Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 12: With the world people

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After dealing with Taoist Cloud Leopard, Zuo Lingquan returned to Yangcheng.

The riots in the middle of the night caused fires in many parts of the city. Fortunately, the people who were caught in the chaos were awake. Under the organization of the government and many immortal masters, they were putting out the flames and rescuing the injured.

Inside and outside the county office, people from Yanjiazhuang were fighting fires everywhere, while Yan Sanjie and a few immortal masters who were a little bit of Taoism were guarding in front of the big crow.

Before Shangguan Lingye chased the man, he did not forget this monster, and put a talisman on the crow to prevent it from escaping. At this time, the crow still lay in the ruins in its original appearance.

Different from the cannibalistic nature of the black dragon carp, the iron bell crow is a beneficial bird in the barren mountains. There is no one in the recipe. When the chaos in the city is caused, it is in a state of madness, and it is obviously secretly manipulated by the clouded leopard Taoist.

Cultivation is not easy, even more so with spirit beasts. It is obviously inappropriate to directly kill without knowing the motive of two hundred years if you can cultivate to this point.

To this end, Shangguan Lingye sealed the Great Raven cultivation base and handed it over to several immortal masters invited by Yanjiazhuang, and asked them to go to Central Continent to find the contact person in Iron Arrow Mansion, and the monks specializing in this way would handle the matter. , by the way, find a doctor for the paralyzed Sword Immortal Fan Jin.

Although the distance is extremely long and it seems very troublesome, but the little fairy masters who came to eliminate the demons agreed very simply-because Shangguan Lingye gave them a letter of recommendation, as long as they arrived at the contact point of Iron Arrow Mansion, not to mention entering the door Apprenticeship, it is still easy to get a small worship status, this is already a rare opportunity for a loose cultivator who has no sect and no sect.

It is more or less incense love to get rid of demons together with each other. This move can be regarded as the end of this fate. As for the future, it depends on their own good fortune.

In addition, although Taoist Cloud Leopard is dead, the madness of the Yan family's family members has not shown signs of improvement.

Zuo Lingquan and others have no solution for the time being, they can only let Yan Sanjie and others wait for news, they boarded the painting boat overnight, and went to Dachen State to investigate the places where Taoist Cloud Leopard often traveled in previous years...


Before I knew it, it was already early morning, and it was dawn in the east.

A small painting boat with lights on, sailing calmly in the sea of ​​clouds, you can see the red sun rising at the end of the sea of ​​​​clouds, and you can see thousands of miles of snow under your feet.

Xie Qiutao sat on the edge of the deck of the painting boat, her legs dangling in the air, looking at the sun in the sky, the morning light turned her round face red; the little dragon turtle, always huddled in its shell, was placed beside her, silently.

The dumplings, who had been busy all night, were already too sleepy to open their eyes. They squatted on Xie Qiutao's legs and fell asleep, just like the snowball who was squatting in his arms.

In Huafang's room, several people naturally didn't sleep.

Zuo Lingquan stood at the window, first glanced at the red sun on the horizon, then looked south, wondering:

"Jiang Jianhuang didn't come here? It's been a night, could it be that he is still on his way?"

Shangguan Lingye sat behind the desk with her long legs on the desk. The sitting position was a bit indecent. Through the bottom of her skirt, she could even see the deepest suspenders of the stockings; For men.

Shangguan Lingye was holding the Taiping No Matter Card he picked up from the Cloud Leopard Taoist, and was trying to break the ban on Linglong Pavilion. He heard the words calmly and said:

"Master did not inform Jiang Jianhuang. This kind of trivial matter does not need to be so inspiring, as long as Daoist Cloud Leopard believes that we can call someone."

Tang Jingxuan sat on the soft couch holding her chest, still brooding over the fact that Ling Ye kicked her out of bed, she frowned and said:

"People didn't come, your master told me to come? What if Daoist Cloud Leopard doesn't leave and waits there all the time?"

"He really dares to wait for the confrontation, which means that there is no ghost in his heart. We guessed wrong. If we apologize, it will be over."

"Aren't you cultivators who are afraid of creating knots and can't lie?"

"I can't be ashamed of my heart, how can I have a heart knot with an upright conspiracy..."


The two women chatted casually.

Zuo Lingquan couldn't talk, and he couldn't sit alone in front of a certain daughter-in-law. He could only stand at the window and stared at Ling Ye's legs that he seemed to be able to see, but he couldn't see anything.

