Too Reckless

Vol 12 Chapter 13: flower hairpin

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"Where to check first?"

"According to the whereabouts of Daoist Cloud Leopard..., um... there are most activities around Xuefeng Mountain, first go to Yunjiang in the upper reaches of Zhuohe..."

"Okay, the other party must be on guard, do you want to disguise?"

"Your sword... isn't it very powerful? It is said that I want to let this fairy... have a taste of your swordsmanship..."

"Friend Shangguan, don't play with fire."

" didn't eat?"

? !

I don't know how much time has passed, in the cabin with the doors and windows closed...

Zuo Lingquan was half-lying on the couch, cultivating with a crane crossed his neck, while earnestly chatting about the next itinerary.

On the opposite side, Jing You turned her back to the soft couch, stuffed her ears with cotton, held the Tiandun card in her hand, and held it up and wandered around.

Although Jing You wanted to join the practice, she did what she said and did not forget what she promised. After taking the opportunity to spank Ling Ye twice, she asked the ancestor of Shangguan to see if she was busy.

The ancestor of Shangguan was communicating with Jianhuangcheng to investigate the movements of the northern border in recent years. He was really busy. Seeing this, Jingxun had to withdraw from the team and watch the battle by the side.

But there are some things that just can't stand with the eyes.

Jing You was so impetuous that she didn't dare to look at it, but let's stay outside, and she was suspected of letting the man out to avoid herself. In the end, she simply blocked her ears and stayed in front of her if she didn't listen or read.

Zuo Lingquan was not left out in the cold. Seeing her holding the Tiandun card around, he asked:

"Jingxu, what are you doing?"

Tang Jingxuan didn't look back and muttered;

"Contact the princess, how can I enjoy this kind of good show alone? I have to let the princess see how sassy her concubine is in private..."


There is no Tiandun Pagoda in the northern Xinjiang, so naturally they cannot be contacted.

After a long time, the speed of the boat started to slow down.

This is the end of the fight in the cabin. Shangguan Lingye stood up and flicked his jade finger to dispel the charming smell on his body and put on a gorgeous dress.

After Zuo Lingquan tidied up, he comforted Jing Xun, who was almost sore, before opening the doors and windows and coming to the deck.

It's not snowing outside, it's already sunny.

Xie Qiutao was still sitting on the edge of the deck, staring at the mountains in the north in a daze; the dumplings were probably starving and confused, so they nibbled at the turtle shell of the little dragon turtle.


When Xie Qiutao heard the movement, she turned around and landed on the deck with a strange expression. She first looked at the room behind Zuo Lingquan.

The room was neat and tidy. Shangguan Lingye was sitting behind the desk, holding a gold pen in his hand, and handling the file with a serious expression; Tang Jingxuan was holding a dumpling in his arms and was fetching bird food from Linglong Pavilion. Not as messy as expected.


Xie Qiutao was stunned for a moment, put away the strangeness in his heart, and came to the front and said curiously:

"Master Zuo, what are you doing in the house?"

"I'm cultivating, I'm going to check things right now. I don't know what opponents I'll meet. First fill up the sea of ​​qi. I originally wanted to call Miss Xie in, but the room is a bit small..."

Xie Qiutao stayed outside because the house was too small, so he could only sit outside and couldn't walk around. Naturally, he didn't mind:

"Yeah, I thought you were..."

"Well, why?"

"I thought you were cultivating, hehe..."

Xie Qiutao murmured a few words, ran into the room quickly, and volunteered to start feeding the dumplings.

Zuo Lingquan knew that Taotao had guessed, so he could only see through it without saying anything, he laughed silently, and turned his eyes to the north.

It was a white mountain range, like a white city wall lying horizontally on the ground. The jagged peaks were covered with snow tops, connected to the blue sky, and there was no cloud in the sky, and it was spotlessly clean.

A river flows out from between the mountains and converges into a surging river flowing to the south. The cities and towns are scattered on the plains. The vast and empty world makes people feel that they have come to the place closest to the sky in an instant.

