When Heng Yanlin returned to Mu Shishan's office, Mu Shishan had already cleaned up his things and was ready to leave directly. Seeing Heng Yanlin coming, he gave a smile and gave orders to the Secretary on the side. After that, the diameter came towards Heng Yanlin.

"Let's go."

Mu Shishan walked to Heng Yanlin and whispered to him. At present, they left early, but there was no big obstacle. After all, the time from work was almost the same.

After hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin nodded, and then followed Mu Shishan. After they went down the stairs in the elevator, Mu Shishan handed the car key to Heng Yanlin and motioned him to drive.

Heng Yanlin did not have any opinions. He took the car key and drove to the airport. Mu Shishan sat quietly on the side, not knowing what he was thinking.

"By the way, where are you going? You haven't even told me about it. "

Mu Shishan wakes up from her meditation and looks at Heng Yanlin on one side. Suddenly, she opens her mouth and asks. When Heng Yanlin was in the past, he has not talked to her about where he is going.

"When I go to Myanmar, there should be something I need. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm so close."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he answered directly. As he said, it's impossible for such a close country to be attached to China. It's basically impossible to have anything happen.

What's more, if something happens, with Heng Yanlin's ability, it won't be a big obstacle. Anyway, the two countries were so close before. Even if he can't take a plane or something, there is no problem for Heng Yanlin to cross a small country alone.

When Mu Shishan heard this, she thought that with Heng Yanlin's ability, she was much more powerful than ordinary people. She thought that there would be no problem, so she relaxed a little.

"Don't be too arrogant. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. It's no better outside than here. You have some strength at home, and you can make use of it. It's not necessary to be abroad."

Although Mu Shishan's heart is a little relieved, but it is still white, Heng Yanlin said, in how to say, this matter should be more careful, or a little more careful.

Knowing that Mu Shishan was caring about herself, Heng Yanlin nodded directly, and then he acquiesced. Don't worry about this matter with a woman. Although Heng Yanlin doesn't know women very well, he is still clear about this kind of thing.

"When I get to the place, I'll send you a message. I'm not in these days. You should be careful."

Heng Yanlin focused on driving, then turned his head and told Mu Shishan on one side. However, this advice made Mu Shishan a little stunned for a moment. He didn't know why.

"What am I careful about? What can I do in China? If you take care of yourself, I will be very happy! "

Mu Shishan glanced at Heng Yanlin, then said. But when she said this, she was suddenly stunned. She felt that the tone was really ambiguous, as if she was a wife telling a husband who was going to travel far away.

Although they are indeed husband and wife, they are only on paper. Their current relationship is much better, but they have not pierced that layer of paper, so it is not really able to reach that level.

Heng Yanlin listened to Mu Shishan's words, but didn't think so much. He just said solemnly to Mu Shishan. "You and I all know the effect of Zhuqing liquid. Once the effect of Zhuqing liquid is communicated, and the sales volume of Zhuqing liquid, it contains great benefits. I'm afraid that many people will take risks. For the sake of the formula, use all means. Therefore, you still need to be careful these days."

After returning to the earth for a long time, Heng Yanlin was no longer worried about some intrigues in the immortal cultivation world. Even as the Immortal Emperor, some huge forces still had some small calculations.

Although it doesn't hurt your muscles and bones, it can also make people sick, but some small calculations, directly to the door to play, and some lost shares and waste time, so this kind of small calculation, still need to be on guard.

In this way, even though hengyanlin has been out of the realm of cultivating immortals for a long time, he is still able to do this kind of thing. He is very keen subconsciously. Heng Yanlin knows very well that this kind of liquid in green is just like a hen laying golden eggs here on earth.

This kind of thing, as long as it can be held in hand, is enough to let the enterprise continue for a hundred years. After all, it is a formula that people can't crack. Naturally, there will be no competitors.

If it is really said, in fact, it is a hundred years, it is estimated that the formula may not be able to be cracked.

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan was immediately clear in her heart. She finally understood what Heng Yanlin meant. People died for money, birds died for food, and Zhuqing liquid was about to enter the outbreak period.

At that time, the majestic energy produced by Zhuqing liquid is that some people will probably use some means to get the formula when they are red eyed.In addition to those researchers, Mu Shishan, the chief executive, must have this formula. Therefore, the danger of Mu Shishan will be greatly increased.

In addition, in addition to this, the thing that can keep young is essentially, with the understanding of Earth Science and technology at present, this is a kind of thing to delay cell aging.