But Jing Xun was not low, and it didn't take long to find out, her eyes were sour, it is estimated that she secretly said 'Fox Meizi', she wanted to pull up the skirt, but she couldn't show Lingye's coquettishness Cold attitude, afraid of self-defeating, and finally forget it.

Zuo Lingquan noticed the man-eating eyes behind him, and quickly closed his eyes, as if nothing happened:

"I'll go back and have a look."

After speaking, he came to the back of the cabin and opened the sliding door.

The scale of the painting boat is not large, and the sleeping quarters at the rear are seldom used, and the space is very small. Apart from the dressing table, there is only a soft bed with a stern window.

At this time, the bedroom was filled with clouds and mist, and the aura was gathered but not scattered.

Wu Qingwan, who was wearing a long cloud-white dress, folded her hands up and down, held a peach core, and sat cross-legged on the soft bed.

The cultivator must devote himself to the retreat. The six senses are closed and cannot perceive the outside world. There is no expression on the Qingwan face, but it is still soft and moving; especially the posture of sitting cross-legged, the waist and back are straight, making the waist and hip curve perfect, which is magnificent. The placket of the clothes is even more difficult to look away from.

Zuo Lingquan did not interfere with Qingwan, but just leaned back against the wall and carefully watched every detail of Qingwan's body.

Beside Qingwan, in addition to several exercises and medicinal herbs, there is also a small wooden box; needless to say what is in the wooden box, the reason why it is placed in front of Qingwan is because Qingwan does not have a Linglong Pavilion, and he is handed over to him for safekeeping. , for fear of being confiscated by Lingye.

Perhaps because he was afraid of retreating, Ling Ye secretly took it away, and on the wooden box there was a serious writing of 'Do not move'.

Zuo Lingquan chuckled inwardly - this time I got a Linglong Pavilion from Taoist Cloud Leopard. After Qingwan, I don't need to carry a box wherever I go. I just don't know how big the Linglong Pavilion is. If the space is big enough, maybe it can still be used Let Qingwan study some large-scale cultivation equipment...


While Zuo Lingquan was traveling thousands of miles, the sliding door beside him opened again.

Shangguan Lingye in a gorgeous palace dress appeared at the door, hugged his chest, leaned against the door frame, and glanced at Qing Wan:

"I didn't see enough outside, so I ran in to hide and watch?"

Zuo Lingquan looked calm, shook his head and said:

"What are you talking about, I'm thinking about things related to cultivation."


Shangguan Lingye didn't believe it at all, so he leaned forward and hooked up the sliding door with his palace shoes:

"Let's hear it, I'm fine on the way to Ben Gong, just to clarify your doubts."

Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, looking at the clear and beautiful eyes, feeling... I feel that these eyes are going to eat people!

He stood up straight, looked around, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged:

"Solution here? Qingwan..."

"She's in retreat. As long as you don't destroy the formation, she won't feel it even if you stand upside down."

"Handstand?...No, I mean..."

"Is it inappropriate to steal her man in front of Qingwan?"

Shangguan Lingye narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand slightly, and slid down the edge of the collar of the palace skirt, slightly pulling it apart, revealing the hollow lace in the flower room:

"It's not like she hasn't done anything about stealing her niece-in-law next door. She can do it, but Ben Gong can't?"

"You know it's next door, in front of you..."

Zuo Lingquan didn't care about the occasion, and felt that Wan was inappropriate at the moment. If Qing Wan woke up and saw this scene, she would be so angry that she would go back to her parents' house.

He put his arms around Ling Ye's waist and wanted her to go out and talk in detail.

But Shangguan Lingye's **** style has always been 'If you want me not to give it, you don't want me to give it in favor', so he didn't move, but pointed at Zuo Lingquan's chest with his finger and pushed him onto the bed.

"How dare you? What? Huh?"

"Hey! Ling Ye, you respect yourself..."


The two just pulled back and forth for only a moment, and Jing Xun, who was waiting outside, realized something was wrong.


The door opened again, Jing glanced in suspiciously, and found that Shangguan Lingye was flirting with Zuo Lingquan, her collar was open, her eyes were blank, she raised her hand and closed Shangguan Lingye's collar :

"Lingye, Qingwan is in retreat, what should you do if you mess up her mind?"

