See the strange fish at this moment, the diameter of the young monk away.

The middle-aged monk saw that the other side ran away a little, but he did not dare to stay. He turned into a rainbow light and flew to one side.

However, before he flew far away, there was a scream in the distance, and then the fish angrily pursued the middle-aged monk.

In the strange fish looks, he is simply played by these two people in general, at the moment of the strange fish heart angry, chase up two people, in fact, is also very impolite.

And half an hour later, the middle-aged monk also fell directly in the other side's hands.

Strange fish at this moment, satisfied with a burp, and then left satisfied.

On one side, Heng Yanlin looked at the scene in front of him and then shook his head slightly.

Then, when looking at the blank place, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes.

It seems that there is no one on the side, but in fact, there are some former nuns here.

After hiding, the other party slowly flies towards the distance, which is probably because if he flies too fast, it is difficult to cover up the fluctuation of his spiritual power, so he does not fly fast.

And then, after she had been flying for a while, the middle-aged friar also flew by and was caught by the strange fish.

After fighting for a while, the middle-aged man was killed.

The friar watched, and when the fish left, she flew back to the front again.

Hengyanlin is to see this scene all in the eyes, see these three people in the previous time, also join hands to fight.

But did not expect, this just blink of an eye, three people have already solved jump, don't say, still dead two people.

Seeing such a situation, Heng Yanlin shook his head helplessly.

In the past, Heng Yanlin had to think that the nun was extremely just. Seeing that she was going to die, she had to stay and sacrifice herself. She never thought that the other side would make such a choice.

Seeing such a situation, Heng Yanlin's face is naturally full of strange colors.

In fact, the concealment effect of the other side is also very good, that is, Heng Yanlin's divine consciousness is extremely strong. Although he only had the cultivation in the early stage of jiedan, but in fact.

At this moment, Lin yanheng has reached the state of his later stage.

Therefore, the other party at this time, although can hide the rest of the people, but Heng Yan Lin here, but still is the other side see clearly.

Heng Yanlin wants to find the nearby monk gathering place. After looking at it, he feels that the guy at the moment should be able to run away. Therefore, Heng Yanlin doesn't have much hesitation and follows each other.

After that, I saw the rest of the guys and died here one after another.

Heng Yanlin slightly took a breath, and then his face was slightly cold, but also changed a little bit helpless.

I don't know what happened to these guys. Two friars died one by one.

But this also gave Heng Yan Lin a wake-up call.

Let's hengyanlin understand, what's going on here.

You know, on earth, hengyanlin has already relaxed, but he has forgotten that the original Xiuxian world is actually what hengyanlin is seeing now.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's face at the moment is increasingly cold.

It seems that he should be more careful of these monks in the future.

Especially before, Heng Yanlin came here because of this reason!

Explore the cave together with those guys, say to explore together, but actually inside?

Those guys, however, have already played some attention before.

Think of here, Heng Yanlin's face also slightly changed, and then also changed incomparably cold down.

Before that, has been sneaking attack on their own guy, but absolutely can't let the other side better!

The other side has been chasing after their own things, but let's Heng Yan Lin completely remember each other.

The friar has been flying towards the front. After flying far enough away, she turned her head and saw that there was no one to follow her. Her face was slightly good-looking.

Then, throwing aside the things that have been invisible, the nun then used his spiritual power and ran away in a direction.

Heng Yanlin's divine sense is extremely powerful. After locking the other party, he follows him slowly.

After flying for several hours, a piece of land suddenly appeared in the distance, and then a city also appeared in front of hengyanlin.

After seeing the city, the nun's face relaxed a little, and then fell down, smoothly into the city.

Heng Yanlin looked outside for a few times, and then saw the monks coming around. They all entered one after another. Without much hesitation, they all flew down.Then, Heng Yanlin converged his aura and prepared to enter the city.

But when hengyanlin was ready to enter the city, a gold armored soldier on one side intercepted hengyanlin.

"Elder, is this your first time to Fengmu city?"

The soldier looked at hengyanlin, saw the strong spiritual power of hengyanlin, suddenly his face slightly changed, and then reluctantly asked hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin has just been intercepted, but his face is still, listening to the other party's inquiry, it is a cold hum.

"What can I do for you?"

"Master, if you enter the city, you need to pay ten spirit stones. You can stay for three days."

The gold armour soldier was Heng Yanlin such a cold hum, and then his face slightly changed, and then quite reluctantly said.

What they fear most is that they meet such monks.

If the other party is dissatisfied in the heart, they are people, but there is a lot of trouble, said not to be killed by the other party, you do not know how to die.

Hengyanlin originally thought that the other party intercepted him, what was the matter.

At the moment, listening to the other party's response, the face slightly relaxed a few minutes.

"Take it."

Heng Yanlin also nonsense, take out ten pieces of spirit stone to throw to each other.

However, it's only about ten spiritual stones. Hengyanlin will not make a big fuss here because of this.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin is directly handed the spirit stone to the other side.

And the other side is handed to Heng Yan Lin a small brand.

"Please take care of it. When the sign is red, if you still stay here, I hope you can pay the spirit stone in time."

Finish saying, gold armour soldier also dare not say what more, hastily is to make way for, let Heng Yanlin enter appearance.

When Heng Yanlin goes in, the other party's brand is expired. Naturally, there are other monks to deal with it. This matter has nothing to do with him.

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