The land of immortal graves.

Death is silent.

Everyone was shocked.

Immortal grave up and down, nine days ten places, at this time to see Chu Yan's eyes are slightly different.

Really killed!

Gu Ming and Cai Yang, the false gods in the temple of heaven, have strange eyes. You know, they were all questioning Chu Yan before, but now they are gone.

Chu Yan has the strength of a false god.

"Who said Xianyu was fish this time?" At this time, the temple of heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth are bitter. The immortal realm is not only fish, but also powerful and terrible.

"Chongguang temple, in the past, colluded with the soul royal family to destroy our immortal realm. Today I will do justice for the immortal realm and kill it. It will be the same in the future. Those who are enemies of the immortal realm will be killed." Chu Yan held the evil sword at this moment. It seemed that he was the only one in the world. His eyes were firm: "even if the immortal kingdom is weak today, the immortal kingdom will not die out. Sooner or later, all those who bully the immortal kingdom will pay the price."

There was no word.

At this time, the crowd below, a royal family, a figure can not help but back a few steps.

Jiang Chuan!

On that day, the king Jiang family who fled from Xianyu approached the God.

Chu Yan felt it as well. He turned his eyes and looked at Jiang Chuan.

Jiang Chuan and Chu Yan looked at each other, then their faces changed, and immediately said: "Chu Yan, our king Jiang family has no intention to be an enemy of the immortal kingdom. The last time we had a misunderstanding, this time our king Jiang family will never participate in the core competition. Don't kill me. Maybe I can help you."

People look at Jiang Chuan, a burst of contempt.

At least it is said that the royal family is close to God, so they have no backbone?

Jiang Chuan felt those eyes, but he didn't care at all.


Do you really think I have no backbone?

Laozi, is that smart?

Do you know Xianyu? Do you know Chu Yan?

So far, it has not come to a good end to be the enemy of Xianyu.

Jiang Chuan is the near God, and he didn't think about fighting for heaven and earth, or preaching God Emperor.

He is still young. He will enter Shinto in the future and live for hundreds of thousands of years. What is the dispute? To fight, to die, not to fight, to live a few hundred thousand years is not good?

Chu Yan was also stunned and sneered: "the king Jiang family knows the best, otherwise you ran away last time, and this time there is absolutely no place for you to escape."

"To be wise, to be wise." Jiang Chuan nodded.

People continue to be speechless.

But at this time, some people's eyes were cold.

Chu Yan is too strong for their interests.

When the immortal tomb is opened, Chuyan is the king of the immortal kingdom. In fact, it's easier for them to get the core of the immortal Kingdom, so they prefer the immortal kingdom to be weaker. But now it seems that it's not easy.


At this time, the fairy tomb fluctuated.

Everyone looked up.

We can only see that the power of chaos has become more violent.

Above, the God level strong man penetrates the power storm to see, someone says with a smile: "the immortal grave is about to open!"

"Ready to enter!" Below, the strong of all sides speak.

The previous great war has come to an end.

Now, the key is the dispute over immortal graves.

"Young master, when the immortal tomb is opened, there will be many channels. At that time, it was a magic battlefield with disordered power. Every channel transmission place may be affected by space, so we need to take one channel." Qin Jue Dao.

Chu Yan nodded, he also found that the power of the immortal tomb was very disordered, and even there were some riots.

"It's on!"

Then someone spoke.

In an instant, there are many cracks in the chaotic XianFen.

"Come in!" As soon as the crack came out, someone immediately opened his mouth and chose a crack to enter.

"We're in."

Chu Yanchong immortal domain humanity, all people together into a space crack.


"in." The younger generation below enters the immortal tomb, and above it, there is the feeling of the true God.

"After 200000 years, the immortal tomb will be opened again. I don't know whether the core of the immortal world will appear this time, and which side will fall into the hands." Someone said with a smile.

"We have to see how to distribute it among those who have it." There are also powerful gods who are outspoken.

All of them looked at each other without saying anything, but the meaning was self-evident.

As we all know, the so-called Immortal King's going to the immortal tomb is just to get the immortal core by their hands. As for the real ownership, it depends on the battle of God level after these people come out.

Thinking of this, many people look at the king one after another.

According to everyone's guess, the most likely way to get Xianhe this time is Xianyu.

After all, the immortal world was once a fragment of the immortal world. As a person in the immortal world, his perception will be stronger.

But what about getting it?

It's another matter whether you can take it or not.

I don't know how many false gods have entered this time.Moreover, in the outside world, there are nearly a hundred strong gods, while there are only four people in the immortal realm, namely, the king, zunshang, yuntun and Ouyang Yuntian. The proportion is too different.

Even if we count the heavenly king and the ancient Qin, there are no more than ten people.

"King, I'm a little curious. What are you going to fight for this time?" Among the soul kings, the soul empty son also came and said with a curious smile.

The king glanced at hunxuzi: "do you want to have a try?"

"I don't think I'm an opponent." Hun Xuzi smiles casually and doesn't care. He's not the king of God. He's just the most powerful God. It's no good fighting with the king.

