"Oh, it's hengdaoyou again. Why did you capture a lot of sea monsters this time?"

"Ha ha, it's impossible to return empty handed with constant friends. This time, I'm afraid it's right to return with full load."

"It's needless to say that hengdaoyou's magical talent is really rare in my life!"

The friars on one side, seeing Heng Yanlin return from overseas, immediately greet him one by one with a smile.

And some unknown monks, also very curious to see this scene, some wonder why hengyanlin's popularity is so high.

It seems that all the monks here know hengyanlin. At once, many friars immediately inquired about hengyanlin.

And this inquiry, immediately let some friars, feel some scalp numbness.

At the beginning, hengyanlin killed several sea monsters and returned to the camp.

In the eyes of some friars, there are no other friars around Heng Yanlin, so they have some doubts about Heng Yanlin's strength.

Some monks thought that Heng Yanlin killed this by himself.

However, some friars think that this is the killing of hengyanlin and some friars, and the reason why they don't see the rest of the monks at present.

Either these monks believed in Heng Yan Lin so much that they didn't come.

On the other hand, it is also possible that some of the friars were dead, so they did not come back.

Such a Association, in the eyes of some monks, is really possible.

However, as the matter went on, Heng Yanlin went out to sea several times, and every time he came back with a full load, he did not see any friars with him when he went out.

When Heng Yanlin came back, there were no friars to follow. Naturally, some of the friars thought that, or the sea demons, they were killed by Heng Yanlin alone.

Later, in some time, also let some of the friars, for Heng Yan Lin up greedy.

Some of the secret transmission of the news, there have been some monks staring at Heng Yan Lin.

However, every time Heng Yanlin comes back, the monks who have been staring at him have never come back.

This makes some of the monks who have a little fever in their heads suddenly become sober and incomparable.

The monks who did not come back can already show what they can feel at present.

Look, look at what's going on right now.

Those friars, one by one, absolutely died outside, and the one who started it was probably Heng Yanlin.

Although there is no evidence, but in most people, it is absolutely the case.

With Heng Yanlin going out alone every time, he can kill countless sea monsters every time, which is enough to prove this matter.

Therefore, as a friar of jiedan period, Heng Yanlin became the first monk in the early period of jiedan.

It is that some monks in the middle of jiedan period are in awe after meeting Heng Yanlin.

After all, among the sea demons killed by hengyanlin, there are also some mid jiedan periods.

In the middle period of jiedan, the sea demons, in their own usual way, need to take several monks to kill together.

But hengyanlin here, is to see hengyanlin alone to do, with the current situation, absolutely let countless people shocked.

Some of the friars on one side, after listening to Heng Yanlin's achievements at the moment, saw the friars around him, looking at him in front of him with incomparable reverence.

All of a sudden, there is some reverence in my heart.

As a monk, you should have such momentum and fame.

Let's all the friars know themselves, and let all the monks revere themselves.

This is really some thoughts in the minds of many monks.

It's no wonder that the friars on one side greet Heng Yanlin with a smile. The monks with such strength can't afford to offend them.

In that case, it's better to sell one.

What's more, according to the monks on the side, all those who say hello belong to friar jiedan.

No one dares to say hello to Heng Yanlin with his accomplishments under the period of jiedan.

If someone did this, maybe hengyanlin would not care about anything, but the friars of jiedan on the side would never let this guy go.

Because the guys who say hello to Heng Yanlin like this are the same generation and the same cultivation as them.

Under such circumstances, how can the monks of jiedan agree?

Therefore, in terms of the current situation, those who can say hello to Heng Yanlin belong to the good cultivation and think that they are No.1 figures.However, if it is not in the stream, it is not dare to say hello to Heng Yanlin like this.

Otherwise, wait for tomorrow to enter the sea demon's mouth!

Some low-level friars, this is to understand the truth here, suddenly one by one scared some cold sweat.

Before that time, seeing hengyanlin so powerful, they all yearned to say hello to hengyanlin.

Where would you think that even such a greeting, there is such a thing in it.

If I didn't hear the words, I would die.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, looking at the monks in front of him, is also smiling.

These friars have been greeting Heng Yanlin for a long time, and he is almost familiar with them. Therefore, they all smile at them.

"Wu Daoyou, you are still setting up a stall. What good treasures have you found? I heard that you used ten spirit stones to earn a treasure worth thousands of spirit stones

"Any Taoist friend, but I've seen you here several times in succession. Aren't you ready to go out to sea to hunt sea demons?"

"Yidaoyou, before, I saw you killing the sea demon from a long distance. I wanted to say hello to you. Unexpectedly, you just yelled at me and drove me away."

Hengyanlin at this moment, is also one by one to find the past, it seems very busy.

"Well, last time I was just lucky. How could there be so many businesses that want to earn Lingshi?"

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, Wu Daoyou immediately smiles and shakes his head in response.

However, in his tone, it is still full of contentment, because at the beginning, he boasted for a long time.

On one side of the fan Daoyou also showed a wry smile on his face, "I haven't recovered from my injury, and I can't play much of my strength. If I go out, I'm afraid there will be worries about falling."

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