“What stupid thing to say, it is clear that you yourself first went around to find someone to fit in.”

“What’s wrong? See that I use my feet is more than enough? ”

Vegett immediately retorted.

It is also said that if Majin Buu had not absorbed so many people, how could he have such strong strength.

Now he says that his fit is mean, is he dizzy?

As Veget’s voice sounded, his arms were already wrapped around him.

Just stretching out one leg, he resisted all the attacks of Majin Buu.

The battle that looks down on people so much makes the other party angry.


Listening to his words, after Majin Buu once again punched a set of fast punches, he was directly ready to release energy waves.

Purple energy suddenly gathered in the palms of both hands, and the fluctuations emitted by the energy caused a trace of electric arc to appear around the two of them.

However, Vegett still didn’t care in the slightest, before the other party threw out the attack.

He easily kicked over, and the energy ball condensed by the other party suddenly came out.

Suddenly, the picture turned and came to Dandy’s side.

He was flying through the air, holding Satan in his hand, and Satan was holding the puppy in his hand.

“What is the sound of this chime?”

Satan also felt the fluctuations in the distance and asked suspiciously.

“I want to… Probably Goku is fighting! ”

Dandy replied with a solemn face.

At this time, except for Goku and Majin Buu, no one else will fight!

Especially if it can trigger such a clear sound, there will be no one else.

“Can you feel it from this distance?”

After listening to his words, Satan also said with some shock.

So far away, you can actually feel the fluctuations of the battle.

It’s terrible!

The picture turned again, and Majin Buu had not yet reacted.


His head was directly kicked by Veget, and the force was so strong that his head fell back.

Originally, he was ready to use energy attacks to bombard Veget, but he did not expect to be solved so easily.

“I don’t think you seem to have figured out the situation yet.”

“Why don’t I explain it directly!”

“It’s useless to do it, no matter how hard you try, it’s just a wasted effort!”

“The winner is still me.”

“What are you going to do? Do you still want to keep fighting? ”

Vegett put his fists in sight, crossed his waist and said.

The other party is not his opponent at all, just wait for death.

Anyway, no matter what Majin Buu did at this time, he would not be able to endanger himself.

Majin Buu’s expression was very angry, but he did not have the slightest chance to refute it.

In addition to constantly cursing in his heart and verbally not admitting defeat, everything he does will produce a feeling of powerlessness.

The two sides had been fighting for such a long time, and Vegette was not even covered in dust, let alone injured.

And his body has been shattered several times, and if it weren’t for his terrifying recovery ability, he would have died a long time ago.

But as Majin Buu, how could he be so willing to be defeated.

He took it back directly in one breath, and suddenly his angry expression disappeared.

“Of course I have to fight, I haven’t lost yet.”

“I’m the strongest man in the universe.”

“Come here quickly, and see how I beat you.”

Majin Buu’s voice sounded again, still the most bullish posture of Lao Tzu.

The expressions of the audience were instantly stunned, and they didn’t know what to say.

Is he stupid?

Now this situation dare to say such a thing?

“I’ll go, has Majin Buu always been so brave?”

“Awesome, I admire his courage.”

“It’s really showing me…”

It took a while for everyone to react.

One by one, they looked at the Majin Buu in the picture strangely, and there was incredulity in their eyes.

What a brave one!

Until now, can I still say such words, is it really not dead and does not look back?

Or did he really think Vegette was just playing with him?

As soon as his words came out, everyone seemed to see the end of his lesson.

So I can’t see the situation clearly, it’s really the first time I’ve seen it.

“What’s wrong? You’re afraid of me, aren’t you. ”

“Come here, come here!”

At this time, Majin Buu seemed to cheer himself up, and kept talking.

If I hadn’t seen his strength before, I would have thought that he had a broken brain.

“Don’t make a big fuss over there, you’re just a coward who can play tricks.”

“Hurry up and bring me here!”

“What a guy who can’t learn.”

Vegette seemed to have lost patience with his appearance.

An enemy who can’t tell the difference between the situation is still so weak, it’s really too boring.

He slowly approached Majin Buu, and his heart was ready to solve this guy.

I have said so much, and my strength has already been shown.

If you guy really wants to die, then it’s all about you.


“Eh, let me ask you, do you like to eat chocolate?”

Majin Buu watched the other party slowly approach, and a triumphant smile actually appeared on his face.

It seemed that a conspiracy had sprung up again in his heart.

But not only Veget, but even the audience did not care.

After all, this guy who talks big has been slapped in the face many times before.

This time, too, it’s just talking big!

However, for Majin Buu’s question, some viewers’ eyes still showed doubts.

“Is it time to ask such questions?”

“I really don’t understand this guy…”

“That’s what I said, I don’t understand it at all.”

“Is there any other intrigue this guy?”

“Even if it is, it won’t have the slightest effect on Veget!”

“After all, I’ve even done things that entered Veget’s body before, but isn’t it useless?”

The audience all had a knowing expression, waiting to see how Majin Buu was ugly.

In the face of absolute strength, any intrigue and trickery are useless.

They couldn’t wait to see Majin Buu’s expression.

