“Improving strength with the position of the sun?”

“It’s really interesting!”

“How strong would he be if it was noon?”

“It’s unimaginable…”

After listening to Whitebeard’s speculation, Ace couldn’t help but say.

This kind of improvement in strength is the first time to see, which is really unheard of.

And with his memories, he also recalled that moment.

But it was only close to noon, and it already had such a terrifying sense of oppression.

What if it’s really noon?

The more Ace thought about it, the more solemn his heart became, Escano was really a terrible monster.

“It’s really high.”

“Those few words are really pretentious.”

Joz also stood up at this time and said helplessly.

Other people’s filibusters are really something he can’t learn, and a few words can raise his own vulnerability to the top.

One sentence is that I have the final say, which suddenly makes Escano’s arrogance rush to his face.

In the world of the seven deadly sins, Ascano seemed very calm.

“It’s just telling the truth, as for being so shocked?”

He shook his hand and said speechlessly.

For himself, this is just his own inner thoughts.

A person whose strength is not as good as his own will not let him care.

Darkness devours the sun?

My attack didn’t work?

For Escano, it was like telling a joke.

But the battle at that time did make him very happy physically and mentally.

At least he hadn’t unleashed his magic like this in a long time.

“Escano? So fierce…”

“It is worthy of the crime of arrogance, and this arrogance is really vivid!”

“Ten Rings were hung and beaten like this?”

“The other party is estimated to be in a state of confusion.”

As the picture ended, the people of the Seven Deadly Sins World looked shocked.

I didn’t expect Escano to pretend to be forced, what a hand!

Especially Estarosa originally thought that defeating him was easy, but he didn’t expect that the two unmerciful suns were directly stunned.

The final blow is even more terrifying, and this level of magic is almost unimaginable to ordinary people.

From the pressure transmitted by the last blow in the picture, they couldn’t think of how much the Escano Dou level had reached at that time.

You can’t get low just thinking about it…

With the discussion of various dimensional worlds, the next video also began to play.


Superdimensional projection.

[Top 10 costumed characters TOP2, Gilgamesh! ] 】

“What will the king be like this time?”

“I’m so excited!”

“It’s a pity that our world hasn’t appeared yet…”

“I really serve these forced kings, for them if they don’t pretend to be forced, will they die!”

“This ordinary person really can’t learn…”

In the expectation of audiences in various dimensional worlds, the picture also began to officially appear.

The night was thick, and an extremely fast figure was running through the woods.

From the trees skimmed in the picture, you can see that he runs fast.

When approaching a manor, he slammed his feet and his body flashed into the air.

His body flew in midair, and several attacks popped out in his hands one after another.

The red gemstones on several stone platforms shattered instantly, and his figure also fell.

See, this guy should be sneaking in to do something.

As his body fell, the audience also saw his appearance and figure.

I saw that this guy’s body was pitch black, and I didn’t know if he was wearing a night suit or the body was like this.

He also wore a slightly strange mask on his face, and his eyes were looking ahead.

He slowly walked forward, and launched another attack in his hand.

With a slight sound, the front of the manor seemed to have an invisible protective cover.

At the moment of the hit, a red halo spread, and extremely fine arcs of electricity appeared around it to flow at will.

Immediately afterwards, he began a gymnastic-like movement, constantly dodging near-transparent obstacles.

It seems that what he is passing through may be a kind of alarm.

However, between twists in his body, he easily dodged all obstacles.

I came to a platform with a shimmering red gemstone.

“Is this guy a gymnast?”

“Good fellow, this flexibility… I give full marks. ”

“Spun, jump, I close my eyes…”

After admiring his movements, the audience also looked at Ruby.

They want to see this weirdo, what exactly is going to do?

It’s not always a video just to let them watch a gymnastics performance!

“It’s easy!”

As he passed through the layers of obstacles, his voice sounded.

Then he reached out and grabbed the red gem and touched it.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared next to it.

Next second.


With his exclamation, a sharp weapon had already passed through his palm, and blood suddenly flowed from the back of his hand.

The weapon that suddenly appeared flashed with a cold light, and it was very sharp at first glance.

“A crawler lying on the ground, who allowed you to raise your head?”

A haughty voice slowly sounded around, and he followed the voice to look up.

But as the words fell, a large flickering cold light weapon flew in.


With the attack, there was a large roar at once.

“This is also… The so-called… Not enough to worry about? ”

In his heart, shock and doubt emerged.



With the thought in his mind, a sharp weapon pierced directly into his head.

A scream struck, and the mask was directly knocked off and fell to the ground.

An even more deafening sound followed, and the surrounding area was almost bombarded into a wreckage.

The audience opened their mouths wide and watched this scene in horror.

The picture flashed, but left a golden figure in their minds.

Stand high and look down on the ants!

Countless sharp weapons swarmed in between the raised hands, cutting the enemy in front of them into pieces.

Such a gesture left a deep impression on the audience as soon as it appeared.

“What happened?”

“I saw a dazzling figure.”

“This guy just showed gymnastics and died… Good sloppy. ”

“Is that person Gilgamesh?”

“Just the flash of the figure feels so pressing!”

