Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 3: What the **** is this clothes?

Thunder Bluff.

The monks who rushed to help the northern Xinjiang had left as early as last year, and Huajunzhou, the busiest port, has returned to the calm as usual.

In the middle of the night, a ferry from the north was moored in the port, and the young swordsman wearing a hat walked down, carrying a long white sword in his hand, and came to the alley of the market.

Xianjia shops all have Linglong Pavilions, which do not require warehouses. The most remote alleys are paved, but the prices are much cheaper than those on the avenues. The ones that can be opened here are all inns and restaurants that provide a place for Qi cultivators to stay. .

The young swordsman searched the alley for a long time before he found a small tea shop sandwiched between two inns. It didn't even have a signboard. There was only a curtain on the door with the word 'tea' written on it.

The shop is too shabby, even a qi cultivator would not be so despicable to settle in such a place, but the young swordsman didn't care much about it. There were four old tables with messy marks on the white walls on both sides. The shopkeeper was leaning on the reclining chair to take a nap, next to a girl who was holding a little book and flipping through it.

The scene of succumbing to grandchildren is out of tune with Xianjia Market.

The young swordsman's eyes were slightly puzzled, and he hesitated a little before asking:

"The shopkeeper, do you still have tea?"

"Yes, there is hot water on the stove, pour it yourself, throw the money into the copper basin on the counter, and watch it."

"I heard from the master that there is a kind of 'Mirror Flower Silver Peak' tea here. I don't know if it is the shopkeeper's shop."

The shopkeeper on the reclining chair opened his eyelids and glanced at the door:

"Who is your master?"

"I don't know either, he's an old Taoist who uses swords, and he has a very bad temper..."

The shopkeeper raised his hand slightly, stopped the swordsman's words, tickled his fingers lightly, and placed a cup of warm tea on the table:

"That stinky nose, I owe the old man a lot of money for tea, and I haven't given half of it until now. The debt is paid by the teacher and the apprentice. This is on you."

When the young swordsman heard that his master owed a lot of debt, he never entered the door: "How much does my master owe? I don't know him very well, and I don't even know his name..."

The child next to the reclining chair, holding the little book, said in a childish voice:

"Tea is priceless. When you can pay back your grandfather's mood, and if you want to completely clear the account, you can leave a line on the wall. When you do it, the writing will be erased, and you won't be asked to ask for the account."

The young swordsman was slightly puzzled, and turned his eyes to the snow-white wall, only to find that the traces on it were all handwriting, and everything was written. The big ambitions are like 'the heart hides Ling Yunzhi, and the sword enters the fairy palace', and the small ones' In this life, I will marry a certain fairy as a wife', and there is even a strange flower in the corner, which reads, 'I must help Lao Lu find a wife so that he can smile Jiuquan'.

Judging from the handwriting, they are all engraved with sword energy. Although you can't feel any aura fluctuations, some of the handwriting still looks as dazzling as a sword light. I am afraid that the swordsmanship of the person who wrote it has reached a level that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After a few glances, the young swordsman asked:

"If you can't do it?"

"If you can't do it, you will be like this in your life, and the account will be repaid in the next life."

The young swordsman understood what he meant, nodded slightly, raised the teacup to look at it, and drank the unremarkable tea.

The old shopkeeper raised his eyes and saw the reaction of the young swordsman.

After the young swordsman ate a cup of tea, his eyes were dazed and a little lost. After about half a quarter of an hour, he returned to normal, put down the tea bowl, and walked towards the wall.

Seeing this, the old shopkeeper nodded and said, "Yes, it's a good seedling, but compared to the people on the wall, it's still far behind. The year before last, I met a little **** who claimed to be brothers and sisters with Qiu Boyue from Dongzhou. Dongzhou is young. The swordsmen all called him big brother; the old man didn't believe it, but he didn't expect that little **** to go down with a bowl of tea, and he didn't respond at all, and even scolded the old man for selling fake goods and pretending to be a ghost, making the old man embarrassed to ask him for tea money..."

The young swordsman's eyes were amazed. He just finished his meal with a bowl of tea. His feelings of hatred, jealousy, and even the pain of his parents' death all surfaced before his eyes. :

"Could this person have cut off the ruthlessness of the world?"

