Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 2: Cui counseling

ding ding-

The fine raindrops sprinkled on the cornices outside the window, and the silver bells hanging at the corners of the cornices swayed gently in the wind, making an ethereal and pleasant sound.

Wu Qingwan, who was wearing a long cloud-white dress, leaned behind the window with her right arm on the window sill. Because her heavy clothes were too full, her shape changed slightly.

The misty rain in early summer was beautiful, but Wu Qingwan had no intention of admiring it at this time. Her eyes, which were as warm as autumn water, looked towards the far west behind the rain, with mixed flavors.

It was only ten days after she came out of Shenhuo Cave, and Wu Qingwan's memory still remained in the happy family atmosphere at the end of the year.

Originally thought they were going to Huajunzhou together, but Wu Qingwan was in Zuo Lingquan's place, and had no feeling about the thousands of miles in the future.

Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, he would be separated from Ling Quan, and from the current point of view, there will be fewer gatherings and more separations in the future.

Wu Qingwan had already gotten used to her wife's identity. After thinking about it, she gradually felt longing, worry, and reluctance... This kind of emotion made people live like a year, and they couldn't calm down if they wanted to concentrate on retreat.

In fact, I can't blame others, I can only blame myself for not being thick-skinned.

After a few people came out of Shenhuo Cave, Lingye was going to go overseas as planned, and reported to Shangguan ancestors beforehand.

As a result, the ancestor felt that Lingye's Taoism was too high, and there was no sense of urgency in walking together in Lingquan. Lingye was also greedy for male **** and had no intention of practicing, so he let the two separate actions and arranged another errand for Lingye - to visit Tiezu A few friends from the government, stopped by the Eight Arms Xuanmen to burn some paper money for the ancestor's leader 'Shangguan Tianba'.

The travel route is not much different from the route that Lingquan took to Juejianya, but there are not many places where they meet. The meaning of this move is naturally to let both of them learn to be on their own. The burden of the nine sects, Guang Xiaoyao can not take care of the affairs of the sect.

Ling Ye knew the old ancestor's intentions, obeyed this arrangement, and wanted to go out alone.

But Jiang Yi is not high enough, and has always been afraid of dragging Zuo Lingquan back. Originally Jiang Yi was worried that she would not seduce her man in Lingye, but now Lingye is no longer following, Jiang Yi naturally has no worries and is very 'generous' Said to accompany Lingye, so that Lingye would not be lonely on the road alone.

If Jiang Yi didn't follow, Wu Qingwan was too embarrassed to follow Ling Quan to go out, and she was afraid that Jiang Yi would not be able to fight Ling Ye alone, so she said that she would stay with Jiang Yi.


Wu Qingwan let out a sigh after being dazed on the terrace for a long time, raised her hand and closed the window.

The place where it is is the cabin behind the painting boat. The painting boat is flying in the sky, waiting for the arrival of the next cross-sea ferry to go to the boarding port.

Wu Qingwan got off the bed, opened the sliding door of the cabin, and came to the outside room.

The room was redecorated because I was going to travel far, and I asked the experts to add some formations. The imagery in front of me is that there are more ornaments and patterns in the painting boat, which looks more compact than before.

The position of the desk has not changed. Shangguan Lingye is dressed in a gorgeous dress and sits on the chair as usual; Dayan's errand has been handed over to Situ Jing, and now he is more free, with a blue-eyed white cat on his lap, While reading the idle book of two villains wrestling, the bracelet on the wrist is very eye-catching.

On the coffee table beside the beauty's couch, there are several stacks of books, all of which are historical allusions and sect information from all over Huajunzhou. Jiang Yi and Leng Zhu, who were dressed in red, sat on the ground and looked carefully.

"Princess, Qianqiu Yuefu sounds similar to Fengyue's occasion, and it's also a sect of Xianjia?"

"How do I know, ask Lingye."

"Qianqiu Yuefu is good at melody and rhythm, and the number of paths is similar to that of Xuanwutai on Xie Qiutao's ancestors. The fairy inside is like a cloud, and it is very famous in Huajunzhou."

"Zuo Lingquan isn't going anywhere, is he?"

