Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 55: What are you looking at!

After the third watch, there are still lights on the streets and alleys of the capital, but there are few pedestrians, only a few singers and drinkers.

Zuo Lingquan was kicked out of the back door, and he turned around and wanted to comfort him, but Wu Qingwan didn't give him a chance, so he raised his hand and locked the door, and he could only spread his hands.

Fang Cai Wanwan was wearing fox ears and was earnestly 'cultivating' in the riding position; Jiang Yi shouted, which made her body tighten, and turned into a vise, almost breaking him.

Before the two had finished their work, Jiang Yi had already got up and ran out the door, not giving anyone a chance to escape at all.

This stance of catching the traitor scared Qingwan Huner away. When he came back, he threw the fire all over him, gnashing his teeth, feeling ashamed, and scratching and scratching. Hit him twice.

Zuo Lingquan could only bear this silently, seeing that Qingwan ignored him and locked the door, so he could only turn around and walk towards the Toffee Palace not far away.

The Taifei Palace is the former site of the imperial city of the Dayan Dynasty. It is separated from the palace by a wall, but the palace people who live there are very different; the palace lights next door are bright, but there are only a few lights in the Taifei Palace.

Zuo Lingquan came to the bottom of the city wall, looked up and saw that there were no guards on the palace wall; with the ability of the imperial concubine, it is estimated that there is no need.

He wanted to go directly over the palace wall, but the young concubine who was a widow at the night meeting over the palace wall said that it was to discuss the case.

Zuo Lingquan hesitated for a while, but he still came to the side gate of the palace city. The gate was closed, and there was only a snow-white cat, squatting between the arrow stacks on the city wall, looking down at him and wagging his tail gently.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan naturally understood what he meant, he flew down on the palace wall, and followed the white cat to the center of the palace city.

In the middle of the night, the maids in the imperial concubine's palace could not sleep without sleep, and they all fell asleep. The whole palace was quiet, only the autumn wind blew through the palace and made a soft sound of 'huhu~'.

Zuo Lingquan walked through several corridors and aisles and came to the main hall.

The main hall of Miyagi was originally the place where the Emperor Dayan went to court. After the imperial concubine moved in, it was changed into a hall for hospitality. The hall was beautifully decorated, with copper cranes incense sticks. The place where the dragon chair was originally placed was replaced by a bead curtain, and behind the bead curtain was a gorgeous soft couch.

Zuo Lingquan entered and looked up, only to see a beautiful woman in palace dress in a gorgeous phoenix dress lying on the soft couch behind the bead curtain.

Against the background of the lights, the hazy curves of the beautiful woman are looming, and with the magnificent hall, it looks extravagant, but it has a somewhat unspeakable charm.

"Hooking people" is not because of the charming behavior of the beauty on the couch, but the unattainable temperament of the gorgeous palace and pavilion, which can easily stimulate men's possessiveness.

Zuo Lingquan just got up from under Wanwan, and was called into the palace in the middle of the night. When he looked up and saw this scene, some inappropriate thoughts inevitably appeared in his heart. He quickly swept away the distracting thoughts, stepped forward and bowed his hands:


Shangguan Lingye sat up and raised his hand to indicate a case table in the center of the hall:

"Sit down. The maids are all asleep. Please forgive me for the poor reception."

"Senior is polite."

Zuo Lingquan sat down after arriving at the case. There was a booklet on the small case. He picked it up and checked it.

Shangguan Lingye walked out from behind the bead curtain, walked to the opposite side of the table, sat opposite Zuo Lingquan on the futon, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea.

The long cases are narrow, which results in close distances to each other.

Shangguan Lingye herself is a beautiful face. In her time, she was a wealthy fairy who was crowned with the ninth sect. After 80 years of precipitation in the secular dynasty, she had worn away her dazzling edge and gained a graceful and luxurious concubine temperament. If it wasn't for those eyes that were too powerful, I'm afraid not many men would be able to calm down in front of them.

Although she is over a hundred years old, a fairy who cultivates is like a fairy brew in a cellar.

Zuo Lingquan looked down at the booklet, and a faint fragrance floated in, only to realize that Shangguan Lingye was sitting across from him.

The handwriting on the booklet is beautiful, and the general information about the power of Burning Mist City is written, as well as the records of the cultivators of the Qing Dynasty in the past few years. Maybe he is afraid that he will not understand, and there are also carefully written notes next to it.

After a brief look at it, the meaning is easy to understand that the imperial court seized an evil weapon a few years ago, which may be related to the refiner Lei Hongliang, and Wu Zunyi is Lei Hongliang's apprentice. Let's talk about this, if the root cause of the evil weapon is eradicated, a magic weapon will be rewarded.

Seeing the reward for this errand, Zuo Lingquan was naturally a little tempted and asked:

"Senior, it's easy to investigate, but these evil sects and crooked ways must be guarded against the righteous monks. How should I investigate?"

