Pirate World.

Whitebeard Pirates.

“This prince of what a kingdom of sters actually attacked ordinary people.”

Ace said with a somewhat angry expression.

Since he can go on the illusion, it means that the combat power will not be worse.

At least in its own world, there is some combat power.

But that’s it, he actually attacked ordinary people, and he was really a guy who regarded human life like grass.

“Hmph, since he is a prince, it can be said regardless of the lives of ordinary people.”

“Just like those guys who live in the Red Earth Continent.”

“It’s not a good thing.”

Joz snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

What he was talking about was the Draco, who was not afraid of other people being human at all.

Even in their eyes, other humans and races are nothing more than their slaves.

It is precisely because of this idea that the people in the pirate world hardly have a good impression of Draco.

If it weren’t for the fact that killing the Draco would have led to a general, he would have been torn apart by angry people with that garbage.

Therefore, the people of the pirate world, after seeing this scene, were very angry at the prince’s approach.

And Whitebeard did not speak, just squinted and quietly looked at the picture.

Straw Hat Pirates.

“That security guard won’t die, will he?”

“They all fell into the sea…”

Usopp’s voice rang out.

What Daharu did made many people worry about his safety.

Although at the moment he fell into the water, he did not see how much damage Daharu had suffered on his body.

But sinking to the surface without resistance shows that even if you don’t die, it’s not good.

“He definitely won’t die, just like Matkay, he will be fine in the end.”

Luffy also said loudly.

In his heart, Daharu and Matkai have been put in the same position.

It is also to protect others, risking one’s own life.

Although it seems that Dachun’s combat power is not high, this kind of thing does not completely depend on combat power.

Their spirit is the most valuable.

Superdimensional projection.

No matter what the audience thinks in their hearts, the picture continues.

As the picture pulls in, some of the prince’s faces are revealed, but they are still not clear.

And as his gaze looked, the smoke on the broken bridge in the distance slowly dissipated, and a figure gradually revealed.

I saw that Wu Liuqi still didn’t have the appearance of criticism at this time, and the whole person looked much more grim.

At this time, his hair had spread out and slowly fluttered under the influence of the air current.

His gaze was firmly fixed on the distant prince, and the surrounding atmosphere was also suppressed at this moment.

All viewers can expect that there will be a big war next.

At this moment, the camera suddenly turned underwater.

I saw that Dachun was closing his eyes tightly, and his body was constantly falling downward.

Suddenly, a robust black shadow floated over and carried the unconscious Dachun up.

Although Daharu has good muscle training, his figure is still too short.

Compared with the figure of this black shadow, it looks a little small.

“Yay, that’s great, someone saved him.”

“I’ll just say… He’s not going to die. ”

Luffy said happily when he saw this scene.

It would be a pity for such a man to die like this.

Fortunately, as I thought, at a critical moment, someone came to the rescue.

Although Daharu’s situation does not seem to be very good, at least for now, it does not seem to be dead.


As the figure swam rapidly, it soon jumped out of the water.

Until the moment they jumped out of the water to reveal their faces, everyone’s eyes widened again.

Some people even rubbed their eyes incredulously, as if they saw something unbelievable.

“Am I right?”


“How did this man grow a… Chicken heads? ”


That’s right, this sturdy man actually has a chicken head.

If you don’t look at it, you think it’s a muscular man.

But when they saw his head, everyone was shocked.

Is this a chicken or a person?

But soon the audience was relieved, after all, it is not surprising that there are some rare species in other worlds.

Immediately afterwards, the chick began to freestyle, swimming quickly in the water while constantly throwing Daharu’s body.

He was soon rescued on another wooden bridge, where a blue chicken looked at them stunned.

“I told you to bring Ah Qi back, what are you doing to save this security guard?”

Chicken Daibao stretched out his wings and pointed at the chick, then shouted loudly.

At this time, the chicken was showing his strong body, and he was dumbfounded when he heard his words.


As soon as his words fell, the chicken suddenly made a noise, and some smoke appeared around him.

As the smoke dissipated, the chick’s robust body also returned to its original appearance and changed back to the appearance of a chick.

Looking at his situation, Ji Dabao was also speechless.

“Rush to the street, save this security guard and spend all his physical strength.”

Chick and Daharu had circles in their eyes and all fell to the ground.

Ji Dabao clenched his fists and shouted even more speechlessly.

“Ah Qi, run away quickly!”

“The people of Stan State cannot be provoked.”

As Ji Dabao’s voice sounded again, he reached out and put the sunglasses in his hand on his head.

At this time, dark clouds began to appear in the originally windy sky.

The dark clouds moved slowly, and the surrounding sea gradually darkened, as if to foreshadow the next battle.

And for the fact that Ji Dabao can speak, there is not too much surprise.

I have seen the peacock of the beast before, plus the transformation ability of the chicken, and now there is another chicken that can talk, which is also very normal.

Well… That’s right, it’s normal!

The picture turned to Wu Liuqi’s side again, and the prince stepped on the flying machine and flew in front of him.

The two stood looking at each other, the slight sea breeze blowing around.

The bright and dark sky on the one side seems to tell the confrontation between the two.

“Is it the shell you blocked?”

Prince Stan’s voice suddenly sounded and asked the other party.

His voice was full of calm and coldness, as if it were a cold machine.

