"It seems that president Mu has time now." When the man saw Mu Shishan standing up, the crowd on the side was almost gone. He immediately gave a smile and then said, "I don't know when this man ordered a bottle of red wine. After opening it, he poured several cups directly, and then handed out the red wine in his hand.

"Have a drink?"

Although the man asked Mu Shishan, his tone was extremely unquestionable and arrogant.

Seeing this, Mu Shishan's face was slightly cold. For the tone of the other party, she was extremely dissatisfied. Even with a cold face, she directly refused, "thank you, but I'll have to drive later, so I won't drink this wine."

The other party is domineering, which is beyond doubt. But when Mu Shishan is in a high position, is he a person who will obey his tone? Listening to Mu Shishan's words, the man was slightly stunned, and her face was a little stiff. Mu Shishan's perfunctory behavior was too much. She, as a president of a large company, drove by herself. She must have a secretary or a professional driver to drive the car.

It is too perfunctory to say so now.

However, he was also a city official. Listening to this, he had a slight smile on his face. He took a small sip of the red wine himself, and then said with calm and calm voice.

"First of all, I'm Shang Quanming. I'm a senior manager of a venture company. Because my company is optimistic about your products, I want to invest in it."

Hearing the speech, Mu Shishan nodded directly, and then said, "I don't know what conditions your company wants to pay and what kind of benefits it will get?"

Mu Shishan is already asking questions about some formulas. Anyway, if you ask at will, you will find a reason and just refuse.

When Shang Quanming heard the words, he gave a slight smile and said, "I venture company, with a very wide network of people, can directly remove some obstacles for your company, so that your company's products can be directly sold." "You know, no matter how well the advertisements are and how well the effects are said, there are always exaggerations in the market. These are all known by users. At present, because of your company's wanton advertising, some people have already paid attention to your company's

Company. I still have a way to help your company clear this directly Some obstacles. "

Shang Quanming said to Mu Shishan with a smile on his face. His tone was extremely leisurely. He seemed extremely proud and proud of his company.

"Then what do you want, say it."

Mu Shishan also did not care about this matter. For what he said, the effect of the advertisement was extremely fake, and there was no excuse. She just kept a polite smile and said to him. "In addition to these aspects, our company will invest a lot of money to help you quickly produce products. However, in addition to some shares, we need to know about the formula of Zhuqing liquid. After all, we still need to know something about the products we want to invest in."

Shang Quanming's face is still with a smile, and then said to Mu Shishan.

When Mu Shishan heard this, she was almost elated. This guy talked about it, not for the formula, but for what he said before. The advertisement was full of exaggeration. If it was true, the other party would come all the way here to talk with her.

Mu Shishan shook her head slightly. She didn't want to delay time in her heart. She refused directly.

"I'm sorry, the products of our company are not in line with the advertisements. The data on them are all fake. So in order not to let you lose money, let's forget the cooperation."

Mu Shishan did not say anything wrong. The advertisement on it was indeed some wrong, and it was indeed a fraud. However, this fraud was not a kind of fraud, it was just a low report.

The effect of a real product is much higher than that in the advertisement. So to say it's fake, it's not right. It's true.

Fortunately, this is the case. Otherwise, Mu Shishan would not dare to say it directly. When she was in a shopping mall, she still needed to pay attention to some words when she said them.

Because you don't know if the other party is carrying a recording device. Once the other party records your words and sends them to the Internet, it will be bad.

Listening to Mu Shishan's words, the smile on Shang Quanming's face was suddenly slightly stiff. In order to grasp the other party's handle, he did open the recording. From Mu Shishan's entry to the present, he has been open.

But up to now, Mu Shishan has been speaking without any leakage. If he wants to grasp some handle, he can't do it. In this case, he is extremely depressed. He is even more helpless for what Mu Shishan just said. If other people say such words, combined with the influence of his company, if Mu Shishan doesn't follow, he will spread this word and hype it at that time. Mu Shishan's products will definitely suffer a devastating blowStrike.

