After entering the waiting hall, for a moment, there was a prompt sound, indicating that the people waiting for the plane were ready to board. Heng Yanlin got on the plane according to his words. After some preparations, the plane took off and flew towards Myanmar.

By the time the plane landed, it had been several hours before. Hengyanlin got off the plane. Due to the proximity of Myanmar to China and the prosperous economy of China, many people in Myanmar knew some Chinese.

Heng Yanlin had no difficulty. He found a hotel directly and sent a message to Mu Shishan, indicating that he had arrived at the destination. Then he went to sleep directly.

In the morning of the next day, Heng Yanlin withdrew from his room and drove directly to the original mining area of jadeite jade. However, Heng Yanlin didn't let the driver go directly to the mining area, just let him go to the scattered gathering point nearby.

After the raw ores are collected, they will be transported out directly. In the vicinity, there are a group of merchants who come from many places to purchase these ores.

Go straight to the mine, some of which are too conspicuous. Heng Yanlin plans to stay there for a while, and then try to see if he can come across some good things. After the evening, he is looking for the ore site.

If you can find some spirit stones, you can take them directly. If you don't, you can only leave at that time. Heng Yanlin came here only to take a chance.

The taxi driver did not pit Heng Yan Lin, but directly pulled him to the scattered gathering point. After booking a hotel, hengyanlin went out to wander around. In a word, it's a mess. Some vendors can be seen everywhere. When they see people coming, they are warmly greeting them. Looking at these people, they all look like some people nearby, and they don't know where to pick the stones, so they put them directly in the

area to sell. If you can sell it, you will naturally make a profit. If you can't sell it, you won't lose anything. However, Heng Yanlin is alone, and he is very familiar, and seems to have no experience. So Heng Yanlin is directly the object of these people's solicitation, and they all want to make a sum of money from Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin is indifferent to these people. Walking past these people, his divine sense has already swept all these jade stones. Knowing that there are no good things here, he will not be cheated by these people and then buy some things.

After sparing these small stalls, Heng Yanlin strolled around again. He had seen the gathering places of some raw mines all over the place. But what made Heng Yan Lin look a little heavy was that he didn't see a soul stone here.

In this way, when we go to the mine, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see the spirit stone. Heng Yanlin thinks in his heart. However, the expression of disappointment is just a little pause, and Heng Yanlin quickly leaves.

When he came, he had already thought about it. If he could get the spirit stone, it would be the best. If not, it would be nothing.

At present, hengyanlin went directly back to the hotel and waited quietly. After nightfall, he started to go towards the mine.

While Heng Yanlin was waiting for the night to fall here, there was a great sensation in Huaxia, that is, people who bought Zhuqing liquid were shocked by its extremely powerful effect after using it.

Some of them, originally executives of some large companies, such as women, usually need to make up when they go out. This is necessary for the image of the company.

However, executives like this have spent a lot of effort and time during the period when they can get to such a point. Therefore, their age is naturally a little older, and their original appearance will no longer be.

So after hearing about the magic effect of Zhuqing liquid, I bought a bottle directly because I wanted to use it in my heart. They bought it directly in the physical store.

They bought a low-grade liquid, which they daubed directly before going to bed. Then when they got up the next day, they saw the liquid on the side and used it again.

At this time, this is the weekend, so when they get up, they are basically at noon. Some people wash and gargle, and then after applying the lotion, they just stay at home.

However, after a while, they wanted to take a self portrait, and then spread their circle of friends. They were stunned when they saw the young and tender face in the mobile phone. Then she was stunned. She wiped her eyes to make sure there was no mistake. After confirming that there was no problem with her mobile phone, she immediately got up and flew to the mirror. Looking at the mirror, she seemed to be a much younger woman. She was stunned for a very long time, which was filled with an extreme surprise.

This liquid is as effective as the advertisement said. After seeing the effect and enjoying the effect, it seems that you are much younger.