Shangguan Lingye's face didn't even turn red, he stood up straight, and pulled Zuo Lingquan out;

"Also, then I'll go outside, and you'll be here to take care of it, lest Qingwan go wrong."


Where is Tang Jingxuan willing to be left aside, she followed out, squeezed between the two, and hugged Zuo Lingquan's arm:

"Why? Why don't you let the wind out in the house?"

Shangguan Lingye came to the soft carved couch, sat on the side with his legs crossed, his full buttocks resting on his calf, posing in a very ladylike posture, and hooked his fingers at Zuo Lingquan:

"I'm letting the wind out in the room. Who is he practicing with? You can just watch from the side. The soft couch is small. You go and sit behind the desk."


What is the difference between this and other people eating her mouth?

Tang Jingxuan didn't let go of her arm, she thought about it in her heart:

"Why can't I practice with Xiao Zuo? I'm here this time to give him life. It's a business."

Zuo Lingquan has been busy dealing with madness recently and has no time to talk about it. He heard this and pulled Jingyou to the soft couch, sat between the two, and asked:

"By the way, how to give this life fire?"

Tang Jingxuan didn't know anything about cultivation, how did he know, he shook his head and said:

"Her master didn't tell me, just let me figure out a way."

Shangguan Lingye put away his cold and charming look, but put his legs on Zuo Lingquan's legs, and put his hands on his face:

"You have to give me a..."

"My name is Mrs. Xun."

Shangguan Lingye just pretended he didn't hear it and continued:

"However, after the body is refined, it becomes a part of the body. It is never said that it is divided into two. This life fire is not easy to give."

Zuo Lingquan already knew about this. When a cultivator refines a life object, it is equivalent to adding an internal organ to the body, one is one, and if there is any damage, it may damage one's life, let alone cut it in half.

Zuo Lingquan squeezed Ling Ye's legs twice, and found that Jingxing's eyes were wrong, so he also took out Jingxing's legs, put them on his legs, pinched them together, and pondered:

"Naturally, there is no way to give people the natal fire, but the quiet fire can be used during the Linggu period. It should not be as simple as the natal fire, but more like a natural talent."

"Most of the talents can't be distributed to outsiders. Water-controlling talents such as the black dragon carp can be used as their own by refining, but the Jingxuan talent is too strong. It is bestowed by the gods. You can’t take it away, let alone you. If you want to refine it, I’m afraid you can only refine the dumplings.”


Outside the painting boat, there was a shocked cry.

Zuo Lingquan said helplessly: "The dumplings are so powerful, where can they be refined? I really can't bear to refine them. Is there a reliable way?"

Shangguan Lingye thought about it carefully: "Jingxun's talent is very special, it must be related to Phoenix and Suzaku, like the gods chosen by the gods. I have never seen other such people, but I know that they can only communicate with the gods and the gods. , I can't give my own things, talk to the gods and let them give them a little more, it's just a drop in the bucket for the gods, this method should work."

Tang Jing was stunned in her mind, seeing the flamingo that covered the sky, she sat up straight:

"It seems to be possible, but how can I talk to it? The only two times I have seen it are when it is about to be beaten, and the other time I don't know where it is."

"The gods are everywhere. You have to figure out how to contact them. How do we ordinary people know. If you really get in touch, remember to ask me for a share."

Shangguan Lingye lay down a little, raised his hand to open the shielding formation in the cabin, and raised his eyebrows at Zuo Lingquan.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jingxuan was speechless and lifted Lingye's skirt:

"Fix it, fix it, it makes you anxious."

"What am I in a hurry for? Zuo Lingquan is in a hurry, you didn't find out, he... ummm~"

"Isn't it normal that your legs are rubbing against each other? Can you blame Xiao Zuo?"

"Sit back and don't take it seriously."

"Hey! You... I'll smoke you and me..."


Good elasticity and crisp sound...


The painting boat moved forward silently, passing through the snow-white sky and earth.

Xie Qiutao sat on the edge of the deck with a weird expression. She glanced at the cabin from time to time, but couldn't hear any sound, then she looked back and warned herself: I'm just talking about something, the little girl can't think about it...

The dumpling was a little injured, and squatted listlessly on the turtle shell, rocking the little dragon turtle as a rocking chair.

The destination of this trip is Dachen Country, because the north is vast and sparsely populated, and the distance is relatively far, and it has already reached the Xuefeng Mountains.