If we can continue to study, does that mean that we can find something that can live forever? There are many intelligent people in the world, and this kind of thing is also something that is easy to understand.

At that time, it is not only some enterprises, but also some institutions or countries will pay attention to this kind of liquid.

Therefore, it is necessary for Heng Yanlin to remind Mu Shishan that if he is there, he doesn't have to worry so much, but hengyanlin needs to go out for a few days now, so this kind of thing still needs to be told.

"You know, don't worry. In China, it's still relatively safe. If they want to do it, they can't be so blatant."

Mu Shishan knew that Heng Yanlin was caring about himself, so he nodded directly and said he would pay attention to it.

Seeing that Mu Shishan responded like this, Heng Yanlin stopped saying anything. Anyway, Mu Shishan was wearing his jade pendant. If something happened, the jade pendant could withstand for a while.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin doesn't have to worry about anything. As long as Mu Shishan pays attention to something, basically nothing will happen. In addition, Zhuqing liquid has just spread out, and those people don't think they can do it so quickly.

At present, what they want to do is to use their own means, and then crack the liquid directly to get the formula.

Because of Heng Yanlin's concern for her, let's Mu Shishan seem to be a little happy at this time, and then they have a tacit understanding not to talk about this matter, but to start talking about other things.

Mu Shishan will talk to Heng Yanlin about the things he has encountered before, and Heng Yanlin will also talk about some interesting things he has experienced, but he can only pick some things that can be said. Talking with Mu Shishan is also relatively easy to pay attention to.

If there are some star wars and other things, it is estimated that at present, there will be some bragging among them. Zhixiaomu Shishan doesn't believe these things, so hengyanlin will not do such things.

They talked and laughed all the way. They drove to the airport directly. After stopping the car steadily, Mu Shishan directly accompanied Heng Yanlin to the airport. After picking up the ticket, it was still early. They found a restaurant at random in the airport, so they sat down and ordered some things.

For Yan Heng, money is not a good thing for him, but it is not expensive for him.

Only because Mu Shishan's appearance is too high, so it attracted people from the side to keep looking at Mu Shishan, but they only dare to watch it secretly.

Mu Shishan's aura is too strong. Although at present, because she is with Heng Yanlin, her cool and gorgeous style has not been fully displayed, but after all, it is the responsibility of the president. Some people dare not face Mu Shishan with that aura.

Those men who secretly look at Mu Shishan and see such amazing beauties are sitting together with Heng Yanlin and immediately cast a look of envy and envy to him.

However, when they saw Heng Yanlin's incomparably handsome face, they sighed a little in their hearts, and then looked at themselves. They were directly frustrated. Without mentioning Heng Yanlin's clothes and temperament, they just said that his appearance would have been able to defeat them.

In this age of looking at the face, they can't even compare with each other's beauty, and how can they make themselves more confident than Heng Yanlin? If they have such a beauty, even if they don't have money, they dare Heng Yanlin to chat up Mu Shishan.

And relative to that man, some women on the side, at this moment, looking at Heng Yanlin, their eyes are also shining brilliance. It is normal for men to put their eyes on women, and it is also normal for women to put their eyes on Heng Yanlin.

In particular, even the men present admitted that Heng Yanlin, who was extremely handsome, was more attractive to women. Mu Shishan also noticed the women's eyes, but she didn't say anything. She just looked at Heng Yanlin carefully. In the past, because she was fighting with hengyanlin, her relationship changed a little bit, but she did not. She looked at Heng Yanlin carefully and seriously.

So now after a few careful eyes, Mu Shishan found that Heng Yanlin's handsome is really the first time she has seen. Although she has seen those handsome men in the past, she does not know how many times weaker than Heng Yanlin.

After all, in Heng Yan Lin, he is not only some handsome, even that kind of temperament, are let the side of the people see, are some fascinated."What?"

Heng Yanlin was eating and raising his head. Seeing Mu Shishan's eyes, he felt his face strangely and asked some questions.

When Mu Shishan heard the speech, she was directly caught when she was looking at Heng Yanlin. She immediately blushed and shook her head in a panic, indicating that she had nothing to do.

Heng Yanlin looked at her strangely, but seeing that Mu Shishan didn't say anything, he naturally stopped asking. They sat in the restaurant for a while, until it was almost time. After Mu Shishan sent Heng Yanlin through the security check, they drove directly out of the airport. Fortunately, Heng Yanlin's identity was a little different at the moment. So the passport was easy to handle. Otherwise, it would take some time.

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