"No, it's open. It's a pity that the entry is too late and the aptitude is mediocre. Otherwise, based on that state of mind, there must be a place on the mountain in the future."

The young swordsman nodded lightly without asking any further questions. He walked to the wall with his sword, pondered for a while, and left a line on the wall:

Forge a sword for the heaven and slay the mortal monsters!

The words are painted with silver hooks and iron, and the sword is like a white rainbow!

The old shopkeeper nodded, then sighed again:

"If there are immortals, there will be demons, and if there are people, there will be demons. There are endless demons in the mortal world. No matter where you can kill them, it seems that like your master, you want to rely on the old man for a lifetime."

The young swordsman smiled: "If you can't kill it all, it will be like this in this life, and I will pay the shopkeeper's tea money in the next life."

The old shopkeeper put his eyes on the snow-white long sword in the swordsman's hand:

"The character is good, but this sword is too mediocre."

The young swordsman looked at the sword in his hand:

"The name of the sword is 'Jin Ri'. It was given to me by a friend. I can't bear to change it. My friend is not ordinary. He realized 'Jian Yi' when he was a teenager.

The old shopkeeper snorted lightly: "You have only walked a few steps, the old man is guarding Thunder Cliff, and there are too many swordsmen going from south to north, and the swordsman who can really make this old man look at him differently is the little **** I met last time. Dan Duzi, after all, that fellow is the most bizarre person who has ever asked for tea.

"No matter how talented other people are, how can they catch up with the ten immortals, not to mention the ten immortals, just a Dongzhou swordsman, the talent can crush all the younger generation in the world, after you understand these immortal heroes in the future, I can't say such a big talk."

In the heart of the young swordsman, he felt that his friend surnamed Zuo was no less talented than those 'sword gods and sword gods', but he didn't know how that friend was doing. It was pointless to argue with the shopkeeper of the tea shop, so he didn't say anything about it. gossip……


The violent storm rolled up waves several feet high on the sea, and it was only a few dozen miles away from the coast, so it was difficult to see the flourishing tidal port.

The 'island' moving forward in the waves, the huge size makes the vast Tianwei feel small, without the slightest ups and downs, and even makes the people on it feel that the island has not moved at all, but the coastline is receding to the east .

The area of ​​Turtle Island is very large. There are countless pavilions and pavilions. Thousands of people stay on it. It still does not feel crowded, but it is just a little noisy with human voices and music.

Several high-rise buildings in the central area are connected by suspended bridges. There is a small venue between the high-rise buildings. The dancers and piano players on the boat take turns performing to relieve the loneliness of the guests in the building. Only a hazy phantom can be seen.

In a guest room on the third floor, Xie Qiutao was sitting on the chess couch by the window, holding a pipa in his arms, and was following the instructions of the deacon on board, earnestly influencing the little dragon turtle, and the way of influence was to play a tune for the little dragon turtle!

clang clang-

The big string is as noisy as a drum, and the small string is cut like a gong.

I don't know if the little dragon turtle was moved or not, but he didn't dare to move anyway.

The dumplings didn't shake their heads frantically with the explosive sound of the pipa. At this moment, they stood alone on the windowsill, looking at a garden in the distance, dazed.

The garden is a 'beast enclosure', but it is very different from the animal enclosure of the small ferry boat on the land. There are formations around it to prevent spirit beasts from running around.

For cultivators, spiritual pets are not cats or dogs, but very trusted partners. Even most cultivators would rather suffer a little bit than treat spiritual pets badly. The owner of Turtle Island has done a very good job in this regard. Mariko is placed in a place where guests can see it at a glance.

Although due to the space, the larger spirit beasts are more aggrieved and can only be honest in the fence, but the place is clean, and there is a beautiful lady who greets the cold and warms you, delivering fruits and snacks on time to relieve the boredom.

Small-sized spirit beasts are much more comfortable. All kinds of rare and exotic beasts are separated into a large garden according to their species and food habits, and the beast-training experts from the sect are specially accompanied to play, because they do not eat much. Big enough for all kinds of snacks.

