As the light faded away, calm returned to the surroundings.

I saw that the original giant snake had undergone a huge change at this time, and its size directly became extremely small.

It seemed that as the miasma in the giant snake’s body was dispelled, her power also disappeared.

The original giant snake has turned into a small snake, and staying in place still looks a little cute.

However, when I thought of the huge appearance before, it made many viewers’ bodies tremble slightly.

“Is this Merascula?”

The little pig came forward and looked at the giant snake that had become smaller and said.

Then two gases erupted from his nostrils, enveloping the other party.

Next second.

The little snake’s body kept twisting and fled into the distance.

But as a test tube appeared in front of her, she got in.

“You lost!”

After Marlene caught the other party, she stood up and stuffed the plug into the test tube.

“Merascula is a miasma bathed in the powerful miasma of the demon world…”

“A demon god formed by a viper who has lived for three hundred years and obtains magical power.”

“Meliodas told me.”

Elizabeth stepped forward and introduced some of the demon snakes.

She was previously a demon world viper living in a miasma, and slowly formed a demon god.

Listening to their words, the audience was also slightly stunned.

I haven’t seen the demon snake body before, but her name reminds the audience of a person.

“That viper won’t be that pretty girl.”

“It’s over, it’s heartbroken…”

“I don’t believe it…”

In the previous battle between Ascano and Jialan, there was always a girl next to him.

The girl’s name seems to be… Merascula bar.

When I thought of this, the hearts of many viewers felt broken.

A pretty girl suddenly told them that the body was a giant snake.

Such a contrast leaves many people speechless…


As the screen turns, the battlefield of Escano and Meliodas comes again.

The scene was very intense, and the roar continued to sound.

Escano kept raising the giant axe in his hand and slashed down in front of him.

One time, one more time, one more time.

If it weren’t for the constraints of a perfect cube, you wouldn’t know what would be around you.

But even so, it caused a lot of smoke to fill around his body.

Suddenly, his movements stopped, and his eyes stared slightly.

Next second.

Meliodas’s figure appeared in front of him, and a knee hit his chin.

The huge force made his strong body fall backwards.

However, it did not fall, and the figure of Meliodas finally appeared in front of the audience.

I saw a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and in the face of this battle, he did not consider the other party to be his opponent at all.

The constant heavy blows did not cause Meliodas’s body to suffer the slightest damage.

His smile represents contempt for Escalo.

It’s just a human being, and daring to go against the demon god is a dead end.

Does he still want to beat himself?

What a dream!

Then Meliodas’s body moved, and he spun at extremely high speed.

The speed of rotation was so fast that a small tornado appeared directly to the naked eye.

But the edge of the tornado was the blade in his hand.

Being able to be used as a weapon by two people shows that the weapons in their hands are not simple.

If it were just a simple knife and axe, it would not be able to act on this battle at all.

At this time, Meliodas seemed to become a crusher, constantly crashing towards the other party.

And Escano did not dare to easily resist such an attack, and raised the giant axe in his hand to block it.

The two artifacts collided continuously, causing bursts of fire.

However, anyone can see that the current attack is just a small test.

The real battle hasn’t started yet!


Just as the stalemate was unresolved, Meliodas kicked out a jerk.

Under this foot, the opponent’s body suddenly flew backwards.

Two long marks were directly drawn under Escano’s feet, but he rushed up after that.

The giant axe was raised high again, and its thick arms fell down fiercely.

Another sound of iron clashing sounded, and the other party easily resisted the blow.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

An even more violent voice sounded, and Escano did not hesitate in the slightest.

The giant axe in his hand kept lifting and falling again.

He didn’t use any moves, just kept wielding his weapon with simple strength.

As the number of attacks increased, a large amount of smoke appeared under the feet of the two again.

Meliodas can easily withstand attacks, but the ground beneath his feet cannot.

Soon, as the ground continued to crack, smoke engulfed the bodies of the two.

After a while, as the shaking disappeared, the smoke slowly dispersed.


A voice sounded from Escalo’s mouth.

But before he could finish speaking, his eyes widened sharply.

As he looked down, he saw that the weapon in Meliodas’s hand had pierced his abdomen.

And there was still that contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

Solving Escano, in his opinion, is not a difficult task at all.

He is the prince of the Demon God Clan, and he is also the leader of the Ten Commandments.

Meliodas, who enters annihilation mode, has no reason to be defeated by a human.


One end of Escano’s giant axe fell to the ground with a roar.

As Meliodas’s weapon pierced, a lot of black magic appeared in the wound in the abdomen.


Escano’s mouth bulged violently, and a large mouthful of blood directly spurted out.

It’s just that in the battle that has just begun, he has already been injured.

The audience who saw this scene couldn’t help but frown.

In his previous battle with Jialan, the terrifying power made many people’s hearts tremble.

But such a strong person was injured at the hands of Meliodas.

Most importantly, it didn’t take long at all.