But the words of hunxuzi made many people curious.

According to many people's ideas, Xianyu is now in the rising stage, so we should choose dormancy instead of fighting for XianFen now.

After all, even though the immortal Kingdom has a great momentum recently, there are still too few strong ones at the divine level. Apart from other things, a soul King alone is enough for the immortal kingdom to eat a pot.

"Then shut up!"

The king white eye soul empty son, but also in the heart is a burst of sigh.

"The true gods are over a hundred, and there are more than a dozen gods."

"It's not easy..."

One by one, the king swept the God level strong men on the scene. Besides judging whether they were enemies or friends, he also calculated the combat power gap: "there are nearly 20 true gods in the soul king family, plus 10 in the Xiao and Chen families, and three in the Qi family The two weak gods in zhurong temple, Chongguang and Qinwang, must be enemies. "

"I should be able to hold down three gods, or ten true gods, by myself One God King is almost the same. Yuntun is too useless. The two real gods are both terrible. Ouyang is as useless as Yuntian. In addition, the people of ancient Qin Dynasty There are still at least 20 true gods who have not been dealt with. "

"What's the strength of the old king of heaven? Twenty in one battle, can we fight? "

"I always feel a little bit suspended."

"Fortunately, I still have a back hand. At the critical moment If you make use of it, you won't be helpless. "

Thinking of this, the king looked up at the closed immortal tomb and whispered, "boy You have to earn some gas this time. For your sake, I'm ready to be killed. If I haven't got the core of the fairyland, I'll lose a lot! "



A moment of distortion, and then the pedestrian was sent to a strange crack.

In the land of immortal tomb, the power is more chaotic, and the space storm, broken sword Qi and sword light are often seen running around.

It's terrible.

Besides, this strange land is very dilapidated.

Compared with the fragments of the fairyland last time, the place is more like a piece of ruins, very ancient ruins, with some broken walls and debris around.

"Is this the immortal grave?" Li Chaoyang said curiously.

"Well." Qin Jue nodded: "in the war between gods and demons, there were hundreds of real gods fighting here. Now the chaotic power storm and the sword light are all the aftereffects left by the real gods fighting at that time."

"The aftereffects of 200000 years..." The immortal powers were shocked.

"It's not surprising that the battle lasted for dozens of days, nearly 100 true gods fell, the fairyland was broken, and the avenue of heaven and earth was destroyed. These forces could not be spread out, so they stayed here all the time." Qin Jue Dao.

"So there will be a lot of real gods here?" He asked in surprise.

"Naturally, in addition to the immortal core, the immortal tomb itself is also full of treasures. There are a lot of divine soldiers, and there are many real gods inheriting them. Even there are divine paths. Of course, the possibility of integrity is not too big." Qin Jue nodded.

"So this place is really a treasure." The supreme way.

Chu Yan looked at Qin Jue and said, "what happened to the war between gods and Demons 200000 years ago?"

"I don't know. It's been a long time, but when I look at the file, it seems that the divine power of the fairyland has been flowing, and it has been spread, and has attracted countless real gods. At that time, the Ouyang royal family was the only royal family in the fairyland, and it was extremely powerful. As soon as the war opened, all living beings in the fairyland fell into the hundreds of millions in an instant. The old ancestor of Ouyang couldn't bear to be robbed of the fairyland people, and finally destroyed the fairyland and the rest It's nine days away. " Qin Jue Dao.

"When I came here, the king said to me that many gods fell in the war between gods and demons, but after 200000 years, some people may recover. Is that true?" Chu Yan asked.

Qin Jue said solemnly, "it is really possible. After all, when you reach the realm of the true God, you can have eternal life with the same origin as heaven and earth. Although some true gods have fallen, their paths have not been completely destroyed. After 200000 years, it is also possible to resurrect."

"So it is possible for us to meet the true God in the immortal grave?"

"Well, once the true God here recovers, it will not be affected by the power of chaos, and it can completely burst out the strength of the true God." Qin Jue nodded.

Chu Yan's eyes twinkle. It seems that this trip to XianFen is in great danger. He is not afraid of false gods now. Even those like Hunyu, who have more than 35000 Taoyuan, have the power of World War I.

Can meet the true God, still not enough to see, and the difference is too far.At this time, Chu Yan suddenly thought of something and looked at Qin Jue: "is it possible for old Ouyang to revive?"

Everyone was stunned.

Qin Jue shook his head with a wry smile: "it's almost impossible that the war between gods and Demons ended in the self destruction of Ouyang Laozu. In other words, this immortal tomb was formed because of his self explosion, and the divine path completely disappeared."

"Is that so?" Chu Yan suddenly felt that it was a pity.

Ouyang Laozu is the strongest one who fell in the World War I. if he can recover, what's he afraid of when he goes to the immortal tomb? Is it OK to walk horizontally?

"At that time, try to find a chance to see if you can find a trace of Tao Yuan. Maybe you can." Chu Yan thought to himself.

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