the tide of demons is coming soon, and Zhao Yi must be in the guild's residence at that time and cannot run around.

"First get through the tide of demons..."

"Then find a way to find Sun Bai Bai!"

Zhao Yi put away the note and thought so.

PS: The third update.

Brothers, sorry it's too late, I will try to write some during the day next time.

There are too many main and branch lines in the big world.

But I won't delay any longer. The Demon Spirit Tide large secret realm will be opened tomorrow.

I'm tired, brothers. Good night!


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