This gap in strength is almost obvious…


When the people who had solved Melascula in the distance saw this scene, their eyes were all full of worry.

They looked at the two people in the battlefield with solemn faces, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

They are obviously partners, but now they are fighting together.

Whether it is Meliodas or Escalo, either of them is injured is not the picture they want to see.

“Meliodas, stop!”

Elizabeth looked equally nervous, clasping her hands and saying.

Although Meliodas became what he is now, they still wanted to stop the fight.

But things have become the way they are now, and it is even harder to stop.

The only way is for Escano to defeat Meliodas.

But the gap in strength, if you want to defeat Meliodas in this mode, even Escano is very difficult.

Just after Escano spurted out a large mouthful of blood, he stretched out his big hand.

One grabbed the other person’s head and squeezed it hard.

“Don’t touch me casually.”

Meliodas felt the other party’s strength, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The strength of the other party is still too weak, and the most important thing is that my head is touched if you want?

As his voice fell, the weapon in his hand suddenly burst out with terrifying magic.

The blade that penetrated Escano’s abdomen directly gushed out terrifying power.

Under this power, Ascano suddenly felt a feeling of powerlessness.

His big hand holding the other party’s head slowly let go, and his body fell to the ground.


With a loud noise on the ground, Escano’s strong body fell to the ground.

And that’s the end of the result?

At that time, the power like the sun had not yet appeared!

The audience looked at this scene and frowned slightly.

When Escano and Jialan fought, the sun-like scorching power did not appear.

Even if Meliodas’s power is indeed very strong, it is not so good that the strength is not completely used and defeated.

With doubts, the audience’s eyes focused on the picture and looked at it seriously.

According to their guess, the battle definitely did not end so simply.

“Liar… of it! ”

“Escano actually lost?”

Kim and Diane said in shock.

It’s incredible, after all, Escano is their strongest.

I didn’t expect to be knocked to the ground in such a short time.

“Marlene, you unlock the spell now, and I’ll figure out the rest.”

Elizabeth also turned her head sharply and shouted at Marlene on the side.

“No, the current Meliodas can’t suppress the dark magic.”

“His spirit and memory have been eroded.”

“If we let him out of the Perfect Cube, he will definitely kill us.”

But Marlene immediately objected and said.

The current Meliodas no longer has the will of the previous and has completely become the former Demon God Clan.

If he were released now, the danger would not be just Escalo.

None of those present were his opponents and would be in danger.

“Is there any other way?”

Piglet Hawk also asked nervously.

If it can’t be released, then what will Escano do?

And keeping Meliodas like this is not a solution, you must find a way to free them.

“It’ll be noon soon.”

As the piggy’s voice sounded, Marlene stretched out her finger and pointed in the air.

Her words made the audience’s eyes light up, revealing a sudden expression.

yes, it’s almost noon.

In the audience’s previous speculation, Escalo’s strength would change with the sun.

Or to put it simply, the closer to the noon hour, the stronger his strength will become.

So to say…

Next up is Escalo’s counterattack?

Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes began to appear expectant.

As the figure of the sun appeared in the crack of the dark clouds in the sky, the light also shone near the perfect cube at this moment.

And Escano, who fell to the ground, also seemed to feel something, and his body moved slightly.


Suddenly, his legs jerked up, and a carp stood upright.

“This is advice, if you are stubborn again, let you see hell.”

Looking at Escano, who stood up again, Meliodas said coldly to him.

The attack just now was nothing more than a piece of advice from him and a deterrent.

If the other party is still ignorant of current affairs, he does not mind completely erasing the other party.

“Indeed, I have to admit…”

Escano’s voice sounded slowly.

As he looked at his abdomen, suddenly his body began to swell.

The already strong body became more burly in the blink of an eye.

“You’re strong.”

“Second only to me!”

He stretched out his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

The strength of the other party is obvious to all, and it is indeed strong like a monster.

There is nothing bad to admit at all.

But Escano’s next sentence made the audience’s eyes widen sharply.

Good fellow, this familiar arrogance…

As his voice fell, a terrifying momentum erupted around his body.

Under this momentum, the breath belonging to Escano clearly appeared in the audience’s perception.

It is this feeling, this arrogance, the arrogance of not putting everything in the eyes.

This is the Escano they are familiar with!

Next second.

Escano’s power continued to burst out, and the ground under his feet suddenly loosened.

An incredible picture appeared, and I saw that the ground under his feet was directly cracked.

Countless spiderweb-like cracks appeared under the feet.

And what followed was actually magma?

The red, steaming liquid was undoubtedly magma.

What a hot breath, only Escano can release this sun-like temperature.

Escano’s momentum was amplified again, and waves of qi were directly set off around him.

Under the surge of qi, he walked towards the other party step by step.

With every step, the ground beneath your feet sinks.

“Let’s get on!”

Escalo, who had already swelled again, walked in front of the other party.

He said to Meliodas with a gesture of observance.

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