But the next scene surprised everyone.

I saw the voice of Majin Buu fall, and suddenly stretched out his tentacle tail, and purple energy light flashed on it.

But what is strange is that there is no terrifying murderous aura in this light.


Veget, however, shouted in the light.

Soon, his body underwent incredible changes, and his whole person turned into the appearance of a jelly bean.

Then the jelly bean fell into Buu’s hands, and a smug smile appeared on his face again.

Such a scene simply made everyone’s jaws drop to the ground.

The ability to turn people into jelly beans is the first time I’ve seen it.

But what they didn’t expect was that Vegett was easily recruited?

No, did Vegett just lose?

In the end, the fears happened… Vegett rolled over in the gutter?

All kinds of doubts and puzzles appeared in everyone’s mind.

They never imagined that Vegett really overturned.

After turning into a jelly bean, how did he defeat Majin Buu?

Next, you won’t be eaten directly by the other party!

Such a terrifying scene made many people’s faces pale.

Dragon Ball World.


Bulma’s eyes widened and she couldn’t help but make a sound.

The others were also shocked and couldn’t believe the scene in front of them.

Originally, I was worried about whether Vegett would roll over, but I didn’t expect it to happen.

If Vegette loses, no one will be able to stop the Majin Buu guy.

It can be said that no one would have thought that this kind of thing would really happen.

No one could have imagined that Majin Buu really had a way to deal with Veget.


Majin Buu stared straight at the jelly beans in his hand and let out a morbid laugh.

“You deserve it, stupid!”

“Who told you to approach me casually and suffer death!”

Like a small child, he shouted happily in midair.

Such a proud look made everyone’s eyes solemn.

This guy with a bad personality still makes such a proud laugh, which is really unpleasant!

“He believes too much in his own power…”

Vegeta: “Hmph, I have long said that I want to solve the other party quickly.” ”

“What now? Is that the end of it? ”

Although everyone was very unhappy with the behavior of Majin Buu in the picture.

But now the most critical question is that Vegett has turned into a jelly bean, what to do next?

And that’s the end of the battle?

End with Majin Buu’s victory?

This is not what the audience wants to see.

“I’m going to crush you in one go.”

“Or do you want to lick it so that you melt slowly?”


The hard-won scheme succeeded, and Majin Buu is now very happy.

He had even begun to think in his mind about how to solve Veget, who had turned into a jelly bean.

“It worked, I finally succeeded.”

“It’s ugly to see you turned into candy!”

“There’s nothing you can do now.”

“But you don’t have to be too pessimistic, I’ll eat you right away.”

As Majin Buu’s voice and maniacal laughter continued to sound.

Is that idea in the minds of the audience finally about to appear?

Vegette is going to be eaten by Majin Buu…

This result really makes people want to get angry!

“I’m going to slowly, slowly, let you melt in my mouth.”

“When you get smaller, I’ll crush you in one go.”


Majin Buu had already figured out how to eat the other party.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and then said proudly.

At this moment, something suddenly went wrong.

I saw that there seemed to be something wrong with Majin Buu’s fist, and the careful person found this detail at a glance.

With his gaze, he actually punched himself in the face?


As the fist smashed into the face, Majin Buu also let out a scream.

Under the intense pain, the jelly beans in his hand also fell.

What was that just going on?

Could it be that Vegeta could still control his body after turning into a jelly bean?

They could see very clearly, just like Jelly Bean was moving Buu’s arm, and that scene happened.

Is that okay…

“Sorry, sorry, it’s a shame, Buu.”

Jelly Bean slowly flew up again and floated in front of Majin Buu.

Then Veget’s voice suddenly sounded, yes, it was from the jelly beans.

Not only did the audience’s expressions change, but even Majin Buu’s own expression was puzzled.

“How… Possible? ”

His incredulous voice sounded slowly.

The other party has obviously been turned into a jelly bean by him, why can this still happen?

“It seems that even if it becomes this virtue, it will still not reduce my strength.”

Veget’s voice came out again, and the jelly beans kept floating up and down.

Listening to his words, could it be said that Jelly Bean’s version of Veget, Buu are not opponents?

No way… Such an outrageous thing!

If it was really the same as what he said, then the gap in strength between the two would be even more terrifying!

Even if Vegette turns into a jelly bean, he can defeat the other party, so how much water was put before?

If he had used his full strength at the beginning, Majin Buu would not have been killed in an instant.

However, now that it has become a jelly bean, can it be changed back?

Otherwise, even if he defeated Majin Buu, he couldn’t use Jelly Bean’s body all the time…

“Great, even the speed is still the same fast.”

Jelly beans kept beating in the air, as if Vegett was doing a warm-up exercise.

With his movements, he already understood that even if he became like this, it did not affect his speed and strength in the slightest.

In this way, there may not be much impact on the battle.

After seeing this scene, the audience once again had a smile on their faces.

This Vegett is too fun-loving!

After turning into jelly beans, I feel completely unconcerned about my body.

It’s fun guys to test their strength and speed for the first time.

Perhaps it is because of this fanaticism for fighting that he has such terrifying strength!

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