However, although the scenery is beautiful, this place is indeed desolate for practitioners, and the spiritual energy is extremely thin. Zuo Lingquan's realm basically has no access.

Zuo Lingquan looked at the scenery for a moment, then the painting boat slowly descended and parked in an inaccessible mountain forest.

Shangguan Lingye had heard the terms Xuefeng Mountain and Caiyi Dachen in the past, but she had never set foot here in person. This place was very unfamiliar to her, and she didn't even have a map for reference.

In order to get to the bottom of the madness as soon as possible, Zuo Lingquan chose to go out with Xie Qiutao in disguise, as he did when he first arrived in Caiyi Country, and used Taotao's rich experience of walking at the bottom to inquire about the surrounding news.

Xie Qiutao has been running around all year round, and is really good at these things. After chatting with the fortune-tellers and escorts in the market, he found out about it.

The Dachen Dynasty is located on the south side of the Xuefeng Mountains, and its territory is extremely vast, but most of them are no-man’s land, and the real control is only a few prefectures and counties along the Yunjiang River.

As for the power of the immortal family, on the bright side, it is as rare as the Caiyi Kingdom. They are all small sects called the ancestors of the eighth layer. There is no way to know whether there is a deep-water old man in the dark.

In addition, Zuo Lingquan also learned from the visit that madness is not only found in Caiyi Country, Dachen Country also found several patients, the reaction is exactly the same as the people in Yanjiazhuang, but the number is too rare , did not erupt in the same concentration around Yangcheng, so it was regarded as an ordinary stroke, and there was no news at all.

Although this news is simple, its meaning is shocking - ordinary people across the two countries, who may not have interacted with each other for hundreds of years, have the same symptoms. If it is caused by the same reason, it can only mean that the incident has spread to a wide range. exaggerated.

But Zuo Lingquan still couldn't see what was going on behind the scenes, because apart from those people in Yangcheng who were affected by the iron bell crow, the rest of the people who got mad were just those who fell into madness and finally recovered like Yan Ge. There are also many, and it is completely impossible to see what the people behind the scenes are drawing.

The motives of the evil demons were not in the usual way, and Zuo Lingquan did not delve into it. The whereabouts of the cloud leopard Taoist have been grasped, and the subsequent investigation is nothing more than a follow-up investigation. Wangshan County, looking for the sect where Taoist Cloud Leopard apprenticed in his childhood.

In the cultivation memory of Daoist Cloud Leopard, he has appeared in the Shenhao Sect where he was a teacher many times in his childhood, but he did not stay there. If Yicheng returned to the sect to visit, the frequency was too high, saying that the Shenhao Sect had nothing to do with this matter. , Zuo Lingquan did not believe it.

It took two days to visit and inquire about news, and it was noon on the third day when I arrived in Wangshan County.

Zuo Lingquan pretended to be a mundane martial artist and walked to Mount Daiti outside the county town; Xie Qiutao originally wanted to be a heroine, but she didn't really look like a hero, so she could only bring a bucket hat to pretend to be a tomboy and follow Zuo Lingquan. Behind.

Xie Qiutao was very talkative, and after seeing the mountain in the countryside, he talked enthusiastically:

"The word 'Dai' in Daiti Mountain should come from 'Daiyu'. It is rumored that it is an immortal mountain carried on the back of a tortoise overseas. There are countless treasures on it, only those with great opportunities can come across it..."

Zuo Lingquan paid attention to the surrounding trends, and said casually:

"Then Daiti Mountains together mean 'The turtle calls the mountain'?"

Xie Qiutao really thought about it, shook his head and said:

"It's not like, judging from the text, it feels more like saying that this mountain is on the back of a tortoise, and sometimes it makes a sound..."

Zuo Lingquan didn't take this explanation as a joke, because most of the place names were related to the local environment. Below Wangshan County is the root of the Xuefeng Mountains, a whole rock formation, which was regarded as a turtle's back by the ancient explorers. strangeness.

