Look at each other's appearance, seem to be preparing to swallow these two people!

Both of them were in a trance and were about to be swallowed by this thing.

And at this moment, they suddenly took out a piece of Rune paper and slapped it at their body diameter.

Then, after seeing the strange fish's action in front of them, their faces suddenly changed, and then they quickly backed back dozens of feet to avoid each other's attack.

Then, when they looked at each other, they saw the runes in the water.

The face of the two people changed in such an instant.

Damn it, this guy still has Rune paper in his hand!

The other side in the previous time, did not say has no?

At this moment, at the same time, the idea flashed through their hearts.

According to the situation, the other side is in front of the time, but has been saying so.

They all think that if the other party is real, there will be no Rune paper.

Especially for the middle-aged monks, it seems that the situation should be more like this.

After all, the fish were not attacked before they were awake.

At that time, if the opponent did not use Rune paper, he would not be afraid of being attacked by the fish monster.

When the middle-aged monk thought of this, his face became more and more ugly.

He probably understood a little bit of each other's mind.

This guy, absolutely is thinking, since he has not much left, then directly hide it.

Think of it, if he doesn't, and then stay aside, there will definitely be other partners using Rune paper.

By then, he will be able to survive.

Moreover, after knowing that he did not have the rune paper, he would not be asked to take out the rune paper.

Before the other party's intention has begun! He and the nun are all calculated together!

At the thought of this, his face became more and more ugly.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he was very gloomy.

This damned guy, how can even he calculate to go in together?

What's more, if you start so early, you're counting yourself?

At this time, the young monk was also willing to show his weakness.

When he was in the past, it was really to save Rune paper, so it was not used directly.

After all, he didn't have much Rune paper in his hand. In case the other two could not rely on it, he could still rely on it to leave.

At present, the rune paper in his hand has indeed achieved effect, otherwise, he feels that he will definitely be sold by the other party.

On the other side deceives them two people, the hand already did not have the Fu paper manner, in his heart incomparably believed, the other side will not save him!

No, the other party may save him, just hurt him, and then he will be able to leave a bait.

Young people have already seen through each other.

Before some of the other side's deception, but can see clearly.

At this time, they both looked at each other with a trace of vigilance in their eyes.

At this time, they all know that they can't trust each other.

Because before, they all thought that if the fish monster attacked them like this, they would hurt each other, and then let the other stay here to delay the fish monster.

Just looking at the situation at the moment, it feels a little unlikely.

The other party's hand, actually also has this thing, after really let a person look at, in the heart helpless very.

"Why don't we run separately, so that we can run one by one?"

The middle-aged monk looked at each other, his face was full of hypocrisy and incomparable smile, and then he said with a smile.

At this time, he hopes to let the other party know that he is actually harmless.

When the young monk heard the speech, he didn't think about it.

He can't believe each other any more, so it's better to leave directly.

Under such circumstances, I may still be able to survive.

At the thought of it, he nodded gently.

"In that case, it would be the best."

Two people think of here, immediately is slightly a breath of air conditioning, "I count three, and then run together!"

The middle-aged monk took a look at the other side and said softly.

Young people smell speech, diameter is a nod, and then waiting for the other side to speak.


the middle-aged man looked at each other, and then began to look around, as if preparing to see where to run.Diameter is to begin to think about the way back, and the young people in front of him took a breath of fierce breath.

And then, at this moment, the psychic power directly erupts.

Then, he turned into a ray of light and ran away towards the distance. The speed was just a little faster than before.

The middle-aged monk quickly noticed the other side and was already running away.

Seeing this, he did not want to move, still floating in the air.

It looks like I want to stay here and treat myself as bait.

Seeing such a scene, the young monk was shocked.

There seems to be something wrong with this?

Since the other party has already seen himself leave, it should be to directly start to run away, right?

And now, what is the other party doing?

Even at this time, you don't even move?

The young monk was very uneasy in his heart, and then he clearly saw that the middle-aged man was smiling at him.

Then he saw a ray of light chasing him, and from inside, there was a roar.

Damn it, this is that thing. The diameter is coming after me!

Young people at this moment, to see such a scene, where do not know that they are being used!

At the moment, he is extremely regretful in his heart. He thought he was running earlier, which must be good for him.

Where will know, oneself actually is by the other side to use!

The other party at this moment, is standing in place, and this fish monster is not a bit, want to deal with the idea of this thing first.

Seeing this, his face became more and more ugly.

Then, he could only run towards the front.

When the middle-aged man in the distance saw this, his face was full of a ironic smile.

If it is useful to run first in this way, where can he say something to the other party and count three times?

This kind of words, that is not their own to leave no way back?

As a monk of jiedan, how could he be so stupid?

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