“It’s useless.”

Majin Buu first gasped for breath, and finally eased up and said.

Despite the cold sweat on his face, he put on a smug smile again.

With such a perverted ability to recover, it is not easy to beat yourself.

No matter how strong your Veget’s strength is?

And what’s the use?

I haven’t recovered in an instant, I’m just doing useless work!

Thinking of his ability, the smile on his face became heavier and heavier.

After all, he is now invincible!

“It doesn’t look like that!”


Just after the other party finished speaking, Vegett suddenly spoke.

His words made Majin Buu’s expression stunned, and he hurriedly looked towards his chest.

In the next second, his smug smile had disappeared, but turned into a shocked face.

I saw that there was actually a big hole in his chest, which was the place where he had just been attacked by the other party.

What’s going on?

Not only Majin Buu was shocked, but even the audience was confused.

“The hole in his chest didn’t heal?”

“Is recovery failing?”

“How the hell did Vegett do it?”

“It’s interesting…”

The audience of various dimensional worlds began to talk one after another, and they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

According to Majin Buu’s recovery ability, such an injury should be nothing.

And they saw clearly, and the attack unleashed by Vegett seemed to be no different from before!

So why is this happening now?

Majin Buu’s body that was hit did not return to its original appearance.

Exactly why, the audience does not know.

But what they do know is that there is a good show to watch now.

If Majin Buu’s recovery ability is restrained, then his remaining advantage will be gone.

Then the next battle became the link of beating Majin Buu.

Although it is old-fashioned, the audience is still happy to see it.

After all, a guy like Majin Buu who destroys the world at every turn will not be good in any world.

It’s great to be able to beat up such a demon.

“It seems that you have only suffered too much damage, and there is no way to continue to regenerate.”

Veget’s voice sounded slowly, and he could already see the limits of the other party’s ability.

Although his recovery ability is extremely terrifying, as long as he takes enough damage, there is no way to recover immediately.

And now Veget, he already has the strength to unleash the power of terror.

In this way, the opponent’s super recovery ability is equal to nothing.

“Damn it!”

After listening to Veget’s words, Majin Buu suddenly shouted angrily.

With the fluctuation of energy in the large hole in his chest, he recovered again.

But everyone has understood that his ability to regenerate quickly has limits.

And Vegette just happens to have the ability to exceed the limits of the other party.

“Well, I don’t want to tease you anymore.”

“It’s almost time to end.”

Vegette moved her arm and whispered to him.

It’s not interesting to play for so long, it’s time to solve Majin Buu.

And hearing his words, the body of the demon Buu in front of him was even more angry.

What did this take him for?

He is the dignified Majin Buu, but now he is like a mouse in the other party’s mouth?

That’s right, Vegett is the cat that teases mice?

Such a feeling made him almost lose his mind.

He vowed that if he could get the chance, he would tear the other party to pieces.

By what? It’s just a human being, even if it is a Saiyan, how can it be compared with himself?

Such an arrogant Veget, Majin Buu will definitely not let the other party go.

But that’s just what was in his mind!

After all, according to the current form, let alone kill the other party, it has become a problem to ensure that you do not die.

Damn it!

As Veget’s body slowly moved through the air, his gaze followed.

“What are you talking nonsense about?”

“How could I…”

Just as Majin Buu’s voice sounded, before he finished speaking, he was pierced into his mouth by a golden pillar of energy.

The attack containing terrifying power directly pierced the throat of Majin Buu again, and came out from the back of his neck.

The words he wanted to say were instantly interrupted by Veget.

“Give me quiet listening, be played by me like this.”

“I still don’t know the strength gap between me and you, I think you are just an idiot!”

“How about this…”

Veget’s voice continued to sound, and the golden energy attack launched from his hand disappeared.

Before he finished speaking, he fell into deep thought.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is thinking about how to deal with Majin Buu, a fool who can’t see the gap in strength.

He folded his arms and didn’t think for long.

Next second.

Vegeta jerked his hands up and aimed them at Majin Buu’s body.

His sudden action really startled the other party.

The moment Majin Buu saw the other party raise his hand, he took a few steps back in a cold sweat.

He still remembered the attack just now, and just thinking about it still felt a little painful.

But none of this was an important point, but he remembered the scene in his mind when he didn’t recover quickly.

If the opponent launches another attack like that, it is very likely that he will be hit hard again.

He couldn’t guarantee that his body would be preserved next time.

If Vegeta directly unleashed the strongest attack, he directly blasted his body into dust.

Then his Majin Buu is really finished!

“Count to ten, I’ll count to ten before I do it.”

“Take this opportunity to pray quickly!”

Just as he focused on the other party, the imaginary attack did not appear.

And Veget’s voice sounded again, but the words he said made him look stunned.

What does that mean?

Does it mean that if you let yourself for ten seconds, you can’t escape?

There must be a limit to looking down on people!

