Too Reckless

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect

The palace lanterns on the eaves and corners swayed in the autumn wind, and the dim yellow lights were intertwined with the moonlight.

In the empty hall, a tall woman dressed in a long dress with golden dragon scales floated out of the portrait and landed in front of the incense table.

The woman is very tall, with twin peaks like two mountains, holding up the golden skirt and drawing a curve with perfect proportions; wearing a golden dragon-patterned hair ornament on her head, the long black hair moves without wind, and the ethereal fairy air blows towards her face.

The woman in the golden skirt has bare feet under her skirt, but she is at the same height as Zuo Lingquan. She took a step forward, with eyes like a **** standing on the top of a ten-thousand-zhang peak, looking down at the three-year-old child at the foot of the mountain:

"What are you looking at?"

The voice is neither happy nor angry, but the inherent oppressive force is fully displayed. If the mind is not tenacious, I am afraid that I will be scared and fall to the ground on the spot.

Zuo Lingquan's expression was stiff. Unexpectedly, the deity of the ancestor of Shangguan suddenly appeared and stood a step in front of him; he only felt exposed to the scorching sun, and the indescribable pressure made him instinctively want to retreat and avoid it. Gritting his teeth, he barely stood still.

Zuo Ling wanted to raise his hand and salute, but couldn't move, so he could only say:

"Senior Shangguan, why are you here? Well... I was just looking at the portrait, I didn't know you were inside..."

The woman in the golden dress stared at Zuo Lingquan's eyes with the eyes of Xinghai and the earth:

"The enshrined portraits of the great immortals and the golden bodies of the temples all have spiritual thoughts to protect their descendants; you are the first person who dares to act in front of the portraits of the ancestors."? !

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly explained: "Senior misunderstood, I remembered my family's quietness, and I have no evil thoughts about my senior."

The eyes of the woman in the golden skirt are like two sharp swords, stabbing deep in Zuo Lingquan's eyes:

"You watched unscrupulously for half an hour, and your mind was not covered at all, thinking that you can deceive the deity by pretending to be innocent now?"


Just now Zuo Lingquan was just thinking about being quiet, his thoughts went a little off, and he thought about the question of 'one-time kiss'.

After all, it had already happened, and he couldn't forget it. It was human nature to think about it in his heart.

Being caught by the ancestors of Shangguan, Zuo Lingquan could only respond:

"Everyone has emotions and desires, and I'm not a saint. What happened last time was really that kind of thing. It's inevitable to think about it in my heart. Didn't the seniors think about it?"

The eyes of the woman in the golden skirt are pure and flawless, and she can't see the slightest distraction:

"Don't look at immortals with the eyes of mortals."

Zuo Lingquan felt the same, and said, "I'm not an immortal, I naturally have an ordinary mind, and I can't be as enlightened as my predecessors. It was my eyes that offended me, and I ask my seniors to forgive me."

After staring at the woman in the golden skirt for a moment, she nodded slightly and looked away:

"It's not an example."

Zuo Lingquan regained his freedom and heaved a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to talk about this embarrassing topic, so he said:

"Senior Shangguan is the master of the imperial concubine?"

The woman in the golden skirt looked back at her portrait, leaving only Zuo Lingquan's back without saying a word, thinking it was a default.

Zuo Lingquan naturally couldn't stare at the back of Shangguan's ancestor with long hair and buttocks. He set his eyes on the beam of the house carved with auspicious beasts and asked:

"I heard the Empress Dowager say that the senior left her here for 80 years without paying attention, and never saw her; why did the senior pop up after I glanced at her?"

"Because your eyes are desecrating the deity."

"……All right."

Zuo Lingquan was speechless.

After a moment of silence, the woman in the golden skirt said:

"Have you heard of Lu Jianchen?"

Zuo Lingquan had never heard of this name, so he wondered:

"Who is Lu Jianchen?"

"Sword Imperial City is ranked thirteenth, a very famous sword cultivator in Central Continent, you call him Lao Lu."

"Old Lu?"

Zuo Lingquan thought about it for a while, and suddenly remembered that Lao Lu said that he was the thirteenth city owner of Sword Emperor City, and even said at the time, "With your brother's brain, I am a master, can he believe it?" ’.

The fifth brother believed it at the time.

He didn't believe it.

Zuo Lingquan frowned, and it was only now that he recalled this bad old man. At that time, he was scolding him for "having eyes but not knowing the gods"?

The woman in the golden skirt didn't care about Zuo Lingquan's stunned expression, and continued:

"Have you heard of Lu Jianchen's past?"

Zuo Lingquan didn't even know Lao Lu's real name, so naturally he didn't know:

"No. What happened to Lao Lu in the past?"

"Many years ago, the Lord of Fulong, Chen Chaoli, was in the Fulong Mountains to transcend the calamity. The deity and the Lord of the Emperor's Zhao were guarding the way. At that time, Lu Jianchen was still a wild boy who was chopping wood in the mountains. When I was nearby, I saw the scene of the catastrophe coming to the world. Do you know what eyes he showed at that time?"

"Shocked? Longing?"

The woman in the golden skirt turned her cheeks and looked at Zuo Lingquan's cold and clear pupils:

"It's very similar to the look in your eyes when you held the sword for the first time, but more paranoid than you."