In a garden near the sea, there was even an old man who was sitting on the edge fishing, with dozens of small spirit beasts squatting neatly beside him, waiting eagerly, and even a few clever little monkeys, holding a fishing rod beside him. play fishing.

The dumpling looked at the lively amusement park, and then looked down at the small pile of pine nuts next to Claw Claw, "Gee?" His dark eyes were full of doubts about life.

On the other hand, Zuo Lingquan was also a little suspicious of life.

The guest room on the Jiazi number is an ensuite. Although the space is not large, it is also divided into a tea room and a bedroom. The relationship between the two women and Zuo Lingquan is different. Xie Qiutao lives in the slightly larger tea room outside, while Zuo Lingquan and Tang Jing are in harmony. Live in the back room.

Zuo Lingquan took off his saber and stood at the window of the bedroom, watching the cute little spirit beasts rolling around in the beast circle, and was speechless for a long time.

Tang Jingxuan was more diligent and thrifty. After boarding the ship, he found this situation even more annoyed and muttered:

"I would have thrown the dumplings into the animal pen if I knew it earlier, and found someone to go through the back door to open such a room, except that the place is bigger, there is no benefit at all, and the money is not worth it at all..."

"Would you like to send the dumplings there? I think the dumplings are more fun there..."

"It's making a fuss about wanting to live with us. Now that the money has been spent, it won't be a big deal to send it over, so let it stay in the house, and if it dares to make a fuss, I will sell it for the money for the boat..."

Zuo Lingquan felt that the dumplings should be more at ease by staying by his side, so he didn't say more about it, and sat down on the futon by the window.

The guest rooms in the building are for the distinguished guests with family background. They are not useless as Jingyou said. They have all the necessary equipment. The layout of the bedroom is similar to that of the Xianjia Inn. It is more like a training room. The place for meditation is gorgeous and spacious. Put it in an out-of-the-way corner.

The lights were on in the room, Tang Jing had nothing to do, stood beside the bed, bent over to organize the accompanying clothes.

Because his back is facing, Zuo Lingquan can see the full buttocks behind the skirt when he lifts his eyes, the lines are plump and tense, and shakes slightly with the movement; although the skirt is hidden, nothing can be seen, but the outline can still evoke the once hugged buttocks. Good memories of nibbling.

Zuo Lingquan began to close for a long time after the New Year's Eve. After leaving the border, he was busy and set off, but he didn't have time to enjoy it. What happened last time, he still gave Lingye the phoenix fire that Jingxun specially gave.

At this time on the ferry, the cultivation base reached the bottleneck, and cultivation was useless, and there was no other thing to do, so the mind naturally drifted a little.

Zuo Lingquan glanced at the quiet and swaying back, coughed lightly, raised his hand and closed the window, unfolding the isolation formation in the room.

The rock pipa in the tea room outside disappeared without a trace.

Tang Jingxun carefully folded the clothes, noticed something strange, paused for a moment, glanced left and right, after reacting, her face flushed, her movements slowed down a bit, and she hummed a little tune in a low voice, "Hmmmm~" Nothing was found.

Zuo Lingquan sat on the futon, rubbed his fingers lightly, and thought about it:

"Hey, what is the ancestor doing now? Can you feel it?"

"I asked for it a long time ago. It's all right tonight, let's figure it out for ourselves."


Zuo Lingquan was speechless for a while, and secretly said, "Don't tell me sooner." He smiled and said:

"Okay, don't pack up, just a few pieces of clothes, and I can't fold any flowers."

"What's the hurry, a few months."

Tang Jingshen also knew the taste in her heart, but no one was robbing her of a man on this trip, so she naturally had to be more reserved. After she put the clothes in Linglong Pavilion, she took out a few more pieces and shook them in her hands:

"What do you want your sister to wear? Lingye's bright, or Qingwan's sultry?"

He holds clothes in his hands, all of which are close-fitting clothes.

There are more conservative carp among flowers, embroidered with fish and lotus leaves; there are also styles improved by Lingye himself, which are hollow and translucent as a whole, and only embroidered on the key points of the mountain.