Although Majin Buu’s heart faintly felt that the other party was not joking.

But how could he just turn around and escape, but if he didn’t escape, he would probably end up here.

What to do?

What should I do?

Now Majin Buu’s mood is very complicated, angry, impatient, and a little scared.

The complexity and clarity made his face very ugly.

On the one hand, he doesn’t want the other party to kill him like this, and on the other hand, he is unwilling to see the situation in front of him.

For a moment, he actually stayed where he was, not knowing what to do.

“I’m going to start counting.”

“One, two…”

After Vegett finished speaking, he immediately began to count.

As his voice sounded, it also made Majin Buu’s expression more complicated.

Even cold sweat appeared on his head, and his whole body was in a state of concentration and tension.

No way, although the other party’s strength does not want to admit it, it is indeed too strong.


“Three… What the hell, please hurry up and find out! ”

“I was forced into this situation, and there is only the only trick left.”

“It’s ready to use!”

Vegett was counting to three when she suddenly said to him.

His words once again made all the audience look stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Could it be that Majin Buu still has a trick?

But it’s all come to this point, if there is really a trick, it should have been used a long time ago!

It can’t be that Majin Buu himself has forgotten his trick…

The audience looked over with strange eyes, although this possibility was outrageous.

But some viewers still can’t help but think, what if it’s true?

No one can say for sure!

But the strange thing is, how did Vegette know?

Oh, by the way, maybe it was what happened before the video played, so he would know.

That is, those moves that Vegett did in this battle, those that deliberately annoyed the other side.

All to force the other party to use that trick?

Is this the original reason?

The audience’s eyes were full of doubt, and they looked at Vegette with a puzzled expression.

From the beginning to the present, he has always been the kind of person who deliberately teased Majin Buu.

Originally, everyone thought that Goku and Vegett were such a character after they were combined through earrings.

But as his words came out, it also made everyone feel that it was not so simple.

It is also said that it is very reasonable for a strong person whose strength can reach this level, and Vegett has some purpose.

“Four, five.”

Veget’s voice sounded again, which also made Majin Buu’s expression more solemn.

The idea of escaping, his heart was unwilling to accept.

Especially the people who have not put it in their eyes before have actually forced themselves to this step.

It was even more difficult for him to accept!

“Damn, all my tricks are useless.”

“In that case, I can only absorb that guy.”

“But what to do?”

While the other party was counting, Majin Buu’s heart was constantly thinking about countermeasures.

The general tricks have already been used, and it turns out that they are not useful.

Then if you want to deal with Veget, then you need another way.

And all he can think of is to devour the other party, but how to do it?

As his thoughts welled up, his gaze also looked to the ground.

There is a stump of his own, if this is used…


“That is, by the way, that one was just cut off by him.”



It looked like Vegett had no gap at all.

With the manipulation of Majin Buu, the tentacles on the ground began to melt into a ball.

Then he slowly floated upwards and soon came to Veget’s back.

And the number that Vegett is talking about is about to reach ten.

The audience who saw this scene naturally did not know what they thought in their hearts.

Many people frowned instantly and couldn’t help shouting.

“Veget, get out of the way!”

“The back… Behind! ”

“You can’t really not notice.”

“It’s dangerous if it’s wrapped.”

“Goku’s son before was devoured like that.”

Although they subconsciously chanted, it was completely useless.

How could Veget, who was in the picture, hear their voices.

The audience also quickly understood this point, and many people’s faces became solemn.

They couldn’t help but worry about Veget, if it really succeeded, then no one would be able to stop Majin Buu!

But looking at his appearance, he didn’t notice it at all.

Some viewers in the dimensional world have even imagined in their minds what Vegeta looked like when he was devoured.

“You finally thought of it, I’m for this.”

“That’s when I cut off the tail on your head.”

But in fact, Vegett had expected it for a long time.

Even the tail on the ground was deliberately cut off for this time.

He couldn’t help but deceive Majin Buu, and even a vast majority of the audience at the same time.

No one would have thought that this incident itself was a scene that Vegett himself wanted to see.

“Good, good, the guy didn’t notice.”

Majin Buu saw that his tail had come behind the other party.

And Veget’s look of not discovering it at all made him firm in his heart.

As long as he can wrap the other party, as if he swallowed the other three Saiyans, devouring Veget’s words.

Then the final victory of this battle still belongs to you.

Hmph, arrogant guy, you’ll pay the price.

The two had their own ideas, but it was clear that Vegett was superior.

What the final result will be is also the answer that all viewers want to know.


Veget’s voice sounded again, and the tail behind him began to squirm violently.

“Will it go well?”


Although Vegette has this idea, it is unknown whether he can succeed.

After all, the opponent he faced was Majin Buu.

Although his current strength has far surpassed the other party, it is not the time to take it lightly.

At the moment when he counted to ten, Majin Buu also suddenly moved.

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