"Let him avoid it, or he might become a son-in-law outside..."


Wu Qingwan sat down on the beauty's couch, watched the three girls chatting, and sighed secretly - I used to stay on the painting boat, and I didn't feel anything, but after returning home after a lively year, I saw such a The picture always feels empty in my heart...

Jiang Yi held a golden pen and circled the map. She found that Wu Qingwan was a little lonely and asked:

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Qingwan was embarrassed to say that she wanted a man, she thought about it a little, and said softly:

"I miss my mother. I don't know how long I will go out this time. My mother is looking forward to it at home. Seeing that we haven't come back, I'm afraid I will say that we are not filial."

Jiang Yi naturally missed the moment of being the eldest daughter-in-law at home, nodded and said:

"It's time to go back after leaving the customs. I feel like I'm in a hurry."

Shangguan Lingye glanced at the album and responded:

"Mother said last time, let Zuo Lingquan take the three-month-old Peach Blossom Venerable Master back, otherwise he will not recognize his son, Zuo Lingquan has done nothing, how dare he run back."

Wu Qingwan didn't take it seriously at all, she just smiled and thought about it:

"By the way, what did Venerable Peach Blossom do? After the Lantern Festival, I haven't seen her old man."

"Drinking big wine in Taohuatan, the ancestor of the Xian family, who is at the level of the lord, has to look after the family and keep the business. We can't expect her to follow us everywhere every day."

Leng Zhu blinked, recalled the situation in Zuo's house, and whispered:

"I think Senior Peach Blossom likes to follow us everywhere. The morality is so high, but you can only stay in the house and drink boring wine. It's boring to think about it."

Jiang Yi shook her head: "The ancestors at the top of the mountain have far-sighted eyes, and they have already looked down on the common things of the world. How can they start to hurt the spring and mourn the autumn when something happens like us. Senior Shangguan has been on the mountain for thousands of years, and he has not seen her feel that boring."

Shangguan Lingye closed the scroll and pondered a little:

"That is in our eyes, what is the feeling in the Master's heart, and he will not tell us."

"It's also..."



The other side.

In the early summer, the sun sprinkled on the crystal white jade palace pavilion, and five colored chains fell into the sea of ​​clouds like a waterfall, causing ripples to spread to the horizon.

Inside the palace, on the lotus platform.

The woman in the golden skirt sat cross-legged in the white mist, her movements did not change at all from the past thousand years, but the long sword suspended beside her disappeared. Roll around.

"Tangtang, it's so boring~"

"We've all been here for thousands of years, when are we going out?"

"Why haven't you been 'hmmmm~' recently?"


Rory's wordy words echoed in the palace.

The woman in the golden skirt listened to it for a long time, and couldn't be bothered. She flicked her fingers, and the sturdy girl lying in front of her was bounced into the sea of ​​​​clouds outside the palace, and she screamed "Ah~~~~".

But after a short while, the stocky girl ran back from the outside, her eyes full of joy:

"Tangtang, are you still alive?"

The ancestor of Shangguan spit out a white mist lightly, opened Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, and said in a stern tone:

"If you don't be quiet, you won't have to come out again."

The little female dragon is a weapon, almost immortal and indestructible. She didn't care about this threat at all. She jumped up and sat down. It didn't matter:

"Ben can't figure it out. It's you who are lonely. Tangtang, you are not as lively as you used to be during this time, and I haven't seen you going out."

During this time, Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jingxun were both in retreat. The ancestor of Shangguan would not be disturbed by the messy stimulation, how could he be lively?

As for going out, it is the turn of the ancestors of Shangguan to go out in person, which may not happen once in a few decades, and the remaining years are only a blink of an eye.

The ancestor of Shangguan did not respond to the little dragon, and was about to close his eyes and continue to meditate.

The little female dragon looked really bored, so she rested her head on Shangguan's ancestor's thigh, and couldn't see the ancestor's cheeks, only the tall chest:

"Ling Ye and Zuo Lingquan went out today, won't you follow? It's okay anyway, let's go together, so Benlong can help you beat them every day, it feels comfortable."

"I'll follow, how do they practice? The road is their own..."