However, if Mu Shishan's words are spread, he will only be famous for the other party. There is no way. They have studied the products of the other party, and the data they have studied are much higher than those in the advertisement.

In this way, it is indeed fraud, so once this word is spread out, when the crowd is excited, the Shilan group is publishing the real data, which is a big reversal, but it improves the reputation of the other party's products.

I'm afraid those hesitant users are all in the arms of the Shilan group. What is Shilan group? It's definitely a conscience company! The data has not been exaggerated, but it has been reduced a lot. What are their dissatisfaction if they really can't be in a real company like this?

In the present, fake products are emerging in endlessly, there is such a company, there is such a sincere heart, it is not touched.

Therefore, although Mu Shishan's words have been recorded, Shang Quanming is still full of helplessness and speechless. Seeing Mu Shishan finish saying this, he turns around to go, and then he quickly stops Mu Shishan.

"Mr. mu, this matter can still be discussed. I don't mean that. Personally, I still believe that your company will not make such a thing. Therefore, I am very confident about your company's products."

Shang Quanming's face is full of smile, which directly blocks the way of Mu Shishan, and says to Mu Shishan.

Mu Shishan was stopped by Shang Quanming and frowned slightly. She was extremely dissatisfied with his practice, but it was not easy to attack. However, she was even less affected by his words.

As a venture capital company, if you only believe in it, you can invest at will. Your company will close down sooner or later. It is clear that their products have already been investigated. It is only thus confirmed that her presence in youth is really effective.

"I'm sorry, our company has no interest in sharing the formula with other companies, so we're afraid there is no need for this cooperation."

Mu Shishan shook her head and refused to listen to his conditions. When Shang Quanming heard the words, his face was slightly stiff. Listening to Mu Shishan's words, he finally had a flash of anger on his face. The other party refused one after another without hesitation, so that he could understand that the other party didn't pay attention to him at all. The questions just now were perfunctory.

Think of here, he is suddenly a cold voice, also in the effort to say something, in saying those words, think it is also useless.

"I think you may not know that my venture capital company has a wide network of people from all walks of life. If we don't cooperate with us, you think you can sell the products successfully?"

What do you mean

Hearing the speech, Mu Shishan's face suddenly turned cold. She was cold to Shang Quanming. When the other party spoke to her kindly, she would naturally respond kindly. However, the threatening tone of the other party made her lose the mood to deal with. "Don't you hear that? It seems that your IQ is not so good. I really don't know how you achieved this position. So if you are smart and give in the formula, I will still invest some money in it. If you are not willing to sell this product, don't try to sell it. " So naked, let's two girls smell the speech, and suddenly their faces turn cold. For each other's most despicable practice, they are very angry. Mu Shishan's face is full of frost. He just wants to say something, but Heng Yanlin grabs her directly, pulls her slightly,

and then walks up alone.

"Well, you should try to make our products not sell."

Heng Yanlin, with a cold expression on his face, said to Shang Quanming with a cold face. Mu Shishan was threatened by the other party. Naturally, it was not good for him to watch the drama in the back.

Anyway, in name, Mu Shishan is his wife. At present, others threaten his wife in front of him. If this incident spreads out, he will not need to have this face in the future. Shang Quanming was stunned when he saw Heng Yanlin come forward. However, after hearing Heng Yanlin's words, he immediately sneered, "boy, I'm afraid it hasn't been long since I came to the workplace? This is what you can say. Do you know how much loss your company can bring with your words. Can you bear the loss

For Heng Yanlin's heroic performance, Shang Quanming is extremely disdainful. He can't understand the situation of the other party, so he is eager to show himself. Where such a person goes, he will only be expelled. It is estimated that it is possible to be blacklisted. As he said this, he looked at Mu Shishan, but his heart sank slightly. Originally, he thought that Mu Shishan was very concerned about his threat. After all, as the president of a large company, he was also aware of the power of some investment companies. But at the moment, looking at Mu Shishan, there is no sign that he is a little angry because of Heng Yanlin's appearance. He seems to be making decisions at will.

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