"This is the Canggong pavilion?"

After Heng Yanlin left, for the people behind, they did not pay attention to.

After a few steps, I came to the front of Tibetan Gong, and then I looked at the attic in front of me. After a look, I walked towards the inside.

There was an old man standing by at the moment.

Seeing Heng Yanlin come in, he took a look at Heng Yan Lin with some surprise in his eyes, and then turned into a very calm appearance.

Heng Yanlin shows an elder token to the other party, which is to get permission to watch at will.

Then, without delay, Heng Yanlin directly found a low-level skill on the side and began to watch it.

Heng Yanlin didn't plan to learn any Kung Fu. He just came to see if there was anything worth learning after tens of thousands of years.

Time in hengyanlin watching books quickly incomparable.

When Heng Yanlin was in the past, a sword on the training ground also caused a lot of vibration.

There are many disciples in the training ground who have personally seen the huge stone, but no one can observe it carefully for a long time like Mobai, and then it seems that it has taken root.

For a month, Mobai didn't move a bit, let the wind and rain hit, the other side's eyes are only in front of the boulder.

"No, why, my momentum and my sword have nothing to do with it? What's wrong with each other in this

Mobai's eyes are a little dim at the moment, but there is still a flame in his heart, which does not disappear.

At the moment, Mobai's heart has completed the precipitation in this sword light, and there is only one sword light in front of me in my heart.

He exhausted his whole body of divine consciousness, just to be able to see the essence of this sword light more clearly.

But no matter how he was, he felt more and more that the sword light seemed to be out of place with him.

In this case, he thought of what Heng Yanlin had said before.

This can be regarded as sword cultivation. It can't be regarded as sword cultivation by anyone!

Thinking of this, he is also filled with doubts at the moment. Can't he say that he is not worthy of being a sword?

Mobai heart some miserable, and then in the fine perception in front of this sword light, teeth slightly bite tight.

No, the elders have said that I am a genius of sword cultivation. I am just wrong because I have no direction. Otherwise, I can definitely become a sword practitioner.

Now, the opportunity is in front of me. I can definitely become a swordsman.

The man mentioned earlier that my momentum was not integrated into the sword, so I could not be regarded as a swordsman at all.

And my sword heart is also wrong. These are the wrong direction of my cultivation.

Mobai felt the sword light in front of him, and then carefully felt what Heng Yanlin had said before. He had a trace of feeling in his heart.

After three days, Mobai's momentum slowly began to wake up, feeling general, and then can feel that this momentum seems to be a sharp sword out of the body at the moment.


The disciples on one side were also attracted by Mobai directly at the moment. Seeing the abnormal situation of Mobai, they all came closer to see what happened to Mobai.

At this time, Mobai seems to be out of the body with a sharp sword at the moment.


Mobai closed his eyes for more than a month, and suddenly opened at the moment. Then it seemed that a sharp sword flashed through his eyes. Looking at one side, he was still forbidden by a monk of jiedan period.

At the moment, there is no hesitation to split a sword, and there is no doubt in the language of firmness.


It seems that the sword light flies out at this moment, and then it cuts on the boulder. Then you can feel the glow on the stone and want to intercept it.

However, the sword light fluctuated slightly under the block, and then the Xiaguang was chopped up without any hindrance.

At this moment, a black light also swept out.

In the last time, Mobai was defeated by this black light.

At the moment of the desert white see this situation, the face does not have a little fluctuation, as if for the light in front of full pressure did not see the general.

The two are just in touch, and then the black light is directly cut by the sword light, and the sword light is cut on the huge stone smoothly.

However, the sword light has already consumed a lot of spiritual power before. Now it is cutting on the huge stone, but it only leaves a cutting mark.

People on one side saw this situation and immediately took a breath of cold air. They looked at the desert white in front of them.

"What's the matter? In the past, the other side clearly could not do anything about this prohibition. How come this is just a month ago, and the strength of the other side has improved to such a degree?""Yes, a month ago, the other party could not do anything about this huge stone, but now it can be chopped. Does this mean that the other party has the strength to threaten monk jiedan?"

The disciples on one side are looking at the scene in front of them.

They were shocked in their hearts, thinking about what happened just now, and how the other party could easily and incomparably cut the huge stone in front of them?

This is a ban set by monks in jiedan period. This scene directly subverts their imagination.

One side of the desert white at the moment saw the scene in front of him, but he sighed slightly.

"In the end, I'm still too weak. He can directly smash these prohibitions and leave nothing behind. However, I have inspired the prohibition, which can be broken smoothly after the stalemate."

On this, one can see the difference between himself and Heng Yanlin.

Hengyanlin but a sword out, all people did not notice, the boulder at this moment was directly cut.

And he went out with a sword like this. I'm afraid that monk jiedan is in it. He has already reflected.

Mobai has some discontent in his heart, but then he is full of excitement.

At present, he finally realized that the swordsmanship he had practiced before was totally wrong. Heng Yanlin just gave him a little bit of advice, and he had already made such earth shaking changes.

If he can master the sword cultivation, he must be able to reach this level.

Such a thought, his heart naturally incomparably excited.

Looking around, he is ready to find Heng Yanlin, and then learn the sword well and cultivate it.

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