The ancestor of Shangguan just said a few words, but the words suddenly stopped, frowning slightly, and looked outside the palace.

Under the scorching sun, a pink petal floated across the sea of ​​​​clouds with the wind, but in the blink of an eye, it landed at the gate of Baiyu Palace Pavilion.

The little female dragon noticed the difference, and quickly turned it over, saying unexpectedly:

"Old witch?! What evil wind blows you..."


A muffled sound.

Venerable Peach Blossom was dressed in a dark green spring dress with a soft and beautiful temperament. After slapping the mouth-smelling dragon flying with a fluttering slap, he came to the lotus stage:

"Yutang, today Zuo Lingquan is out to sea, why don't you send it off?"

The ancestor of Shangguan left the Zuo family, and naturally restored a condescending look to the Taohua Zunzhu:

"What are you doing here?"

Venerable Peach Blossom returned to Peach Blossom Pond to drink big wine and dream of spring. Not long after she woke up, she jumped onto the lotus platform and sat beside her:

"Come on, don't worry about it. Lingye is just fine, with a stable personality, nothing can go wrong; Zuo Lingquan has been targeted by Youying aliens for a long time, and he has been going anywhere with his back when something goes wrong, and he brings him with him. Two girls who don't care about things, but Tian Tian should not be in trouble when they encounter trouble outside, have you arranged a guardian for him?"

The ancestor of Shangguan's expression was flat: "The real peak immortal, his own strength is his own guardian, staying under the wings of others, he will never become a strong man on his own."

Venerable Peach Blossom was slightly dissatisfied: "You think everyone is like you, with such good luck, to be able to come out of the sea of ​​​​fire and fire alone? Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the outside is no better than Yuyaozhou. If something goes wrong, you want to go It's too late, there are really three long and two short, what should Ling Ye do?"

"The children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. If the deity can get to this point, if you blame it all on the word 'luck', you deserve to be under me all your life."

Venerable Peach Blossom doesn't like hearing this much anymore, she hummed softly:

"I'm also the ancestor of the mountain. I didn't come here to beg you, just to let you know. You don't arrange a guardian, then the deity arranged it for him, just to let him remember my favor."

Ancestor Shangguan showed disdain in his eyes: "Who can you invite? Even if you go out in person, 80% of the time, Zuo Lingquan will save you, and the remaining 20% ​​is because of your death. Zuo Lingquan is crying bitterly. It's called Dao Huo, and it's called adding chaos."

? ?

This is so poisonous!

Venerable Peach Blossom stared at Shangguan Patriarch and was about to curse, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong.

She blinked her eyes and carefully looked at the face of the ancestor of Shangguan:

"Yutang, you are not trying to use aggressive tactics, thinking that you will not pay any price, and you will encourage me to go out and help Zuo Lingquan protect the Tao?"

The ancestor of Shangguan cast a glance at Venerable Peach Blossom: "When you wake up and talk to the deity, people can be stupid, but they can't be without self-knowledge."


Deceiving too much!

Venerable Peach Blossom took a deep breath, moved too much, and accidentally opened the front of his clothes, revealing the corners of the water-green fabric inside:

"Shangguan Yutang, you need to clean up, don't you?"

The ancestor of Shangguan has never met a few people who can take care of her in his life. He has been lonely for too long. Hearing this, he laughed instead of angry, and was about to raise his hand, but he thought that Venerable Peach Blossom would take the first step and go to the palace. outside:

"This deity has a good temper, and I don't bother to care about you, but I want to remind you that if you are so arrogant, you will hit the iron plate sooner or later."

After saying that, he ran away.

Ancestor Shangguan ignored the warning.

Because since she practiced, there is no sooner or later, only the sun is shining!

However, seeing that the Taohua Zun is mainly leaving, the ancestor of Shangguan still opened his mouth and said:


Venerable Peach Blossom's figure as he left, turned around as if facing a great enemy:

"What? You can't say you want to do it?"

A trace of entanglement flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of Shangguan, and his tone softened a bit:

"I promised to help me protect the road before, don't forget it."

