But at the moment when Majin Buu was about to hit, his stomach was slammed by the other party with his knee.

The huge force made his expression a little distorted.

Veget’s blow was not light. Immediately afterwards, another heavy punch was thrown at his face.

Directly let the other person’s face sink into the inside.

At the moment when Majin Buu’s body retreated, he grabbed the tentacles on his head.


In the blink of an eye, an energy bomb hit his body, and an explosion suddenly sounded.

The flames covered Majin Buu’s body, making him scream uncontrollably.

Sure enough, is the gap still too big?

At this time, Veget’s strength has surpassed Majin Buu too much.

The other party’s body is also dragged and pulled long like noodles.

Next second.

Majin Buu’s body turned into a rope and soon wrapped around Veget’s body.


Just when he was proud, Veget’s roar suddenly sounded.

The energy that burst out caused a trace of golden arc to appear around it.

The next scene directly shattered Majin Buu’s body into wreckage.

Countless pink flesh-like things floated in the air, unable to control Veget’s body at all.

But the same thing happened before, and soon Majin Buu fused together again.


“Do you think Uncle Ben will admit defeat because of this level?”

“Hmph, entangled guy.”

As the two sides spoke, Majin Buu also recovered his body again.

Although from the point of view of strength, he is obviously not the opponent of the other party.

But with this terrifying recovery ability, it is not so easy for Vegett to defeat him.

After Majin Buu recovered, he hooked his hand towards the other party.

Vegett also smiled heartily and reached out and threw the tentacles in his hand.

Just as he was about to approach the other party, suddenly an energy bomb rushed towards him.


With an explosion, the tentacles were directly blown into ashes.

Seeing this scene, Majin Buu’s expression trembled a little because of anger.

In front of himself, he destroyed his tentacles.

This nasty fellow, I can’t spare you at all!

“Next, I’m going to crush the body of that tail to pieces.”

“As long as you disappear, you will never be able to return to your original state!”

“But… Damn it! ”

Listening to Veget’s words, his anger rose to a peak again.

But his tail had disappeared, and he had to condense it through his body again.

But what makes the audience wonder is, why not take the opportunity to knock Majin Buu down in one go?

If the other party released the kind of power that could break the dimensional wall again, wouldn’t it be finished?

But some viewers have already seen Veget’s idea.

He was simply playing and did not put the other party in his eyes at all.

But is there really no problem with such behavior?

“But… Damn it. ”

Majin Buu’s voice sounded again, and his tone was full of resentment.

The other party’s various behaviors were completely unacceptable to his heart.

“Nope… No. ”

“Shouldn’t that be the case, right?”

“I don’t think you’re too upset.”

“Even I was shocked, I didn’t expect I could make you like that.”

“Too… It’s abominable! ”

“In that case…”


Veget’s voice sounded again, still in that tone.

The strength of Goku and Vegeta after they merged, even he did not expect it.

The dignified Majin Buu is able to destroy the existence of the universe, and there is no way to harm himself in his own hands.

Fortunately, he was in the mood to play with him here.

After listening to his words, Majin Buu became more and more angry.

The viewers watching the video couldn’t help but twitch the corners of their mouths, and even felt a trace of pity for Majin Buu in their hearts.

Because the successful combination of Goku and Vegeta led to the current situation.

After the merger, Veget’s strength is beyond his imagination.

Coupled with constant taunts and beatings, the evil Majin Buu even looks a little pitiful.

But of course, the audience will not really pity him, if it were not for Veget’s existence, the entire planet would have been destroyed by this guy.

So, fight as much as you want!

It’s better to beat Majin Buu a little more miserable.

As Majin Buu burst into explosive posture again, the muscles on his body began to bulge high.

The whole person’s body has become stronger, and many bruises have even appeared on the limbs and body.

Next second.

Something unexpected happened, and I saw something spit out of his mouth.

Five balls of white matter appeared one after another, each of which turned into the appearance of Majin Buu.

It’s just that there are no feet below the waist, and it looks like five white ghosts.

The little demon who tried to be a fierce expression looked a little funny.

“Hehe~ take it! Super Demon Kamikaze Agent! ”

Looking at the formation of these little white devils, Buu opened his mouth again and smiled.

Immediately after that, the title of the second team in ten appeared from his mouth.

The eyes of the audience watching this scene were stunned, not knowing what he was doing.

His own body can’t beat Veget, so what’s the use of summoning so many little devils?

The audience doesn’t think that these doppelganger-like things will be stronger than Majin Buu.

If that’s the case, it shouldn’t be a problem for Veget.

Is this meant to be funny?

“So it is, this is the trick of Gotenx absorbed by you.”

“You know!”

“In that case, you should also understand the horror of this move!”

The two had another wave of conversations.

Although the audience does not know who Gotenx is, from the words of Majin Buu, is this trick very powerful?

Many people showed doubtful eyes, looking left and right, and they couldn’t see the power of the little devil at all.

“It will explode if it touches it slightly.”

As Majin Buu shouted excitedly, the audience also suddenly realized.

But even so, can it really hurt Veget?