Xuefeng Mountain, Fulong Mountain, and Barren Mountain were originally the three largest dragon veins in Yuyaozhou. The north cliff in the Xuefeng Mountains was the highest peak in Yuyaozhou. It was once called Beiyue by mountain monks.

At its peak, the Central Continent Desert was just a buffer zone for the northern and southern immortals, and the brilliance created by the northern immortals was not much weaker than the southern immortals.

But no matter how brilliant the immortal family is, they can't bear the torrent of the general trend.

The method of the ancestors to cut off the way of longevity is to seal the Taiyin God, causing the yin and yang of the heaven and earth to be out of balance, so that people inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot enter.

The north is the land of the cathode, and the influence of the imbalance of yin and yang is self-evident. Although there is no obvious change in a short period of time, the Beishouzhou has been transformed into a barren land and many peaks including Xuanwutai. The immortal family also withered and declined one after another.

In today's Kyushu land, except for Nanyu Continent, which is located in the land of anodes, the yang qi is too strong and the yin qi is not neutralized, which leads to the overall bad environment.

The same is true of Yuyao Continent. The Northern Immortal Family was already at the stage of lingering before the battle of pill stealing, but there is still a saying in the world of the "Seven Immortals of the Northern Territory".

After the Battle of Pill Stealing, these ancient sects were completely buried in the dust just like the history of Yuyaozhou. It was only the ancestors of Shangguan Yutang, who had gone through the years, that they knew that there were still these immortal families. Yuyaozhou has taken root on the ground.

However, the vitality of the Xianjia sect is often more tenacious than the world thinks; at its peak, there can be hundreds of thousands of disciples. At the time of decline, as long as one of these disciples and grandchildren remembers the name of the ancestor, this sect will have no chance. die.

Just like Beishouzhou Xuanwutai, Xuanwutai has long been reduced to a place name, but there is still a little girl who walks alone on the land of Jiuzhou, carrying the belief handed down from her ancestors.

And there are many other ancient sects that have long disappeared...


Great Chen State, Dai Ti Mountain.

Every year around the winter solstice, large and small sects will open mountain gates to recruit disciples, as does the Shenhao Sect located in Wangshan County, Dachen State.

Although the winter solstice has not yet arrived, the sect is too small and there are not so many rules. In October, there are many people from all over the world who come to Daiti Mountain to incense, and by the way, let the Taoist priest inside take a look at the root bone.

There was a lot of snow, and scattered people walked on the stone road up the mountain, with children by their side.

Outside the old gate of Shenhao Sect, several disciples maintained order, and the elderly elders checked the bones of the children who came over in turn.

In a viewing pavilion on the top of the mountain, the white-haired Sect Master Han Ning did not look at the children outside the mountain gate, but looked up at the sea of ​​clouds, as if waiting for someone.

After an unknown time, no one appeared in the sky, but a voice sounded from behind:

"Sect Master Han!"

The voice is clear and clear, very polite, not mixed with the slightest smoke and fire, just hearing the sound, you know that it is coming from the mountain.

Han Ning turned around and looked up, only to see two people standing outside the viewing pavilion.

The two stood side by side, the one on the left was a middle-aged man in white, holding a blue-green flute in his hand, and a black card hanging from his waist, on which was a basalt relief sculpture of turtles and snakes.

The other person was familiar, with an old face, wearing a robe that had been washed white, holding a cigarette stick in his hand, and a wine gourd hanging around his waist.

Han Ning walked out of the viewing pavilion, bowed his hands, and looked at the unfamiliar middle-aged man in white:

"Elder Zheng, who is this?"

Manager Zheng, who was holding the cigarette rod, was not very polite to anyone, and said casually:

"The descendants from the north, come and get things, you have to ask yourself."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in white took off the badge on his waist and handed it to Han Ning:

"My has some friendship with the ancestor of Sect Master Han. I don't know if Sect Master Han recognizes this brand."

Han Ning took the sign and looked at it, showing a bit of surprise:

"I saw it in the book handed down by my grandfather, I thought..."

"Before I came, I didn't expect that the Xuefeng Mountain God Hao Sect could spread to today, how did the sect move here?"

"It's too cold on the mountain, and I can't farm the land. My disciples and grandchildren have to eat and wear clothes. Where can I stay, your Excellency?"

"Family sect, where people are, the sect is there."

"Oh, that's fine. It's a pity that I can't be passed down from the family. Otherwise, I would have taken a few sons and wandered around, where would I have been so low..."


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