The two of them didn't come here to discuss the problem of the tortoise. After they approached Daiti Mountain, they stopped talking and quietly came to the snow forest at the foot of the mountain.

There is a market at the foot of Daiti Mountain. There are quite a lot of people at noon. From time to time, people can see people leading children in and out of the market.

Xie Qiutao has been to Huajunzhou and has more experience than Zuo Lingquan. He glanced at the stone road going up the mountain and whispered:

"The inheritance of this sect must have a long history. Those floor tiles are ivy stone with patterns similar to vines on the surface. Only the more conservative sects in Huajunzhou still use this kind of stone. Today's sects need to lay various arrays on the ground. , they are all made of artificial stones, and small sects who can’t use the stones do not know how poor they are.”

Zuo Lingquan looked at the guide and found that the stone road going up the mountain was light blue with some lines. He thought it was just anti-slip, but he didn't expect such a statement.

After Zuo Lingquan wrote down this knowledge, he felt a little more alert in his heart. He was about to take a detour and touch it from the mountains, but Xie Qiutao, who was beside him, suddenly stopped.

Zuo Lingquan thought he had noticed something strange, so he quickly leaned forward and looked at Xie Qiudao's eyes, but found that Xie Qiutao was looking at a fortune-telling stall in the market.

The fortune-teller on the stall has no signs of practicing. Judging from the words he talked to the people around him, he was a local, and there was nothing special about it, but on the banner behind the fortune-telling stall, three big characters were written:

You came

? !

Seeing these three words, Zuo Lingquan, who had just arrived here, was naturally taken aback. He felt that these three words seemed to be addressed to them, and they seemed to be an indiscriminate means of attracting customers.

Xie Qiutao frowned for a long time and said:

"What can we do? If you ask in the past, you may be exposed by yourself. If you don't ask, maybe our whereabouts will be counted. Do you want to withdraw first?"

Zuo Lingquan encountered this kind of psychological tactics for the first time and thought about it:

"The people behind the scenes know that we will follow the clues to find out here. If we know the exact whereabouts, there is no need to leave three words to pretend to be ghosts. I think it is just a bait. Going up and asking will reveal our current location."

Xie Qiutao thought it made sense, but if he didn't see it, he felt weird, and he always felt that someone had been staring at him from the dark.

Fortunately, the two did not observe for a long time, and found a woman dressed as a market girl, carrying a bamboo basket with incense, and walked to the fortune-telling booth.

The woman wears a small brown jacket, which is relatively thick. She can't tell her specific body shape. She can only feel that her body is very good. If she doesn't wear clothes, her figure is quite graceful. A flower hairpin of the hairpin - the head of the hairpin is a peach blossom.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes naturally did not focus on the woman's figure, but only paid attention to the woman's movements; I saw the woman walk slowly to the fortune-telling booth, looked at it curiously for a moment, and asked:

"Master, what do these three words mean? You know I'm coming?"

When the fortune-teller saw the guests, he quickly put on a stance of immortal style and said:

"The secret cannot be leaked..."

"Oh, forget it, I went up the mountain to burn incense..."

"Hey, don't worry, why don't you show your wife's face first? Ten pennies, don't let me die!"

? !

Rely on, so cruel...

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao, who were watching in the dark, were dumbfounded!

The woman with the flower hairpin was also stunned, and sat down in front of the stall:

"The Taoist priest is very bold, just based on this sentence, no one can make a lot of money if you don't make a lot of money, you can do it."

"What do you want ma'am?"

"It's a marriage."

"It's...cough-the girl is to be considered a marriage? This trail is the best, um...the heaven is full, the eyebrows are upright, and it is a face that is easy to live and raise, so it stands to reason that you shouldn't worry about marriage?"

"The Daoist has such good eyesight, I haven't met the right person."

"Xiaodao pinches his fingers and calculates... um... yo~ Daji, if I'm not wrong, the girl's peach blossom luck will come soon, and it will be nearby, not more than a hundred miles away..."

Ordinary people may not be able to travel a hundred miles in their entire life, and there will be no time soon. After a few words, they say they don't say anything.

