"Good, good! Originally, I wanted to give you a way to live, but since you are so uninteresting, it's a big deal to lift the table and everyone should not play well. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance! "

Shang Quanming looks at the three people in front of him with a face full of cold. The meaning of cold in his eyes has reached the peak. He originally thought that he was going to take the horse, but this thing was just a matter of hand. You know, he is very greedy for Zhuqing liquid, because he used some relationship reasons to let him know that the effect of Zhuqing liquid is extremely adverse. As long as the formula of Zhuqing liquid is available, it will be a great profit to open a company or sell it.

However, what he never thought of was that the Shilan group was so difficult to deal with. Even if he was a errand runner, he ran out to contradict him. This year is really changed. Any one can come out and contradict him at will?

Thinking of this, he can't care so much. Since the other party is not willing to use some of the rights that should be used, otherwise, the other party will only be unable to see the coffin and shed tears, feeling that his venture capital company has no role at all.

At present, Shang Quanming took out his mobile phone, and then dialed a phone. He put the phone in his ear and pointed to Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan, indicating that they were waiting.

Heng Yanlin turned his head and waved his hand. He was waiting here. He patted Mu Shishan on one side and motioned them to sit down. He didn't want to stand like this and wait for Shang Quanming to make a phone call.

Seeing this, Jiang Miaoshu returned to his seat and sat down with Mu Shishan in a low voice, while Heng Yanlin sat bored and looked at his mobile phone.

Several people didn't pay attention to Shang Quanming, who was a person in this scene. Shang Quanming's lungs almost exploded. But now, he doesn't want to say anything more. When he gets through the phone, some of them cry!

A moment later, the call was finally made at this time. Listening to the voice, Shang Quanming's face flashed with joy, and then he glared at Heng Yanlin.

It's a pity that several people didn't pay attention to him, so Shang Quanming obviously made a white expression at this time.

"Hello, is that director Xie?"

Shang Quanming was trembling with anger. However, he was talking to director Xie. Naturally, it was not easy to use emphatic tone. After pressing down the anger in his heart, he began to cry out with some respect.

"I am, you are?"

When Xie Chenghui listened to the voice, he felt familiar. However, he couldn't remember for a while. He didn't guess who was coming. He just asked.

Shang Quanming's face stiffened slightly when he heard the speech. This guy, who had just had dinner together a few days ago, forgot him in a flash. It was really a bit excessive.

However, this is now to ask for him, in the heart of discontent, he can only pressure in the heart, the moment is said with a smile.

"Director Xie, I was the one who had dinner with you in that hospitable restaurant a few days ago. The manager of venture capital company, Shang Quanming. Brother Li introduced us to know each other. Is director Xie still impressed?"

When Xie Chenghui heard this, he immediately frowned and thought a little. After thinking about it, he suddenly realized that Shang Quanming had come. Before that, there was such a person.

The contacts of venture capital companies are still very good. So someone introduced them to each other. The person named Li Ge was also capable. So Li Ge said that he could help Shang Quanming if he had something to do.

At that time, because of his feelings, he did not hesitate. He responded directly. At present, Shang Quanming directly came to the door to help him. Thinking of this, Xie Chenghui frowned slightly.

Since it's time to help, I'll help him to see what's wrong with him. If it's not a big deal, you can help him, but there's nothing.

Thinking of this, Xie Chenghui directly opened his mouth and said, "Oh, I remember. It turned out to be brother Shang. I didn't expect you to call me today."

Listening to Xie Chenghui remembering himself, Shang Quanming was immediately gratified, and then repeatedly complimented him, "in fact, I'm sorry to say that. It's mainly because something happened to my younger brother. I hope you can help me. I'm very grateful to you!"

"Oh, so it is. If you tell me what it is, as long as I can help you, I will never give up."

Xie Chenghui heard the speech, pondered for a moment, and said directly, but he did not play a bodyguard. If there are some difficult things, he still does not want to take over, so as not to ask for trouble.

"It's not difficult. It's just a guy. My company wants to invest, but he doesn't want to. But he still slanders my company. So I can't swallow this tone. I hope director Xie can help and teach them some lessons."

Listening to Xie Chenghui's words, Shang Quanming opened his mouth directly. During his speech, his eyes kept looking at those hengyanlin people. When he said this, he was reversing black and white, and then made the other party angry but helpless.As for this point, he didn't mean to avoid others at all. Even if people knew about it, what would happen if they ran to Xie Chenghui and said those words just now, he made them up. There was no such thing at all?

No matter whether Xie Chenghui believes this or not, even if it is Xie Chenghui, how can it be? You know, now Xie Chenghui is standing beside him. No matter what, he will help him, and this is enough.