Zuo Lingquan remembered that when he was three years old, he held the cut wooden sword for the first time. What he thought was that he must go to the top of the mountain in this life. At that time, he did not know that his meridians were blocked. The experience of the two worlds is close to me, and I feel that I am different, and I am especially crazy...

"Crazier than me?"

The woman in the golden skirt nodded slightly:

"The eyes are too sharp, and I want to write down the thoughts of the immortals in the sky on the soles of their feet. Chen Chaoli, who is sharp enough to cross the calamity, all distracted and glanced at it."

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were full of surprise: "Old Lu is so powerful?"

"He was born a fairy."

The woman in the golden dress looked at the soft couch where Shangguan Lingye often lay:

"This kind of person is terrifying. He has a ruthless mind and considers himself ruthless. For a goal, he can do anything until he reaches the goal...

... After seeing Lei Jie, Lu Jianchen returned home, and before saying goodbye to his parents who had raised him for many years, he went out with a wooden sword...

...a ten-year-old child, crawling and crawling alone in Central Continent where wild cultivators are rampant, relying on begging, stealing, living hard for more than ten years, traveling nearly ten thousand miles, and finally worshipping in a small mountain gate. Jiazi only cultivated to the eighth level of Linggu...

...After he climbed up by almost unscrupulous means all his life, he finally met his big chance and became a sword cultivator of Youhuang...

...With his omnipotent drive, Lu Jianchen became famous in the Central Continent in just over ten years. Everyone admired his strong mind and swordsmanship, but they did not dare to have deep friendship with him.

Because everyone is afraid of him, knowing that for the sake of longevity, he can draw a sword against anyone, even if it harms the whole world, it is only a passing glimpse on the road of longevity to him. "

Zuo Lingquan quietly listened to Lao Lu's past and wondered:

"I don't think Lao Lu is such a person. How did he become what he is now?"

There was a rare sigh in the eyes of the woman in the golden skirt:

"One day, Lu Jianchen traveled to other continents to find a way to break through the bottleneck. When he was passing by the seaside, he found a peach blossom tree on the top of the mountain, and a small grave below it; Lu Jianchen thought the tree was very beautiful, so he stopped to take a look, but found a small tomb. On the tombstone of the grave, there is a line of words."

The woman in the golden skirt raised her hand and condensed a line of golden handwriting in Zuo Lingquan:

'I've been waiting for you for forty years, but unfortunately you haven't come back, so I planted a peach tree, and it's me. When you see this line of words, the peach tree should be very big, hehe. ’

Zuo Lingquan is a person who cherishes flowers. When he saw this line of handwriting written on the tombstone, his whole body trembled slightly, and his heart suddenly twitched:

"Is this written for Lao Lu?

The woman in the golden skirt raised her hand to scan the handwriting, nodded and said:

"When Lu Jianchen saw this line of words, he remembered that he had met a Taoist companion who shared weal and woe, and shared life and death. Later, when he got the immortal sword embryo, he was afraid of being robbed, so he didn't tell anyone, he just found it at will. An excuse to go to sea and never come back; that woman thought he really went to sea and waited for him for forty years...

... After seeing this line of words, Lu Jianchen's heart to Dao, which was a little shaken, collapsed on the spot, and began to travel around the continents like crazy, looking for masters, and even came to the deity, trying to find the dead. method. "

"How did the senior respond to him?"

"There are all kinds of magical powers in the world, but there is no medicine for regret alone. Once you have passed the road, you can't turn back."

Hearing this, Zuo Lingquan understood why Lao Lu was full of old age. He had a great influence on Lao Lu. After learning about his past, he didn't know whether to evaluate him as "hateful" or "pitiful".

After all, even if Lao Lu could come to his senses, his parents and Hongyan would not be able to come back from the dead, and he could not escape this crime.

Zuo Lingquan sighed for a moment, not understanding why the ancestor of Shangguan told him this, he asked:

"Senior told me this because I thought I was 'born as a fairy' like Lao Lu, reminding me not to go the wrong way?"

"Don't be sentimental, you were born a vulgar person, and vulgarity is unbearable."

"Uh... It's good to be a human being. What did the senior mean to me when they said this?"

The woman in the golden dress said in a flat tone: "This deity just reminds you that there is a knife on the head of the word color. If you don't have that strength, don't be too concerned. Next time you dare to stare at the portrait of this deity, you will become famous in Yuyaozhou. 'Blind Swordsman'."

Zuo Lingquan's expression froze, and he spread his hands slightly:

"Are these two things related?"

The two things are not The woman in the golden skirt is just explaining why Shangguan Lingye is staying here.

She didn't say more, her body slowly left the ground and floated towards the portrait on the wall.

Zuo Lingquan saw that the ancestor of Shangguan was leaving, remembered the business, and asked:

"By the way, senior, can you see when Jingxing and I are together?"

"She doesn't bother the deity, the deity doesn't care about your life or death, and the road has to go by yourself."

When the words fell, the picture scroll returned to its original state, and the woman in the golden skirt became a paper figure again.

A few days ago, Zuo Lingquan was afraid that the ancestor of Shangguan would suddenly come over, so he didn't dare to make out with Tang Jing. With these words, he was naturally relieved.

Looking at the portrait of the woman, Zuo Lingquan didn't want to look at it recklessly. He picked up the incense on the desk, bowed three times with a sense of ritual, and put the incense in the copper incense burner...

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