As he spoke, a woman with a knife, a mask, and a long braid behind her was watching them in the distance.


Suddenly, the prince’s protective suit began to retract, revealing his head.

The whole person looked like a nerd, and the glowing glasses blocked his gaze.

“Don’t let their nerdy appearance fool you!”

The chicken Dabao in the distance smoked a cigarette and slowly spit out a mouthful and said.

The two people next to him did not know when they had already received the infusion and were lying on the wooden bridge.

As the missile crisis passed, Wu Liuqi seemed to have undergone some kind of change at this time.

“Why are you attacking this island?”

His voice sounded slowly, without the previous tease, but very cold.

If Dachun hadn’t sacrificed his life to fend off the missile, it might have had serious consequences.

If nothing else, at least those on the beach will not survive.

The attack without reason made Wu Liuqi’s heart already have a lot of anger.

Under the calm exterior, there is actually anger.

“Was it you who blocked the shell just now?”

The prince did not answer his words, but asked again.

The conversation between the two was filled with a strong smell of flames.

The moment the prince spoke to him, an interface appeared in his field of vision to analyze the data.

Under the analysis of science and technology, it constantly matches the identity of Wu Liuqi.

Suddenly, a more grim figure appeared, with a 100% similarity.

Underneath the similarity, his identity is revealed.

It belongs to the chief assassin of the Xuanwu Kingdom, the level of danger!

At the moment he saw it, the prince’s face changed suddenly, and he directly raised his right hand.

I saw that in his right hand, there was actually an energy firing barrel.

Next second.

The azure energy quickly gathered, and dazzling light spewed out.


An explosion sounded violently, and the energy cannon blasted directly over.

At the moment of the explosion, a large amount of smoke swept up, and Wu Liuqi’s figure was also submerged.

“Sneak attack? Don’t talk about martial virtue! ”

“With such a close explosion, he won’t die, right?”

“This guy…”

The audiences of the various dimensional worlds suddenly frowned.

With such a quick blow, before they could even react, the explosion sounded.

Not to mention Wu Liuqi right in front of him, can he dodge it?

Without letting the audience guess too much time, Wu Liuqi’s figure suddenly drilled out of the smoke.

Jumped in a flash, and had already jumped into mid-air.

He stood his fingers together with one hand and flicked the other violently.

A pair of scissors rotating at high speed, suddenly under his control, accelerated and rushed towards the prince.

Just when the scissors rushed and were about to attack the prince’s body.

He raised his right arm again, and a light blade extended from his wrist.

Without the slightest fluctuation in his face, his arm slipped directly, and the knife light flashed violently.


A ray of light streaked in front of him, and the scissors shattered in response.

With just a simple blow, he easily broke Wu Liuqi’s Qi Imperial Scissors, and even the scissors were chopped to pieces.

And Wu Liuqi seemed to be frightened by this scene, and looked ahead blankly.

Suddenly, the prince attacked again, and the laser in his hand stretched sharply and extended forward.

At the moment when the laser struck, Wu Liuqi seemed to remember something.

Just as the laser was about to pass by, the chick didn’t know when it had woken up.

Pull his body and move hard to the side.


Although the chick tried his best to pull, his face was still scratched by the laser.

“Let’s get down to business first!”

The prince looked at Wu Liuqi, who had gradually left, and said to himself.

Then he walked in the other direction, ignoring why Wu Liuqi appeared here.

Then he came behind a boulder and scanned something with the light extending out of his arm.

“It turned out to be under this boulder.”

He murmured, then stretched out his finger and snapped.

The ball machine that stayed on the sea in the distance immediately accelerated and rushed over, coming to the air behind him.

Immediately after a burst of assembly, a large amount of energy began to converge under the ball machine.


As a pillar of blue energy light fell, the ground around the entire boulder also appeared densely patterned.

The huge vibration made the people of the entire island feel the movement.

As the pillar of energy disappeared, the ball changed into several large horns, and his hand condensed a microphone from the energy.

“People on this island, please note, I am the prince of the kingdom of Stan.”

“There is a rare energy stone under this island, and I will take it now for the scientific and technological development of the Stanguo.”

“This island did not exist in the first place, because the gravitational pull of this power stone allowed various substances to gather into this island.”

“After I take the power stone, this island will be scattered and sunk.”

“Those who don’t want to die, leave quickly!”

Under the influence of the horn, his voice spread throughout the island, and everyone listened to his voice in amazement.

But his words aroused the dissatisfaction and anger of the audience even more.

Why do you want the people who live here to leave because you need this power stone?

Although they have been reminded to leave, but… Why did they leave?

This is the home they have always lived in, how could they easily leave because of a few words?

“Chickens are always dripping gods!”

“It’s good that there are chicks, otherwise it’s not good to be hit.”

“But his equipment is quite interesting.”

“What is Wu Liuqi going to rely on to fight him?”

At the critical time, fortunately, there was a chicken’s shot, so that Wu Liuqi survived.

Although I don’t know why he was stunned, if he was hit, the consequences would be very bad.

However, the chicken was still very powerful, and finally saved him.

Although many of the audience were angry, they couldn’t help but think about a problem.

Wu Liuqi faced the prince with high-tech equipment, how to win?

The simple fight before, but even Wu Liuqi’s weapon scissors were shattered.

While the audience was talking, a huge black shadow appeared behind Prince Stan.

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