The immortal tomb itself is a huge ruin.

After Chu Yan and his party entered, they asked about the war between gods and demons.

People in Xianyu know very little about these.

And then we have to consider the people who may recover.

There is no doubt that Chu Yan is the strongest in the immortal realm. In addition to Chu Yan, there are Huafeng, qinjue and Huangtian. These are the strength of Jinshen.

Further down, there are Nanyu nishang, who has entered the seven section Immortal King, Zizhu Immortal King and others in the six section Immortal King, followed by Ren qianer and some strong men in the ancient Qin Dynasty. Their strength is not too weak, but also not strong.

In this case, as long as we don't encounter such powerful forces as the king of souls and the temple of light, the immortal kingdom is not afraid.

But once we meet the true God of recovery, it will be very troublesome.

Even though Chu Yan now has the strength of the false gods, and even infinitely close to the true gods, but when he meets the true gods, he still doesn't see enough and is much worse.

Dao Jiuxian and wolf king actually entered, but they didn't go along with Chu Yan. Instead, they went through the same channel alone, but they were also the strength of the immortal kingdom. When they met with trouble in the immortal tomb, they would take care of each other.

"Follow closely." As he walked, Chu Yan exhorted him. Then he looked at Lord Qin and asked, "Lord Qin, why do those outside forces always believe that the immortal nucleus will be found by people in the immortal kingdom?"

"The immortal core itself can move. It's not a spirit, but it's the core of a world. It has some ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Once it senses danger, it will run away immediately. When you were born in the immortal Kingdom, you have a part of the flavor of the immortal Kingdom, so the immortal nucleus will be closer to you. " Qin Jue Dao.

"In fact, it's false for these forces to find Xianhe. Their real goal is to rob Xianyu?" Chu Yan asked.

"Well, in the war between gods and demons, the immortal core actually appeared, so he took the initiative to fly to the hands of Ouyang Laozu. But in order to protect the immortal world, Ouyang Laozu destroyed himself and the immortal core disappeared." Qin Jue nodded.

"Good calculation!" In fact, these are the forces of the heaven and earth? Wait for Xianyu to find Xianhe and grab it directly?

But immediately, Chu Yan asked: "so, before Xianhe appeared, Xianyu was actually safe?"

"It can be said that, of course, it does not rule out that some forces will go crazy and attack Xianyu to force Xianyu to find Xianhe." Here comes Lord Qin.

"I see." Chu Yan had an idea in his mind, and then he looked around. In fact, he had noticed that there were many pairs of eyes around him who had been staring at Xianyu.

A lot.

At least ten forces.

"The soul royal family must be killed when they see it. There are also Xiao and Chen, Qin royal family, zhurong temple and Chongguang temple. These are the hostility that has been determined in Xianyu at present."

"The other four halls in the five elements hall are not good things either. On that day, in the immortal realm, Shuijun and Mujiang all took actions, but they didn't want to kill each other. It seems that they didn't want to be enemies with the immortal realm."

Chu Yan's mind flew fast, and first determined which were the enemy, which were neutral, and which were friendly.

"The king of Chu..." Chu Yan was silent again.

He had a strong intention to kill the king of Chu, but before the eighth heaven, he and Chu Tianjiao met Chu Jun after the first World War, but they were not so strong.

Of course, Qin ruomeng's Revenge must be avenged, but now in the immortal tomb, if there is no conflict, he doesn't want to fight against the king of Chu.

After all, anyway, it was his father's family, Chu Jun's revenge, he would find Chu Jun liquidation, but the rest of the people, perhaps innocent?

And the most important point.

The king of heaven once said that the king of Chu was one of Qin Zixuan's guardians.

"Let's talk about it according to the situation. Anyway, the people of the king of soul, the king of Qin, the Xiao and Chen families, the Qi family, the zhurong temple and the Chongguang temple, when they see that they don't need to be polite, just kill them. The rest of them will be neutral. If they dare to fight against Xianyu, they will all be killed at that time."

In addition, he needs to improve now.

Xianwang LiuDuan is OK with the real God, but once the real God recovers, it's hard for him to fight.

Thinking of this, he suddenly ordered: "garrison, first rest in place, to see if there is any chance around, the range of activities should not exceed a hundred miles."

After thinking, Chu Yan made a decision.

Don't the other forces want to be fishermen?

Then wait.

He's closed now.

It's hard to break through seven paragraphs.

But in the outside world, Chu Yan got the source of light, fire and thunder, which were the three sources of power. These were not absorbed, and there was Taixu Jue. This time he went back to the immortal realm, he made great progress and did not have time to consolidate. So were the other Dharma bodies.

Absorb and digest all of these.

Even if there is no breakthrough, the combat power will be upgraded to a higher level.

No more than the true God, but the awareness will not be so big.

Qin Jue seemed to guess what Chu Yan thought and did it immediately.

