Mo Bai listened to Heng Yanlin's words, his face changed slightly.

The heart of the sword, which he cultivated for a long time, was able to challenge the same level to kill the other side.

But to hengyanlin here, is directly criticized by hengyanlin worthless.

At the moment, he also had a trace of shaking in his heart. As he knew, the longer he practiced the sword, the more he felt in his heart. It seemed that he had made a mistake when he began to practice.

The sword you cultivate is not what you want at all.

At present, he is listening to Heng Yanlin's words, and he is unconventional and does not refute.

The rest of the monks on one side, listening to what Heng Yanlin said at the moment, and some of them were stunned by Heng Yanlin. At the moment, they looked at Heng Yanlin.

Looking at the desert white on one side, we can see that Mobai doesn't refute at this moment. People all look at each other and feel that things are moving in the direction they can't see.

"Please teach me how to become a swordsman!"

Mobai was shocked. What Heng Yanlin put forward was the place where he always felt confused.

And now, in looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, he suddenly felt that there was some turning point.

Since hengyanlin said so, it shows that hengyanlin should be able to know how to become a swordsman.

At the thought of here, at the moment, he did not care about the state of hengyanlin than his own lower things, directly kneeling to hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the desert white in front of him, in the eyes of micro can not be checked, flash a touch of appreciation.

The monk in front of him is quite good. Compared with the other side, hengyanlin's current cultivation is much lower.

But at this moment, in order to become a swordsman, he kneels down directly to Heng Yanlin, just to become a swordsman.

Because Heng Yanlin's strength was low, he didn't feel that hengyanlin could not teach him to become a swordsman at all. He appreciated this kind of disposition.

But it's just that. If you want to be a sword, you can do more than that.

"I'll give you a chance if you have a good disposition."

Heng Yan Lin took a look at each other and pulled out the flying sword behind each other.

"You see."

Heng Yan Lin looked down at the desert white, opened his mouth and said a word.

Mobai smell speech, quickly raised his head, looking at hengyanlin.

"Whether you can become a swordsman depends on your understanding. If you can't, you can give up this way later. Now you have time."

Heng Yanlin said, a sword split out, incomparably straight in the stone just.


Just listening to a slight noise, the forbidden glow on the boulder flickered slightly, and then disappeared directly, as if nothing had happened at that time.

Heng Yanlin splits out a sword, and then throws the flying sword aside. The flying sword does not enter the ground directly.

After that, Heng Yanlin directly carried his hands behind him and walked towards the Canggong Pavilion in front of him.

When Heng Yanlin left, all the people who were present just woke up. Looking at the huge stone in front of him, it seemed that there was no change at all. Suddenly, an uproar began to appear.

"What? Just swing a sword like this? But I didn't see anything. I just said, what do you want to face to become a swordsman? "

"No, what did you see just now? But I didn't see anything. The other party didn't even break the prohibition. Under such circumstances, I'm not afraid to laugh off other people's teeth

"Don't worry, elder martial brother Mobai. If you're not good at it, we're going to do it now. We're determined not to let this guy be so rampant. We have to teach the other party a lesson and let them know what it means to respect their teachers and respect their teachers."

One side of the disciples at the moment have a lot of discussion, for hengyanlin at the moment, these people are dissatisfied to the extreme.

I just wave my sword at will, and then I will say what I have learned. I am not afraid that others will laugh to death.

People are indignant at the moment, and they want to teach hengyanlin a good lesson for elder martial brother.

However, at this time, the desert white on one side did not move. He just stood in front of him. It seemed that at the moment, he saw something extremely incredible. At the moment, he was directly in the same place.

The disciples on one side didn't feel anything at first, but then looking at the situation of Mobai, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

A disciple with a relatively large list looked at the huge stone on one side, and then made a trial.

At this moment, all the people on one side suddenly saw that the prohibition of the huge stone in front of him had already been broken at the moment!There is a crack on the stone that can hardly be detected. It is only when the disciples use divine consciousness that they can detect it.

If not, just with their own naked eyes, in front of the boulder seems to have no change.

But when the disciples put their own divine consciousness into it, they suddenly felt that a sword that could split the heaven and earth fell on them.

And then split them in half.

When they wake up, they find themselves soaked with a sword.

It was just that the sword just fell into their divine consciousness, which made them extremely frightened.

With that sword, they all felt that they were not rivals at all!

Thinking of this, their faces turned pale. This is just to understand that Heng Yanlin's sword just left behind the terrible sword.

It seems that the other party's accomplishments are just in the middle of foundation construction, right? But in the past, how could we break the prohibition in front of us with a sword?

What's more, he left such a terrible sword. Doesn't it mean that the opponent has the strength to kill friar jiedan just by his accomplishments in the middle period of foundation construction?

it's hard to say that this is the strength that a sword cultivation should have?

Killing the same level is no skill at all. Only killing a monk who is more powerful than himself can be regarded as a real sword cultivation.

And this is the real strength of sword cultivation?

A group of people at the moment in the heart of great surprise incomparable, no one noticed, one side of the desert white now face full of surprise color.

And in the surprise look, the face has a trace of pale color, but the other party's eyes, now directly into the sharp incomparable look.

It seems that at this time, the other party saw something extremely worthy of challenge, and should have the look.

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