Most of the audience was still in a state of confusion, completely unaware of what had just happened.

Why is it that after this show comes out for a while, it is seconded?

Who is that golden figure?

It should be the protagonist of this time, Gilgamesh!

“You are not qualified to look me in the eye.”

“Bugs should have the duty of bugs, obediently staring down at the ground.”

“Then die!”

As his voice sounded again, Gilgamesh’s appearance was also revealed in the picture.

I saw that his appearance was very handsome, and his blond hair was combed upwards.

There was also a golden swirling halo behind him, and the end of a weapon was slowly appearing.

The attack just now was unleashed by him, and it emerged from the golden vortex.

You don’t even have to move your hands, just look down so proudly, and the surrounding weapons will kill each other?

Many viewers in the dimensional world shouted!

As the picture turned, a large golden point of light landed, slowly forming a figure.

Gilgamesh’s figure appeared on the street lamp and slowly opened his eyes.

The red pupils revealed a feeling of contempt for everything.

“An irreverent who does not put me in his eyes, dares to claim the title of king without authorization.”

“Two of them came out overnight!”

“Joke, the hero who is truly qualified to be called king, I am the only one in heaven and under the world.”

“The rest are all mongrels.”

His voice suddenly sounded around, and he said towards the two figures on the ground.

The tone was full of arrogance, and a temperament that did not put anyone in his eyes was born.

But this arrogance appeared on him, and did not make the audience feel discordant in the slightest.

Instead, there was an idea that he should have been.

What he said made the audience dumbfounded.

Only he can be king?

What a domineering oath this was, but it had a natural feeling in his mouth.

Which world is this king?

“If you want to say so, how about you report it first?”

“If you also claim to be a king, you won’t dare to report your name!”

Hearing Gilgamesh’s words, a red-haired figure below stretched out his hand and said.

As he said, such a proud person will not dare to say his name!

The woman on the other side did not speak, but just looked at his figure.

“Do you dare to ask me?”

“As a mongrel, you dare to question King Ben?”

“Have you been fortunate enough to meet King Ben, but you don’t know King Ben’s honor?”

“Such an obscurantist person has no survival value.”

As his voice sounded, the street lamps under his feet went out in a flicker.

But his arrogant statement really stunned everyone.

Good fellow, if you don’t know you, there is no value in survival?

What a haughty thing to say?

As soon as Gilgamesh spoke, a kingly aura rushed to his face.

The viewers watching the video were cold in their backs and their faces were full of solemnity.

When facing him, it was as if looking at a noble king.

Any disrespectful behavior will be punished by the king?

This weird feeling made many viewers dumbfounded.

“Who allowed you to look straight at Ben King, Mad Dog!”

As he spoke, a large number of golden swirls appeared behind him again.

Countless weapons began to appear at one end, aiming at the person on the ground who had just spoken.

At this moment, the gaze without the slightest emotion also looked over.

Just looking at his gaze made everyone feel a rush towards them.

But such arrogance made many female viewers shine.

“How handsome!”

“Is he king? It’s too handsome! ”

“Isn’t it, it’s all idiotic?”

“You know a fart…”

Gilgamesh, who is full of urgency at this moment, has left a deep impression in the hearts of many female audiences.

Without him, it’s so handsome…

Immediately after that, the vortex halo behind him began to twist direction and aim at the people on the ground.

“At least make King Ben happy with your embarrassed gesture, mongrel!”

As his words fell, a sharp weapon was immediately wrapped in golden light.

Next second.

The weapon rushed towards the figure at an extremely fast speed.


The impact of the weapon caused a deafening sound ahead.

The ground trembled, and a large amount of smoke appeared.

As the picture changes again, the vibration disappears.

What appeared in front of Gilgamesh was a figure shrouded in black mist.

“Dare to touch my treasure with dirty hands?”

“Are you so anxious to die? Mad dog! ”

“Just with your little skill of carving insects with unclean hands and feet, how long can you last?”

“Just let me see it!”

His voice rang out again, and more weapons followed.

At the same time as his voice fell, countless weapons began to rush towards each other.

Lancelot raised his head sharply, but was directly pushed back by Gilgamesh’s attack.

The feet rubbed violently on the ground until they were tens of meters away.

Immediately after that, the weapon in his hand swung rapidly, blocking the attack that followed.


But Gilgamesh’s attacks were not just a few, and more treasures began to attack one after another.

After the weapon fell, it actually exploded.

A deafening explosion sounded, creating a large amount of smoke around the battle.

But Lancelot is not a simple character, and between the swings of the weapon in his hand, he constantly knocks out the incoming attacks.

The battle was about to break out, and countless treasure weapons attacked Lancelot.

With a roar, the ground suddenly burst.

Cracks like spider webs appeared, spreading towards the surroundings.

In front of Gilgamesh, a large pit appeared, in which smoke was constantly emerging.

Suddenly, the smoke was broken, and two treasures flew and rushed out of the smoke.

Spunning at great speed, he attacked the figure of Gilgamesh standing on the street lamp.


Gilgamesh instantly jumped away from the street lamp, and the street lamp under his feet was interrupted by a weapon.

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