In addition, there are more styles of trousers. The least fabric is only a small triangular piece of cloth connected with two tethers, as well as rolled stockings, garter socks, etc., in a variety of colors.

Zuo Lingquan sat upright, as if he was choosing a cultivation method. After a few careful glances, he looked at the one that was not on the top of the table.

Tang Jingyou has a cheerful and warm personality, but she has little experience and is not as open as Qingwan. She picked up the small piece of cloth and looked at it, a little embarrassed:

"This? Um..."

Zuo Lingquan knew that Jingxun wanted to say that Mao couldn't cover it, so he spread his hands slightly:

"do you have?"


Tang Jing's face flushed red, and gave Zuo Lingquan a slight glance, but did not refute, and ran behind the screen with the clothes.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan didn't rush to take a peek, just like waiting for a gift, waiting for Jingxing to come out to give him a surprise...


Immortals are also divided into three, six and nine grades, which is particularly evident on the ferry.

The children of wealthy families and high-level immortals can listen to music and play games in spacious pavilions and enjoy the service of sweet wives and concubines, while ordinary monks who are shy in their pockets can only wander around the periphery, relying on walking around to solve the problems in the long journey. lonely.

On the viewing veranda outside Turtle Island, there are many monks who have bought standing tickets, standing by the fence with their hands behind their backs, watching the huge waves on the sea, trying their best to look like they are watching the scenery in their spare time, lest passers-by see that they are open I can't afford the lowest room, so I stand here helplessly.

Wu Laodao, who was wearing a Taoist robe, walked in the veranda with his stupid apprentice. When he reached a place where no one was there, he spoke earnestly:

"People in practice, especially Taoist priests, must learn to be indifferent to fame and fortune. Comparing with others for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, or feeling inferior, shows that the heart of Tao is not pure enough..."

The little Taoist priest beside him, named Lu Qing, looked at the central area from time to time, looking for the figure of the fairies who met in the port. Hearing the words of the master, he responded:

"Master, did you really hang out here at night because you are reluctant to spend more money to open a room?"

"Hey, rotten wood can't be carved. People who practice cultivation can stay up all night. What's the difference between standing here and staying in the house?"

"You can meditate in the room, the spiritual energy outside is thin, and the disciples have to be careful when breathing. Didn't the master say 'one step at a time', it's been a few months..."


Wu Laodao raised his hand and slashed the back of the little Taoist priest's head.

The little Taoist said, "Ouch~", daring not to talk back to the master, and honestly followed behind to look like he was hanging out.

Wu Laodao sighed secretly, a little helpless in his eyes. It's not that he has a shabby family background and can't even afford a low-end room, but he doesn't want his apprentice to be exposed to too many extravagant scenes of the practice road as soon as he walks on the spiritual path.

You have to experience these things yourself. Master's sermons are meaningless, and the apprentice complains that he is stingy for a while, but it is better that he is gone in the past, and the apprentice goes on a crooked road without supervision.

However, the little Taoist was pure-hearted, and the Master accompanied him on the street, so he naturally did not have any complaints.

After wandering around in the viewing veranda for a while, the little Taoist seemed to have a feeling. He came to the fence, looked at the sea below, and said happily:

"Wow! Master, look, there is a big dragon below."


Wu Laodao was stunned for a moment. This place is only more than 200 miles away from the coast. The sea beasts have been caught by the scattered cultivators. Where did the Jiaolong come from? He thought his apprentice was talking nonsense, so he casually came to the fence and glanced at the sea.

Looking at it, the hairs stand on end!

I saw two bright spots under the pitch-black sea, about two miles deep, but the bright spots were clearly visible, like two fluorescent lamps in the underworld, looking at the turtle island on the sea in the depths of Mo Yuan.

Wu Laodao could tell that it was a pair of eyes, but he couldn't believe it, because from the interpupillary distance, the head of the behemoth below was probably bigger than Turtle Island. It is too small to swallow this turtle island in one bite, I am afraid it will be easy.


Wu Laodao's face was pale, and he just looked at the eyes at the bottom of the sea and felt the trembling in the depths of his soul.

This is Tianwei!

At the same time that the two found something different, there were movements in other parts of Turtle Island.