Venerable Peach Blossom had been hangover in Peach Blossom Lake for nearly a year, and he really forgot about it. It was only after hearing this that he remembered that the ancestors of Shangguan could empathize with Tang Jingshen's situation.

This time, Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jing went out quietly, and they were going to stay on the boat for a few months. When there was nothing to do, what else could they do except Shengge every night?

Thinking of this, Venerable Peach Blossom's face became a little more ambiguous, hugging his chest, condescendingly:

"Who said just now that Immortal Venerable at the top of the mountain doesn't need a daoist? My name is Sister Yingying, and I'll find a way for you."


"What do you think? I'm really screwed. When the time comes, you can't stop, don't come and beg me."

The ancestor of Shangguan squinted slightly, feeling that the old witch wouldn't know who the boss of the Nine Sects was if she didn't beat her, but just as she thought about it, Venerable Peach Blossom changed her mouth and said:

"Forget it, it's okay not to call. I have taken your hanging attic, and things still have to be done. I'm not like you are unbelievable."


The ancestor of Shangguan was speechless, and wanted to say "You can change your name to 'Cui Chenchen'".

But after these words came out, Venerable Peach Blossom would not be able to step down from the stage at all. He asked others and couldn't bully too hard, so he didn't speak anymore...



The deep and low voice shook the shore of Dengchaogang, making people feel stuffy in their chests, and even ripples appeared on the curtain of pouring rain.

Zuo Lingquan held an oil-paper umbrella and walked among the crowd heading for the harbor. At first, he thought it was Long Yin, but when he walked to the harbor, he saw the island-like giant sea beast, and realized that it was the cry of a turtle.

"My God, Xiao Zuo, this **** is really big..."


The dumpling in Tang Jingxun's arms was stunned, opened the bird's beak to look back and forth, a bit like 'the tiger can't eat the sky'.

The little dragon turtle, who had been in Xie Qiutao's arms all the time, reacted a little and moved slightly, as if he wanted to look at it, but found that there were too many two-legged beasts around, and timidly shrank back.

Zuo Lingquan took the two girls and followed the crowd to the giant tortoise on the coast, and said unexpectedly:

"Isn't it a ferry? Let's take a turtle over there?"

Xie Qiutao has spanned several continents and has more experience than Zuo Lingquan. He introduced seriously:

"This is the boat from Qianxing Island in Nanyu Island. There are many turtles there, and most of the spirit beasts such as scorpions come from there. Tuotian Wangba is the largest among them. It is said that the ancestor of Ming He sat on the For a radius of more than ten miles, the cultivation cave is built on the back of the turtle, this one is still relatively small, and came out to run errands to give money to the old gods of the sect..."

Zuo Lingquan was even more surprised.

The giant tortoise on the coast is already hard to imagine being a living creature. The tortoise's back is like an island, with pavilions and pavilions, planted with exotic flowers and trees, and a circle of viewing verandas along the edge of the island. It wasn't the big head of a tortoise that appeared at the very front. It was being fed by Dengchao Harbor. It was hard to imagine it was a tortoise from the outside. I didn't expect it to be relatively small.

No one knows how many monsters and sea beasts are hidden in the sea area. The risks are extremely high. Those who dare to take a large number of guests to sail across the sea are naturally not low in rank. Whether beasts or ferries, most of them are the lifeblood of a sect. It is Wanghailou, and there are only a handful of ferries that can cross the sea.

Cultivators from all continents had to rely on these ferries to travel, and it was hard to get a single ticket if there were too many porridges and too few monks.

Zuo Lingquan wanted to take the spirit beast with him. After being instructed by Wu Laodao, he went to Chen Zongfeng at Dengchaogang to open the back door. After asking the price, he understood why Wu Laodao said that it still hurts. There is an 'A' on the boat. The guest room required 3,000 white jade beads, and the expenses for training, room and board, entertainment, etc. had to be calculated separately. I felt that it was expensive and I could swim across the East China Sea by myself without anyone stopping me.

Judging from the scale of Tuotianwangba, it is easy to pretend to have a few thousand people. After running down this trip, the money earned by the gods is estimated to be able to catch up with the annual harvest of medium-sized sects. Zuo Lingquan also realized at this time, Wanghailou How to become one of the nine giants with only a few ports.

