Heng Yan Lin continued to walk towards the inside. After a moment, he came to the city. There were monks with high and weak spiritual power.

Heng Yanlin just paid attention to it, and then he didn't pay attention to it.

And in the constant Yan Lin continues to walk toward inside when, immediately walked from the side to come to a boy.

The boy seems to be an ordinary person, coming to Heng Yanlin's front, slightly nervous.

"Is it my first time to be here? What do you need a little answer? The price is very reasonable! "

At the moment, quite nervous to Heng Yanlin said.

He was originally an ordinary man, but he could see that Heng Yanlin in front of him was definitely a monk. This was what he saw at the gate of the city before.

Heng Yanlin also noticed that this guy had been following himself before.

The main thing is that the other side's eyes are always on his body before, otherwise, Heng Yanlin is unlikely to notice it.

Such a thought, Heng Yanlin at the moment, looking at the other side to come, naturally slightly strange.

It's just an ordinary person. Following himself like this, Heng Yanlin doesn't think that the other side has any intention.

"Oh? What can you answer? "

Hengyanlin slightly came to a trace of interest, no matter how to say, hengyanlin is indeed the first time to come here, if you can understand the situation here, to also can.

Listen to Heng Yanlin's answer, the other party at the moment is a slight shock in the heart, and then is the mouth said.

"I know everything about this wooden City, and the branches of some buildings here, and so on."

At this moment, the young man responded in a hurry.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, light will he see a few eyes, then think about, is to him gently nod.

"This is not a place to talk. Take me to a quiet place."

When the young man heard the speech, he immediately nodded and his face was full of joy. Then he took Heng Yan Lin to the front.

A moment later, I came to a restaurant.

"Master, the restaurants here are quite cheap and quite quiet. What do you think of it?"

Heng Yanlin looks at the place and nods gently.

I smell speech, immediately is to take Heng Yan Lin to go upstairs.

It's not that there is any connection with the boy, and there is no such thing as the boy bringing Heng Yan Lin here to kill Heng Yan Lin, and then he is extracting some interests and so on.

If he had done these things, the consequences would have been beyond his endurance.

As an ordinary person, such a calculation of a monk, that is Heng Yanlin killed on the spot, no one will say anything.

Heng Yanlin came to the restaurant, then ordered some food, and then sat on one side.

At this time, young people are standing on the side, looking at the things on the table with salivation on their faces.

It seems that this time the friar is quite generous, directly ordered so many things, all without blinking an eye.

"Tell me something about this wooden city."

Heng Yan Lin poured himself a glass of wine, and then said faintly.

After speaking, he has also arranged a sound barrier on the side.

Hearing the speech, the young man immediately responded, "Fengmu city was established a hundred years ago. I don't know what my predecessors need to know?"

Young people at this moment, some of the helpless response.

Fengmu City, but there are many things, now hengyanlin on a word, but he really don't know, how to reply to hengyanlin.

"Built a hundred years ago?"

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, eyebrows slightly frown, "why a hundred years ago suddenly built up such a city?"

A city can not be built at will.

Generally speaking, there are some meanings in it. If it is older, Heng Yanlin naturally doesn't need to inquire about anything.

But at the moment, hearing the speech, a hundred years ago, it was just a blink of an eye for the monks.

In this way, it is necessary for Heng Yanlin to understand.

The other party hears speech, immediately some strange will Heng Yan Lin to see a few eyes.

"This is because of the sea monster outside."

Young people at this moment, also completely understand, Heng Yan Lin is about very unfamiliar with here, so here, is the performance of what do not know.

Seeing this, he was hastily speaking.

"Because there are sea monsters all around here, which is quite a large place on the island. Therefore, a city is built here to resist the sea demons. If even the sea demons attack here, there will not be many places to go."Young people at this moment, and Heng Yanlin slowly explain.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, in the other side's explanation, this is slowly understand come over, here is exactly how a situation.

It turns out that this is an extremely large sea area.

Hengyanlin saw this piece of land, in fact, is not a land at all.

It's just a rather large island here.

In such a huge sea area, the number of sea monsters is very large, which is constantly oppressing the living space of monks and ordinary people.

Therefore, the friars later built some cities to resist the expansion of these sea monsters.

After all, who knows what will become of these sirens when they are allowed to expand like this.

If there is no land at that time, they have no foothold and no place to recover their spiritual power. Sooner or later, they will be killed by the evil guys.

Therefore, after these cities were built, countless monks came to live here.

After all, the places built in these cities naturally have strong spiritual power.

This is also the reason why hengyanlin needed the spirit stone after he came in.

Otherwise, in ordinary places, where would monks ask for spiritual stones.

It's impossible to look at it in any way.

After all, such a practice is very easy to offend monks, but the situation here is not the same.

Built here to resist the sea demon, there are not many cities like this, so the monks have not many footholds.

Under such circumstances, asking for Lingshi here is also a kind of trade.

I will provide you with a safe place. Naturally, you need to pay some spirit stones.

Of course, people who have settled here for a long time do not need to pay spirit stone.

However, if you want to settle here, you need to pay more spirit stones.

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