On the other side of the beast circle, the spirit beasts belonging to the Flood Dragon collectively crawled on the ground and worshipped, while the other spirit beasts, no matter their size or realm, stood frozen in place and shivered, and they were a little timid and directly scared. He fainted, and even the dumplings who were squatting on the window sill and doubting life, got into the bed and made a cowardly appearance of "no bird, no bird...".

As the main body of Turtle Island, Tuotian Wangba, no longer dared to move, raised his giant head from the sea water, and looked at its master with some panic.

The human cultivator, who reacted a little slower, gradually noticed the difference, and the entire Turtle Island was instantly silent.

Turtle Island is the mainstay of the sect’s economy. Thousands of Stars Island is dedicated to dozens of secluded sea-crossing ferries. The owner of Turtle Island, Huang Ji, is an immortal in the middle of the Jade Rank. The overall combat power of the ferry is not inferior to any of the Nine Sects. One family.

But at this time, many Xianjia guards looked at them and froze in place. After all, the size of this thing under the sea was unheard of. I am afraid that the ancestor Ming He, one of the ten immortals, would not dare to act rashly.

This place has just left the Yuyao Continental Shelf, and it is only two hundred kilometers away from Dengchao Port. No one could have imagined how such a large Jiaolong approached.

Many monks and even worshipers turned pale, and did not even dare to fly away. Only Huang Ji, the owner of Turtle Island, whispered to disperse the deacon on board, poured treasures into the sea and offered sacrifices to the sea.

But Venerable Master Wanghai, who was closest to him, noticed something was wrong, so he turned around and flew inland, looking like he didn't even want to protect Tide Harbor...


A little while ago, in a high-rise building.

Zuo Lingquan sat cross-legged in the room, looking at the uneven shadow on the screen, and gradually he had the posture of a dragon raising his head.

After Tang Jing rustled for a while, she first revealed her beautiful cheeks from behind the screen, her eyes were shy, and she muttered a little awkwardly:

"Little Zuo, this is something serious girls dare to wear? Qingwan and the others can also think of it..."

Zuo Lingquan kept the color of the cloud light and the wind light, so as not to see him in a hurry, he said softly:

"Come out, I've seen everything, what are you afraid of wearing clothes."

Tang Jingshen's face was hot, he hesitated, and walked out slowly with his arms in his arms.

Under the light, the white tofu-like figure makes the whole room seem to be a little brighter at this time. The place that should be plump is plump, but there is no trace of fat around the waist, which can be said to be flawless.

Zuo Lingquan's breath was slightly condensed, and he didn't know where to look first. He tried his best to be calm as usual:

"Come here, be careful you catch a cold."

This excuse is a no-brainer.

Tang Jingxun didn't say anything. She bit her lower lip and came to the futon. After thinking about it, she bravely stood on tiptoe and turned around in a circle:

"How is it? Does it look good?"

The white moon, as round as a full moon, rippled with its movements, and the hollow fabric turned upside down.

The fragrant wind blew his face, Zuo Lingquan sat on the futon, his eyes were facing the big moon, he felt that his throat was about to smoke, he swallowed his saliva and moistened it, raised his hand and patted it, bringing a wave of waves:

"Why don't you ask? Naturally, it looks good."


Tang Jingxuan bit his lower lip and let go of the hand he was holding.

Zuo Lingquan admired it with satisfaction, and was about to say a few words to relax Jingxun, but Jingxun's brows were wrinkled: "What the **** is this mother-in-law doing..." As he spoke, a faint golden streamer appeared in his eyes~www.readwn .com~ Zuo Lingquan was used to being frightened, but this time he was not stunned, but tilted his head slightly in a daze—didn’t he agree not to disturb him? Could it be that Jingxuan didn't say hello just now...

In the blink of an eye, the expression of the woman in front of her still turned into an unsmiling seriousness.

Four eyes facing each other.

Zuo Lingquan blinked, and the first sentence was: "Mother-in-law...Bah—Senior, you..." The words swept up and down...

you are so hot...

The ancestor of Shangguan found that he was not holding his mouth to mouth, and he was secretly relieved, but looked down...

! !

What the **** is this clothes?


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