Although the price is painful, the ferry is also a bit human. The residence of the A-brand can bring accompanying people such as Taoist couples and maids, and the steward of the three people entering the ferry will not say anything.

Zuo Lingquan braved the heavy rain and came to the coast near the coast. He first boarded the cruise ship that received VIPs. The board was received by the Zongmen deacon of Qianxing Island, and by the way, he checked the accompanying spiritual pet.

The people on the escorting boat are basically people from the inner door of the nine sects or from the great family. There are only a few loose cultivators who open a room with a name for the sake of bringing their spiritual pets. Zuo Lingquan came up and attracted some attention, but outside Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Everyone in the practice knows the taboos, and after a casual glance, they look away.

Xie Qiutao lived a tight life in the past years, and it was the first time he walked through the passage of the nobles of the Xian family, and followed Zuo Lingquan silently. Zuo Lingquan stepped on the pedals of the boat, and a middle-aged deacon came up and blocked his way.

Zuo Lingquan listened to Chen Eng at the port saying the rules, and gave the 'recommendation letter' he bought to the deacon on board.

After the middle-aged deacon saw it, he knew that he didn't break it, but said:

"There is a certain risk in bringing a spiritual pet with you. According to the rules, you can board the ship only after the inspection. Please forgive me."

Seeing this, Tang Jingxuan held the dumpling and handed it to the middle-aged deacon.

The middle-aged deacon did not touch it. He squinted at the dumpling who was biting his wings and pretending to be stupid for a moment, and nodded slightly:

"The white mountain spirit in the barren mountains, it is rare to see such a big man. It seems... um... the spirit has not been activated yet. After the little fairy gets on the boat, she needs to take more care."

Tuanzi knew he was talking about it being stupid, so in order to be able to sleep under the covers on the ferry, he endured it and didn't "scary?".

Xie Qiutao didn't really want to leak money, but behind the ferry was Qianxing Island, the first immortal family in Nanyu Continent.

The middle-aged man turned his head and saw the pale-gold dragon turtle, with a little surprise in his eyes, and then a little regret, and shook his head:

"Don't worry about the three fellow Daoists, I'm just casually reminding me that there aren't many decent ones in Nanyu Continent with heavy pupils. It's the first time I've seen them in such good shape. If things go on like this in the long run, when this cockroach grows up, it will inevitably return to the mountains on its own, so the three fellow Daoists should pay more attention."

Xie Qiutao knew that the dragon turtle escaped with one heart, and asked:

"Xianchang, I treat it as a baby, but it just doesn't show its head, what should I do?"

"Hey, raising a spiritual pet is the same as raising a child. If you accompany and care for it more, you will naturally have feelings over time. If you raise it carefully for the value of a spiritual pet, then even if you surrender your spiritual pet, you will only get one. It’s just a servant, how much food and how much energy you give, you can’t count on big things at all…”

After the middle-aged deacon said for a while, he looked at Zuo Lingquan again.

As a deacon on board, he can naturally see that the three of them are led by Zuo Lingquan, and even the little girl next to him can take out a fairy beast cub like Chongtong Pixi. generally.

Zuo Lingquan originally wanted to say that he had no spiritual pet, but he remembered something, touched it in his arms, took out a small piece of porcelain, and opened the lid.



The middle-aged deacon was stunned for a moment, goodbye to the knowledgeable, and looking at the little beetle flying around Zuo Lingquan's hand, there was also a moment of daze.

"This... dare to ask This is just?"

"Dragon Locking Soul Gu."

"Oh... Suolong... Soul Rescue... Hmm..."

Zuo Lingquan put the little beetle in the bottle and said with a smile:

"Can we get on board?"

The middle-aged deacon stopped talking, stopped talking, and finally got out of the way and made a gesture of please:

"Three please. Hmm... This spiritual pet, fellow Daoist, looks like a black-sheathed iron bull no matter how you look at it. He is really ignorant, hehe..."

Xie Qiutao held back her laughter and hurriedly lowered her head and ran into the cruise ship...


I got up late, and the last two thousand words came out, a little water...


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