"That's it. OK, tell me who it is. I'll arrange someone to investigate."

Hearing this, Xie Chenghui knew it in his heart. It was very simple. As long as someone was sent to investigate the company, it would be OK.

For a company, it is enough to make people upset if they are investigated every day. If there are some problems, it will be easier for them to rectify them.

Thinking of this, he just opened his mouth and answered directly. Then he asked, "there's no problem with this matter. Which company is it? Tell me about it. I'll send someone later."

"That's great. Thank you very much. The company's name is Shilan group. It's also a famous company in Jianghai city. I think the director should have heard of it."

Hearing this, Shang Quanming felt a little excited in his heart, and then he said in a hurry. During his speech, he looked at the three hengyanlin people with great pride.

industrial and commercial bureau staff, directly to your company, and then investigate your company, and general turmoil of your company, you will know how sad it will be!

At that time, he would like to see, these people's expression, will become what kind, whether or not a face does not matter, is still a face calm appearance!

"Shilan group, of course I know. I'll wait..."

Hearing Shang Quanming's words, Xie Chenghui subconsciously opened his mouth. He said that he was very familiar with the Shilan group. However, in the middle of his speech, he suddenly felt something wrong, and then his voice became slightly hasty.

"What are you talking about? Are you talking about the Shilan group?"

Xie Chenghui's tone was full of panic. He was joking. In this Jianghai City, the last person he wanted to contact was the Shilan group. The man named Heng Yanlin was just a terrible guy.

The residual evil spirit on him was solved by hengyanlin, which is not counted. The former three still wanted to be disadvantageous to hengyanlin, but after that, they disappeared without trace. How could they not find anyone.

However, they have no evidence to show that this is the hand of hengyanlin. In this matter, there are weird colors everywhere. Therefore, for Heng Yan Lin, he is extremely afraid. After leaving Shilan group building that time, he made up his mind that he would never come to the Shilan group if necessary. In addition, even if he had given orders from the Bureau, no one could trouble the little things of Shilan group, even if it was something that could be done by the Bureau, it would be good if the bureau had done it. It's really impossible to be polite when you go to the Shilan group. If anyone dares to act wild in the Shilan group, he will let them go. The purpose of all this is because of fear. In case some people in the Bureau offend the Shilan group because of their bad temper, and then let Heng Yanlin know. At that time, Heng Yanlin thought that his idea of this matter would disappear quietly. At that time, he would have no place to cry. Having seen Heng Yanlin's means, he was extremely afraid of hengyanlin. Therefore, as long as it was related to hengyanlin, he would absolutely

not do it or contact him!

But for now, this guy means to let him deal with Shilan group? Is there something wrong with this particular brain?

"Yes, it's Shilan group. These guys are too much, so I would like to ask director Xie for help."

That Shang Quanming didn't recognize Xie Chenghui's tone. At this time, it was something wrong, but he still said with a smile. At this time, Xie Chenghui's voice was already cold and sweating.

This damned guy, if you want to die, don't find yourself on your head, even if you yell directly.

"Go away! If you want to die, you dare to find the trouble of Shilan group, but don't take Laozi with you! Love to find trouble with the Shilan group, find it yourself, don't harm Laozi

Xie Chenghui was extremely angry, and then he yelled and hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Shang Quanming suddenly became sluggish. He didn't understand. Xie Chenghui, who was just talking with a friendly face, said that he had changed, and the contrast was so great. However, he didn't think about it. After a phone call, he directly called Heng Yanlin's mobile phone. Heng Yanlin looked at the caller ID, and then looked at the voice of Shang Quanming. He could hear clearly that he was calling Xie Chenghui. At present, Xie Chenghui called his mobile phone again.Heng Yanlin picked up the phone, then opened the hands-free, and put it on the table.

"What's the matter?"

Heng Yanlin's tone was indifferent, as if he were talking to a subordinate. All the people on the side cast their eyes in the past.

"It's like this. Just now there was a guy who didn't know what to do. He wanted to find trouble with Shilan group. He just found me. I refused. But after thinking about it, I'd better give you a call to inform you."

Xie Chenghui's words were directly transmitted from the mobile phone. Shang Quanming's mouth was convulsed. He had just called him. As a result, Xie Chenghui came to hengyanlin to tell the truth. It was not the same way to slap his face.

"All right, I see."

After Heng Yanlin answered, he hung up his mobile phone without waiting for Xie Chenghui to reply. Then he got up and waved to Mu Shishan, indicating that it was time to go back.

Seeing this, the two girls got up and left together.

"If you have any means, I will follow it." After that, he did not pay attention to the diameter of his body, and then walked with the Yan Ming.

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