However, the woman with the flower hairpin was very cooperative and looked happy. After hearing the good words of the fortune teller, she gave out ten big coins:

"I borrowed the words of Dao Changji. By the way, the Dao Master hasn't said these three words. Is it written to attract guests?"

"No, Xiaodao relies on his ability to eat, how can he do these little tricks; two days ago, someone gave Xiaodao 10 taels of silver and asked me to hang the banner. If someone asked, he would say 'one piece of Huangshi, Feng Siniang Restaurant' , Xiaodao doesn't understand what it means..."

Xie Qiutao, who was listening in the dark, looked at Zuo Lingquan with astonishment in his eyes.

Zuo Lingquan heard the meaning of this sentence - a brilliant stone, left in the Feng Siniang restaurant in Changning City, let him go to pick it up, of course, the price is that the current affairs don't look down.

Zuo Lingquan didn't expect that the people behind the scenes wanted to buy him, and asked softly:

"Miss Xie, what is the brilliant stone?"

"It's an amazing thing, a kind of fire essence bred in the south of Huajun Continent. It's similar to the rootless sky fire grade. It basically won't flow out to the market. It's a priceless treasure. The person behind it is a big hand.

Xie Qiutao asked what to do, because he asked whether to get the Huangshi, but he was not moved by the temptation of crooked ways.

After all, it is tempting to help people do things if you take things from demons and outlaws; if you take things and continue to fight demons, it is called slaying demons and slaying demons and accidentally seized trophies on the way.

Zuo Lingquan is currently lacking in life, and he also has plans to prostitute for nothing, but after thinking about it, he still shakes his head:

"Let's toss back and forth or divide our troops. If we really go back, maybe we'll have to be ambushed, no matter what, continue to investigate."

Xie Qiutao nodded lightly: "Yes, but people dare to leave a message here, it shows that the Shenhao Sect has already prepared, how to check now?"

Zuo Lingquan pondered for a while: "Going in now, it's easy to leak the tracks, and there are probably no clues left in it. If you can't find the most places, go to the places with the least round trips; Taoist Cloud Leopard has only been to the North Cliff once. There must be something strange, and the speed must be faster."


The two left quietly, but before leaving, Zuo Lingquan glanced at the woman with the flower hairpin again.

It wasn't that Zuo Lingquan noticed something strange, but the timing of the woman's appearance and questioning was a bit coincidental.

After looking at it from head to toe, after confirming that the face and measurements were not familiar, Zuo Lingquan did not stop, and left the market with Xie Qiutao.

In front of the fortune-telling booth, the woman with the flower hairpin still listened to the fortune-teller's good words with great interest, and only got up and went up the mountain until she was satisfied.

The Shen Hao Sect was on the top of the mountain, and the scale was not large. The woman with the flower hairpin came out of the mountain gate unhurriedly. It could be seen that some people were queuing up and waiting for the people in the sect to examine the bones, and more people went inside to pray for incense.

For the common people, the Shen Hao Sect is just a Taoist temple, no one knows the meaning of the word "Shen Hao", and no one knows what kind of gods the ancestors worshiped in the hall.

The woman with the flower hairpin came to the main hall and looked at the statue of the patriarch who was carved by the descendants of the later generations. She shook her head slightly, took a stick of incense from the incense basket, and inserted it into the incense burner in front of the statue.

There are many people in the Taoist temple, and it is quite lively, and there are queues for incense. After the woman with the flower hairpin finished offering the incense, she left the main hall, wandered around the sect as if looking at the scenery, and finally came to a viewing pavilion facing the market down the mountain.

The viewing pavilion is located at a high place, with a bird's-eye view of the panoramic view of the mountain. At this time, a man in a Taoist robe stood inside, with his sleeves folded, looking at the fortune-telling booth at the foot of the mountain.

The woman with the flower hairpin glanced at her, and as if she was tired from walking, she came to the viewing pavilion and said unexpectedly:

"Yo, there's someone..."