She immediately sent a circle of friends directly. This time, she did not need to revise the pictures or make-up. Instead, she sent out her own photos, which were very clear and clear.After sending photos, she also attached several photos of Zhuqing liquid, and the effect after using it. In a short time, she broke the circle of friends. You know, although she usually makes up and repairs pictures, there are always people who know her very well. I know what she looked like when she didn't revise the drawing. But now, seeing her like this, those friends are shocked. They call in person and ask about this matter. Even some people who don't believe in her go directly to her home and verify what she said.

And when all the facts are put before and after the face, even those who don't believe it can only believe it at this time. The adverse effect of zhuiqing liquid on the sky, although not many people have bought this product, are also quite a few.

In the circle of friends, where news is spreading rapidly, these people are enough to set off a trend. Therefore, in a moment, the name of zhuoye directly blew up the circle of friends.

At this time, all of us know that the effect of Zhuqing liquid is worthy of its name, but it's not really. It's just a low-level liquid. When we think of the high-level Zhuqing liquid, everyone is full of expectations at this time.

They don't know what it looks like, but the price is so different. If you want to come to the advanced product, the effect should be more adverse!

However, the effect of the high-level liquid in the green did not make them look like it for a long time, because after a while, the effect of the high-level liquid was also directly circulated, accompanied by the pictures of the liquid.

Compared with the low-level liquid, the picture of the higher level liquid is obviously different. There is yellow orange liquid in it, but it can see the bottom clearly.

Just from this picture, we can see that this liquid is much higher than the low-grade one. In addition, the effect is even more shocking and suffocating. All of us didn't expect that the effect of this kind of liquid could go against the weather.

After its popularity in the circle of friends, some people who have bought the liquid have been drying their own. Among them, as long as someone comes up with a high-level liquid, it will make countless people greedy.

Just a small bottle of things, but it is worth nearly 100000 things! Only the local tyrants can afford to buy and use it. Therefore, the people who buy high-grade liquid in green are directly labeled as local tyrants.

However, after all, there are still few people like this, and there are not many stores outside. As a result, there are fewer people who can buy them. In addition, some people directly start their own orders for zhuiqing liquid.

Anyway, it's all bought. It's just that there's no delivery. It's OK to sun an order.

However, after the name of "Zhuoqing liquid" is directly a blow to the circle of friends, at this time, some retailers are all green with regret, and the circle of friends is spreading so rapidly, how can they not know.

At that time, the Shilan group tried to find them, hoping that they could enter some of the liquid, but they did not agree. They all felt that the liquid could not be sold.

But at present, looking at the popularity of the circle of friends, I'm afraid that they can sell after entering 10000 bottles. Moreover, the price has increased a lot.

This is a business opportunity. As a result, they have missed it in vain. In this case, they have missed a great opportunity to make money. Anyone will regret it, and their intestines will be regret.

However, after that, they woke up. Since this product is so good to sell, it is not possible to purchase from the Shilan group? It's never too late to mend!

At the thought of this, they immediately called the person in charge of the Shilan group and wanted a batch of liquid in Qingdao. However, the Shilan group sold out all its stock, and there was no other liquid in Qingdao.

Moreover, there was no instruction on the next batch of Zhuqing liquid, so it was not easy for the person in charge to agree. Hearing this, the retailers were all ugly. Looking at this scene, they knew that they had promised to do it. Based on this relationship, if they are out of stock at present, the person in charge must promise to give them some Zhuqing liquid, because the retailers who had sold out all of Zhuqing liquid had received the promise of the person in charge and would give them a batch of Zhuqing liquid as soon as possible.

Although these people didn't prepare much liquid for staying in green, they agreed to it. If they didn't agree to this requirement, the reputation of Shilan group would be a little bad in the future. It is because of this that retailers feel extremely wise for their original decision for the first time. Think about it. As a result, there are only a few retailers who can buy it, and how much profit they can generate at that time. Mu Shishan knew what happened between retailers after reporting. However, she didn't ask much about these things. Since she didn't want to sell goods at the beginning, it's not so easy to get the liquid now. At least some of the conditions need to be changed.

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