Shangguan Lingye held a teacup, his eyes wandered on Zuo Lingquan's face, still thinking about the relationship between Zuo Lingquan and his ancestor.

Hearing this, she responded calmly:

"If I knew how to investigate, why would I ask you to do it? Burning Mist City is the territory of Heavenly Emperor City, and my people can't penetrate it. You have to find a way."

Zuo Lingquan thought so too, thought about it and said:

"Since it is a place for refining weapons, these evil weapons must be sold to monks after refining; I pretend to be a monk of the evil way and go to Burning Smoke City to buy evil weapons, will it work?"

Shangguan Lingye lightly picked the tea leaves in the cup, pondered a little, and nodded slightly:

"The way is okay. But buying and selling evil weapons is a taboo in the Nine Sects. If you find out, you will treat it as a devil. It's not easy if you want to buy it; you have to convince them that you are an evil monk, and there must be bait..."

Having said that, Shangguan Lingye may think this method can be tried, put down the teacup, and stand up:

"I'll go to the treasury and find you a few things for you, you wait a moment."

Zuo Lingquan didn't expect Shangguan Lingye to be so impatient. He got up and watched. After Shangguan Lingye walked out of the palace door, his body floated up, like Chang'e flying to the moon, and flew to the next imperial city.

There were not many people in the imperial concubine's palace, and when Shangguan Lingye left temporarily, he was completely silent.

Zuo Lingquan stood with his hands behind his back and stood at the door waiting. The palace city outside the white jade steps was full of black holes, and there was nothing to see, and he turned his attention to the hall again.

The main hall is very large in scale, and it looks very empty with not many furnishings.

Zuo Lingquan looked around for a week, and found a 'cat climbing frame' in the corner of the main hall. The mahogany floor was exquisitely crafted, and there were some small bells hanging. The dumplings probably liked it, but it was a pity that this thing obviously couldn't be brought back.

Zuo Lingquan walked to the cat climbing frame and was about to watch it, but out of the corner of his eye he found that there was an incense case on the side of the main hall, and there was a portrait on the wall of a woman in a golden dress.


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, turned around and walked to the portrait, looked at it carefully, and felt that the woman in the portrait was dressed a bit like the ancestor of Shangguan.

Zuo Lingquan had never even heard the name of the imperial concubine, and did not know the origin of the imperial concubine; but the Iron Arrow Mansion was the backing of the Dayan Dynasty, and it was not surprising that the portrait of the ancestor of Shangguan was offered.

Zuo Lingquan only saw the outline of the ancestor of Shangguan from a distance when he was only in Xihuang Valley. At other times, he saw Tang Jingxuan. He didn't know what the ancestor of Shangguan looked like. When he saw the portrait, he was naturally interested. .

Zuo Lingquan stood with his hands behind his back, standing under the portrait, raised his eyes and carefully scrutinized the woman's face with willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes. It looked majestic, but compared with the eyes of Shangguan's ancestors, which looked down upon all living beings, it was a world of difference.

Ink painting is 'freehand' rather than 'realistic', the painting is not as incomprehensible, but even the spirit of the ancestors of Shangguan cannot be drawn, and the standard is really not high.

Zuo Lingquan, who was born in a noble family, had a little insight into the picture scroll under the influence of hearing and seeing. He shook his head lightly, and turned his eyes to the lips of the woman.

Although the person in the painting can't see the three-dimensional effect, the woman's mouth is still very beautiful. You can see the lip peaks, lip beads, and lip valleys. If you put on red rouge, it will be very hot...

It was quiet in the middle of the night, and the main hall was empty.

Zuo Lingquan looked at it, his mind began to wander, and he couldn't help but remembered the last time he was quiet and peaceful in the ground...

A kiss once...

Shangguan Yutang shrank slightly and bit his tongue...

It's just that Zuo Lingquan didn't think for a moment when he realized that someone was staring at him. ? !

Zuo Lingquan quickly returned to his senses, turned his head and saw that there was no one in the hall, not even the shadow of a ghost.

Zuo Lingquan didn't believe it was an He searched left and right, and finally focused his eyes on the eyes of the portrait.

The drawn eyes were slightly different from what they had just seen, as if they were staring at him condescendingly.


Zuo Lingquan was slightly surprised, leaned a little closer, raised his hand and touched the leg of the woman in the painting, wanting to see if there was any mystery in the painting.

Unexpectedly, when he touched his hand, the whole picture scroll became illusory, and the woman in the picture scroll showed a three-dimensional sense, and the momentum was also rising. ! !

I go……

Zuo Lingquan secretly thought that it was not good, and looked back to find the concubine to **** him.

But apparently no one in the empty hall could come to help him, and even if there was an estimate, no one dared to come.

"What are you looking at?"

With a cold voice, he suddenly appeared in the hall!

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