You know, the energy bomb he released before that was enough to destroy the entire planet could not cause any damage to Veget.

Just such an explosion of five gadgets, where did he come from with the confidence that he could hurt each other?

As his voice fell, the five little white devils also let out sinister laughter.

“What a bunch of disgusting guys!”

After Vegett listened, he immediately replied.

His words are very in line with the psychology of the audience, and it is indeed disgusting for Majin Buu to step on a horse!


Majin Buu didn’t care at all, stretched out his arm and waved it fiercely.

Under his command, the five little demons suddenly rushed towards Veget.


But at the moment it was approaching, Veget’s body seemed to teleport away from the place.

“Give you a good thing.”

As his voice sounded, the five fingers of his right hand suddenly shone with light.

Seeing this scene, the five little white devils changed their expressions at the same time.

“Let’s go!”

Next second.

Five energy bombs rushed towards the five little devils, and an extremely dazzling light filled the entire picture.


With several explosions, the bodies of the five little demons were suddenly submerged in flames.

A large amount of smoke appeared, and from time to time there was a glow of energy inside.

Soon, after the sound and smoke slowly disappeared, the little demon between the two also disappeared.

The little devil that explodes with just a light touch is the moment he touches Veget’s attack.

It had already been destroyed into ashes by the explosion of two energies.

Looking at this scene, the audience also cheered.

“Sure enough, what kind of special agent team, in front of Veget, it is completely inadequate!”

“Poor Majin Buu, he was slapped in the face again! Haha~”

“I don’t know what the expression will be next.”

“I kind of know why he has so many holes in his body, it’s all to get his anger out!”

The audience’s expressions were very excited, and their eyes were full of joy.

Originally, I was worried that Majin Buu’s move would have some unexpected effect, and if I was careless, something might happen.

But Vegett solved the other party’s little devil with a slight move, and immediately put the heart back of the lift.

The audience who had confidence in Vegett smiled disdainfully.

The body can’t be beaten, and expect these gadgets to hurt Veget?

Hasn’t Majin Buu woken up yet?

In particular, he also gave those little white devils a team name, which really made people laugh out of their big teeth.

“Do you think that kind of carving insect trick can hurt me?”

“With that kind of child’s trick, it seems that you are very anxious.”

Veget’s mocking words sounded again.

He really didn’t expect that the other party actually used this kind of child’s skill, which was really eye-opening.

In order to overcome yourself, there are already no brains?

“I also think it shouldn’t have any effect, after all, it’s a move I’m not used to.”

“It’s just me warming up!”

Majin Buu’s tone was not imaginary anger, but said very calmly.

But the audience just thinks he’s talking big!

Since you know it’s useless, why do you release it?

And actually said that he was warming up?

Is it the pain of Veget’s beating him, he has almost forgotten!

This kind of monster that does not have a long memory, let him remember it deeply.

“Indeed, as you said, this is just a childish move that children came up with.”


As Buu’s voice fell again, he spat out some little white demons from his mouth again.

It’s just that this time the number is more than the previous one.

Don’t you know it’s useless?

Why unleash this move?

What is this Majin Buu thinking, and does he still want to fight!

“You can use it like this.”

“Let’s get started now!”

“It’s just the same move, increase the number of points!”

“Come on, demons.”

“Super Demon Kamikaze Secret Service.”

When Vegette saw this scene, he couldn’t help but hold his forehead with his hand, with a speechless expression.

Said that it is a child’s move, there is no effect at all, what the other party is going to do!

But Majin Buu completely ignored it, and waved his hand again and commanded the little demon to rush over.

At the same time, the name of the shameful team appeared in his mouth again.

His behavior made the audience of many dimensional worlds almost speechless.

A large number of little devils rushed over again, but Vegeta still dodged it easily.

Just when Veget’s hands released energy rays, ready to destroy these little demons again.

His expression was suddenly stunned, and the light in his hand disappeared.

I saw that those little devils did not rush over, but showed a smug and sinister smile one by one.

The hands of each little devil were the things he felt strange, and he actually made a pose that he was very familiar with.

“Turtle pie… Qigong… Wave! ”

These little devils actually used the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave?

Such a scene made Veget’s eyes widen and look at it in disbelief.

Just as they shouted their voices, the light of the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave also appeared between their hands.

Next second.

The last word came out of the mouth of the little white devil, and energy beams instantly flooded towards Veget’s body.

“Isn’t it? Isn’t the turtle school qigong wave a trick of Goku? ”

“How can these little demons too?”

“It turns out that Majin Buu’s purpose is this.”

“By creating a large number of small demons, to unleash the turtle faction qigong waves together to attack the enemy? interesting…”

The audience looked at this scene and immediately caused an exclamation.

No wonder Majin Buu knew that this trick was useless, but still summoned so many little devils.

It turns out that he wants to cause a qualitative change in energy through quantity!

I have to say that this move of Majin Buu is really a little surprising.

The guy who had been passively beaten before could actually come up with such a method.

The power of the Turtle Sect Qigong Wave is very clear to the audience, that is Wukong’s trick.

What kind of power will so many turtle Qigong waves be released at the same time?

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