Although people in Xianyu are confused, they will not ask more.Xianyu is stagnant.

As a result, some people frown slightly in the dark.

"What's the matter?"

"Found out?"

"Should be, Chu rock strength is powerful, before I have always felt that there is a mind sweeping." On the one hand, there is humanity.

"What about that?"

"Don't worry. This time, the immortal realm itself is the goal of all parties. What if it is discovered? They have to go to find Xianhe, but we don't have to be all here, leaving a few people staring at the news of Xianyu, and the rest of us looking for opportunities with me. "

"In addition, in the first World War of XianFen, there were real gods falling in our temples. Let's take a chance to see if we can wake up a god level strong man. In fact, the fight over the immortal tomb is mainly about the false gods, and the real gods who fell here in those years will have a huge advantage if they are the first to revive the power of the real gods. Our temple of Heavenly God is thirty-three in one. No, it is not the temple of holy night. The other thirty-two are of the same origin, so we should help each other. " The man who opened his mouth was a handsome young man. He was like a leader and gave a quick order.

The others in the temple of heaven looked at each other and nodded immediately.


Soon after the discussion, a few people were left, and the rest fled in all directions.

Most of the strong men in the temple of heaven just ran away. Chu Yan's eyebrows stirred him up and murmured: "are you gone? No, there are still seven people left, and two of them are close to God... "

"At this time of sudden attack, do I have a chance to keep all seven people?"

If people in the temple of God knew what Chu Yan thought, they would be scared.

Fortunately, Chu Yan finally gave up. Now is not the time to kill some unimportant people. He can't solve the substantive problem. He still needs to make himself stronger.

"Merge the power of origin!"

Chu Yan didn't worry about it any more. Three light groups appeared in his hands. Red, gold and white were the three sources of heaven and earth.

Then Chu Yan did not think about it and swallowed it all.


In an instant, Chu Yan felt that his body was shocked by the force.

It's terrible What a pure power!

The key is that after the three sources of power into the body, it did not stay in Chu Yan's body, but quickly turned into a kind of energy, into his orthodox world.

The orthodox world is an ethereal existence, belonging to the power of the soul, built on the holy road.

Therefore, the orthodox world of Chuyan has always been illusory. Although it looks like an immortal realm, it is only a shadow, black and white.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's eyes were stunned. With the power of the three sources, Chu Yan found that his world of orthodoxy had changed, not black and white, but color.

For example.

In the orthodox world of Chuyan, there used to be several volcanoes corresponding to the immortal realm, but the flames emitted from the volcanoes were all black and shadow. But after the origin of the fire was integrated, these flames became real and became high-temperature magma.

Besides, there is light.

A round of sun above the world of orthodoxy becomes very bright at this time, and there is real light.

Of course, it's rarely very subtle, and it's hard to see with the naked eye, but Chu Yan is the master of the world, but his feeling is very strong.

And then the metallicity, lightning, all became real.



Looking at the changes in the world of orthodoxy, Chu Yan was speechless.

It's a shock.

"Is that the source?" Chu Yan's face was confused. He always thought that the so-called orthodox world was nothing but the soul of the strong, which was illusory. But now, the world seems to be a little real.

"These are only three kinds of original forces. If the other four are put together, my original world will not become the real world, will it?" Chu Yan couldn't help thinking of it.

When the world of Chu Yan orthodoxy changed.

The outside world.

The immortal powers were stationed here, looking for opportunities within a hundred Li, but suddenly, they all trembled and looked surprised.

Especially Ren qianer, Li Chaoyang and others.


The holy road trembled.

Ren qian'er is with Qin Jue. Qin Jue is shocked at this time.

What's going on?

Ren qianer Breakthrough?

Originally just four immortal kings, the holy road suddenly expanded rapidly and extended out

Breathing time, 5000 meters?

Ren qianer feels Qin Jue's eyes and looks like a chat.

I'm also confused. How did I break through?

I didn't do anything.

But I feel that the source of holy road is so strong that I feel warm all over.

If their original holy road is extremely dark, it seems to be in the land of glaciers.

At the moment, Ren qianer feels like she is baking, and there is a ray of sunshine shining down, bathing in it, very comfortable.

"I..." Qin Jue opened his mouth and then chose to close it. He was going crazy. You know, it took him nearly a thousand years to get close to God, and in nine days and ten places, he was regarded as arrogant. But what about Ren qianer? He knew a little bit about it, and it didn't take long for him to be a Taoist priest.decade? Almost.

Fairy king five?

At this time, like Li qian'er and others, the power of the magic spring breaks through quickly.

The same is true in every corner of the immortal realm. Almost one day, many ordinary people step thousands of miles to reach the level of monarch and sage. The immortal is respected by the emperor, and the emperor builds the holy Road, and the Qi soars to the sky.

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