The Taoist in the pavilion looked back, but his attitude was peaceful:

"Let's rest here, girl, I'm going elsewhere."

Said to be ready to leave.

After the woman with the flower hairpin bowed her body, she got out of the way:

"Thank you sir."

The viewing pavilion is not big, and the steps at the entrance are only one person wide.

The woman with the flower hairpin was waiting by the steps, and when the Taoist passed by, she said again:


The Taoist instinctively turned his head and looked at the woman with the flower hairpin beside him. He never thought that when he first touched the woman's eyes, he smelled a dark fragrance, and then the whole person froze in place, and his eyes lost their vitality.

The woman with the flower hairpin kept her original expression and asked with a smile:

"Who made you stare here?"

"Elder Zheng."

"Who else is there among you?"

"I don't know much. Apart from Mr. Zheng, there are Wu Songzi, Lu Tong, and Taoist Cloud Leopard. Taoist Cloud Leopard just died, and the other two followed the immortal who just arrived outside, and their whereabouts are unknown."

"What are you doing?"

"I was just doing some errands. In all parts of the northern Xinjiang, I contacted the government, the nobles of the world, opened the river and repaired the canal. It lasted for more than ten years, and I never knew the purpose of Mr. Zheng."

"What's the matter with madness?"

"Since helping Mr. Zheng, madness has started to appear in various places. The reason is that Mr. Zheng has not explained. In recent years, there have been large-scale appearances near Caiyi Guoyang City, and the news has spread outside, so we try to cover it up. Mr. Zheng has caught the iron bell crow. , let Taoist Cloud Leopard put it near Yanjiazhuang to hide people's eyes and ears, I didn't expect Taoist Cloud Leopard to smash it, and completely leaked the rumors."

"There is no Tiandun Pagoda, and if you find out the whereabouts of your opponent, how do you contact the superior?"

"If you crush the jade slip, Mr. Zheng will feel it. If there is nothing wrong, he will come over in ten days and arrange things for me."

The woman with the flower hairpin nodded slightly, and before she spoke, the Taoist who had already lost his mind couldn't hide what he was thinking, and even continued:

"However, Mr. Zheng is very thoughtful and will never reveal his whereabouts. This time, he said that he will come in ten days later. In my opinion, it is just a delay. Even if I am caught by you, it will be a lie, and you will stay here for ten days."

The woman with the flower hairpin was a little surprised: "It seems that Old Man Zheng has underestimated your scheming and treated you as an abandoned child. He is overkill."

"Exceeding the prize, Xingdao follows people to do things. If you don't hide your clumsiness, you will be suspected sooner or later. It's a pity that you have overdid it this time."

"Can you guess where they went?"

"The people I know are running around and building water conservancy projects according to Mr. Zheng's arrangement. The plan must be related to water. I think it is the source of water in the northern border."

water source...

The woman with the flower hairpin turned her eyes to the Xuefeng Mountains in the north and nodded.

The Taoist looked blank and continued:

"Can Xianchang not kill me? We are just running errands with money, and Mr. Zheng doesn't want to make a Where can we dare to do something wrong? I am afraid that what we have done over the years is more decent than Xianchang..."

"I guessed that there was a bad plan, but I still don't pay attention to taking money to do things. No matter what I do, it's a joke. It's much more guilty than being ignorant and being driven by others. But I think you're not the mastermind. , and be a mortal for the rest of your life."

"Can Xianchang give the first line a chance to start from scratch?"

"Your mind is not right, you shouldn't practice, think about it in your next life."

After the woman with the flower hairpin finished speaking, she raised her hand and waved lightly, swept the Taoist's eyes, and her figure disappeared at the same time.

The Taoist stood alone outside the viewing pavilion, his eyes were in a trance, he resumed his daily life, and then he showed doubts.

"I just wanted to do something, why did I turn around and forget..."

The Taoist frowned and thought about it. He didn't think of anything, so he returned to the viewing pavilion and continued to keep an eye on it. He hadn't noticed the sea of ​​qi in his body, just like an hourglass, slowly passing wisps...

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